MIDWINTER The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. February 6,1985 11 Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly I A ■ 3Ü W\ FILTER CIGARETTES FILTRE BUY 3-SAVE. MACARONI & CHEESE Kraft Dinner 225 g PKG 3/r SUPER BUY! BATHROOM TISSUE, WHITE, ALMOND OR YELLOW Royale Tissue PKG OF 8 ROLLS 2.99 Florelle Facial Tissue box of 200 sheets or Pronto Paper Towels pkg of 2 rolls-,99 ALL POPULAR, REGULAR OR KING SIZE Canadian Cigarettes CTN OF 20'S OR 25'S WARNING: Health & Welfare Canada advises that danger to health increases with amount smoked-avoid inhaling SAVE 1.77,kg ■80 lb YOU'LL DO BETTER AT WITH BACKS ATTACHED U Fresh Chicken Leg Quarters AT A&P! 2.18 FROZEN, STRAIGHT OR CRINKLE CUT SAVE .46 McCain Superfries 141.39 SAVE .66/kg-.301 | SAVE 1.10/kg-.50 IbJ SAVE .66/kg-.30 FROZEN, MICROWAVE SAVE .70 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF COMBO PACK-CONTAINS 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED, BONELESS Round Roast Alora Pizza ;: 2.69 725/O29 095/1 f./v. U.z I ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 79 lb FRESH, SHANKLESS PICNIC SHOULDER Pork Roasts 084/129 ■I /kg / I lb FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES Swanson Pot Pies MCCAIN, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Orange Juice SAVE .16 8 oz pkg 12.5 fl oz tin .99 JAVE .60 1.29 SAVE .80 REGULAR, DRIP OR AUTOMATIC COFFEE FRESH, LEAN Ground FRESH, WHOLE OR SPLIT (BONELESS 11.00/kg4.99 lb) Chicken PICNIC SHOULDER OR SHOULDER BUTT Pork CT.39 /1.99 » " 4.39 /1.99 Bs3.73 J1.69 Maxwell House ,n ;" ,= 3.49 lb SIRLOIN TIP, RUMP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND BEEF FROZEN, TRAY PACK PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) SWISS SPUN, PLAIN OR FRUIT FLAVOURS SAVE UP TO .56 Delisle Yogourt 50 c, n mL 1.49 Boneless Roasts 7™/3*? Stewing Hens 1 9 !/, b .89 Spare Ribs EEF, INSIDE CUT SWEET PICKLED (CENTRE CUTS 4.83/kg-2.19 lb) 8t 9 /3 69 Back Bacon En dC u.s 4,®/1 9 ® FRESH Round Steak u, kg CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF-TENDERIZED A&P, REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Cube Steak 8"/3 9 ® Side Bacon FRESH, MEDIUM Ground Beef 3^/1 69 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED (CALVES LIVER_4J9[kg-1.99 lb] Beef Liver OLD COUNTRY STYLE (THICK CUT HERRING 3.49 4»®/1 9 ,b r SAVE 1. 2.49 Pork Roasts RED HOTS, SKINLESS, DUTCH TREET, DINNER FRANKS ASSORTED VARIETIES 200 g pkg ill WITH THIS COUPON Ground Pork 3"/1*S | PICNIC SHOULDER (SHOULDER BUTT 3.51/kg-1.59 lb) | IVIllliDS onn l 4 fl A w !iHlarrlFoGd ' 1.49 Boneless SHOPSY, SLICED, CORNED BEEF OR Schneider's Wieners vrc° p 9 c 1.79 Pastrami 2 . n | LIMIT: one pkg per coupon VALID UNTIL FEB. 9,1985 Qy ^(Feature price 2.49 without coupon) V.C. Whole Herring R 4.39/kg-1.99 lb) 1"/,b .89 19) 3.39 SLICED, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Schneider's Bologna 375 9 50 g pouches SHOPSY, ALL BEEF vac pac 510 g jar OELPH BLUE Veal Scallopini 17 OELPH BLUE Veal Chops 6 62/799 /kg/ « lb 59/099 1 /kg/ fc lb ?! BAKED FRESH DAILY Chocolate h Chip Cookies 1 12/1 59 BAKED FREStUlAILY Danisjnioffee Cake J BAKflOTRESH DAILY French Stick ÏJ 1.59 .69 SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED Cooked Ham CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT OR SWEET Sausage Italian stvic MARY MILES, BY THE PIECE Bologna Chunks CANADA PACKER'S DEVON