\ l Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 13, 1987 11 Longstanding Blood Donors Recognized at Red Cross Clinic PONTYPOOL By Nettie Aiken Knox Christian School Choir Performs During Education Week For these people, donating blood is a serious thing. They were awarded certificates at the recent blood donor's clinic at the Bowmanville Lions Centre. In back from left, Duane Chrysler (50 donations), Wayne Beckett, David Polley, and John Nesbitt (all 35 dona tions). Front row, Georgi Dalrymple, Awards Chairperson Chairperson for the Red Cross, Gerrit Fayer (50 donations), donations), Carol Rowland (35 donations), and Leon Theriault (50 donations). Absent, but also 35 time donors were Peter Schaffeler, and Tom Beattie. Memorial Hospital Project Lands $800 from Anglers The Bowmanville Creek Anglers' Association donated donated $800 towards the Memorial Hospital Building fund last week. The money was raised through the Spring Trout and Salmon Derby and is the second donation that the Anglers have made to the construc- , tion fund. Seen here during the presentation are Durham Christian High Sc hoof Performs "Quiet in the Land' The struggle of the Amish Mennonites during World War I provided the setting for "Quiet in the Land", the play performed by the Durham Christian High School Friday, May 1. The stars participating in the show were (back) Eric Lammers, Tom On Saturday, May 2nd, the Scouts, Beavers and Cubs participated in planting trees both in front of the pond on Victoria Road 12 and also at the south-east corner of Highway 35 and the 4th line down in the hollow at the back of the newest lots. The planters will be able to watch the results of their work for years to come, as it is all on public property. Leaders are required for the fall for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. There will be local Pontypool sections next year. This will be welcome news for area parents as it means one less occasion for chauffeuring with the family car. Also starting up with a full slate of leaders will be a Venture section, aged 15 - 17. For more information, phone Dave VanDeVelde at 277-2471. The same day, in the afternoon, afternoon, the Keenagers had a very successful auction sale, their big fund raising for the year. The weather was good and President Harold Moore would like to thank all the people who donated articles, those who came to buy and all those who helped in any way. It was good to see Garth Clingman back in fine fetter. Sunday, May 3rd was an interesting day of worship, as there was the baptism of a baby boy, Darryl Lee Short, son of Larry and Elaine Short. The children were invited to sit near the front for a better view of the Sacrament. Darryl enjoyed the extra attention of being held in Rev. Smith's arms, meeting his new "church" family. At the end of the children's time, each boy and girl present was given a Bible Activity booklet for fun and learning with the help of parents or older brothers and sisters. The sermon was a well thought out study of "Blessings "Blessings and Curses." Of course both the Old Testament and New Testament scripture readings supported this theme as well. Sunday noon, afternoon and evening were taken up by your correspondent and her husband with celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary. anniversary. On Thursday, the actual day, they went back to Franklin House and a visit with' Barbara and Albert Munneke. Monday, May 4th, was the last afternoon of competitive bowling for the 1986-1987 season. Monday, May 11th will be a morning of fun bowling at Millbrook (Lanes, followed by a banquetjand trophy awards at our very own restaurant, here in Pontypool, Christine's, beginning at approximately 12:30 p.m. After the late spring and summer break, we hope to see most back in Millbrook come September. The big day this month for the students at Grandview School is the electives day on Friday, May 22nd. The parents have been sent a sheet with more information. If you would like to help in any way, please give Betty Lou Preston, one of the school secretaries, a call. More volunteers are needed. Also, anyone is welcome to be a visitor that ■ day. The school is interested in boosting its image in the community. Just a few examples: Paper Spiders (Mrs. C. . Sutch) Grades 1 and 2; Fun With Sign Language (Mrs. D. Bryant) - learn favorite songs and short plays in sign language, Grades 3 - 8 will sign to rock songs; Face Painting and Clowning - learn to face paint and juggle, etc. (Mrs. B. Williams) Grades 1 - 8; Cooking - Learn to cook lasagna, (Mrs. Brown) Grades 5, 6 a.m. Grades 7, 8 p.m.; Calligraphy - learn to form letters; make a bookmark; bookmark; prepare a poem for display, (Mrs. Patenall); Introduction to Lacrosse - passing, shooting, catching, ball handling and a limited contact scrimmage. Need to bring helmet, hockey gloves, long-sleeve sweater, running shoes, shorts. (Arena Ice Rink, Grades 5-6 a.m. Grades 7 - 8 p.m.; Pom-Pom Cats and ! Kittens - make a wool cat. Bcnschop, John Wildeboer, Brian Jaspers-Faye Sie^Vorstfd^or^'thick Tnlm Sfv .