14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. May 20. 1987 Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline --- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.0. Box 43 ■ Bowmanville 4-tlS Guaranteed professional quality cleaning at outrageous prices. Our maximum price ends where others start Single or group cleaning Phone collect 987-5569 17-1fSN Auction Sales Wanted for Spring and Summer Auctioneer Don Stephenson Phone 623-1726 11-tfS M. Brooks 623-5566 Renovations, Additions, Replacement Windows, Patio Doors, Storm Doors 1-tfS Newcastle Upholstery We feature a complete upholstery service including antiques. Large selection ol fabrics, shop at home service. Free pickup and delivery. 987-4958 3-tfSN Expert service to VCR's, T.V.'s, home stereos, car stereos, portable stereos. Free Estimates Bowmanville Audio-Vision 20 King St.W. 623-2312 12-tfSN D.R.'s MAINTENANCE JANITORIAL WINDOW CLEANING ELECTRICAL REPAIR GRASS CUTTING FREE ESTIMATES 623-4041 Salem Landscaping Specializing in FOUNDATION PLANS INTERLOCKING PAVING STONES TREES AND SHRUBS 263-8079 12-tfSN Reliable Daycare In my home day shift only Phone 623-1692 19-2S B.J.'s Tree Removal FAIR PRICE FREE ESTIMATES Phone 786-2927 19-3S BRINK'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING EXCAVATION and SEPTIC TANKS RHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calls 27-tfS MUTTON MASONRY All Types of Cement Work Concrete Floors, Foundations and Walls Brick and Block Laying Chimney Construction and CHIMNEYSWEEP G.W. Mutton 623-5981 1-tfSN LARRY QUINNEY Painting and Decorating Over 13 years experience FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8535 9-tfSN ■ WEATHERSHIELD ROOFING ALTERATIONS REPAIRS PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES Thomas G. Yeo 623-9475 10-tfS BILL SELLERS CARPENTRY General Contractor • Bathrooms • Kitchens • General Repairs of all kinds Phone 623-4116 33-tfS Dangerous Tree Removal The Tree Experts Fully experienced In topping and falling Reasonably priced FREE ESTIMATES Phone 983-5874 20-tfSN CHANNEL HASTEN THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF TV/FM RECEPTION EQUIPMENT • Rotors • Towers • Amps • Used Systems • Repairs WHITE'S ANTENNA SYSTEMS Courtlce 576-5606 7-tfS Astro Appliance Sales and Service 119 King St. E., Bowmanville Is now your AUTHORIZED HOOVER SERVICE DEPOT For all Hoover Landry and Floor Care Products Sales 623-7791 Service 623-7501 (5-tfSN J&J SHARPENING & LOCKSMITH Certified Bonded Locksmith 48 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. L1C1N2 623-1021 5-tfSN CARPENTER 38 years experience Available for renovallons, Rec rooms, decks, etc. $12.00/hour Depending on location Lloyd 623-1619 Bo Bowmanville 20-1S Simons Custom Upholstering (Since 1954) Free Estimates Pick-up and Delivery 623-6207 Base Line Rd. W., Bowmanville iy-ttsN v DAVE HILLS BUILDING SERVICES | Complete design, drafting and construction service. I P CUSTOM HOMES- ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS- ETC. Telephone 623-1495 e-tfSN "HELPING HAND" HOME MAINTENANCE Exterior Painting Lawn and Yard Maintenance Eavestrough Cleaning Spring and Summer Clean-up Chimney Cleaning Phone Perry (Doc) 623-7984 20% discount for Senior Citizens 11-tfSN Channel Master THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF TV/FM RECEPTION EQUIPMENT TV Antennas for Perfection in Reception TV Towers Antenna Rotators Antennas Boosters Transmission Wire Hardware Accessories and MATV Systems TIRED OF POOR RECEPTION? CALL TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE DURHAM TV & ANTENNA 151 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontario 623-9955 Bill Van DerHerberg Wc Also Do TV and Stereo Repairs TNjSŸ^mRLËÂNESTnÜ/RESRSÏjNÎ) YOUR FM SYSTEM CAN DELIVER WITH A HI FIDELITY FM ANTENNA 19-tfSN STEAM MAGIC Carpet, Upholstery and Wall Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Phone Roy