4 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc, May 13,1987 •Newcastle Jnùepeniient Lions Members Get Inside Track on Stock Market Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Alfred Garrod, who passed away Friday, May 8,1987, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Savoy, Nyon, Switzerland, spent the week-end with his nephew, John Metrailler and Ron, Cathy and Bob Vasseur and Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrailler; Alex, Laura, and Daniel visited visited on Sunday with Uncle Pierre and Aunt Alice and the Metvaillers. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Ennismore, visited on Thursday with her mother, Mrs..Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Woodville, were visiting in the village last week and Ted is now a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones on Sunday afternoon were Mrs. Lena Graham,- Kathleen Kimball, Kimball, and Marg and Ron Burley. Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaren, Perth, were Saturday morning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Saturday afternoon visitors visitors with the Wades were Mrs. Elaine Henderson and Roberta Williamson, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade of Oshawa took his parents out for Sunday brunch and in the evening Harry and Mabel were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wade, Peggy, Stephanie, and Paul, all'of Oshawa. Mrs. Ann Thomas Harrison, Harrison, Toronto, and Mrs. Pat Bernard, Flesherton, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, Powell, Mrs. Dale Hunt, Russell and Grayden, of Pontypool, visited on Saturday with John and Darlene Wright, Jeremy and Julie, Bowman- ville. Have missed Darlene at the store! Last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. Aired Perrin, Peterborough. Peterborough. The U.C.W. Trillium Unit held a casserole luncheon at the church on Tuesday. Reports are it was a great success. The Trillium Unit met at the home of Bill and Eileen . Allin last Thursday. Speaker, Annabelle Rickards Rickards gave an interesting talk on Peru. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Gordon, Port Hope, visited on Saturday afternoon with 155 Years of Community Service J§>t~ Hlntprs Anglican (üfyitrcl] Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Sunday, May 17th Easter IV -, 8:00 a.m. Holy Comiriunion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Rector --The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc, -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Interim Minister: Rev. Audrey Fisher, R.N., B.A., Dip.R.E., M.Div. SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1987 11:00 a.m. Worship EASTER V For information on Nursery Care and Church School call 623-3138 WELCOMING NEWCOMERS FOR 150 YEARS â>t. $aurs Hmteb Ctjuicfj MINISTER Rev. N.E. Schamcrhorn, B.A., M.Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. Dowell CHURCH SECRETARY: Lola Bowen • G23-5701 Sunday, May 17,1987 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship "Knowing Your Greatness" Coming.... Baptism Sunday, May 24th Nursery care 1er pro-school children ovory Sunday. // \mi n ,ii n in linwimiimlii. nr mette eon to make Si. /'mi/'.v your elinreh home. cousin, Kathleen Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Martin, Bowmanville, visited on Saturday with Mr. Floyd Powell and Dorrene, Lake Shore. We are pleased to report that Mr. Bill Storks has returned returned home from Oshawa General Hospital. On Saturday, the United Church Youth Group were very busy washing cars at the Community Hall. Birthday greetings to Marjorie Gray, Isobel Garnier, Garnier, Lisa Marie Wright, Christena Selby, Barbara Metcalf. We extend congratulations congratulations and best wishes to Rev. Donald and Sheila Stiles, who observe a May wedding anniversary. On Sunday at Newcastle United Church, Kimberley Sarah Gray, daughter of Tim and Bonnie, of Orleans, was christened by Rev. Donald Stiles. Following the service Tim and Bonnie entertained family anc friends to luncheon at the home of his parents, Ger trude and Gordon Gray. Ir attendance were greai grandmother, Mrs. Coates from Grand Falls, Newfoundland, Newfoundland, Mr. and Mrs Kevin Langdon and Kevin Grand Falls, Newfoundland, Newfoundland, Bonnie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JackMacLaughlan of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, John and Diane Mac- Laughlan, Brandon and Pamela, of Sarnia, Todd and Joanne MacLaughlan and Tara, of Ottawa, Shane MacLaughlan and Allison Johns of Brampton, Brenda and Wayne Hancock, Adam and John, of Whitby, Aunt Ruby and Uncle Gerry Matthews, of Mississauga, Jennifer and Phil Pisani, John Patrick and Brian, of Orono, Rev. and Mrs. Donald Stiles. On Saturday, May 2,1987, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Donald Stiles united in marriage, Mai> garet Buckley and Micheal Dailey. Miss Karen Armitage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Armitage, Newcastle, and Mr. Richard Clugston, were married in Newcastle United Church on Saturday, May 2,1987, by Rev. Donald Stiles. Last Thursday, Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding, Madeleine Buckley, Marjorie Marjorie Caswell, and Marie Pedwell attended the Women's Institute District Annual at Kendal. On Sunday evening, Mr. Raymond Chapman, and Elizabeth Skelding were dinner guests of Jack and Nan Skelding and girls, Port Perry. The Newcastle Senior Citizens will meet for their regular evening of cards on Thursday evening, May 21st. Visiting with Albert and Myrtle Pearce on Mother's Day were: Larry and Barb, Micheal and Jeffrey; Wayne and Kim, Viki and Kirk, of Bethany; Ric, Marilyn, Kevin, and Trisha, of Port Perry; Ted and Elizabeth Walton, Adam and Jason, of Bowmanville. Visiting their mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood, on Sunday Sunday evening, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville. Mrs. Bessie Dean enjoyed Mother's Day in Port Hope with daughter and son-in- law, Gamey and Mary Lycett, Andrea and Dean. To volunteers Shirley Johnson, Gloria Grant, and Bertha White who sold carnations carnations on the streèts of Orono and Newcastle for the Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Carnation campaign, a great- big thank you. