A march on City Hall shouldn't be the only time you get out for a walk. V panr/c/pacrian « r//7Z7^„ SEMIBONELESS Blade Roasts | 5 | 1 Boneless Brisket Roasts CHUCK, Short Rib Roasts Cross Rib Roasts Boneless Plate Roasts SELECTED VARIETIES, Maple Leaf Sausages 18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 18,1985 Elizabethville On Tuesday afternoon the U.C.W. unit II met at Mr. and Mrs. K. Trew's home. Eight ladies attended and our president Mrs. Trew conducted conducted the meeting. Mrs. Peacock and Mrs. Trew gave the devotional part that they had given at Quin-Mo- Lac on the Sunday previous. They also had the poster that they had made for presbytery presbytery that told the story of a short bible verse. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Quantrill, a financial report was also read. New business business - a thank you card was shown sent from Mrs. Quantrill Quantrill for flowers received when she had her operation. operation. The stewards plan a fowl supper Oct. 23. A quilt display will be held on Sept. 25 at Cobourg U. Church. Our general meeting will be Sept. 13 at the library with Mrs. Shelley Wright speaking speaking on Korea. Our fall rally will be Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. at Baltimore or at Warkworth at 1 p.m. to 3. Mrs. Peacock had a talk on getting even. Mrs. Trew closed the meeting meeting with a poem. Next meeting meeting Oct. 8th at Mrs. C. Mercer's. Lunch was served by Mrs. H. Muldrew. On Wednesday evening, the general meeting of the U.C.W. was held at the library library as the basement isn't finished yet. They plan to finish it by the middle of Oct. The president, Mrs. M. Davis presided. We opened the meeting With the business business part first as our speaker Shelley Wright had not arrived. To open the meeting Mrs. Leslie Campbell and her daughter provided a musical number before going over to the church for choir practice. The minutes were read by Mrs. Watkins. The work at the church was discussed. A Nov. meeting was set for 13th. Our anniversary is Oct. 20, with Rev. Bartlett as speaker. Mrs. Riches introduced introduced Mrs. Wright. She was one of the groups that spent time in Korea this summer. summer. She had slides and a good talk on her trip. Lunch was served by the east group. Mrs. Trew and Mrs. Peacock gave the devotional devotional for the meeting. The seniors met on Thursday Thursday as usual with twenty- eight attending. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sevenhuysen, Thompson, Man. arrived on Wednesday. Wednesday. They motored this time and spent sometime with friends in Niagara Falls before before arriving here. They spent a couple of days with Mrs. Sevenhuysen in Toronto Toronto and are spending a few days on the Fowler house boat at Buckhorn. Mr. and Mrs. B. Fowler, Ken Fowler and Kathy are spending a few days at Niagara Niagara Falls this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Whitbred, Oshawa were at.Sunnyside on this week-end. Friday evening and Saturday, the W. Institute ran the booth at the Garden Hill Park where we took turns working, frying chips, and cooking hot dogs and hamburgs, making coffee and hot chocolate. We realized a substantial amount for our labors. Steven Peacock was home on the week-end. Church services were held as usual. Mrs. King spoke on Compassion. The choir sang. Mr. Bannister was at the door. The children children were called to the front and Mrs. King had a story about a boa constrictor constrictor and a man that became a pilot. It's to continue next