Terry 623-2474 39-tfSN z u \ /■■hblX Custom Software Services and Supplies Micro Computers ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC. 623-2375 Maple Grove Rd., N. R.R. 6, Bowmanville Ont. 31-tfSN VANDERGAAST ROOFING LTD. Over 35 Years Experience In all Types of Roofing Workmanship Guaranteed For FREE Estimate Phone 623-9595 or 987-5222 11-tfSN BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington St., Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 • 5 Saturday 10-2 Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repair, all types ol glass and mirrors available- FREE ESTIMATES 24 hr. emergency plate glass replacement. Locally owned and operated. 49-ttSN CJ's RENOVATING SERVICE Specializing In siding, sheds and garages, custom decks and fences. Roofing and home renovations. For free estimates phone: 623-4154 9-tfSN Protect Your Investment Peter Plonk Phone: 623-1173 Durham Perma-Seal - Driveway sealing & crack repair - Quality materials - Professionally applied FREE ESTIMATES 17-6S JAMES BRITTON "Jim of All Trades" SPECIALIZING IN REC ROOMS -- WALLPAPERING PAINTING --ALL INTERIOR DECORATING EXPERIENCED IN ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, etc. Telephone 623-3506 after 6 p.m. Bowmanville 20-tfS Towne & Country Fence AAAAAAA RESIDENTIAL FENCING PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATES 623-9166 19-1S ORONO WEED CONTROL Government Licenced * Residential and Commercial * Weed Control * Insects • Chinch, Grub, Ants, etc. * Crab Grass Prevention <3E> "NOW FERTILIZING" Lawn Professional by C.I.L. with 60% S.C.U. Complete lawn programs available with greater savings Driveway Protection 'Asphalt Sealing * Asphalt Patching * Sterlizlng non asphalt drives * Why fly by night when you can have local personal service WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES Phone Bob: 983-5267 17-tlSN CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for the "Collection of Garbage" listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1 C 3A6, will be received on the forms and In the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender Documents can be obtained from the Purchasing Office at 68 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario (The Veltrl Complex). Tender No. T87-14 COLLECTION OF HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL REFUSE FOR BOWMANVILLE AND COURTICE URBAN AREAS Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time) Wednesday, June 3,1987 A bid deposit In the amount specified In the tender documents must accompany this tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dateol Publication: May 20,1987 Mrs. Lou Ann Blrkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 267 20-1SN Serving Bowmanville and surrounding area since 1979 1U-IISN CHIM-ÇHIM-CHEREE CHIMNEYSWEEPS PHONE ' 623-1375 ---•BOWMANVILIF ONT 1 MIL ■ 1 11 ■ | MEMBER Canadian H Chimney Swoops Assoc* Bi-Hoi Business BuiOiiu 1 4»ii*a(k,i:i Wood Energy Ins Furniture Liquidation Sale at McLean Auction Barn 870 Taunton Rd. E„ Whitby 10 Daya Only Chesterfields, Loveseals, solas, chairs, French Provincial Pieces, coflee and end tables, round kitchen suites, ottomans, priced to sell, factory seconds. Open Thursday, Friday till 9 p.m. Shop early lor beat aelectlon McLean Auction* 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby 576-7550 686-3291 20-1SNP Cornell's Auction Barn Tuesday, May 26 at 6 p.m. Largo quantity ol modorn lurnlturo, olectrlcal appllancos, somo antique lurnlturo, colloctlblo Homs, tools, china and glass. Don Cornoll Aucllonoor, R.R. 1 UltloBrlllan 705-706-2103. 20-1 SNP Auction Sale Wednesday, May 27th at 6:15 p.m. Auction snlo ol llvoslock and farm machlnory. For Larry Robins, 3 mllos north wool ol Rosonoath. Full llsllng noxt wook. Paul Loan Aucllonoor. Phono 352-2403. 