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burley, Burley, of Wingham, were week-end guests of his - mother, Mrs. Mary Burley and uncle Arthur Clark. On Saturday, all attended the wedding of Kerry Reid at Eastminster United Church, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson and Nancy also attended the Reid wedding and the reception reception following at the Belleville Golf and Country Club. For Mother's Day dinner with Margaret Pearce were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pearce and girls, Lindsay, Isobel Garnier and girls, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rowe, Lorie and Robert. Mrs. Charlotte Hendry returned returned home Monday from a three-week stay in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. George Hendry, Christopher and Matthew. Mr. and Mrs. Art Tuson and Miss Doris Spencer enjoyed enjoyed Mother's Day with Joan and Terry De Guerre, Oshawa. Mr. Clavin Murray, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray, Bowmanville, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Ruby Murray. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor attended the Midland Regiment Reunion in Brighton. St. George's News The Newcastle Fellowship Fellowship for Women invites you Your Federal Choice ... You are invited to attend a public information meeting 'Pj.jJ.N2 "'Messed is the nation whose ejotl is iheConl" with the CHRISTIAN HERITAGE PARTY OF CANADA Thurs., May 14th, 1987 at 8:00 p.m. BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Guest Speaker: MR. RAY PENNINGS (Ontario Organizing Comm. President) BRING A FRIEND: Join us and help return Canada to Morality and Responsibility Phone 983-9277 A REAL ALTERNATIVE to Harmony in Colours by Inga Allan on Thursday, May 14th, at 7:30 p.m., in the Newcastle Fellowship Baptist Baptist Church. Special music will be provided and refresh refresh menst will be served. All ladies welcome. Sunday, June 7th, is the date for the Salad Supper at St. George's Parish Hall. Tickets are available from A.C.W. members or call Marg Tait at 987-4242. A.C.W. • June Outing Herongate Dinner Theatre Wednesday, June 10. Call B. Wood at 983-5329 or S. Anderson Anderson at 983-5654 to reserve reserve a ticket. Tickets must be reserved.before May 18. The Fellowship Club's Parish Annual Car Rally is scheduled for June 14,1987. Mark this date on your calendar and help us to make this one the best ever. United Church News Christian Family Sunday was celebrated at Newcastle Newcastle United Church on Sunday, Sunday, May 10,1987. The lay readers were Mrs. Carla Foote and daughter Lindsay, representing mothers and family. Rev. Donald Stiles baptized baptized Sommer Ann Bedard and Kiley Laine Bedard, ^laughters of Andre and Glenda Bedard, and Kimberly Kimberly Sarah Gray, daughter of Timothy and Bonnie Gray, of Orleans. The Senior Choir rendered rendered the anthem In Joseph's Lovely Garden and the Junior Choir sang.A Place in the Choir and A Magic Penny. Rev. Donald Stiles told the story of Anna M. Jarvis,, who was responsible for initiating. initiating. Mother's Day, and . the Keëper of the Springs Story. JirJ} " June 21st is the beef bar- beqiie and Father's Day. Wesley ville Bird watchers are enjoy- ' ing the swans at Port Britain.- Britain.- One has been there for several weeks and is so tame it will eat out of your hand. Recently, there were five but they stayed one day only. Either one of them remained remained or " another came, for there are two now. Watchers are hoping they are a pair and will become permanent residents. Even those fields which are usually so wet they are late in plantings have been cultivated and much seeding seeding has been done. With nights so chilly, germination germination will be slow. The Thorndyke family had some anxious moments last weekend when Rachel, eldest daughter of Lewis and Randy was hurried to Peterborough Civic Hospital Hospital on Wednesday evening where an appendectomy was performed at once. With the strength of youth and the benefit of modern medicine, we are happy to say dangerous consequences consequences were averted and she is expected home soon. We arc glad to report that Chris Anderson, who has been in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough, for the past eight weeks, was able to go outside for a short time on Saturday. He is doing well, although progress progress has been slow. He is recovering recovering from a heart attack. attack. There have been several car accidents in the area in the past few weeks, with car and fence damage but evidently evidently no serious personal damage. Some weeks ago, fence posts were broken off as a car left the road at Wes- lcyvillc corners, and recently recently another car left the road in front of Carroll Nichols' house and broke more posts off. On Saturday, May 2nd, a truck crashed into the railings on the onerhead railway bridge on the hydro access road. v BAHA'I ^ FAITH "O thou who hast gone astray! Thou lias