Bowmanville, May 13,1987 9 New Use for Orono Armoury The Orono Armouries may soon become home to surplus artifacts from the town's museums. Councillors voted on Monday to have staff investigate investigate the use of available space at the armouries for the artifacts which are currently currently difficult to store at the Bowmanville and Clarke museums. The use of the armouries would be on an "interim" basis until a report on the building's condition returns returns to council. The space at the armouries armouries became available after the Orono Co-Operative Co-Operative Showcase voted to end their arrangements in the building this June. That decision came when council placed the Showcase Showcase on a monthly lease pending the review of the building's condition. 4H Club Spring has arrived and another exciting year has begun for 4-H in Durham East. The Veterinary Club met on Wednesday, April 1st, 1987, at 8 p.m. at the Agricultural office in Bowmanville. The meeting started with the 4-H pledge, followed by our leaders; Dr. Ralph Warren and Sandy Cook introducing themselves. Elections were then held for the Executive positions. The results are as follows: President - Stephen McHolm Vice President - Ben Warren Secretary - Brent McLaughlin Press Reporter - I, Doctor Doolittle. We then proceeded to arrange our meeting dates and locations. May 12 - Bowmanville Vet Clinic; June 9 - Jim Byers; July 21 - Metro Toronto Zoo August 11 - Agricultural Office. "Bones and Muscles" are the topics to be explored and researched by the club this year. Each member is responsible for; a record book, attendance to at least four veterinary meetings. A make-up meeting is required for any absent meeting. A quiz, and all senior members must complete and present a project at the end of the club. More members are welcome! Catch you all next meeting. Poctor Poolittle The Farm Machinery Club held its first meeting at the Ag. office on April 8th. We began the meeting with the election of officers, which were as follows: President - Howard Sikma Vice President - Rob Arnold Secretary - Geoff Sikma Press Reporter - Jeff Byers. We had 12 members present at the meeting. The leaders, Tom Barrie and Bill Tamblyn explained how our books worked. We discussed and decided when and where to hold our meetings. We saw two films on farm safety. Howard then closed the meeting, and we all headed for home. P.S. More members are quite welcome! Yours truly, Safety Sam! Yelverton Intended for Last Week A carload of Yelvertonians enjoyed a real musical treat on Wednesday evening, April 28, when they attended the Massey Hall concert in Toronto. The reason for such a exhilarating evening was the one night show put on featuring featuring this year's "Number One" top musical vocalist (western style) Randy Travis. This was his first appearance ever in Canada and judging by the overwhelming reception he was given, it will probably not be his last. At the conclusion of the performance, he and his band were called back for further renditions three times. In his repertoire were many of his top tunes eg. "On the Other Hand", and "Digging up Bones". The band "Highway 101" preceded the feature attraction. The Yelverton group comprised of Dale and Nancy Stinson, Floyd Stinson, Corrie and Harvey Malcolm, plus a carload from both Pontypool and Lindsay, were also in attendance. At Sunday service, Mrs. Ernestine Robinson presided at the organ and Linda Pfoh assisted Rev. John Evans with the scripture reading. Next Sunday, May 10, will be of course, Mother's Day Sunday ; the following Sunday the local congregation are advised that there will be a special meeting following the church service to vote on the question of whether special occasion permits will be allowed to permit the serving of wine at special banquets or weddings In the hall. A decision will be arrived at based on the results of a ballot taken at that time. Those interested pro or con, are well advised to be present to express their opinion by vote ■ not orally! Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boggs, Crystal and Stacey who have spent the last month with Norma's sister Ann and daughter Hally, moved into their new home In the Courticc area on Saturday. Best wishes to the Boggs oil their new residence.