BRAND 175 g vac pac 1.99 Old Vienna Salami 5 size 9 2.99 [1 SHOPSY, ALL BEEF SALAMI, BEERWURST, SUMMER SAUSAGE I 1.99 Cooked Meats ^1.19 I WITH THIS 030 1 COUPON 1 SAVE 2.49 h 17/189 /kg/ I lb 3® VI 59 FROZEN FISH I Pert 200 ml ■ Shampoo Free with the purchase ol one 200 mL at feature price ol 2.49, you get a second ■ 200 mL btl FREE! I LIMIT: one coupon per purchase FROZEN, HADDOCK FISH STICKS, S01EIN BATTER OR TURROT FILLETS IS OZ -VALID UNTIL FEB. 9, 1985 V.C. High Liner Fish Pkg SEA FRESH, FROZEN, BATTERED FISH OR 350 g O OQ : * ™ r T2D» " WEBEM 350 g pkg Deli Shop 1.59 I i WITH THIS COUPON I I Available at moi! ilote») SCHNEIDER'S MEDIUM, COOKED Roast Beef box ol 100 132/C99 1/tOOg/ W lb SCHNEIDER'S, MILD, MEDIUM OR OLD NIPPY Cheddar Cheese .88 /ioo g /3 99 SCHNEIDER'S, ASST VAR, MEAT LOAVES Cold Cuts ,66w.,/2 99 FRESH Cod - Fillets i '.7Ü/3.4! 1 FRESH Boston - Bluefish I '.7073.4! î Upton iTea Bags I LIMIT; one pkg per coupon (Fo.iluro prico 3.29 without coupon) I 1.99, V.C. 1 i GB» " | INSTANT COFFEE i Maxwell iHouse I LIMIT; one |,v per coupon (I'tMltifo pticu f>.-19 without coupon) 10 oz |nr da VITII THIS COUPON * 4.99 i VC. . On Wednesday evening evening the annual meeting of the Blackstock Agricultural Society was held at the Recreation Centre with a somewhat smaller turnout due to considerable sickness in the area. The evening began with a fascinating showing of magic by Stew and Cathy Garland of Blackstock. This show wHich involved many doves and their big Rabbit Rabbit named Tibbar certainly certainly thrilled the audience. audience. Ken presènted Stew with a token of appreciation. Ken Crawford, president president congratulated all for their efforts that made the 1984 fair a fine success. The financial report showed a balance of $5300.84 compared to $2407.97 which had been brought forward from last year. Total receipts were $36,615.87 with expenses expenses amounting to $31,315.03. The Chairmen of the various sections gave their reports pointing out the successful aspects as well as those that need improvement for the 1985 fair. Ken reported on the District Meeting in Lindsay Lindsay and announced the dates of the Convention to be February 20 and 21 in Toronto. Lawrence McLaughlin presented the Hall Trophy to Dave ' Frew of Don Frew and Sons, the winner of the Field Crop Competition in Corn. Walter Wright presided for the election of directors and associate directors. The officers for 1985 are- Past President- Ken Crawford; President- Linda McLaughlin; 1st Vice-President- Roily Coy; 2nd Vice-President- David Petrie; Lady Director- Rika Wygerde; Assistant Lady Director- Katie Visser; Secretary- Treasurer- Joyce Kelly. Linda in her acceptance hoped for the continued support of the members and community at large. Guest speaker for the evening was Bob Kennedy, Kennedy, news broadcaster and analyist and operator of a Public Relations company. Bob, who lives in Blackstock, is also the Goat Milking Champion of our fair. Bob, in his talk, spoke of our age as one in which communications is becoming more complex complex and almost instant. While it seems so simple on television, the fear of making mistakes often affects how people react to the media. The best policy in any public relations relations whether it is for government, a large company or a country fair is honesty. Bad reputations are developed because of lack of honesty. Positive attitudes