f '1G The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanviltc, April 22. 1987 Stye HemcaBtle Unbcpcnbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Choir Performs at Durham Christian High School Open House On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Alccia Spencer, of the former South Haven Nursing Home, was most pleased to have visitors visitors Jack Kimball of Port Granby and his sister Lena Graham. They also visited Sidney Lancaster. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Murray, Oshawa, visited his mother, Mrs. Ruby Murray. We welcome home our neighbors, Vince and Ann Doyle, who have enjoyed the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen have also returned returned from their winter homes in the Sunny South. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Charlie Charlie Cowan whose funeral was Thursday, April 16, from Newcastle United Church. Mrs. Heidi De Vries,our neighbor, remains a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Me- traillcr, Alex, Laura and Daniel, Daniel, of Hamilton, were weekend weekend visitors with John and Ron Metrailler, Cathy and Bob Vasseur and Adrian. Adrian Adrian is happy to have that cast off his arm! ." Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell Powell were Tuesday evening supper supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt,'. Russell and Grayden, of Pontypool. The ladies attended the UCW meeting there where Ed Allen, exercise star of TV, was guest speaker. Good Friday evening, Mrs. Kathleen Kimball accompanied accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell when they visited Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Newtonville. Mrs. Dale Hunt and boys, Pontypool, were Saturday supper guests of her parents. On Sunday on their return from Ottawa, cousin Joan Davis Davis and daughter Debbie, of Oakville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powellv the following declared winners winners of the card games: 1st John Scott, 2nd Carl Todd, 3rd Marion Sears, 4th Bob Simpson, 5th Inez Harris. Low Lady - Wilda Simpson, Low Gentleman - Arthur Bed- win. ' Good Friday dinner guests of Jack and Hazel Crago were Mrs. D. Coulter, Downsvicw, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sherman and Donald, Beeton. They also visited Miss Dorrene Powell and Floyd, Lake Shore. On Sunday with the Jack Kimball family, Port Granby, were Mrs. Lena Graham, son- in-law Bill Hodsoll and Stephanie of Whitby, Roger and Irene Peel, Michael and Danielle, and Mrs. Kathleen Kimball, enjoying Easter dinner. dinner. , With Mr. and Mrs. Sierd De Jong, Derek and Tammy for Easter Sunday dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrod, Ruth and Wallace Couch, Tom and Rose Couch and children of Millbrook. Mr. Bill Storks remains a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Last Monday Pauline Storks attended an orientation lunch for the Children's Aid Society at their Midtown Mall Office in Oshawa. On Thursday, Pauline attended attended her first Board Meeting Meeting there. With Mrs. Raye Friedlander for the week-end were son Dean, his wife Alga and Jason Jason Friedlander, of Toronto. We welcome home, Carolyn and Gordon Garrod who spent the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. George Skeld- ing, Niagara Falls, spent the week-end of April 11 with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Skeld- ing. We notice Florence and Art Tuson and Dorothy Trenwith are. back in. the village. We welcome them home from Easier g Monday; > tlifinfir? - ?. Florida;;^ gucsts; of ;Mr$ 'and Mrs/lS t'àh-rvÿph FridW evening, ML and ley Powell, were Miss Judy Powell and Jill Coombes, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and sons, Pontypool. Pontypool. Miss Audrey McLeod, Toronto, Toronto, spent Easter week-end with her cousin, June and Tom Wilsoni Golf Course Road. Week-end visitors with Murray and Marjorie Paterson were Mr. and Mrs. David Mil- ton, Ian and Sarah, of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Nico de Jonge, Jennifer, Lesle and Megan, Whitby. Mrs. Evelyn North- rup joined the family for Easter Easter Sunday dinner when Ian Milton celebrated his eighth birthday. Sunday visitors were Murray's sister, Kathleen Drummond, of Pickering, her son Ken and his wife Jan and her parents from Scarborough. Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell, of Bowmanville, recently recently enjoyed a bus trip to Washington, D.C., where the cherries were blossoming in profusion. Newcastle Senior Citizens enjoyed their regular meeting last Thursday evening, with Mrs. Reid Wood of Newtonville Newtonville visited his mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono, were Saturday evening visitors. On Sunday Mrs. Gladys Wood had supper with Mrs. Eileen Reid of Bowmanville and her daughter Patsy, who is visiting from Calgary. On Friday afternoon Marg and Joe Hockin, of Oakville, called on her brother and sister-in-law, sister-in-law, Myrtle and Albert Pearce. The Hockins were on their way to Ottawa to visit their son, Dr. Jamie Hockin, his wife, son and new baby daughter. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce visited Henry and Dorothy Pearce, Bowmanville. On Sunday Albert and Myrtle Pearce etnertained all their family to brunch at their home. Mrs. Emma Fetch, Ottawa, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Douglas Wade and family, Oshawa. This was a special occasion for Stephanie, as she cele brated her fifth birthday. We extend congratulations to Donna and Tracy Adams, Lake Shore, on the birth of a son last Tuesday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Powell and Gary were June and Martin Dcy, Adrienne and Brandon, of Bowmanville, Linda and Bill Couch, Shannon and Shaun. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. John Scott attended a birthday party in honor of her half-brother and twin sister sister Betty Rose and Don Cann at the home of Betty's daughter, daughter, Michelle and Dan Goody, of Cold Springs. Thursday visitors with Mrs. Nellie Spencer were her daughter, Pat Bernard of Flesherton, Tara McCabe and Tiffany of Shelburne, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, of Ennis- more, were Sunday visitors with her mother. Monday morning as we were writing our news, we received received a telephone call from Barbara Ann Porter (nee Al- dred) with this item. On Sunday, Sunday, April 26 at 7:30 p.m. Bums Presbyterian _ Church, Ashbum, will be commemorating commemorating the 19th anniversary of their new church. Kiwanis of Sydenham, Oshawa, will be conducting the whole service. The men's choir will be directed directed by Norm Williams, a former organist of Newcastle United Church. Lunch will be served. Everyone Everyone welcome. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Margaret Pearce were Ron and Nancy Pearce and girls, Lindsay, Isobel Gamier, Gamier, Tara and Tammy, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Diana and Verne Rowe and Robert. Sunday evening dinner guests of Frank and Eva Hoar were son John, Frances and Colin Cook, Danny and Brian, Brampton, Heather and . Rob Griffin, Brett and Jason. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Sunday supper guests'of' the Douglas Rowe family. Lois was home from Memorial Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Madeleine Buckley entertained entertained the ladies of the Newtonville Women's Institute Institute last Wednesday. Last Monday Mrs. Ellen Duxbury entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. Birthday greetings to Harold Harold Couch and Jack Crago. After the Good Friday walk, Joan and Wayne Blackburn, Carole and Gary Brunton and Jack and Dorclla Chard went out to dinner. Mr. Sidney Lancaster enjoyed enjoyed Sunday Easter dinner with Dorella and Jack Chard and Dclann. With Bill and Hilda Call for a month's visit are David Ingate, Lou Ingate and her twin sister Flo Holder, of London , England. ST. GEORGE'S NEWS Easter Day, April 26, 1987. Easter Services were well attended attended and it was wonderful to once more hear the good news 'He is not here. He is Risen. Allclulia!' Flowers were placed in the church to the Glory of God and in loving memory of James Myers, husband; Thomas Bradford and Ken Bradford, sons; by Norma Myers. Other flowers to the Glory of God and in grateful thanksgiving for His many blessings. Our special thanks for flowers placed in St. George's Church for Easter Day by the Carveths, Gar- rods, Kelsey and Martin families, families, Frecthys, Audrey Gogcr- ty and members of the Altar Guild and Sylvia Vandcrmalc. Sunday, April 26th is a special day for everyone at St. George's. At the 11 o'clock Service, Mrs. Beulah Buchwald, ventriloquist arid musician (she's fantastic), will be entertaining the children children with her special friends. and songs. She will also be the guest speaker and for sure, her messagae will be inspiring. inspiring. All of the Sunday School children are asked to sit with their family for this special service. We encourage you to bring all of your family, family, relatives and friends for this exciting day. Let's overflow overflow the church with joy, song and