Sunday. Misses A. Scott and E. Fenton took up the offering. offering. Scripture was Isaiah 32, Luke 15. She spoke on compassion and about the parable of the lost sheep. Coffee was served as usual. Thickson's had John and Nancy Sevenhuysen and Cheyenna on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew had Mrs. Mary Trew and Miss Beatrice Rowcliff, Millbrook for tea on Sunday. Sunday. Several in the area attended attended Port Hope Fair on the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock had Mrs, Dorothy Bell, Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock for tea on Sunday. Elizabethville Sunday school opened Sunday with twenty-eight attending. They had an open service and finished up with cake and juice for the children. Sunday school is at 10:30 a. m. Several are planning to take in the ploughing match this week. Mi', and Mrs. C. Mercer had tea with Mr. and Mrs. W, Tcrhenclie at their collage collage in Bewdley on Sunday. Miss Mary Alice White and girl friend Celine spent the week-end will) lier parents parents Mr. and Mrs. II. While. 2.84* 1.29. ROASTS Boneless Shoulder Roasts 3.73* 1.69. 4.17, 1.89 1ST TO STH RIBS Prime Rib Roasts 5.71* 2.59. 2.84* 1.29. Boneless Blade Roasts 3.73* 1.69. 3.73* 1.69. Boneless Cross Rib Roasts 4.39, 1.99 2.62, 1.19 1ST TO STH RIBS Chef Style Prime Rib Roasts 7.25* 3.29. Blade Steaks STEAKS 3.06 1.39 /kg Cross Rib Steaks 4.17, 1.89 Boneless Blade Steaks 3.95 1.79 Prime Rib Steaks 6.59* 2.99. Bonele Cross Rib Steaks ■ 83/kg 2.19. BONE IN Plate 5 *e> a ■ Short Ribs 3.51 * 1.59 Boneless Short Ribs 4.39* 1.99. sl a as 1.29 FILLER'S. SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Salamis i p? Q g 1.29 COUNTRY MANOR, SLICED Side Bacon PKQ 9 1.99 RULER'S, 210 g AVG, VACUUM PACKED Ukranian Kolbassa 6.59/kg 299b BONELESS k LEAN Stewing Beef CENTRE CUT, BONE IN Shank 2.62* 1.19. "MEATY SOUP STOCK" Neck Bones 1.30* .59. 500 g PKO. 1.99 MAPLE LEAF, COOKED, PICNIC Smoked Pork Shoulders 3.51/kg 1.59. DIETRICH'S, SLICED £ 100% ^ Whole | Wheat y Bread &JAk\ ikikA a AAAJiAUA^mï 675 fl LOAF PRODUCT OF U.SA, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE hi? ;-r,V'Y tW. f 1.30 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cabbage PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA FANCY GRADE McIntosh Apples /kg ü %DO* é on tap' 0 4L BASKET .29 9.49 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Peaches I? 4L BASKET 2.99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Carrots < 2» 70 BAGS ■ ■ W PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA FANCY GRADE PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Bartlett Pears # ..tv 3.99 Cooking Onions fÔÿTA«lÔ) 9 79 BAGS >• V PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE, "SWEET" PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Green Peppers $ 1.30k, .59k Squash H 3°*.99 PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND Kiwi Fruit 3™.99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Peanuts in the Shell 21 a. .99. PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., SEPT. 18 TO SAT., SEPT. 21,1985. | THESE ADDITIONAL FEATURES ARE AVAILABLE ONLY AT GRAHAM IGA| SLICED White Bread 675 g LOAF .59 I FRESHLY BAKED! I Apple Strudel ■ 425 g SIZE 1.39 O ÛC MARY MILES, COOKED, SMOKED Dinner Hams' boneless' From Our Deli Dept. WB V W/kg 1.79. | SCHNEIDER'S, DELI SLICED Bologna From Our Produce Dept. PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA NO, 1 GRADE Brussels Sprouts .44 1.99 /100g lb. 1.74 .79 /kg lb, TOWN CLUB Bologna "Vm F.W. FEARMAN, SWEET