20-1 SNP Saturday, May 23rd at 11 a.m. Property of Mr. and Mrs. McKenna, 631 Victoria SI., Port Perry. Household furniture, antiques, Nippon dishes, Norltake, Flo Blue, and Norman Rockwell plates, number of antique pictures, appliances, farm scales, antique telephone, number ol old books, glassware, chesterfield suite, coal oil lamps, end tables, dressers, numerous other collectables. Terms cash. Earl Gauslln. 20-1 SNP Auction Sale Cornell's Auction Barn Friday, May 22 at 6 p.m. I ho property or Mr. enuou Yeaman ol Port Porry, plus others. 2 plno llal-to-wall cupboards, 'bonnoï cites!, qntlquo brass hanging lamp, roflnlshod washstand, Kroohlor Lazy Boy chair, blanket boxes, bookcaso, choslorflolds, plno cliosl ol drawors, butlornul cltosl 01 drawors, walnut table and mirror, butlornul sldo tablo, plno cupboard top, postcard album, Viking spin waslior, coppor bailors and kolllos, pross back "r'oekor, 1970 ÀMÔ Concord, 1'970 2 door Aspon, 1977 Aspon station wagon, 10 h.p. M.F. riding lawnmowor, quantity ol crystal, cups and snucors, tools, china and glass. Don Cornoll Aucllonoor, R.R. 1, Lltllo Brlllnn, 705-706-2103. 20-1 SNP Auction Sale Saturday, May 23 Sale Time 11:00 a.m. Auction Sale - the estate of the late Evelyn Alldread in the village of Tyrone, seven miles north of Bowmanville on Liberty to the 7th Concession, or 2 '/z miles east of Durham 57. Furniture, appliances, some antique furniture, excellent antique bookcase, 2 antique rocking chairs, cooper boilers, antloue trunk, antique clock (Seth 1 Thomas) oil lamp, lanterns, wooden high chair, antique flour and sugar bln, wooden kitchen table and four chairs, antique buffet, dressers and washstands, chairs, good dishes (Woods Ivory Ware England), 23 cu. ft. Viking freezer (excellent condition), portable pantry, 2 Iron beds, bedroom suite, double bed, dresser, chest, nearly new matching chair, loveseal, chesterfield and foot stool, Lazy Boy recllner, Electrohome stereo, Zenith color T.V., GE vacuum cleaner, Iona electric broom, quantity of dishes, appliances, tools and many other useful items. Note: everything Is very clean and well cared for. Please plan to attend. Sale time 11:00 a.m. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Ron King, Auctioneer, 985-2643. 19-2S Auction Sale Friday evening, May 22 at 5:00 p.m. Clearing auction of household effects, farm machinery, etc., for Arthur and Eva Richardson, Ashburn, located 1st farm south of Ashburn store, on west side No. 8870. Partial list to Include antique hanging ruby hall lamp, hanging lamp w/prlsms, 2 clocks, hat rack, drop front desk, china cabinet, washstands, various old dressers, kitchen tables, bow back chairs, wicker rocker, wooden chandelier, coffee table, oak table w/6 leaves, 3 pee. silver tea set, old violin, crocks, old cameras, commercial hairdryer, old buttons, set of books (c. 1910), milk cans and bottles, sealers, lamps, picture frames, some old dishes, small electric appliances, trunks. etc.. Ferguson tractor "52" - 3 pth., herguson 2 turrow plow - 3 pth., Ferguson cultivator, scraper, pressure pump (nearly new), Ariens 5 h.p. riding lawnmower, rubber tire wagon, antique fanning mill, antique Incubator, grain auger, hay elevator, ext. ladder, gas tank, pig cradle, . pullÿs, and many other miscellaneous Items. Please note: we will have 2 rings going. Refreshments available. Terms cash or good cheque. No reserve. Farm sold. Gayle and Henry Kahn Auctioneers. Phone 683-0041. 19-2S Auction Sale Wednesday, May 27th at 10 a.m. sharp Auction sale of farm machinery and household furniture. The property of Mike Donohoe, Lot ,11, con. 9, Ops Twp. 