i I Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 17,1986 11 Don't miss it . ... The bedazzling, spectacular, incredible pre-Christmas MIDNIGHT MADNESS SALE, at Bowmanville Audio-Vision, on Thursday, Dec. 18th. you'll be glad you didn't! Your Authorized Panasonic Dealer BOWMANVILLE AUDIO-VISION 20 KING ST. WEST TELEPHONE 623-2312 WE HAVE A STORE FULL OF FABULOUS SPECIALS * Ghetto Blasters * Colour TV's * VCR's * Walkman-type stereos * Clock Radios * Telephones etc. etc. etc. Wo Are "Bowmanville's Complete Electronics Store" Happy First Birthday Scott Robert Bundle .turned one year old on July 9,1986. He is the son of Dale and Sherry Bundle of Edmonton, Alberta. Scott will be celebrating Christmas with his grandparents, Cec and Olive Langlais and Audrey and Don Bundle. Great grandson of Helen Langlais, all of Bowihanville. Maple Grove Christmas Party The Maple Grove W.I. and U.C.W. and their guests enjoyed another great Christmas Party on Dec. 4th at 6:30 p.m. in C.E. Hall. Name tags in shapes of Christmas symbols were given out by Mrs. H. Brooks and Mrs. S. Morton designating the tables where each were seated. Mrs. C. Johnson U.C.W. Pres, welcomed everyone after which grace was sung. Mrs. C. Russell and Mrs. P. McIntyre sang a song entitled "Welcome to our Dinner", putting everyone in a Holiday mood. Everyone enjoyed the bountiful buffet table of hot dishes and many delicious desserts. Homemade rolls made by Mrs. R. Bubar were enjoyed. Mrs. Johnson called on Mrs. R. Metcalf, W.I. Pres., who was in charge of the following program. Mrs. Metcalf also welcomed all the ladies and called on Mi's. A. Hall for a humorous reading entitled "At the Baseball Game." Mrs. C. Russell with Mrs. W. Laird at the piano led in Carol singing while the tables were being cleared. Mrs. C. Russell and Mrs. P. McIntyre sang "Love Came. Down at Christmas", "Born in a Manger", "Silver Bells". Mi's. C. Russell sang a solo - W.L Meeting "White Christmas". Mrs. R. Metcalf, Mrs. E. Wilhudal and Mrs.' W. Brown presented a Christmas Worship Service interspered with Christmas Carols. Mrs. R. Metcalf was in charge of lucky gifts, one for each table. A special draw of a gingerbread house donated by Mrs. P. Jollymore was won by Mrs. Janice Kroft. Mrs. A. Hall favoured us with two short Christmas readings. Mrs. C. Russell and Mrs. P. McIntyre sang "Dear Santa, Have you Had the Measles", and "Night of Heavenly Beauty." Mrs. McIntyre sang "Shake Me, I Rattle, Squeeze Me, I Cry." Mrs. . Russell sang "Everyday Christmas." Mrs. R. Metcalf voiced thanks to all who had contributed to our program for another Christmas program enjoyed by the 60 women present. Special thanks to Mrs. H. Brooks who again made our table favours. U.C.W. ladies were in : charge of the meal arrangements. W.I. ladies were in charge of the. program. Special collection in aid of Salvation Army amounted to over $100.00. --Win Brown, Press Secretary Editor's Mail To the Editor: May I make a few comments regarding the construction of the new arena and Community Centre in Bowmanville. Firstly, it is apparent that the old arena in Bowmanville will have to be replaced. Write-ups in the media and enquiries about the cost of the new arena have produced few hard facts regarding the facility to be built. It seems that before any commitment to the building is finalized, consideration must be given to the means of financing. It has been mentioned that Wintario will provide $650,000., this amount being the top figure which can be expected regardless regardless of the cost of the building. It is understood that the town has purchased land for $225,000 and figures of up to one million have been mentioned mentioned to cover the cost of services to the site. Secondly, it "has been suggested that fund raising of $750,000. would be the local contribution. This would be a reasonable amount for a building costing no more than $2,500,000. However, If the cost should go to $5,000,000. an appropriate amount of fund raising would be $1,500,000. and if this amount cannot be raised then the smaller facility must be built. This figure is based on the amount of funds raised by the- Orono Committee when the local arena and community centre was built. Further, at the present time, the taxpayers of the town Were required to subsidize maintenance costs and debenture payments in connection with the Bowmanville, Darlington arenas and the Fitness Centre in the amount of approximately $250,000. for 1985. The budget figures for 1986 indicate an increase in costs to in excess of $325,000. In this connection, the Orono arena and community centre is self-supporting. Finally, while it is agreed that a new arena is needed in Bowmanville, it seems that the Town Council should look carefully at the cost involved with regard to the town's taxpayers. It is to be hoped that the residents of the Town of Newcastle will not be further burdened with costs relative to any unnecessary spending in replacing the arena in Bowmanville. Yours very truly, Ray Dickson Orono, Ontario CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS CHRISTMAS SEASON GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICES Orono and Orono Eatataa;. Please be advised that Ihoro will be NO CHANGE to the Garbage Collection Schedule for Orono and Orono Estates as a result ol tho Christmas Holiday Season. Garbage will bo collected, os usual, on Wednesday. Newcastle Vlllao#: "GARBAGE Collection schedules for Newcastle VILLAGE WILL CHANGE to accommodate tho holiday, Garbage Garbage normally collected on Thursday, Docembor 25th will bo collected on Monday, December 29th, 198G, and garbage normally collected on Thursday, January 1st, will bo collected on Friday, January 2nd, 1907. Ploaso havo all garbage at curbsldo by 7:00 o.m. Enquiries may be directed to tho Public Works Doparlmonl 01263-2231. Gordon J.Ougli, P. Eng., Dlroclor ol Public Works. Hampton Municipal Olllcou, Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1 JO