( f 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 19.1984 m\t Newcastle 3nbettenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Mrs. Lena Graham returned last Monday from a two-day visit in Halifax where she enjoyed her son Fred, wife Melva and grandchildren Jessica and Adrian. Lena was busy attending Advent Services, Advent Festival of Lessons and music at Atlantic School of Theology, the Dal- housie Chorale, plays at the French Immersion school, and beautiful Christmas decorations everywhere. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy West, Baltimore. Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cooper, Haliburton, were Sunday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mrs. Gertrude Gray is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Hospital, Toronto. On Thursday evening ninety-five Newcastle Senior Citizens enjoyed Christmas dinner served by the Anglican Church Women. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley supplied a musical interlude on piano and violin prior to the arrival of the evening's entertainer, Mr. Ross Metcalf. The video-tape of the Seniors at Scotts in Deposit, New York, provided merriment especially for those 48 seniors on that eventful eventful June bus trip. Santa Claus (Jack Chard) and his little elf Clarabelle (wife, Dorella) delivered the Christmas gifts. Christmas cake and beverage topped off this social evening. Mrs. Frances Wright remains a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Whitby, visited visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wagar, on the occasion of their first wedding anniversary. anniversary. Congratulations Jeannette and Johnny. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited on Sunday with his sister Mrs. Jean Cochrane, Bowmanville. Since heart surgery in Toronto, Jean is convalescing at the home of her friend, Mrs. Alvin Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding, Karen and Jackie, Port Perry, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding, were among about 40 family members enjoying a Christmas Christmas dinner and gathering at the home of Mrs. Doreen Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allin, Brownsdale. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and daughter Judy, of Bowmanville, attended attended Westminster United Church, Scarborough. The Junior Choir and Sunday School presented a pageant and grandson Andrew Markle was soloist. Mr. Ewert Robinson, Stark- ville, was a Monday caller at his cousin's, Mrs. K. Kimball. Mrs. Marilyn Martin entertained entertained eleven ladies to luncheon and a social afternoon, afternoon, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa, accompanied by Mrs. Kathleen Kimball, visited visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope. Howard is progressing favourably since heart surgery. Mr. Jack Kimball, Port Granby, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham and Mrs. Kathleen Kimball were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hodsoll and Stephanie. The occasion marked the birthdays of Janet's Uncle Jack and her mother, Lena Graham. Mrs. Gladys Wood spent last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Eileen Reid, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshwa, were Saturday visitors visitors with his mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and sons, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, Dorrene and Floyd Powell were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and Gary. On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16, Joan Allison and daughter Susan, of Port Hope, hosted a miscellaneous shower in honour of Patti Leonard, bride-to-be of Stephen Selby. Those attending from the Newcastle area were Marilyn Martin, Arlene Stephenson, Mrs. Newton Selby, Christena and Carol and her friend Patti, Pearl Rickard, Bertha Powell, Dorrene Powell, Hazel Crago and from Bowmanville, Bev Turner and Helen Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell attended a birthday party on Saturday evening in Bowmanville Bowmanville at the home of MrT and Mrs. Lloyd Heard, in honour of brother Jim Mcllroy, Toronto. Mrs. Doris White, Toronto, was a Thursday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley accompanied by Mrs. Gladys Bonathon and daughter Mary Margaret, thoroughly