people. There are just a few seats left for the 4:30 p.m. setting at the Roast Beef Dinner on Sunday, April 26. For tickets call 987-4221. Take-outs still can be ordered. The Rt. Rev. Terence Finlay, Finlay, Bishop Suffragan, Area Bishop, Trent-Durham Area, will visit this Parish on Wed., April 29th, 1987. The Bishop will celebrate the Eucharist Eucharist in St. George's Church at • 7:30 p.m. Following the Service, you may meet him in St. George's Parish Hall, where coffee will be served. UNITED CHURCH NEWS The Sunshine Unit of the UCW met last Monday evening evening at the church. Marjorie Caswell, Margaret Burley and'j Bessie Dean presented the devotional. devotional. President Sheila Stiles conducted a short busi ness . period following presentation by guest speaker Major William Clarke of the Christian Blind Mission International. International. Old eye-glasses were donated as they are used for distribution by the C.B.M.I. On Thursday some members of both units delivered floW- ers, arranged by Anneke Ver- beek, to shut-ins. At the morning service on Good Friday the choir rendered rendered the anthem, There is a Green Hill Far Away and Rev. Stiles delivered the sermon, Famous Last Words. Shirley Coyle and Ken Boyd read the scriptures. Over 110 people took part in the Good Friday Walk from Newcastle to Newtonville, Flowers at the Newcastle United Church on Easter week-end were from the funeral funeral of Charlie Cowan. On Sunday, Sunday, April 19, 1987, the scriptures were read by Mrs. Marjorie Paterson. The Junior Choir sang Reach Out In Love and Come and Praise Our Lord and King. Christ is Risen was sung by the Senior Choir. Rev. Donald Stiles delivered delivered the sermon, Unfinished Unfinished Business. About 90 persons attended the Sunrise Service at Yates Beach on Easter morning and breakfast was enjoyed at the United Church. Tickets for. the May 5th Casserole Luncheon sponsored sponsored by the Trillium Unit of the UCW may be obtained from Kay Kimball and Marilyn Marilyn Martin. News from Tyrone UCW Meeting By Blanche Jones Tyrone U.C.W. held their meeting April 8th at 8 p.m. in the C. E. Wing of the church with nine ladies present. Earla Rundle opened the meeting reading '- "One Solitary Solitary Life" followed by prayer. Secretary Elsie Roy read the March meeting' minutes arid had them approved. 1 Report on the U.C.W. Anniversary Anniversary Come and Go Tea. With .the awful day, it. was nearly snowed out and very few (12) people ventured out. The report, was given concerning concerning the Pulpit Drape. Betty Betty Pascoe suggested we think about it and have it brought up at the May meeting when we hope more members will be present. Correspondence was read. The Treasurer's report was read by Betty in the absence of Jackie Vanyke. There will- be a catering May 2nd and the Committee would like to thank everyone who served, baked and worked at the April 4th catering. Offering was received and dedicated also the Lenten money, , .< There: has been an an'onyv. ■ usiy, , mous donation .made for Life ? the Ivlehtt)îih6ip:' Pii?, ana - tve ■ shrill vote secret ballot at the next month meeting. Sympathy is extended to the family in the. loss of Evelyn Evelyn Alldread. We were sorry to hear Mrs. Pauline Alldread, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, formerly of Tyrone, is in hospital. Nominations must be ready for the June meeting so if anyone desires to change position, position, please contact, either Pat or Betty. Miss Susan Plcasance gave the Devotional with the theme - being Easter. Then she introduced her sister Nancy Nancy who sang, "In The Garden". Garden". Susan read - "Ending of a Time and Beginning of Time". Nancy then sang "The Old Rugged Cross". Susan finished the devotional devotional period by reading a story of "The Longest Night" which was the night Jesus died. Everyone repeated the prayer. Hymn 112 - Rejoice, The Lord is King was sung. Susan introduced the guest speaker Ruth Slavokios who spoke on, Experiences and Jobs Working in "Group Homes". Ruth introduced herself using using sign language and reading a poem "Heaven's Very Special Special Child". She reminded us a handicapped person is a person person who is human just like the rest of us. Closing was a poem "At Day's End". The benediction was repeated repeated and lunch served accompanied accompanied with serviettes witli daffodils daffodils on them, representing Cancer Month. The May meeting - will be in charge of Jean Slcinon and Blanche Jones. When it cornés to being number one, nobody sings better than the Durham Christian High School Choir. • The