'A mile west of Reaboro on Hwy. 7 (north side). A-C wc gas tractor, Cockshutt 14 tooth cultivator, M.H. and Otaco manure spreaders, Cochshutt 6' binder, Cockshutt 6' mower, M.H. 13 run seed drill, Cockshutt 3 furrow trail plough, Fleury No. 21 walking plough, 2 wheeled trailer, set of Shanty sleighs, Roblnson- Myers water pump, Beatty piston E , 3 sections drag harrows, 2 nowers, carpenters tools, doors, chains, 1973 Dodge truck with cap, running well, old Plymouth car, scales to 100 lbs., 28' extension ladder, 6 pine verandah posts, forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. Viking 21 cu. ft. freezer, Moffat refrigerator and stove, air tight heater with pipes, bed chesterfield, humidifier, mirror, lernery, pictures, luggage, wardrobe, fan, 2 pee. toilet set, dishes, many other items. Terms Cash. No reserve. Sale at 10 a.m. sharp beginning with furniture. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario. 705-324-9959 or 324- 8311. 20-1S Auction Sale Saturday, May 23rd , at 10:30 a.m. Farm sold - Auction sale ol livestock, farm machinery, construction tools, some furniture. The properly ol Leland Payne, Lot 7, Con. 1, Clarke Twp. 5 miles east of Newcastle on Hwy. 2 to Newtonville or Vi mile east ol Newtonville and '/< mile soulh. Watch for signs. John Deere 1020 gas tractor with manure loader, John Deere 60 gas tractor with remotes, Iront end blade and circular saw, Ford 8N gas tractor, Int. 15 disc seed drill, wagon gearing, Int, cultivator, John Deore 7' power mower, Lelz grinder, 10' and 20' grain augers 4", 20' car trailer, 30' hay elevator, croam separator, 1975 LoBaron car, 1963 Bulck, V8 sodan, automatic, 1962 Ford V8 sodan, standard, Caso manure spreader, Rosco 2000 bus. grain bln, buggy, culler, senool boll, electric woldor, electric pipe throador, oloclrlc grlndor, oloclrlc drill pross, oloclrlc drill, shovols, picks, largo quantity ol hand tools, 2-36" pipe wrenches, open and box end wrenches, 1963 Ford Vz Ion truck, lantorn, milk cans, vary largo quantity ol tools, cross sloors, 10 Horolord and Horolord- tiimmontal"hollers, hay, grain, straw, Findlay oval 6 lid coal and wood cookslovo, Upright piano, 2 piano stools with claw fool, quantity ol furnlluro and antiques, forms cash. No rosorvo. Salo al 10:30 a.m. sharp. Salo manngod and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Ronboro, Ontario, 705- 324-9950 or 324-0311. 10-2SN Auction Sale Pethlck's Auction Barn Haydon 1 mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday evening, May 23 at 7 p.m. Furniture and articles, two electric stoves, two electric fridges, lathe, wheelbarrow, chesterfield, trunk,.camper, other articles, 3 tables of miscellaneous. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer. 20-1 SNP Auction Sale Saturday evening May 23 at 7:00 p.m. Special saddle horse auction - horses, trailers and saddles only. At Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontario. For consignments or further Information contact Bill or Leslie Evans, 705-324-0724. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario, 705-324-9959 or 324- 8311. Next regular monthly sale - Monday, June 1 st at 7:00 p.m. 19-2S Auction Sale Wednesday, May 27 at 1:00 p.m. Farm Sold Auction sale of farm machinery. The property of John Adams, Lot 28, Con. 8 Ops Twp., 1 road past Pickerel Point Road on Hwy. 36 north of Lindsay - turn south, second farm on west side. Allied 32' hay elevator, Cockshutt 620 baler, 3-14's trip beam plough, Int. 3-14's drag plough, Int. side rake, Int. manure spreader, 5 ton hay v/agon with rack, 2 waqons. Int. 8' vibra shank cultivator, 10 pull type cultivator, 9' double disc, 2 sets spike harrows, electric chop grinder, 16' grain auger, 40' extension ladder, garden fertilizer spreader, 2 larps, pressure system, tools, land roller, 1965 Dodge '/z ton truck, horse drawn hay rake, 2 block and tackle, approx. 50 cedar posts, 4 barrels'of 10W30 oil, barbed wire, approx. 1900 'bales of hay, many other Items too numerous to mention. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario, 705-324-9959 or 324- 8311. 