The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 23,1985 11 at Prices effective thru Saturday, January 26th, 1985. A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! A (32® SAVINGS SHOWN IN THIS AD BASED ON A&P CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS. We redeem all food store nnimnns Listen to the radio hockey broadcast on stations in your area. Each time the Maple Leafs score, a ballot ballot will be drawn for a $50.00 A&P Gift Ceriificate. If the ballot includes a label or facsimile from any one of our "Goal Rush" sponsors, they win a $100.00 Gift Ceriificate. (Watch for "Goal Rush" product signs at your A&P Store.) I MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY BROADCAST ! GOAL RUSH CONTEST g You could win a | $50 Gift Certificate ■ each time a ■ Maple Leaf player scores a goal g Name g - I Address City Phone P.C._ Leave this ballot with the A&P Food Store cashler^jj CASHMERE, WHITE, YELLOW OR CHAMPAGNE Bathroom Tissue PKG OF 4 ROLLS .99 CHRISTIE, PLAIN OR SALTED CRACKERS Premium Plus 450 g PKG 99 (Bacon Dippers, Vegetable or Wheal Thins 250 g pkg 1,69-SAVE .20) FROZEN, BEEF, CHICKEN, CHOPPED BEEF OR TURKEY Banquet Dinners 11 OZ PKG 1.19 FROZEN, BEEF, CHICKEN, BEEF Banquet Pot Pies 8 OZ PKG 59 SAVE 2.21/kg SAVE 1. inn CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF T-Bone or Wing Steaks & Roasts 8M/3 99 McCAIN, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Orange i Juice ,! t,r 1 1.29 McCAIN, FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES SAVE .50 Deep 'N Delicious' Cakes ^2.39 SAVE .66/kg-.30 COMBINATION PACK-CONTAINS: 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS SAVE 2.20/kg-1. SAVE .66/kg-.30 m FROZEN, FANCY, STRAIGHT OR CRINKLE CUT SAVE .36 1 kg 1 ht\ pkg I ■ t fU CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF Sirloin Steak OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED, BONELESS Round Roast Loin Pork Chops 4"/1" 8*73" 7?/3? ROAST OR CHOPS Pork Loin Centre Cut E93/469 1# /kg / Km lb GRADE 'A', 20 TO 24 OZ AVERAGE Frozen CornishQTS /169 Game Hens u« g / I » RIB OR 3 TO 3% LB TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 4? 9 /1 99 PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) Spare Ribs 45/2 A&P, SLICED Side Bacon 500 g vac pac 2.39 CLIFFSIDE, BEEF, TURKEY OR CHICKEN FRESH W2.29 Lean Ground Beef 4?®/1 9 ® 19 lb SWEET PICKLED (CENTRE CUTS 5.50/kg-2.29 Ibt '<39/199 45/1' Back Bacon Em c.t, SWEET PICKLED Sliced Back Bacon 5^/2^ MAPLE LEAF Corned Beef Brisket 5^/2^ MAPLE LEAF, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC Cottage Rolls 5? 9 /2 29 PROVIMI VEAL! Meat Pies REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Maple Leaf Wieners vafpfc 1.79 MAPLE LEAF, SKINLESS OR PURE PORK Golden Fry Sausages Æ 2.29 SLICED, SIDE, REGULAR, THICK OR HINT OF MAPLE Maple Leaf Bacon va 5 c 00 P a g c2.89 FRESH MAPLE LEAF, SLICED Cooked Ham CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST PROVIMI (CUT FROM THE HIP) Veal Scallopini 17"/7 99 SHOULDER Veal Chops 65/25 175g 1 cq vac pac I ■ ww MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 16 VAR INCL MAC & CHEESE Cooked Meats V L 7 ^= .99 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 7 VAR INCL CHICKEN LOAF Cooked Meats va 3 = 75 P a g = 1.89 FILLERS 3"/1 69 Polish Sausage PILIERS, TIROLER, BEERWURST, HEÆdCHEE & TONGUE, POLISH SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA O Fine Meatloaf Medium Ground Beef 3^/1 69 SIRLOIN TIP, RUMP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND BEEF Boneless Roasts 7™/3*S! (INSIDE CUT 8.13/kg-3.69 lb) Round Steak Fa» suce 7 2 ?/3 29 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF, TENDERIZED Cube Steak 8l 9 /3 69 BONELESS STRIP LOIN ROAST OR Strip Loin Steak 13 2 !