enjoyed the Living Christmas Tree program at the People's Church, Toronto. Birthday greetings to Marg Miller, Allen Gray, Susan Miller, Ronald Powell, Myrtle Naylor, Scott Foster and John Metrailler. We extend congratulations to Jim and Marjorie Caswell who observed their 30th wedding anniversary on December 18, Mr. and Mrs. George Walton, Bowmanville, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a Ganaraska Executive meeting in Port Hope last Thursday. Miss Amanda Storks, Jordan Schmahl, Vincent and Nicole Norton attended a Christmas party at 21 McGill, Toronto, with their great-aunt Jill Christie. Mr. Sidney Lancaster spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welsh, of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Forty-two members of the George Chard family enjoyed their Christmas dinner and family party at the I.O.O.F. Hall in Orono on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago were among the twenty guests enjoying Sunday dinner and a social evening with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Crago and Kevin, Providence. . We extend congratulations 1 o our Post Master, Mr. Charles Gray, who, on Friday night, at Bowmanville Lions Centre, was chosen one of the eleven Citizens of the Year. We received a cute Christmas Christmas card on Monday. The verse said, Three Christmas wishes Just for you Stuffed Animals Pet Fuads Food and supplies for all kinds of pets. * Free Delivery (min. $20.00 purchase) * Quality products at discount prices Open: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdays 122 Waverley Rd. Bowmanville 623-1415 Check Out Our Specials . . . CASE PRICES 5% off regular price for cases (24 tins) example: cat food, 6 oz., regular .41, case price $9.34 (.39/tin) CAT FOOD Size Price Expires 9 Lives 3 for .99 Dec. 31 Pamper, Purrr 3 for .99 Dec. 29 Kal Kan .69 Dec. 28 Master High Protein 1.45 Dec. 22 DOG FOOD Derby .75 Dec. 28 Dr. Ballard's, Luxury .99 Dec. 22 Gilpa 21% Micromix 20 kg 13.18 Dec. 28 Gilpa 25% Micromix ..... 20 kg 14.15 Dec. 28 Master High Protein (27%) 8.10 Dec. 22 Pal / .69 Dec. 22 Pal 1.07 Dec. 21 Shur-Gain Beef Chunks .78 Dec. 21 Shur-Gain Dog Pellets .... 20 kg 10.85 Dec. 21 Tuffy's Chunk, Hi-Protein 7.68 Dec. 21 Tuffy's Chunk, Hi-Protein .... 20 kg 16.46 Dec. 21 Tuffy's Puppy 7.68 Dec. 21 PRICE GUARANTEE... we will match prices on any in stock dog or cat food advertised in this paper. Holiday Hours: Monday, December 24 Tuesday, December 25 Wednesday, December 26 Monday, December 31 Tuesday,January 1 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CLOSED CLOSED 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CLOSED <Molùtaéf QàeetûUfl tynam All of Idl at Stuffed Animall Pel tyoodi! For peace 'n love Happiness, too. We pass it on to you, our readers! Lions Club members were busy Saturday morning, delivering Christmas cheer to the Senior Citizens of Newcastle. Newcastle. United Church News On Sunday, Dec. 16, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Donald Tansley told the children the legend of White Gift Sunday. The sermon, Will You Be Ready for Christmas? (3) To Be Doers, was based on Micah 6, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before God. Rev. Donald Stiles read the Banns of Marriage between Newton Stephen Selby, Newcastle and Patti Maureen Leonard, Cavan. Other announcements included included a thank you to Anneke Verbeek for decorating the church. The choir, Hi-C and 11 Up Groups are going carolling Thursday night, Dec. 20, 7 p.m. starting at the Public School, returning to Lancaster's. Lancaster's. An invitation to attend the Open Air Pageant Service Thursday through Sunday at St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville, was extended. All reports must be in before Jan. 7 Official Board Meeting. On Sunday evening at 7 o'clock pupils and teachers of the Sunday School presented, When the Time Had Fully Come, in the church. The church was filled to capacity for this event. From all reports, it was a great evening. evening. Congratulations, one and all! The Sunshine Unit of the United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Marie Pedwell on Monday, December December 10. President Marilyn Martin was invited to this Christmas meeting and two new members, Pat Evers and Donna Nesbitt were welcomed. welcomed. Cookies were delivered delivered to shut-ins on Wednesday. Hope was the theme of the Worship Service presented by Pearl Noble ana Hazel May Munro. Marie Pedwell presided presided at the organ for the singing of carols. Sunshine Sisters' names were drawn for 1985, after Santa Marjorie Brown delivered presents from 1984 sisters. 