2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 19.1984 Section Two Rubber Workers Hold Annual Christmas Dinner Providence - Shaw's W.I Meet U A bountiful luncheon preceded preceded the Dec. 13 meeting of Providence - Shaw's W.I. with members and guests enjoying a social time before President Annabelle Rickard called the meeting to order. The roll call was to name a Christmas Food and its country of origin. Members shared the customs of their own family traditions associated with particular dishes. The collection was donated to the Salvation Army. Yvonne Maitland .of the Apple Blossom Shop in Orono demonstrated how to use evergreens evergreens to make a Christmas centrepiece. She gave us tips in arrangement and treatment of fresh flowers. She also explained why the big beautiful beautiful begonia flowers fall off - we should have known. Marilyn Dow read the minutes and gave the Treasurer's Treasurer's report. Business included an invitation invitation "in January and the F.W.I.C. meeting in June. Gertrude Hendrikx presented presented the motto "Heap on the wood, the wind is chill" etc. and then we gathered around the piano for carol singing. We sent our thoughts to Jeanette, wishing her returned returned health. The next meeting will be on January 17, 1985. cJlaae. /J Sixty-Uro members of the United Rubber Work- the club gathered for this photo, just before they ers Number 189 Retirement Club met at the St. enjoyed the noon-hour meal. The club meets John's Anglican Church on Monday, December 10, every Monday at the St. John's Church, for their annual Christmas dinner. Members of MAYTAG (us Alfc! y^ OM* 3 '■ 'it Celebrated His First Birthday Hi. My name is Scott Andrew Wood. I was one year old on November 24, 1984. My very proud parents are Glen and Marie Wood of Newcastle. I also have proud grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville. My great grandmother is Mrs. Gladys Wood, Newcastle. f A f QUfUiitn&i n Shown above are members of the executive who were head table guests during the Goodyear Retirees' Retirees' Christmas banquet last week. From left are: John Popovich, Sheriff; Lee Millson, representing representing Meals on Wheels; Don Hannah, of the Entertainment Entertainment committee; Frank Hooper, repre senting the sick committee; Rev. Byron Yates, of St. John's Anglican Church; Wilbur Blackburn, president; Norm Allison, treasurer; Rev. A. Langley, also of St. John's Church; Harold Potter, vice president; Arnold Lobb, secretary; and Ken Flint, past president. ALL ON i DISPLAY AT | OUR 1 SHOWROOM | 1 g Merry Christmas and g g Happy New Year g | Harvey Partner & Sons Ltd. | 623-2301 98Î-5206 Orono g Kintoberf est '84 Held in Barrie Kinsmen District 8 Fall Leadership Conference was held in Barrie Friday and Saturday, October 19 and 20th. The theme of the conference hosted by the Kinsmen Club of Barrie was Kintoberfest '84. Over 300 delegates from the 72 clubs as far away as Wawa and Timmins attended attended this conference. Delegates from the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville Bowmanville were Tom Pike - President, President, Glen MacDonald - 1st Vice, Aubrey Rees, Wayne Trudeau and Fred Wiener. Among the presentations made were the National awards for last year's Out standing President/Master Club of which District 8 had 19 out of the 72 Presidents in the District qualify for this award. Bowmanville's Past President Fred Wiener, was one of the Presidents Presidents to receive this award recognizing the club's outstanding outstanding efforts in the area of service over the past Kin year. The meeting allowed Kinsmen from throughout the District the opportunity of exchanging ideas and discuss topics of interest ranging from the Image of Service clubs to Public Awareness and leadership. The keynote speaker at the Saturday Luncheon was Brigadier General R.D. Leech, Commanding Officer Officer of C.F.B. Borden and his main theme was leadership. leadership. The National Executive, Executive, represented by National National President Tom Bren- nerman from Brandon Manitoba, Manitoba, put forth the 84/85 International International Relations Project. Project. This year Kin are supporting supporting