judges at the Kiwanis Music Festival obviously agreed as they awarded the choir first place against Through a variety of fund-raising efforts which included chicken-picking, candy cane sales, and a volleyball volleyball serve-a-thon, the students at Durham Christian Christian High School have raised $27,000 for their new gymnasium gymnasium floor. That was just one of the school accomplishments outlined by Principal Ren Siebenga Thursday, April 9, during a community information information meeting. The fund-raising effort has been under way since December 1. A recent price increase in the Wooden flooring means that the students will have to hit the fund-raising trail once again in order to complete complete the project. But Mr. Siebenga is confident that the goal will be achieved. "We're hoping that the floor will be complete by the end of June, so the Grade 13 class can graduate some very strong competition. The choir and other musicians in the school performed last week at an Open House held at the Durham Christian High School. on the floor that they worked so hard to raise money for," he said. Those attending last week's information night also learned that the school's choir recently competed competed in the Kiwanis Music Festival against a number of other excellent choirs and came home with the gold medal After their performance on Thursday evening, it's easy to hear why they rank among the best. Mr. Siebenga said last week that he hopes the information information meeting allows people to get a feel for the school and what it can offer. "We Want to pass on our teachings to others," Mr. Siebenga said. Several teachers and one student talked about what attending and working for a Christian school means. i "This school is about people;"said teacher John Hull, And physical education teacher, George Petrusma, talked about challenging his students to have the right competitive attitude. Many students travel by bus from areas such as Whitby/Oshawa, Peterborough, Peterborough, Lindsay and Cobourg, to attend the high school. Less than halfofthe student body is from the Bowmanville area. Mr. Siebenga is confident that he will receive some new applications for student student enrolment from the meeting. While enrolment is not increasing increasing at the high school, it is staying constant. Currently, Currently, the student population population at Durham Christian High School is 140. PRIVATE SALE , 3 bedroom link in Bowmanville. Closing late June. Close to schools, backing onto wooded area. Nicely .! decorated. ', $109,900.00. .' Phone, .987-4690 after.6 p.m. ' "" ' Agents Welcomed. PRIVATE SALE Bowmanville 3 bedroom brick bungalow with n.ewer addition. Lot 45' x 118'. Paved driveway, finished rec room, sun deck, fenced yard. Close to hospital and 401. Asking $109,900. Phone 623-7247 COTTAGE FOR SALE (Private) Cottage with garage, located on 10:4'acres on i. Twin#,Lakes, 14 miles north >of-4Hâyelock. I Telephone 786-2428 /or'- 576-8900 ;r ands;ask for Betty or Bob. • 77 $130,000. Frank Woudstra Real Estate 983-5915 PRIVATE SALE Great starter or Retirement Home, 2 bedroom bungalow with a large garden, lot in quiet village north of Bowmanville No Agents Please Asking $90,000. (416) 263-2523 PRIVATE SALE Bowmanville - Excellent Area Two-storey maintenance-free home. Spacious four bedrooms, three bathrooms, livlngroom, large kitchen with walkout to patio. Finished rec room and laundry room, new kitchen flooring and carpeting throughout, not a year old. Fenced in pool-sized lot with fruit trees and shed. Paved drive with garage. Close to schools and shopping. Asking $145,900.00 Phone 623-1034 B.H.S. News Sportsline by G. Vandcrmol- cn Not a great deal to report on this week except for track and field and some, badminton news. Congratulations to Dan Moriarity and Paul Stone- house who each finished first place in the two events each was entered in at the Lossa Track Meet. Dan competed at the Senior level, in the Boys' 1500 and 800 metre events. These wins allow both runners runners to advance to Dyssa Competition. Universal Life insurance... so flexible It can adjust to your changing needs and a fluctuating economy, check with state Farm. Surprise Visitor Greets TD Bank's Customers The TD Visa IItinny made for an unusual Easter teller last week, offering a basket of Easter Eggs in place of the traditional balance books found during normal banking hours. Connie Gawley and her one and one-halfyear old son, Philip, are caught attempting attempting to arrangea business transaction with the rabbit. Don Irvine 623-4482 108 Waverley Rd„ Bowmanville