12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 13, 1987 Section Two HAYDON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paterson were Sunday visitors and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paterson and family at Madoc a week ago. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob (Vera) Wilkes, also of Madoc. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and family called on Mr. and Mrs. John (Dora) White of Courtice on Saturday. They then visited at Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adams at Black- stock on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. (Diane) Adams visited with John's mother, Mrs. Dorothy Adams at Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bertrim called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams and family and also Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adams and family, Blackstock, dropped in for a Sunday visit. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Blackburn .and Shawna, Bowmanville Bowmanville and Miss Carol Blackburn, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn. Mrs. Peggy Millson attended attended a "Tops and Trends" party at Mrs. Marie Goble's, Bethany, on Sunday. Friends paid their respects to the late Mr. Russell Ormiston, Wednesday, at the Morris Funeral Home. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton attended the funeral of their uncle - Mr. Russell Ormiston on Thursday from the Morris Funeral Parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard, View Lake, who have LOCKHART NEWS SCHOOL GRADE FIVE AND SIX In "Read All About It" we're on chapter 17 and we've met Duneedon. Duneedon is only a head. He's from another galaxy called Trialviron. Alex and Chris are in Trialviron trying trying to save it because it's going to explode. They are going to talk to Emperor Tritan if Duneedon can pass through to get to Zebe- ron. They also took-'a two way radio. The kids in the story write a newspaper. So I ask you to please write a detective story and please write a short one. Send itto: ' Lockhart School, Orono, Ont. Box 30 LOB 1M0. by: Maggie, Grade 6 GRADE ONES AND TWOS The grade Ones and Twos are excited about the Spring Concert and Open House. For Open House, the Ones and Twos decorated their classroom with little people dressed in spring clothes and mobiles. They are also finishing their nutrition nutrition unit and baking different different things all this week. Our Open House is on Monday, Monday, May 4, at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. By: Rachel VanHamburg, Grade 6 THREES AND FOURS The Threes and Fours had Mr. Stone come in to talk about how to make records. records. Most people liked the talk very much and they thought it was intersting. They have also been doing sound activities. By: Stephanie Coleman, returned from their winter home in Florida, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ian (Cheryl) Graham and family on Friday. Master Darren Graham returned home with them for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and Mrs. Mary Spry and Ashley of Toronto who was visiting for the weekend, were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Potts and John. On Sunday Bill and Kim Potts and John were supper guests of Jack and Gladys Potts at the Conway Garden Restaurant at Port Perry. It's nice to hear Miss Laura Piggott of Enniskillen is home from St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, after undergoing two operations to correct an eye injury. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ashton, Peterborough, on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, Tyrone, called on Weir and Meta Swain Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Kelly, Enniskillen, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Art Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Art Trewin and Paul visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge and family to partake of birthday cake, celebrating Charles' birthday on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Sybil) Smith and Amanda spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith and family at Pembroke. Saturday morning, Mrs. Susan Houghton, David and Leslie of Solina joined Mrs. Norma Kennedy, Nick and Brandee and tried their luck at fishing at Enniskillen Conservation Conservation Creek, no reports of the catch. On returning home, supper guests Mr. and Mrs. George Bowman Jr. and Melissa of Orono had arrived. Also Jane Coggins and children Becky and Katie, Bowmanville, delighted Norma with her antics as she joined in the supper hour. Sunday morning Mr, Bob McCormick, Newcastle, was a guest for a quick cup of coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kennedy and family attended the 1913 Ontario Cadet Regimental Corps Inspection at the Oshawa Armouries Sunday afternoon where a special program had been arranged with dignitaries and officers on hand where Recruit Nick Brandee has joined. Mr. Paul Kennedy, a former officer member who had been invited to attend and his lady friend, were present. Miss Mary ; McClane, Oshawa, returned home^with the Kennedy's for Sunday supper. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCormick and Jessica from Newcastle, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kennedy and family Sunday. A fine group of folks got together Saturday evening at the Liberty Bowl for Club 21 Social. We all had a great time on our six allies. The scores weren't that great but with ages from four to 70 - what could we expect? This should happen more than once a Grade 5 year. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Phone 987-4240 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 623-6555 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN, B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 1913Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Phone 576-4619 CHIROPRACTIC G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Corner of Elgin and Horsey Streets By Appointment -- 623-5509 Member of Canadian and Ontario Chiropractic Associations LEONARD JAY, B.Sc.,D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 JOHANNES L. BAARBÉ B.P.E., B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 29 King St. W. Newcastle Phone 987-4600 LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 50 Richmond St. E„ Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 COMPUTERS ANDY BATELAAN, B.A. Consultant , Programmer Software Dovelopmont Maple GrovoRd.N. Bowmanville Phono 623-2375 HOME SERVICE BARINA HOME CHECK Ease your mind while you are away. Barb Shelter - Ina Cox Newtonvlllo 786-2996 7 - 8 a.m., alter 6 p.m. This Space Available NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE LAURENCE A. GREY, N.D. Doctor of Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic, and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 50 Richmond St. E„ Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G 7C7 Phono 433-1500 REFLEXOLOGY BY ANNA Anna M. Bragg, R.N. By Appolnlmont Only B.R. 4 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K5 Phono 623-9198 "The Food Terminal" FEATURING THE REGIMENTS AND BANDS OF TORONTO MILITIA DISTRICT TATTOO "87" VARSITY ARENA BLOOR STREET CALL 482-5938 s \ I l mm tilth M \Y .11 X:llll p.m St Mm Mm \m ill 2:W p.m SWIFT'S PREMIUM PARTIALLY SKINNED READY TO SERVE U^OODCOST^DOWN---SHOjPBYTHE^O>T(1^5l^|LASTI^BO)^EPOSI^ WHOLE or HALF HANS NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED kg 2,18 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. KILN DRIED YAMS LNjJl PRODUCT OF CANADA--FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN CHICKEN LEGS "BACKS ATTACHED" HPSAUCEU SAVOUR ' CANADA GRADE'A" (3-4 LB.AVG.) FRESHNEVER FROZEN BAKING SAUCE ROaSTIN G ASSORTED <1/11 375 ml JAR tf/ 1 CHICKENS 2.18*1*199^ PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND SQUARE CUT FROZEN CELLO WRAPPED 3-4 LB. AVERAGE 2 LIMIT GENUINE SPRING LAMB SHOULDER CHEnMSTERPORK PURITAN FLAKED LUNCHEON MEAT HAM OR TURKEY 12 OZ. 340 g TIN 6.50Z. 184 g TIN DEMPSTER SUNSHINE BRAND HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG ROLLS DEMPSTER SUNSHINE. SLICED 675 g LOAF e WHITE • 60% WHOLE WHEAT • 20% CRACKED WHEAT • ENGLISH MUFFIN 6PAC I9LIMITI 68 t PKG OF 8-- 9 LIMIT FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF SHOULDER U BLADE ■steaks ONTARIO E3j WHITE FRESH MUSHROOMS FILL YOUR 5 LB. OWN BAG LIMIT 3.73., 1.69 FROM NATIONAL SEA - FROZEN 1 | SEALTEST ASSORTED j :sh" t iEAFRESH FSH& CHIPS LARS 750 g 26.4 OZ. BOX YOGOURT 175 g CUP FROM ONTARIO PACKERS FRESH CHOICE |m., CANADIAN VLAL NEVER FROZEN r MIX OR MATCH kg 3.73 somm LB. NEW ZEALAND FROZEN iü GENUINE SPRING VAC PAC kg A OA SIRLOIN LAMB 4 AA w CHOPS b 1 SCHNEIDER'S FROZEN Ê 454 g CELLO PAC BEEF STEflKETTES i 3PACL|M|T QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND 2-3 LB. AVG. VAC PAC SWEET PICKLED 4b39 COTTAGE ROLLS LB. QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND BONELESS DINNER HAMS 4.39 AVERAGE VAC-PAC LB. 1.99 a 1M FROM 1TARIO PACKERS at service counter SWEETPICKLEDSHORT-CUT 4.3 PEAMEAL BACON* BYTHE PIECE 199. ti* MAE LEAF BRAND 450 g VAC PAC ALEEFB.B.Q. OR REGULAR WIINERS 3 PKG. LIMIT flû MAF. LEAF BRAND • GOENFRY FROZEN L4$ 500 g TRAY PAC SÆJSflCE 1.991 SHOPSY 4x50 g PAC, SLICED CORED BEEF PASTRAMI OR SMOED MEAT ea BURNS "PRIOF CANADA" CUSTOM SLICED AT DEU COUNTER COOKED AS I Isr KINGSFORD with THIS COUPON j CHARCOAL HEINZ ASSORTED MIX OR MATCH RELISH 375 mL JAR OR MUSTARD 500 mL JAR $ HEINZ ASSORTED C4455mLPLASTIC BOTTLE BAR-B-OmAûÿ SftUCEra?™" r E. D. SMITH 28 FL. OZ. 796 mL JAR TOMATO CLAM or CARDEN COCKTJ LYNCH ICED TEA X MIX KKKA BOX OF 100x32 mL RIQUETS LARGE 10LB.4.54kg BAG COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SAT. MAY 16/07 LIMIT ONE DAG ONE COUPON PER FAMILY IN-STORE RETAIL 2.99 1.99 I I 5| J UCK'S PICKLES ' RGE 1.5 L FAMILY SIZE JAR MELITTA PREMIUM DILL NO GARLIC DILL WITH GARLIC POLSKIE OGORKI MIXOH 1 0R MATCH WINE SAUERKRAUT 369 g VAC PAC OFFEE J Cm 3PAC LIMIt| U|Um