/5 99 FROZEN SEAFOOD! (HADDOCK FILLETS 16 OZ 3.19) FROZEN, IN BATTER, STICKS OR FRIES lb 125 =,99 pkg High Liner Fish BOSTON BLUE, FROZEN Fish Krisps or Fries X s 3.19 X s 1.29 Bakeshop, (Available at most stores) ' BAKED FRESH DAILY Pecan Pie 624 g size SM 2.29 BAKED FRESH DAILY, 60% WHOLE Wheat Bread 454 g loal BAKED FRESH DAILY, STREUSEL Coffee Cake °Jfi c . h .69 2.49 | BLACK FOREST | HT .95 .74? 1 QUADELCO, AUSTRIAN Emmenthal Cheese.99 QUADELCO Dofo Harvarti .84, Log/4 29 100 g/3 79 FRESH Boston Bluefish 013/069 U /kg / U lb FRESH Rainbow Trout 10 12 /4 59 McCain Superfries MCCAIN, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED (REVIVE 1,29-SAVE .40) Apple Juice 12 i ,loz .99 MCCAIN, FROZEN, SUPREME, DELUXE PIZZA SAVE .40 Deep 'N Delicious 5 rn= g h°iies2.99 WHITE, YELLOW OR CHAMPAGNE Viva Towels pkg ol 2 rolls .99 SAVE .60 pkgo, 2.99 Chip Dip NEILSON, SWEET MARIE Ice Cream Bars 8 BEATRICE, ASSORTED FLAVOURS SAVE .30 X' 1.09 FROZEN, ALL BUTTER OR HONEY & WHEAT SAVE .90 Sare Lee Croissants 1 P 7 k° g g 1.29 FROZEN, BROWNIE, BANANA, ORANGE SAVE .80 Sara Lee Cakes Zf ASSORTED FLAVOURS BUY 3-SAVE .96 Yoplait Yogurt ll? 3/1.59 POWDERED LAUNDRY SAVE 1.20 Cheer Detergent oAVb .BU 1.99 6 litre box 3.99 SAVE .40 Pampers Diapers box 10.59 NEWBORN 84'S, EXTRA ABSORBENT GO'S. TODDLERS 40'S A&P, REGULAR OR THINS, PROCESS _SAVE .70 500 g pkg Cheese Slices 5 P °k 0 g 9 2.99 SUPER BUY! CHEFMASTER Soft Margarine 1 LB TUB .59 SCH») WITH THIS CAVE Oil5 coupon oAVh ,JU| g REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE GRIND COFFEE ■ g Nabob 1 i Tradition 3I9 r;,' p " I ™ Limit oil. pw coupon. VALID UNTIL JAN 26, IUII5 V.C L (F..IUI. pile» 3.26 Wllhoul coupon g 2.99! Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly This very cold, wintry weather must seem especially severe to several local residents who have just returned home from Southern holidays. Neil and Kathy McLaughlin and children Alex and Jessica enjoyed visiting Bill and Ruth Marconi in Florida. Tim Cochrane and Mark Graham spent a week in Jamaica where they saw more excitement than they had anticipated. Don and Shirley Gibson have returned home from a week in Mexico and Neil and Noreen Malcolm have returned home from a fabulous Caribbean cruise. Lawrence and Linda McLaughlin are home from a holiday in St. Lucia. The rest of us will have to enjoy the winter and think of the quotation that Rev. D. Davis used at the United Church Service Service -- "Snow is Like Peanut Butter -- it is crunchy, kids love it and it sticks to the roof of your home." Eleven members of the Morning Unit met at the home of Peggy Larmer on Tuesday morning. morning. The new unit leader Lois Luke welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a Poem for the New Year. Business was conducted and lunch arranged for the General Meeting at the Church on January 23. Ruby Van Camp led in a thoughtful worship from the Mission Mission Study Packet in which the members joined joined in prayers of the Korean Women for Peace and Unity in their country. Eileen McLaughlin introduced introduced the study on Korea and created much interest to learn more. The meeting closed with Prayer. During this week of the Leadership Race for the Provincial P.C. Party much interest is created among local members. Several activities have been involving many of our residents over the past few weeks. Better health is wished for Les Taylor who underwent surgery in Oshawa Hospital last week. His brother Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Taylor of Norland are staying with Ann while Leslie is in hospital. Nancy and Bob Bryans spent Christmas Eve with Wendy and Ben Killens of Hampton and Jean and Sid Mountford, Oshawa. On Christmas Day they travelled • to Cameron for the day with Marg and George Bryans and boys. On Boxing Day the Bryans family attended the annual annual Brown gathering with Babe and Wilf Brown, Courtice. Nancy Bryans attended attended the funeral of her first cousin's wife Claire Hooper who suddenly passed away on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, on New Year's Eve, Jim Hooper, Claire's husband died suddenly following heart problems, Sympathy to Nanqy in this double bereavement. Lydia Muller of Windsor Windsor and Eleanor Kelly were home from Queen's for the weekend, Friday evening dinner guests of the Kelly's were Jean and John Medland of Brooklin celebrating Jean's birthday. Nancy and Bob Bryans were recent supper guests of Gisclc and Carl Vesna and Jean and Sid Mountford, all of Oshawa. Glad to see Roy McLaughlin becoming mobile after a lengthy time of recovery from his broken ankle in the fall. On Saturday evening Harvey Graham was the guest of honour at a surprise surprise birthday party hosted by Joan. The evening began with dinner dinner at the Murray House, Port Perry and concluded concluded with a social time at home. Two highlights of the evening were Bill Lishman's birthday ode and the Over The Hill cake. Wednesday night supper supper guests of Nancy Bryans were her twin sister Virgy Fairey and nephew David of Bowmanville. Later, Nancy went to watch David play hockey in Port Perry. The Nursery School Meeting was held in early early January. The nursery school is once again full. It was decided that dance tickets will now be $15.00 per couple. The Valentine Dance will be on February 9th with tickets available through Dave McKee at 986-5264. A committee has been formed for the Craft Book -- Anne Lane, Ellen Russell, Marlene McKee and Regenia Walker. O.N.O. The January O.N.O. meeting was held at the home of Catherine Cor- den. Trivial Pursuit was very challenging this month and was followed by the December minutes, correspondence and treasurer's report. The New Year's Eve dance was discussed with changes to be made for next year. The 1984 Executive will remain for another year. It was decided that a note to Sandra Strong each month might be a good "welcome to our community" gesture following up our donation. donation. The February meeting will be held at Kathleen Dorrell's home when the members are asked to bring a can of food stuff or a staple food. The cold weather had made the weekly card parties much"smaller as there were only five tables on Tuesday evening evening with the following winners: 1. Rhoda Larmer- 86; 2, Percy Van Camp- 79; 3. Ella Venning- 76; 4. Belle Werry- 76; 5. Mary Foots- 72; 6. Pat Porrill- 70. Low- Leonard Cane. Draws: 1. Meta Swain; 2. Mary Foots; 3. Leonard Cane. The Curling Club Executive Executive met on Thursday evening to make plans for the Bob Fletcher Memorial Bonspiel which will be held on Saturday, February 16th this year. This bonspiel consists of three draws of curling followed by a banquet and a dance in the Recreation Centre. This dance is open to the public. If it appears as if a hush has struck the young people of the area, it is probably true, as both the High School and Public Students are busy writing -- examinations. On Thursday evening the members of the A.C.W. met at the home of Lorna Edgerton. The Devotional was led by Lorna. Technical difficulties difficulties hit the showing of a movie. The evening concluded with lunch and a social time. Two teams of lady curlers from here participated participated in the Bowmanville Bowmanville Ladies' Curling Bonspiel last week while on Saturday, several couples enjoyed the Royal Bank Mixed Bonspiel Bonspiel in Port Perry. On Saturday night several of the local Junior Farmers enjoyed a dance held in Sunderland.