1 Anglican News After the 11 a.m. service at St. George's Anglican Church, the congregation went to the Parish Hall, where the Church School pupils and teachers presented the Christmas story in a pageant. Junior pupils DURHAM AGRICULTURAL NEWS By John E. Finlay Agricultural Representative PINE RIDGE AGROLOG1STS ELECT NEW EXECUTIVE The Annual Meeting of the Pine Ridge Branch of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists was held at the Red Carpet Inn, Lindsay, on Wednesay, December 5th, 1984. Bert Christie, President of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists was guest speaker. He outlined some of the major projects of Institute, including a major film production on Careers in Agriculture to be premiered at the Ontario Science Centre in January, 1985, and a brief to the task force on agricultural health and safety. President. also took part in a rhythm band and played Christmas marching music. Gifts were distributed by St. Nicholas. There was a birthday cake and refreshments to celebrate the birth of the Baby Jesus. The staff and pupils are to be commended on their production. production. In the evening the Fellowship Fellowship Club met for a Pot Luck Supper. Betty and Pat Blaker put on the program. A most enjoyable time was held, with the distribution of gifts and carol-singing afterwards. Christie, also presented a membership to a new member of the Branch, Barry O'Neil from Bowmanville, who is employed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The election of officers for the Pine Ridge Branch was held with the following results: President 1985 - George Davidson, P.Ag., R.R. 1, Woodville; Provincial Councillor - Paul Davidson, P.Ag., Lindsay; 2-Year Directors: Anne Wood, P.Ag., Newcastle; Marilyn Sewell, P.Ag., Oshawa; Michel LeBlanc, P.Ag., Peterborough. 1-Year Directors: John Cockburn, P.Ag., Peterborough; Nicole Bagshaw, P.Ag., Lindsay; Larry Lenhardt, P.Ag., Lindsay. The Pine Ridge Branch of O.I.A. includes members from Victoria and Peterborough Counties and the Durham Region. CREDIT PROGRAMS CHANGE Farmers' continuing need for short-term credit has prompted an extension of the Ontario Farm Adjustment Assistance Program (OFAAP) and the creation of a new Operating Loan Assistance Program (OLAP). The new program was announced by Agriculture Minister, Timbrell at the annual convention of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture Agriculture in Toronto. The two programs are aimed at providing assistance for viable farm enterprises experiencing short-term financial difficulties. "Interest deferral and interest reduction grants - Options A and B - will remain as they have been," Timbrell said. "Option C, guaranteeing a new line of bank credit for operating purposes, will remain in force for up to three years, but only for those currently participating in this option." Farmers who need guarantees on operating credit and who are not already using OFAAP's option C can apply for the new Operating Loan Assistance Program which comes into effect January 1,1985. "This new initiative will provide guarantees on operating credit from approved lending institutions at not more than prime plus one per cent," said Timbrell. "Loans guaranteed under the new program will be eligible for interest reduction grants from the OFAAP program." Let the friendly camera experts at Oshawa Camera help you with that photo gift for that someone special on your Christmas gift list. For the absolute best & largest selection anywhere In the region at down to earth sensible prices, remember Oshawa Camera where value, quality & know how have been the watch words since 1957. 2" WIDE STRAP Canadian Flag Design. MS DURACELLAA BATTERIES ARGUS POCKET 110 CAMERAS With budtin flash. WM 39 88 RQWI LIGHT POINTERS Far sides or movies. 5« 8 DIAMOND MODEL 2200 TRIPOD -38.es' 21" HANIMEX 9x21 COMPACT BINOCULARS Ideal for sports. 14MS* 79 88 LENS CLEANMG KITS Blower, brush, tissue and fluid. ur 388 HANIMEX AMPHIBIAN 110 Underwater Camera 89" 60 MM. 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