The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, January 7,1987 11 Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m, Phone 623-3303 For Rent 1 BEDROOM bachelor apt. Very central. Furnished. Immediate occupancy. $420/mo. all Inclusive. 1st and last. Phone 623-5683. 1-1S ROOM for rent in Newcastle home, parking, fridge , etc. 987- 5658. 1-1 SN PRIVATE Storage Space. Phone 372-8417 1-1P Piano Lessons and Music Theory Instructions Experienced Teacher Rita Louws Phone 623-2876 1-2SN GUITAR LESSONS Tim Crookall's Guitar School Bowmanvllle and Oshawa Lonrn to piny and understand your Invorlto music Beginners or Advanced Quality Lessons Reasonable Rates 725-8546 Notices Help Wanted LARGE 2 bedroom country house. Newcastle Area. Easy access to 401. Phone after 6:00 p.m. 987-4483. 1-1SN ROOM for rent, preferred hydro worker, 623-9234 after 4 p.m. MS HOME for rent with In-law apartment, north end of Bowmanvllle, 623-7363. MS N.E. OSHAWA Central Park Blvd. N. Excellent Condo. Immaculate condition, 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, fridge, stove, garage Included. $775 plus utilities, references, 1st and last, phone 263-8321.MSN VELTRI Complex has 2 bedroom apt., available as of February. Phone 623-4172 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mon. - Frl. 51-tfS COMMERCIAL space In Bowmanvllle, approximately 500 sq. ft., $550 per month, suitable for store or office. Phone 623- 4172,8 to 5 p.m,1-tfS TWO bedroom house, Newcastle, $585 plus utilities. Phone 623- 9557. MSN NEWLY decorated, 2 bedroom apt. $550., central Newcastle, references, 1st and last. Pat Lycett 623-6000.MSN 1 BEDROOM apartment, partially furnished, separate drive and entrance, first and last, $475 per month, Includes all utilities. 623- 4054. MS NEWCASTLE, 3 bedroom house, $700/month, garage, first and last months plus utilities. References required. Phone 1-221-5059 after 6 p.m. MSN COZY room, south Bowmanvllle, carpeted, bathroom and kitchen privileges, separate from family, parking, $65 weekly. Phone 623- 5640. MS LARGE furnished room Includes fridge and toaster oven, private entrance, Phone 987^5334. 1-4S PLANNING a wedding or a dance? Phone 987-5439 evenings between 6 and 8 for rental of Brownsdale Community Centre. Golf Course Rd., Newcastle. 6-tfS THREE bedroom semi, 1-1/2 baths, finished rec room, fenced yard, $650 monthly plus utilities. Available January 15. References required. Apply Box 1341, c/o The Canadian . Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvllle L1C 3K9. UPSTAIRS apartment, Newcastle, 2 bedrooms. Newly decorated. Available Immediately. Phone 263-8667 or 436-1666, MSN THREE bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, garage, fireplace, $650/month plus utilities. Available January 15th. Write Advertiser 1342, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvllle, L1C 3K9, with references. MSN BACHELOR apartment, no subletting, no children, no pets. First and last month's rent. Phone 623-5784. MS STORE King St., Bowmanvllle. Prime location 500 sq. ft. Reasonable. Available Jan. 15. Phone 623-2826 9-5. MSN MINI STORAGE UNITS from $35 per month 623-2510 38-tfSN STORAGE SPACE Boat • Car- Furniture, etc. Wellington and Scugog Sts. Reasonable Rates By the month. 623-4622 or 623-5828 45-tfS If you have any questions or concerns about your munlcloalltv olease feel free to phone me at either 983-5505 or 623-3379, Diane Hamre, Councillor Ward III, Town of Newcastle. 14-tfSN Bowmanvllle Kinsmen Christmas Cheer Draw Winners. 1st-case of Cheer Tom Pearson - Bowmanvllle 2nd - 2 40oz bottles of Cheer Julius Valda- Penetang 3rd-40 oz bottle of Cheer J.D. Ewing-Wlarton MS UNEMPLOYED? The Unemployed Help Centre can assist with: Employment Counselling. Resumes, Unemployment Insurance, Workers' Compensation, O.H.I.P. and welfare Information, or crisis referrals to other, agencies. Phone 579-1821. Notice to all concerned The Discovery Hut Is going out of business Would all who have items on consignment please contact the store by Jan. 10,1987. MSN SMALL morning play group starting In January. For more Information please phono 623- 3310. MS LOBA 1291 50-50 Draw was won by Muriel Wotten, R.R. 1" Blackstock. Dec. 22nd. 1 1 1-1S Going Out Of Business Sale The Discovery Hut 34B.KlngSt.West, Bowmanvllle Everything must go Stock and Fixtures Most Items 50% reduction MSN Ontario Hydro Darlington Nuclear Generating Station information Centre Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.' South Service Road, West of Holt Road Bus Tours, films, presentations, and more. In plant walking tours booked in advance. Groups