nolthor soon Mo, nor associated with Mo. nor boon My companion lor tho traction ol a momont. How Is It, thon, that though has bidden mon to curso Mo? Didst though. In this, follow tho promptings ol thlno own dosiros, or didst thou oboy thy Lord? Produce thou a sign, II thou art ono ol tho truthful " For Information call k 023-7021 or 023-0277 A Derek Sterritt (centre), of Hector M. Chisholm and Co. Ltd., addressed the Bowmanville Lions Club on Monday, speaking about the stock market and the predictions for the immediate future. Mr. Sterritt said the future may be bright or bleak, depending upon who you listen to. He's seen here with Pat King, a Past-President of the Lions Club and Lions President President Wally Heinbuch. by Rob Savage The stock market could hit its peak as early as next year, but what happens after that depends upon which theory you choose to believe. That Was the conclusion brought to the Bowmanville Lions Club by Derek Sterritt Sterritt of Hector M. Chisholm Co. Ltd. on Monday. Mr. Sterritt said some analysts were predicting the market would peak some time between 1988 and 1990 and then take a major fall. But he said others were expecting only a "corrective phase" where the market may dip slightly but would then rise again. The more pessimistic view was based on the Elliott Elliott wave. That view traces the market back to the British market from the 1700's and says we are in the fifth and final wave of peaks and valleys. , According to the Elliott wave predictions, the market market will hit its top levels next year and then take a major fall. ,-t In reviewing the wa'y.e,, Mr. Sterritt noted that bney factor which might argué against an immediate drop is that the major falls in history history occurred during wartime. wartime. He said the down cycles cycles occurred during the American Civil War, the War of 1812, World War Two and the Vietnam War. He said the Korean War was the only one which did not fit the trend but that most wars are an indicator of a downturn in the market. "If this is true, then likely we won't see another downturn downturn until the year 2057," Mr. Sterritt said. "And I don't think you'll see a conflict conflict then." In fact, Mr. Sterritt said other views suggest we will not see any major downturns downturns at all. Looking at the views of John Templeton, Mr. Sterritt Sterritt said it's possible that "as long as freedom lives, the future is glorious." The Templeton perspective perspective is that prosperity continues continues to grow during our time. As examples, it points to the United States federal government budget which is 200 times greater than it was at the peak of prosperity prosperity in 1929. Mr. Sterritt noted the Templeton observation that over the past 200 years, output output has increased more than 100 fold in real goods and services after inflation. "We now enjoy prosperity greater than we ever dreamed of before the turn of the century,". Mr. Sterritt said. He pointed to Mr. Templeton's Templeton's conclusions that technological- advances would continue to accelerate accelerate and that life in the future future would be very fast paced. • From his' oWtv, pèrspèc- view's lië.sgméwhbré in be-ylv- tween Those of Elliott and Templeton; V . i > He said lie shared the view that the market would probably peak sometime between how and 1990 but he added that the peak would probably be followed • by a series of small peaks and valleys in the market. In more specific predictions, predictions, Mr. Sterritt said he believed that the bond market market has reached its top and Call 623-5577 for Flowers that interest rates have reached their broad base bottom. He said interest rates would now go up and down but generally upwards. upwards. He said stocks are high right now but not excessive when adjusted for inflation. And he told the Lions that predicting the stock market does not mean looking for ; bad news. He said the news we read about in the newspapers newspapers usually follows predictions predictions which began one year earlier. The general trend is that bad news offers a good time to invest and good news provides provides the warningthatthere will soon be a downturn. Right now, he said the news is bad and it is probably probably safe to invest. He warned Lions to beware when the news reports on stocks are suddenly "glowing" "glowing" with good news. "That's when the market will do it to you and turn around and go down." V OF 0' Sacrifice Sale REBUILT VACUUMS!! Buy one vacuum at $199.50 OR LESS and TAKE ANOTHER FOR Vi PRICE Full one year warranty ($150.00 or over) VACUUM CLEANEBS , ; Tomori'bws Cleanërs Today • Lightweight 8 lbs. • 100 lbs. suction • Dual purpose power head' V . • YES, WE DO TAKE TRADES!! FREE GIFT (with every purchase over $250.) Eureka Express is "THE WAY TO GO" Sparks Vacuum Place 409 Division St., Cobourg 372-9548 Hours: 9 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday Save up.to Won Now for a limited time save up to $1074 litres on these top quality Benjamin Moore exterior paints and stains; MoorGlo Latex House & Trim Paint Reg. $3780, Now $27.80/4t,Moore's House Paint Reg. $36.60, Now $27.95/4MoorGard Latex House Paint Reg. $34.60, Now $24.95/4.C; MOORWOOD . . Exterior Stains Reg. $27.70, Now $19.95/41 \MoorcL When it comes to friendly, helpful service V PAINTS you can't beat your authorized Benjamin Moore dealer, And right now you can't beat our prices either. ABERNETHY'S Paint and Wallpaper 55 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-5431 •Savings based on manufacturers' suggested retail prices. Dealer may sell fur less. Some custom colours may lie hlp.lier In price.