PICKLED BY THE PIECE Peamealed Canadian Back Bacon 4.3& s 1.99» From Our Deli AVAILABLE AT MOST STORES MAPLE LEAF, COUNTRY KITCHEN Black Forest Style Cooked Ham 84,ioo g 3.79k FILLER'S, "BAKED" Meat Loaf .3L1.69, TOMATO CLAM OR E.D. Smith Garden Docktall REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE GRINDS, Nabo TRADITION 28-FL. OZ. BTL. ASSORTED FLAVORS, CARNIVAL Ice Cream t; j REGULAR OR DIET FEATURE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $299 IN VEGETABLE BROTH, BUMBLE BEE 2 L CTN. > CATELLI , v"P ' A,»;, , • CASE OF, 24x280 mL TINS Ü ALSO AVAILABLE IN 750 mi RET. sW.. V >T M PLUS .30 OEP. P*B§t!s2i££ REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE GRINDS, TRADITION Nabob Decaffeinated Coffee & Cheese 36» g VAC PAKPKG. FEATURE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $3.9» 3.49 WITH FORMULA, ASSORTED VARIETIES Milupa Infant Food FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, LEMON LIME, FRUIT PUNCH OR ORANGE 200 g BOX 1.99 Honey Dew Fruit Drinks 12W-FL. OZ. TIN .79 PARTLY SKIMMED, EVAPORATED ORANGE PEKOE Salada Tea Bags pkg. o 49 OF 72 ■HTW Carnation 2% Milk 385 mL TIN .69 F.B.I. SLEEVE OF Apple Drink oz. mis -ft/ RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY Kraft 500 mL 2.39 ASSORTED VARIETIES, m Pure Jams JAR DAINTY Instant ^ Fried Rice bo* ®.69 KRAFT SALAD DRESSING, LIGHT OR REGULAR Miracle Whip 500 mL JAR 1.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES, PACKED IN ITS OWN JUICE Del Monte .69 Kellogg's Raisin Brans m 2.99 Pineapple oz. tin ASSORTED FLAVORS, ORIGINAL OATMEAL, OLD FASHION CHOCOLATE CHIP OR RICE CRUNCHIES Dad's Cookies pkg 9 .89 Jell-O Jelly Powders pk<$. .29 CHERRY OR BLUEBERRY Stafford Pie Fillers 19-FL. OZ. TIN 1.49 FROZEN, FANCY GRADE, NIBLETS CORN OR SWEET PEAS Green Giant Harvest Fresh Vegetables 250 g PKG. .89 FROZEN, BLUE WATER, BOSTON BLUEFISH Fish Fries or Krisps 6-OZ. PKG. 1.39 FROZEN, CHICKEN, BEEF, TURKEY OR BEEF 1 KIDNEY HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS DAYTIME 4»'S, NEWBORN M'l OR TODDLER 33'l REGULAR, CHEESE, OR LIVER t BACON FLAVORS Ken-L Ration Burger 2 kg BOX Savarin Pot Pies 6-OZ. PKG. .59 Brick, Colby or random .. .1 «U WEIGHT Mozzare lia Cheese pkg. ■75l00g 3.6a Dog Food 3.99 100% PURE SOYA OIL, BLUE BONNET Soft Margarine 2 lb. BOWL 1.99 Huggles Diapers EACH PKG. 9.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES Society Dog Food MILK CHOCOLATE, ORANGE OR FRUIT Jacobs Club Bars pkg 9 .79 2 t:;g .99 WAFERS, ROSEBUDS OR MACAROONS Neilson ASSORTED VARIETIES OF CONDITIONER OR SHAMPOO Silkience 300 mL BTL. 2.59 BONUS OF 50 mL MORE, REGULAR, MINT OR GEL Crest Toothpaste ASSORTED VARIETIES, PUSS 'N BOOTS Special Menu Cat Food 6-OZ. Chocolate Candies c pkg° 1.49 1 k. B is 1.59 fffii Potato Chips 200 g PKG. ■99 150 mL TUBE 1.39 NEW * IMPROVED! LOWES Kitty Litter 4 kg BAS 1.99 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE PLU 018 OVEN CLEANER WITH APPLICATOR Mr. Muscle II conl 1.49 ECONO Garbage Bags PKG. OF 40 2.49 ! m REGULAR 20'« OR LARGE 15'., ZIPLOC Freezer Bags EACH PKG. 1.19 THIS ©COUPON WORTH 50* OFF THE PURCHASE OF ANY an g VAC PAK PKO. OF REGULAR OR DECAFFEINATED COUPON Cf\C VALUE UV 1 k T "Sft ÏM1 Nabob tradition Coffee LIMIT ONI COUPON PI* FAMILY, ONI PKO. HIP COUPON j COUPON VALID AT IOA UNTIL CLOWNO SAT., KPT. 21 ST, 1186 J ODUlB GRAHAM IGA MARKET 225 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. SATURDAY 8:00 A M. TO 6:00 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAY Senior Citizens r >'\. Oil On Person, il Shopping. Wednesday Only