can book other times. Phone 623-7122 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD The Library Board ils forming a steering committee for the Library Service Needs Assessment Study to be done in 1987. The Board will invite three citizens (one from each ward of the Town If possible) to serve on this Committee with Board appointees. The Library Needs Assessment Study will make both short-term and long-term recommendations for the development of library service in the Town of Newcastle. The Needs Study Committee will monitor progress of the Study and advise the consultants conducting It on achieving effective community participation In the Study, Interested citizens may apply In writing Indicating the range of community contacts and experience they could bring to the Committee's task. Applications must be received by the Secretary- Treasurer of the Board. 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanvllle L1C 3A8 on or before January 16.1987. Monuments and Cemetery Markers For Over 140 Years RUTTER GRANITE 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope Telephone 885-5216 After Hours 372-0263 Always Special Selected Monuments' at Special Reduced Prices CORPORATION OF THEJOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS CIVIC RECOGNITION PROGRAM The Mayor and Members of Council are pleased to announce the creation of a "Civic Recognition Program." The program is designed to recognize the achievements of residents of the Town of Newcastle on a Provincial, National or International level, and the significant contributions by residents of the Town of Newcastle to the quality of life within the community. The residents of the Town of Newcastle are hereby requested and encouraged to participate In the program by submitting in writing, the names of persons for nomination In the various fields of endeavour. CATEGORIES: 1. Achievement Awards Those citizens achieving Ontario, Natlgnal or International recognition In any field of endeavour. Proof of achievement may be required from the nominator. Such achievements must be for a first place standing unless otherwise recommended by the Review Committee. 2. Service Awards Those citizens who In the opinion of Council, have brought recognition and honour to and/or have added to the quality of life within the community. Consideration will be given to all nominees In the various fields of endeavour Including, but not limited to the following: The Arts, Education, Industry, Trade and Commerce, Public Service, Humanitarian Service, Volunteers, Volunteer Organizations and Sports. Please submit the name and address of each nominee, together with a short history of the nominee's contribution to the life of the community, or the nominee's achievement to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle clearly marked "CIVIC RECOGNITION PROGRAM." Current Members of Council, Municipal Employees, and members of their families are Ineligible. The names of nominees will remain confidential until the selection process is completed and the recipients proclaimed by Council. Nominations will be accepted until March 2,1987 David W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T..C.M.O., Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvllle, Ontario. L1C3A6. File: 10.2.22. Dato of Publication: January 7,1987 January 21,1987 Wanted to Buy REGISTERED nurses, part-time - positions, at Nel-Gor Nursing Home. Phone 987-4703. 1-2SN NURSES aides, part-time positions, at Nel-Gor Nursing Home. Phone 987-4703. 1-2SN Log Peelers Needed Immediately For log home business 5 miles north of Orono. Phone 983-9354 evenings MSN Cooks and Waitresses Experienced For more Information please phone Mr. Roast Beef 987-4891 MSN Waitresses Wanted Apply to Bowmanvllle Restaurant 623-3223 MS COWAN PONTIAC -- BUKK LTD.I c CAR _ c(ean-upperson. Must have good driver's license. For interview phone John Majches at 623-3396. MSN A Career in Trucking Transport Drivers needed. Now Is the time to train for your Class "A" license. For pre-screening interview and Job placement information CONTACT MERVORR'S TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING Brampton 1-800-265-1260 Full-time Pump Attendant 1 Available for shift work • Hi;, Apply at • Heavy Haulers Truck Stop Hwy. 401 and Waverley Rd. Bowmanvllle 623-6422 MSN Experienced HAIRDRESSER FOR PART-TIME OR FULL-TIME With clientelle. Phone 623-5455. PLANT help required for light manufacturing, must have grade 12 education. Apply to Alvac Ltd., 182 Wellington St. W., Bowmanvllle. 