) The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 21,1987 5 Lord Elgin Students Meet Some Amazing New Friends ' * y " ip Bank Staff Learn About Life Saving Durham "Save-A-Heart" was at Trinity United Church on Dec. 10 to explain life-saving techniques to members of the Toronto Dominion Bank. Pictured here with "Annie" the mannequin are (back) Instructor John Noble, Kelly Beckett, Beckett, Bill Mills, Barb Mills, Instructor Cathy Kelly, Barb Chebott and Murray Chebott; middle: Judy Powell, Rose-Marie Conway, Jean Park and Grethe Ashton, and front: Jeanette Reid, Linda Bryant, and Roz Yeo. Providence-Shaws W.I. Isabelle Elliott opened her home at R.R. 4, Bowmanville on Jan. 15th for 23 members and a guest for the Provi- dence-Shaw's W.I. Thelma Gilbank presided and opened the meeting with a poem followed by the Ode and the M.S. Collect, minutes treasurer's report. We were given information on the 90 th Anniversary Convention to be held in North Bay on July 6,7,8,9, 1987 at which 2 members from each branch may register. Presbyterian for 152 Years ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH (Clmrch 67. at Temperance in Bowmanville) SUNDAY, JANUARY 25,1987 "Grow and Become Strong" 7:00 p.m. Youth Group Sunday School and Babysitting during service ,■■■■■ Organist: f . . | JTistpn ; . , / v Mr. Jastloogslccn '/.ThcRcv.WayncChatlcrlbn;B.Sc., B.Dÿn 154 Years of Community Service ê>t. John's Anglican Church Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario SUNDAY, JANUARY 25,1987 Conversion of St. Paul 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Annual Vestry Meeting -1:30 p.m. Rector --The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley WORD OF LIFE CHRISTIAN OUTREACH CENTER Waverley Public School WORD OF LIFE 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship and Praise Hour g PASTOR: REV. STAN CHURCHILL S Church "Office: 100 Scugog SI, Phone 623-1071 "Where Everyone is Somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord. " TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone .623-3912 . _ 623-3138 Interim Minister: .-> - . .. . Audrey Fislior R.N., D.A., Dip.R.E., M.Div • Visitation: nov. A. Amachor SUNDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1987 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship t-or information on Nursery Care and Church School call 623-3138 WELCOMING NEWCOMERS FOR 150 YEARS V / * X \ frt lillll'6 Entteb Cljuttfi V , MINISTER \* Swk *./ Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. Dewell Jivy CHURCH SECRETARY: Lola Bowen • 623-5701 Sunday, January 25th, 1987 11:00 a.m. "Every Christian Should Have One" Nursery core for pro-school children every Sunday. If you're new in lluwnumville, nr invite yon in make Si. I'iiiiTs your church home. Other business included the Home and Farm Management Seminar offered in Lindsay on Jan. 26, and the possibility of a catering job in April. We were reminded that our next meeting, at Wylma Allin's, would be Feb. 19, Founders Day. This is a time to renew a friendship by a phone call to someone in another branch. Joan Tax reported on the November Area Convention. The general concern was the challenge to get new members for the 130 branches in this area. The theme of the convention was "Meeting the Challenge" and the guest dinner speaker was Mrs, Pat Ferraro, a business woman in the Public Speaking field. A letter was read from Provincial President, Charlotte Johnston, regarding a fund available to 4 institute members who wish to continue their education. M. Dow requested a positive reaction from members if called on for assistance with the Heart Fund Appeal. The Roll Call was to name a resolution that has affected us and our family. Our branch has been involved in formulating a resolution that reached the Provincial Gov't, regarding the protection of patients in Nursing Homes, and this was used often as a reply. The change in the government has resulted in very slow action on this resolution. Our branch did something about the litter in our area and this topic is ever in our interest. Recently, a vehicle carrying garbage was spotted and a "neighbourhood watch" by telephone was begun. Be advised, if you to dispose of garbage in our area, you are being watched. We don't want any more junk in our ditches. The motto, Let W.I. Enrich Your Life- Not Wear It Out, was presented affectively by Annabelle Rickard. Peace, faith and personal growth could be added to your life by participating in the programme. To add life to our years and not years to our life will be the reward. Wylma Allin, resolutions convenor, presented for our consideration to make into a resolution, the subject of controlling Human Genetic Engineering, otherwise known as cloning. A Pension Plan for women, especially homemakers and part-time employees, and the use of non-returnable bottles were also topics left with a resolution committee to form and present as a resolution at the February meeting. Lunch and a social time followed. by Shirley Brown P.R.O. BAHA'I FAITH "The designation 'Seal ol tho Prophots' fully rovoalolh Its high station. Tho Propliollc Cyclo hath ondod. Tho Etornal Truth Is now como. l-lo hath lifted up tho Ensign ol Powor, and Is now shedding upon tho