three projects - a multi-purpose vocational facility in Pirojpur, Bangledesh; a vocational/ health centre in East Calcutta, Calcutta, India; and a refugee village in Sri Lanka (formerly (formerly Ceylon), an island off the coast of southern India. The council approved the 1984/85 Cystic Fibrosis Budget of $300,000. During the past year District 8 Kin donated a record $293,000 of which the Kinsmen and Kinettes of Bowmanville donated $4,500.00 in the fight against this crippling children's disease. Nationally Nationally Kinsmen and Kinettes raised in excess of $1.1 million million to aid in Cystic Fibrosis Research. The Association of Kinsmen Clubs donated $22.6 million dollars in value of service to communities communities coast to coast, for the period ending June 30, 1984. The Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville is proud to be part of the community and thanks the citizens for their support. □ BEST CHOKE O n the calendar there is no season so filled with happy spirits spirits than that of Christmas. The magic and mystery delight delight and amaze all as excited anticipation engages the heart and soul. A closer look at Christmas reveals a more awesome event than Santa's long- awaited arrival. The birth so many, many years ago of a baby is the true mystery that merits our celebrations. This is Christmas. II 0k <-i'V •' i*'.- " ■ " YYYY : M. ACCS'. W ^RICKABY'S] LIMITED BOWMANVILLE WISHING YOl I AMD YOURS A HAPPY AND HOLY HOLIDAY SEASON /Am TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR... .' ' ■ '■ .. ■ ( ! ; : ' [" [■;! ; [ \ :■ • i . ! :i '■! ' ;■ • DUE TO THE OVERWHELMING RESPONSE TO OUR 12 MONTHS NO INTEREST WE HAVE EXTENDED IT FOR 4 DAYS "EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFT" Five piece In warm celenial styling Give your meals a warm, welcoming setting with this live piece suite in a beautiful maple finish. Oval table 36"x48" opens to 60" whenextraarea is needed. Stain resistant top. Four matching chairs. Besure to see this exceptional value asyou stroll through ourvast selection. NOW ONLY MTCHENN0 Mny AlkacftM FMfemt PRICED FOR CHRISTMAS NliH BACK SWIVEL BOCK1B Luxurious velvet highlights these beautiful chairs. Deeply padded, semi-attached backs are button-tufted for comfort as well as adding to their overall good looks. Reversible seat T-cushloned tailored valance complete this traditional design. PRICED TO CLEAR CONTEMPORARY STYLE SOFA BID Double size mattress concealed Inside. SECTIONAL SOFA BED FOB HOLIBAY BURSTS BMutlfuly styled Nvingram sectional that brings you trie convenience ol a hidden bedroom when overnight guests arrive. Comfortable extra firm, mattress pry» uo With ease. Durable: nylon Mend texturo cover highlighted with accent cushions as BRANDNAME 26" COLOR T.V. WITH SWIVEL BASE MANY FEATURES! Price Includes.. ;i y-1. !;;!• !! v ü.'Tily iii II' m:i . : ivie:;; ' 39" COLONIAL STYLE SEN OUTFIT Warm, maple finish highlights this comfortable sleeping ensemble. Notice the unique styling on the headboard and footboard. COMPLETE I, PANASONIC MICROWAVE OVIN • 6 variable po<ver levels plus defrost • 2 speed tolary timer with ben. automatic shutolt 5 years on Magnatron :: rt.i; m, .• : • Cook a tound automatic turntable • 1 43cu tl interior i GREATEST SELECTION OFNAMEBRAND MICROWAVES • Mottat • Panasonic • Sanyo • White Westing- house. Microwave stands from 67.77 • Random seteci • 100% sokd suit • 0u<k $t»UKiure • Automatic • Automatic imt INCLUDES 3 YEARS PARTS 4 LABOR NAMERRAND ES" COLOB T.V. WITH REMOTE 5 PCI. LIVING ROOM SIT (ROCKER AVAILABLE) Finished in beautiful solid pine and attractive nylon cover • FLEX ALTOR SPRING DECK 1 • DEEP FOAM CUSHIONS HUBBY! YOU MAY NEVER SAVE THE INTEREST A6AINB! PRICE GUARANTEE II within 30 days Ifotn your dale ol purchase you find the identical item in all respects with the same terms and conditions lor less money at any other retail oullel Rest Choice guarantees to refund the difference in full BEST CHOICE WE DELIVER • FREE LAY-AWAY THICKSON ROAD AT DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 571-0000 *H0 INTEREST ON FURNITURE (details at store) HOURS: M0N.-FRL: 9:30-9 SATURDAY: 9:30-6 FREE PARKING VISA Dundas St. E. ■ TT 5 ce u