are very essential. essential. All public relations depend on an honest, straight forward approach. approach. After his talk, the meeting was opened to a Question and Answer period. Many of the questions questions dealt with the recent recent Conservative Convention Convention where Bob had worked as a news broadcaster, broadcaster, Linda expressed the appreciation and presented both Bob and his wife Glenda with gifts. The evening concluded with a slide showing of this year's fair by Dale and Janet Van Camp. This brought back many memories and chuckles, Best wishes are ex tended to Linda Boudrias and Louis VanHattum, both of Caesarea who were married married in the Blackstock United Church on Saturday Saturday afternoon by Rev. D. Davis. Sympathy is extended to Gordon Paisley, Craig and Cathy on the passing of Cord's nephew-in-law, Brian Elliott, a likeable young man who lost his long battle with cancer. Gordon, Craig and Cathy, Neil and Elaine Bailey attended the Funeral on Wednesday in Dunnville. Word has been received received of the passing of Harold Forder of Pipestone, Manitoba on January 12. Harold's sister Ria recently passed passed away. They lived as young people in the Cadmus Cadmus area. Next Sunday the students of Cartwright High School will be holding their annual Canvass Canvass for the Heart Fund. They are hoping for the continuation of the generous support of this effort. The Heart Dance will be on February 15, when the new Heart Queen will be crowned. On Sunday, a group of Grade 11, 12 and 13 students left to go to St. Donat in the Province of Quebec to participate in a French Immersion Program. Those going from here were- Miss Susan Sheen, teacher, Boyd Vanderheul, Allen Hudson, Brent McLaughlin, Rob Graham, Christine McLean, Arlene Davis, Tara Bailey, Laura Gardner, Joy Werry, Karen Kyte, Cathy Paisley, Julie Bryant, Rhoda Williams. On Wednesday, John and Manetta Martin of Englehart and Irene Fice of Oshawa Were visitors of Hector and May Shortridge. Manetta Manetta and Irene are Hector's two sisters and so a great visit was enjoyed. On Tuesday, drop-in dinner guests of Neil and Elaine Bailey and Tara were Mrs. Chrissie Allen of Willowdale and her sister Annie Moffatt of Winnipeg. Better health is wished for Edith McLaughlin who underwent surgery in Port Perry Hospital. Also speedy recovery is wished for the many young folk who have the chicken pox. There were seven tables at the weekly euchre party at the Hall on Tuesday evening with the following winners; 1. Myrtle Gimblett- 80; 2. Pat Porrill- 80; 3. Gladys Potts- 78; 4. Ella Venning- 77; 5. Ann Manns- 77; 6. Meta Swain- 76. Low- Elva Van Camp. Draws- 1. Bruce Bright; 2. Harold Swain; 3. Carl Gimblett. Hiere was an excellent crowd at the Western and Country Dance on Saturday, sponsored by the Lions Club at the Recreation Centre. Blair and Janet Mar- tyn and baby Timothy have returned from an enjoyable holiday to Florida. Mrs. Ivy Rahm returned returned last week after a great holiday which included Christmas in Vancouver, when they suffered the great snowfall. From there she travelled to Phoenix, Arizona where the weather was great. Must be a great change to return to the very cold, snowy weather of Ontario. MERVYN B. KELLY Law Office General Practice The Federal Building (Post Office) 2nd Floor • Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario, I.IC3A0 Telephone 623-4444