world tho unclouded splondor ol Ills Rovolallon." For Information call G23-7G21 or C23-9277 Along with a python, a snake, a crocodile, and a large-mouth frog, Jim Lovisek, guest speaker at Lord Elgin School, shows the amazed students an adult snapping snapping turtle. He explained that a snapping turtle can be identified by: the size of its neck and tail and the cross-shaped shell on its underside. by Tammy Hill The thought of snakes, lizards and crocodiles does not bring fond memories to the minds of many people. However, for Jim Lovisek reptiles and amphibians are a pleasure. Mr. Lovisek was a guest speaker at Lord Elgin Public Public School on Thursday, January January 15, and brought his reptile reptile friends along. Most of the grade levels at the school gathered for a one,hour assembly in their gymnasium late , ,iri, f , the morning. Mr.'. Lovisek provided provided the children with 'insight 'insight into the living habits, feeding habits and body parts of several different reptiles. And to bring the discussion discussion life, Mr. Lovisek would produce the animal he was describing from one of several several coolers he brought to the school. The children were given the opportunity to see and touch reptiles which they may never be face to face with again. Mr. ing in herpetology (the study of reptiles and amphibians). amphibians). In addition, he has consulted for the Ministry Christine Dymarski gladly volunteered to help Jim Lovisek with one of his of Natural Resources and re P^es- However, Christine did not know what reptile she would be holding dren specimens such as: the crocodile, large mouth frog, snapping turtle, and the python. Most of the children found the speaker to be quite interesting and several several volunteered to take part in the presentation of the animals. However, some were cautious about getting . too close, .•rj.in.-v. -\ Lord Elginds; only, one of several schools across Ontario Ontario to be visited by Mr. Lovisek. Over the past eight years he has given presentations presentations at schools and libraries, libraries, which reach about 50,000 students per year. Mr. Lovisek is a Research Associate with the Royal Ontario Museum, specializ- television science prog- un tH it was too late. This half snake, half lizard was not exactly what the grade rams such as The Nature of two student had in mind. But after touching the creature Christine cracked a Things. smile and gave it a quick pat. !' >" ~rr* < Yelverton Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Robinson and Leia enjoyed enjoyed a few days during the festive season wth Mandy's family at their residence near Flint, Michigan. Messrs. Howard and Terry Malcolm participated in a Seminar at Maryhill (near Guelph) on Fri., Jan. 9th sponsored by the local hog producers. The first segment of the program dealt with the employer- employee relationship and how to keep it harmonious. The second part of the program program was based on Father- Son partnership and how to make it work. This was the portion that Howard and Terry took part in and based on the apparent harmonious harmonious relationship they enjoy, probably was well'received well'received by the 1200 folks present. present. On Sunday, Jan. 11th, Yelverton Yelverton United Church observed observed the 25th Anniversary Anniversary of the United Church Women 1962-1987. The members of the Yelverton U. C. W. took charge of the service, with almost every member participating in some fun or another. U. C. W. President Maureen Moore provided the opening opening call to worship. Mrs. Brenda Malcolm presided at the organ while the 16 member U. C. W. choir provided provided an anthem, "How Great Thou Art." Mrs. Myra Page provided a very interesting, interesting, if condensed, version version of the past history of the Yelverton Ladies organization organization since its inception inception at the Ladies Aid in 1925. Mrs. Ernestine Robinson gave the Anniversary message message in her customary fluent and forthright manner. manner. Three candles lit - for the past, present and future. future. Each of those who participated participated in the service is to be commended for a job well done. Our only criticism of the whole shibbang was the length of the service -11/2 hours is a little too long to spend on end unless one is well padded. Mr. Roy Werley was a welcome welcome visitor at Malconia on Sunday. Roy is currently working as an electrician at the General Motors in Osliawa away from his home turf in Sudbury. Several local couples arc already in the process of or are in the planning stage of taking a vacation in the sunny south in an effort to escape at least a portion of our great Canadian winter. More information about the "Escapies" as they return from that terrible ordeal of coping with sunburn, excessive excessive heat, sand in their bikinis and similar traumatic traumatic experiences. Really tough being a tourist, eh? HAIRP0RT STYLING is pleased to announce their SPECIALS PERMS by Julie Green $25.00 STREAKS $25.00 GREEN P 133 Clmrch St., Bowmmivillu Telephone 623-4901 Assorted Fragrances and Gift Sets by Jo van - Houbigant and Coty 30% OFF SUGG. LIST 3 - Days Only-Jan. 22-23-24 at McGregor I.D.A. Drugs 5 King St. W. 623-5792 Bowmanville