19-2S Auction Sale ' Saturday, May 23 at 11:00 a.m. An excellent clearing auction of antique furniture and related accessories for Mr. John McNeil, > Brooklln. e located on- 160 Columbus Rd., E., between Hwy. 12 and Thickson Rd. Partial list to Include flat-back cupboard, extension tables, sets of pressback chairs, antique sideboards, various washstands, organ desk, oak hall stand, Victorian, Lincoln and Boston rockers, Victorian sofa, J & H love seal, fancy occasional chairs, Icebox, cherry drop leaf table, nesting tables, corner what-nol, cathedral oak mirror, dining and bedroom suites, Iron beds, 5 pee. chrome set, pair large copper ship lanterns, old clocks, oil lamps, assortment ol glass and china, cookie jars, cheese dishes, Canada west glass, satin, Bohemian, etc., old picture frames and much more. Please Note: this Is a fine quality auction. Terms cash or good cheque with I.D. No reserve. House sold. Refreshments available. Gayle and Henry Kahn, Auctioneers, 683-0041. -19-2S Wednesday, May 27th at 11:00 a.m. Richard and Shirley Snider. E lot 8, Con. 5 Dummer Twsp. Approx. 2 miles west ol Norwood on Hwy. 7 to Con. 6 Asphodel, then north for 5 miles (3 miles north of Asphodel/Dummer Boundary line). Watch lor sale signs. Int. B414 diesel tractor (P.T.O., 3 pt. hitch with front end loader), tractor pulley, Int. No. 47 baler, Farmhand bale buncher, Int. 7 ft. cut mower, 3 pt. hitch, flexible harrows, fifth wheel hitch, cattle oiler, mineral leader, 6 ft. P.T.O. snowblower, Yardman 4 h.p. rote tiller, chain, 2 rolls baler twine, cross cut saw, some tools, Swan swimming pool pump and (liter, quantity of 1" and 2" lumber, swing set, 200 gal. diesel tank, household items to be sold first at 11:00 a.m., 3 pee. soap dish and wash basin In stone china, chamber pot (wheat pattern, Johnson Bros.), oak table with drawer, chests ol drawers, 3 rollaway beds, Kelvlnator deep freezer, kitchen utensils, quantity ol cups and saucers (Royal Albert, etc.), quantity of dishes, Mountain Wood stoneware setting for 8, Nippon pieces, single beds, lamps, 2 gal. Jug, large trunk, Maytag automatic washer and dryer, 80 lb. can, hall table, 2 golf carts, picture frames, quilling trame, coffee table and 2 step tables, games and books, brass lamps, recllner, quantity ol old thick records, Hitachi 26" colour television, antique rocker, claw feel, 2 small Duncan Phyle tables with drawers, chesterfield, chair,- oltoman (rust color), pair ol matching table lamps, brass colloe table, colonial floor lamp, platform rocker, Zonllh AM/FM record player stereo, large quantity ol records, largo painting and Irama, oil palming, 2 coal oil lamps, organ stool, slide projector, Brownlo movlo camera, Soars projector, tablo and scroon, wlckor baskets, plants and hangars, sowing machina table, round kllclion tablo and loaf, largo motal desk, To sell al 12:30 p.m.: 1076 Morcury Marquis, 4 door car, P.S., P.B., as Is, Many more Items not listed. Torms: cash or choqua wllli I.D. Owner and nuctlonoors shall bo free from responsibility ol any accident or Injury on or aboul promlsos day ol snlo. Roy and Rod Williams, Aucllonoors, Box 803 Campbolllord K0L 1L0, (705) 653-3533. Lunch nvallablo. Auction Sale Saturday, May 23rd at 11:00 a.m. at Orange Hall, Cobourg Contents of 2 local apartments. 8 pee. dining room suite, 2 pee. chesterfield suite, 4 pee. mahogany bedroom suite, dressers, chest of drawers, davenport, HI-FI, vacuum, beds, table lamps, pictures, recllner chair, china and glassware. 1974 Eaton's catalogue, plus many other Hems. Terms cash. No reserve. Lunch available. Paul Lean Auctioneer. Phone 352- 2403,20-1 SNP Auction Sale Saturday, May 23 at 11:00 a.m. Don Phillips, R.R. 1, Castleton, 9 miles south of Campbellford on Hwy. 30 to south end of Codrlngton, then 2'/z miles west on County Rd. 27 (Fish Hatchery Rd.) to Phillips Rd., then turn south. Watch for signs. Antique washstand, antique buffet, wicker laundry cart, Regency style desk, antique shade for hall fixture, blue flowered pitcher and bowl, old pitcher and mug, quantity of dishes, 12 antique Chinese plates, 12 saucers and 9 cups, Stemware, antique foot stool, German cuckoo