P I 4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 13, 1987 Section Two Championship Teams from Bowmanville Non-Contact Hockey League Worldwide Recognition for Baha'i Temple Architecturally, it is hailed by architecture critic, critic, Paul Gapp, as a more impressive impressive building than the familiar Baha'i landmark structure in Wilmette, a suburb of Chicago. The impact of this newly- dedicated House of Worship Worship has far exceeded the brightest hope. To date, as many as half a million people from all parts of the world have visited and toured this building. Even more striking is the importance importance the House of Worship is achieving by attracting many delegates of world renown renown who visit the building while in New Delhi. The league champions of the Burke Division for Bowmanville Non-Contact Hockey was the team from T.J.'s Roadhouse. Seen here are players (back) Mike Dymarski, Erik Strand, Guido Krummenacher, The world's most spectacularly spectacularly beautiful Baha'i house of worship opened in New Delhi this year. Particularly, diplomats from other nations such as England, China, Japan, America and Canada. Rather noteworthy was a 50 person delegation, led by a deputy minister of the Soviet Union, who arranged that this temple would be the first place visited after they paid respects at' the memorial of the late Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Indira Gandhi. These diplomatic diplomatic visitors led in animated animated discussions of Baha'i teachings, especially of the principles set forth in the Baha'i Peace Statement. , Most visitors requested literature, of which the demand demand was quickly exhausted by the very generous supply that had been provided. Of course, most gratifying was the response of the architectural architectural world. We were more than pleased to learn that four of the top ten architectural publications in the world are carrying major stories of this accomplishment. Jim Sutherland, Tommy Hansen, Barry Hazelden, Chuck Daub, Brian Ferguson and in the front, Mark Clarey, Warren Alder, Don Bracey, Lynn Wood and Craig Colvin. In the Oliver League, the winners were Hanc's Chicken 'N Ribs. Seen here are (back) Brad Adams (coach), Moe Pascal, Brian Evans, Rick Drew, Rick Watts, Jim Lemke and in the front, Greg Adams, Ken Rowe, Andy Krummenacher and R.J. Hall. Courtice Auto Wreckers were the Oliver Division League champions in the Bowmanville Non-Contact Hockey league. Seen here are (back) Mike Bryant, John Talotti, A1 Kiely (coach), Len Bielawski, AlJun- kin, Bob Nixon, Pete Henderson, Jim Partner, Tom Bennett, and in the front: John Mather, Dave Forrester, Forrester, Fred Braybrook, Doug Taylor, Ray West and Rich Little. Missing are Robert Jay and coaches Ted Hill and Brian Fuller. The playoff champions in the Burke Division was Shoppers' Drug Mart. Seen here are (back) Terry Edwards, Ron Aylsworth, Bill Munro, Steve Gray, THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM HOLIDAY CLOSURE OF SANITARY LANDFILL SITE The DARLINGTON LANDFILL SITE will be closed on Monday, May 18,1987, for the Victoria Day Holiday. Normal operations will continue on Tuesday, May 19.1987. W.A. Twelvetrees. P. Eng. Commissioner ol Works DURHAM Mike Knight and in the front, Wally MacKay, Wayne Aasen, Norm Crosbie and Dave Blakelt. £ MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY § u~m---r ^ \" ~ 1 P j.' (h;av vorwi', MIDWAY MOTORS 1300 Uundas St. E., Whitby ^ 668-6828 § § DURHAM REGION'S No. 1 IMPORT TRUCK DEALER |j I MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY MIDWAY^ Leading publications from the U.S. and Britain which have published articles articles on the House of Worship Worship include the journal of the American Institute of Architects, Concrete Quarterly, Quarterly, Progressive Architecture, Architecture, and Building. The photographs being used by the professional press are taken, for the most part, from the work of Norman' Norman' McGrath/ one of : the 'best-known architectural photographers. When he saw what he called "an architectural materpiece, stunningly beautiful," he waived his thousand dollars a day fee, receiving only his travel expenses, expenses, which were also waived. This resulted in further pictures which increased professional interest in this Baha'i House of Worship, ! Arrangements are ' being made for when the new academic year opens in September when distribution distribution will be made of video cassettes of a special film on the temple throughout the world. Arthur Ericson, North America's leading authority authority on architectural communities, communities, speaks of the tern-: pie as "one of the remarkable remarkable achievements of our time, proving that the pride and vision of the spirit can truly achieve miracles." In the Shackleton division, the winners were the Bowmanville Restaurant Blues. Seen here are (back) Paul Passant, Doug Ritchey, Rick Bain, Dave Rafuse, John Allen, Gary Leach, Bruce Hackshaw and in the front, Dave Tabb (captain), Joe Maclnnis, Darcy Ritchey, John Clarke, Steve Allen and Brad Godfrey. Mormon Church Choir Performs at Ecumenical Dinner These singers are a part of the Relief Society Choir of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Bowmanville. The church sponsored a very well attended Ecumenical Dinner on May (i, where everyone was entertained by some talented church members and visiting guests. The group hoard Mrs. Nancy Hardy, who spoke about the importance of families. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS WEEK May 17-23,1987 PROCLAMATION Whereas the health, safely and comfort of the community are greatly dependent on the facilities and services provided by the Public Works Department; and, Whereas the support of the community Is vital In the continuing efficient operation ol the Public Works' services, such as street maintenance, reluse collection, water and sewer systems, road construction and snow removal; and, Whereas the quality and effectiveness ol these facilities Is dependent on the continued efforts and skills of Public Works Department Staff; Now, therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle does hereby proclaim May 17th to May 23rd, 1987, "PUBLIC WORKS WEEK" In the Town of Newcastle, to recognize the efforts of the Public Works Department In providing for health, safety and comfort In the community. Interested citizens who would like to discuss any aspect ol the Town of Newcastle's Works Doparlmont activities or facilities are Invited to contact the Administration Offices In Hampton at 263-2231. Citizens who would like more Information pertaining to services provided by the Region of Durham such ns domestic water supply, sanitary sewage or Regional Roads may have their questions answered by calling the Regional Works Doparlmont In Whitby at 668-7721. The Mayor and Members ol Council The Corporation ol the Town ol Nowcnsllo 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held on Monday, June 1,1987 In respect of the following proposed modifications to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. The subject modilications would have the following etlect: 1. clarify policies in respect of Neighbourhood Parks, Community Parks and Parkettes; 2. clarify policies In respect of the public acquisition of and access to the valleylands of the Bowmanville and Soper Creek systems in the Bowmanville Urban Area, the Black and Farewell Creek systems In the Courtice Urban Area, and the Graham and Foster Creek systems and the Lake Ontario Waterfront In the Newcastle Village Urban Area; 3. clarify policies In respect ol Community Parks In Hamlets. Copies of the proposed modifications may be obtained, during normal office hours, from the olliccs ol the Planning and Development Department, 5360 Scugog Street, Hampton, Ontario. Further information may also be obtained by calling the Planning Department at 623-3379 ext. 247 or 263-2231. The Public Mooting will bo hold as follows: Time: Place: Date: 9:30 a.m. Courtroom No. 2 Bowmanville Courthouse 132 Church Street, Bowmanville Monday, Juno 1,1987 This mooting shall bo open to the public and any person who attends shall bo afforded an opportunity to make representation In respect of tiro proposed modifications. T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director ol Planning Hampton Municipal Olflcos Hampton, Ontario LOB 1 JO Dale ol Publication: Wednesday, May 13,1087