-worrln Ttnvvv Wnctm-mon nnrl Tfrivir. Tie sayene, worsteu, or miCK Dave Lawson, the President of the Anglers' Association, Association, Tom Cowan, the Hospital Foundation Chairman, Chairman, Craig Greentree, the Vice-President of the Anglers' Association and Richard Elston, the hospital's hospital's Executive Director. John Strikwerda, Barry Westerman and Kevin Lis] In the front are Brad de Wolde, Susan Vos, Ani wool, your choice of color, (Mrs. Luty), Grades 6 - 8; Lise, Jacqueline Reinsma, Joyce Borger and Nico] Bicycle Safety/ Endurance Rustenburg. Canadian CANCER SOCIETY SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE DU CANCER NEW - BEST PRICES EVER! 1987 Motor Home "C" - 24 ft. All Fibreglass - Luxury Gas or Diesel Pre-owned "A" and "C" models available at GOOD PRICES (Also open Sundays 12 p.m. until 3 p.m.) 401 „ 401 w 401 wmriiY OSIIAWA COUIWIŒ EXIT 425 SOUTH BOWMANVILLE E 434-8558 03203 RENTALS INTRODUCTORY SPECIALS i on WOODS freezer: Upright and Chi SpeciaSavings on all Apliances Lewis Apliances 113 King St. EBowmanville (123480 It won't hurt too much, Kitty. A1 Moroz, D.V.M., is seen giving a rabies shot to John Bouma's cat, "Kitty", at the clinic held at the Public Works Department on May 5. Dr. Moroz is the new doctor at the Bowmanville Animal Clinic. Bridal Floral Arrangements is Theme of Meeting Test (Mr. . Allen) Outside; ( Grades 7 - 8 p.m. In all there are 51 choices, all grades and various locations. United Church ministers are encouraged to take three weeks of study leave each year, and Rev. Heather Smith Grades four and five students from Knox Christian Week and entertained customers at the Bowman- School put their voices to work during Education ville Mall Friday, May 1. S'S.SSl'iS Feline Client Visits Rabies Clinic course from the eighth to the fifteenth of May. Arrangements Arrangements have been made for pastoral care in the case of an emergency. Contact Frank Stacey, 277-2536 in the daytime and Bob Bolton, 277-2084 in the evening. There will be a Rummage and Bake Sale at Pontypool United Church on Saturday, May 30th, in the church basement. basement. For pick-up call Stewart Walker at 277-3263 or Barry Sytnyk at 277-2377 or at any time you are in the church when it is open. Sunday, June 7th, is Pontypool's anniversary service. There will be one service at 11:00 a.m. Guest preacher: the Rev. Bill Tadeja, chaplain at the Oshawa General Hospital. He and his family will also be providing special music. The Pontypool renovation fund now has more than .$3,000! The Pontypool stewards wish to express deep appreciation to all who have been so generous. Now the greater need is for contributions contributions to the regular fund to pay on-going expenses. . Now, our monthly report from the Pontypool Firefighters' Firefighters' Association,. thanks to i-Bob Reeson, Training Coordinator. Coordinator. On April 5, 1987, Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. for Durham East, was guest speaker, at the Fire Hall, in Pontypool. It was an enjoyable evening, and very informative. A lot of areas, that were unclear, were straightened out, and new avenues opened. I'd like to thank Sam, for taking the time out from his busy schedule, to make his visit, but I'd like to thank the Pontypool Firefighters, and members from other Manvers halls. They showed their concerns, and their professionalism, professionalism, in using what valuable time we had, to look after the pressing issues at hand, and to make Manvers Township, a better and safer place to live. On Saturday, April 18,1987, the Firefighters' Association held an Easter Dance. In doing so, a substantial amount of money was raised, for our Resusi-Annie Fund. Thanks to Bruce Norman, Kevin Bryant, Dino Medd, and other department department personnel, in helping make this dance a success. Special thanks to all residents and friends, for their support. It would not have happened without them. Plans are in the works, for our 8th Annual Lob Ball Tournament, being held this year, on July 17,18 and 19. Set one of these days aside, and if you can, all three, and come out and see baseball at its finest. Refreshments, and a variety of stomach stuffers will be available. There are some lists to sign in the Post Office. Pee Wee Fastball, ages 7 -10; Women's baseball fun league. Come, have fun once a week at the Pontypool Park. Bring your glove and bat. Night of the week will be known next week. Please sign your name if interested, or phone 277-3036 or 277-2801 for information. This list was dated May 6th, 1987. T-Ball, 1987, Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. Pontypool Park, small diamond, starting June 17th, 1987. This is for ages 4 - 6 years. Get introduced introduced to this wonderful world of sports around your home village. Scores for the Lob Ball of Sunday, May 3rd. Kinsmen over Evergreens, 20 - 7; Pinowood over Brandt Stewart, 18 - 8; Night Hawks over No Stars, 19-6; Centre Field over Titans, 25 -12, Alex Joncas recently went with sons Dean and Dennis north of Montreal to a large Joncas family reunion. A lot of his relatives came from the Gnspo coast. The place whore the reunion took place was a sugar bush. People toured the establishment on a wagon drawn by a team of lovely black Percherons, A "Coffee Plus" breakfast was held at the Liberty Pentecostal Church on Saturday, May 2 offered a full share of delightful displays for guests. The topic of interest for this breakfast session was bridal floral arrangments and the inspirational inspirational speech was "Learning To Listen", delivered by Jane Bindley (right) of Toronto. Seen with Ms. Bindley are Chris Ivanoff, who arranged the floral display, display, and Debbie Willoughby. Tillcan Financial Corporation DID YOU PAY TOO MUCH TAX IN 1986? This Seminar could save you thousands • New Investment Strategies • Reducing Income Tax • Advantages of Global Investment • RRIFs vs Annuities Speakers: Ed W. Long Tom Corby Newcastle Library, Bowmanville Branch 62 Temperance St. Thursday May 21st 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Limited Seating Please Reserve 436-7323