1-1SN PERSON to feed resident 3 times a day at South Haven Nursing home in Newcastle. Phone 623- 3237. MSN Drivers Wanted Must have own car. Apply In person at Dennis Pizza 219 King St. E. Bowmanville MSN Store Help Wanted Anyone Interested In food management between the ages of 16 and 24, out of school and out of work apply at „ Square Boy Pizza 623-1119 1-2SN Part Time Hairdresser Wanted Pleasant atmosphere Phone 623-5019 or 623-2624 after 3:30 1-3SN OPPORTUNITY High Profile Progressive Oil Company requires an aggressive and organized sales professional to expand heating oil, heating and air conditioning sales In a well established territory. We balance hard work with excellent remuneration. Phone the General Manager at 723-4663 1-2SN SECRETARY required for small office 3 days per week Knowledge of personal computer an asset. Send Resume to: Girl Guides of Canada Central Area 121 SimcpeSt; S. Oshawa L1H4G7 ll ' MSN The Beauty Business is AN EXCITING BUSINESS Enter the world of beauty and fashion - join Canada's No. 1 Beauty Co. free training, publications and sales meetings. Opportunity for advancement. Phone Avon at 416-725-9696 or 705-876-1847 BIRDS Baby Cockatlels, Budgies, Zebra Finches. All colors, cages, feed, etc. A'ter 5 p m Crozier Aviaries, Orono. Phone 983-9311. 41-tfS Novice Obedience Classes For your dog Starts Jan. 6th, 1987 For 10 Weeks Improve the understanding and communication between you and your dog. Contact OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOC. 579-9328 623-6647 OR 986-5415 Professional Dog Grooming 73 King St. West Bowmanville 623-1752 "The convenient place to shop." Livestock % MORGAN, '/< quarter horse, 15 hands. Gelding, gentle, good disposition. Trained equestrian and western. Experienced loyal rider required. 983-5405. MSN COLONIAL EQUESTRIAN CENTRE Register now for Winter Courses In riding, jumping, etc. for adults and children. Also courses In stable management Working student program for C.E.F. Level 11nstructor's Certificate HORSES BOARDED Pony Club Activities For information or registration Phone 623-7336 Wanted to Buy Dead Stock uars, I rucks, 1 rauturs, Motorcycles Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK-UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 WANTED - APPLIANCES for parts or restoration. Durham's largest selection ol used parte tor most makes, PADDY'S MARKET 263-8369 FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $10.00 Service Charge on Sheep-Goats-Pigs $20,00 Charge on Rotten Animals PHONE MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 RON'S FLEA MARKET and General Store, 39 King St., Newcastle. Open Saturday and Sunday from 9-5 p.m. Featuring the 88$ bargain. 1-1SNP Employment Wanted RESPONSIBLE mother of 2 wishes to babysit In her home on Martin Rd. Fenced yard, meals, constant care for reasonable rate; Phone 623-4810. MS QUALITY babysitting In my home. Playpen, hlqhchalr, toys, fenced yard. Conscientious Mother. 623- 7451.MS CONSCIENTIOUS daycare. Mother of 2 will babysit in her home. Martin Road - Waverley area. Hot lunch and snacks pro-- vided. Preschoolers 2 - 5 as well as school age, before and after school. Reasonable rates for loving loving care. Phone 623-1067. TYPING done in my home Business, Resumes, Manuscripts, etc. Phone Judith Jamischak 786-2988 1-2SN Thorough Housecleaning by Tina's Professional Service Also Businesses Dependable Please Phone 623-2657 40-tfSN FREE to a good home, 11 month old black lab, female, spayed, lovable but very high strung. Phone 571-2495 weekdays 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. or weekends anytime. MSN Terribrae Pet Food and Supplies HORSE 8 year old gelding, 14 hands. Well broken for cutter or buggy. Road driven. Broken western. Needs experienced rider. Phone 986-5200 after 7 p.m. 1-tfSN 1-4SN MUTTON MASONRY All Types of Cement Work Concrete Floors, Foundations and Walls Brick and Block Laying Chimney Construction and CHIMNEYSWEEP G.W. Mutton 623-5981 1-tfSN FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER ISONS Bowmanvllle 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 4tfSN PRIMROSE ROOFING COMPANY Reasonable Rates All Work Guaranteed Asphalt and Wood Shingles Metro Lie. B4327 1-705-277-3105 Phone Collect R.R. 2 Pontypool HOLROYD'S HEATING Authorized ESSO Home Comfort Dealer Oil burner sales Cleaning and Repairs Parts and Service Plan Hampton 263-8501 MEL ROZEMA PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 25 years of experience In painting and paper hanging. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-2936 38-tfSN DON BROOKS & SON General Contractor Phone 753-2577 or 623-2755 32 years experience serving area In all types of household and commercial repairs. Carpentry- Plumbing Electrical and Masonry YOU NAME IT-WE DO IT! Free Estimates 20-tfS BRINK'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING EXCAVATION and SEPTIC TANKS PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calls 27-tfS Eva's Housecleaning Service Bonded, reliable, experienced Special rates on weekly basis Phone 263-2093 39-tfSN INSTALL a combination wood oil, wood electric furnace or boiler. Oil - gas - electric boiler or furnace. Harvey Partner and Sons, Bowmanville, 623-2301 or .Orono 983-5206. 4-tfSN NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to all makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, phone 983-5206, Bowmanville, phone 623-2301. 4-tfSN WATER wells bored, 30 tile. Ward's Well Boring. Representative Representative Harry L. Wade.. Telephone 416-987-4531 or 372-4633. M. Brooks 623-5566 Renovations, Additions, Replacement Windows, Patio Doors, Storm Doors VlfS J&J SHARPENING & LOCKSMITH Certified Bonded Locksmith 48 King St. East Bowmanvllle, Ont. L1C1N2 623-1021 GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Carpentiy Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tfS BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington St„ Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-2 Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repair, all types of glass and mirrors available - FREE ESTIMATES 24 hr. emergency plate glass replacement. Locally owned and operated. 49-llSN Expert service to VCR's, T.V.'s, home stereos, car stereos, portable stereos. Free Estimates SPECIAL VCR head cleaned, tune-up, and complete chock $29.95 Bowmanville Audio-Vision 20 King St. W. 623-2312 BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING INC. and AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK and RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village ol Tyrone R.R,5, Bowmanvllle 263-2650 26-tfSN ASTRO APPLIANCES SERVICE 119 King St. E. Bowmanville L1C 1N4 HOOVER LEASE TO OWN STACKING UNIT $51 up monthly Vacuum ana Laundry Products Sales and Parts 623-7791 Service 623-7501 BILL SELLERS CARPENTRY * General Contractor * Bathrooms * Kitchens * General Repairs of all kinds Phone 623-4116 CJ's RENOVATING SERVICE Specializing in siding and painting, sheds and garages, custom decks and fences. Roofing and home renovations. For free estimates phone: 623-4154 NORTH AMERICAN WATERPROOFING We specialize in repairing leaking basements; 10 or 15 year warranty Pat or Romeo Zeppieri Phone 436-6353 SNOWPLOWING $15 MINIMUM Phone 623-2197 and leave message. JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAILADDRESS: P.O. Box 43- Bowmanvllle STEAM MAGIC Carpet, Upholstery and Wall Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Phone Roy Terry 623-2474 39-tfSN JAMES BRITTON "Jim of All Trades" SPECIALIZING IN REC ROOMS -- WALLPAPERING PAINTING --ALL INTERIOR DECORATING EXPERIENCED IN ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, etc. Telephone 623-3506 after 6 p.m. Bowmanville 20-tfS DUANE T. TAYLOR General Carpenter Tyrone 263-8471 Custom Carpentry and Building Construction -- New Homes -- Renovations -- Additions -- Cabinets -- Fine Woodworking Serving Bowmanvllle and surrounding area since 1979 u CHAHHEL MASTER THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF TV/FM RECEPTION EQUIPMENT >4 r i • Rotors ^ • Towers • Amps • Used Systems ^ • Repairs } WHITE'S ANTENNA SYSTEMS 1 Courtice » 576-5606 CHIM-CHIM-CHEREE CHIMNEYSWEEPS PHONE 623-1375 BOWMANVIILF ONT 18-tffc ■ I II ■ ■ MEMBER Canadian H Chimney Sweeps Assoc. Better Business Bureau ^madfan Wood Energy Ins. Simons Custom Upholstering (Since 1954) Free Estimates Pick-up and Delivery 623-6207 Base LlneRd. W. Bowmanvllle 9-tfSN Channel Master THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF TV/FM RECEPTION EQUIPMENT TV Antennas for Perfection in Reception TV Towers Antenna Rotators Antennas Boosters Transmission Wire Hardware Accessories and MATV Systems TIRED OF I'OOR RECEPTION? CALL TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE DURHAM TV & ANTENNA 151 Liberty Stroot South Bowmanvllle, Ontario 623-9955 Bill Van Der Herberg Wc Also Do TV onil Stereo Repairs YOUR EM SYSTEM CAN DELIVER WITH A III FIDELITY I'M ANTENNA DUAL ACTION CARPET STEAM | CLEANING 6 ONLY $45 | Dining Room and j Living Room I Plus Hallway | C & J Services J Phone Collect j 623-2095 j anytime I Aluminum Storm Doors Storm Windows Replacement Windows Patio Doors Top Quality Low Prices Free Estimates Phone M. Brooks Carpentry 623-5566 BOWMANVILLE 14-118