clock, coal oil lamp, antique fixture and shade, 2 large glass bottles, 3 matching captain's chairs, 2 captain's chairs, 7 perforated seat chairs, vases, oval table, antique wooden floor lamp, antique 8 ft. flat-to- wall cupboard, antique side board, antique spool bed, antique shelves, twisted legs, chicken coop chair, 4 parlor chairs, washstand, wooden pulls, extension table with leaves, pictures and frames, ct 873 pump organ, trunk, silver pieces, antique pine cupboard, electric furnace, metal bed, brass knobs, arm chairs, copper bottom, tea kettle, wooden mallet, 3 pt. hitch snow blade, overhead garage door (9'), Beatly pressure pump and tank, Dure water pump, rote riller, Belle pot belly stove, 6' Westeel water trough (like new), Ford truck cap, Co-Op Universal milking pump, approx. 6 cord of wood (4' lengths), 20 steel stanchions, good wagon, wooden ■ rims, steel tired, van frame for wagon, '/z ton cut down to wagon. To sell at 12:30 p.m.: Ford F250 truck, super cab custom, 351 auto, P.S., P.B., 8' box (as is), M.F. 8 h.p. riding lawn mower, electric start, 34" cut, many more Items too numerous to list. Terms: cash or cheque with I.D. Owner and auctioneers shall be free from responsibility of any accidents or Injury on or about premises day of sale. Roy and Rod Williams, Auctioneers, box 883 Campbellford K0L 1L0. (705) 653-3533. Lunch available. 20-1S Auction Sale Salurday, May 30th at 12 noon Giving up farming, auction sale of Percheron horses, farm machinery and horse equipment. The property of Ken Scott, on Hwy. 7 In the village of Oakwood. 8 Percheron horses, 1 quiet Welsh pony mare, matched team ol Greys, registered mare 5 year old bred Feb. 14, grade mare 5 year old to foal In June, registered Grey mare 18 years old - bred March 27th, registered Black mare 2 years old, registered black Stallion 8 years old, yearling black horse colt, Int. 454 diesel tractor with 1550 loader, Oliver 66 gas tractor, live P.T.O., M.F. No. 10 baler, McKee double auger snow blower, M.H. 15 run seed drill, Int. 530 manure spreader P.T.O., John Deere ground drive manure spreader, Case side rake, Case 7' power mower, Int. 3-14's trip beam plough, Int. 10' vibra shank cultivator, M.H. 6 blade tiller, 28' hay elevator, 12' grain auger, GMC 1 ton stock truck, tipping box - as Is, chain harrows, hay buncher, manual sloaker, John Deere 8 h.p. garden tractor with 36" mower, full line ol machinery Hay, grain, horse drawn cultivator, 1 horse souiller, horse drawn In-throw disc, Int. single plough, show wagon, 2 sets of sleighs, single sleigh, cutter, pony cutter, rubber tired pony buggy,, hay wagon, dual wheel trailer, 1 wagon, 1 set ol show harness, 2 patent leather show collars 25" - new. 1 pair of Kreepers and draps lor lead learn, 1 set ol chrome mounted work harness - like new, set of brass mounted work harness, pony harness complete, hackney harness complete, 1 set of single driving harness, number of collars, various sizes, halters, pony saddle, horse saddle, many other Items ol horse equipment. Barn 90' x 40', shed 30' x 24' to be torn down to foundation by September 1,1987. Torms cash. No reserve. Farm machinery and buildings at 12 noon. Horse equipment at 2:30 p.m. Horses at 3:00 p.m. Salo managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario, 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. 20-2S Auction Sale Kahn Country Auctions. Evr Wed. al 6:30 p.m. Located mllos north ol Hwy 401 (oxlt 39 on the Brock Rd., Plckorir Foaturlng every wook, excelle soloctlon ol antiques, II lurnlluro, glass, clilr colloctablos, primitives, etc. Join us every Wed. a participate In one ol Onlnrlr TRUE auctions wllh no buy-bac or reserves. Previews from 1: p.m, Como see our now nuctl barn laclllly wllh lois ol Ir parking and othor quality loalur lo handle your solos olllclon and prolosslonnlly, Conslgnnv and Eslalo soiling our spocla G and I I Kalin aucllonoors ■ (4 603-0041. 3-