! I I The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. May 20. 1987 15 Classified Ads Heart Fund Receives $232 from Strathaven Auction Sales Auction Sale Saturday, May 23 Sale Time: 10:30 a.m. Selling by Public Auction the 4 bedroom home and its contents. 18' house trailer and car, the property of the late Mrs. Mabel Compton of Ashburn. North of Whitby on Hwy. 12 to Myrtle Road, then west 2 miles. Real Estate: 2 storey, 4 bedroom brick house on large 83 x 300' garden size lot, 2 car garage and workshop, 675 Myrtle Road West in the Village of Ashburn. Appliances: Coldspot side-by-side fridge, Viking 30" stove, small Kenmore freezer, washer and dryer (new), 18' Dolphin house trailer with awninos. 197fi Mustang II car. Furniture Etc.: glass front bookcase, oak bed, old dressers, tables, chesterfield and chair, steel bed with brass, pine chest of drawers, maple dining room suite with drop leaf table, 4 chairs and hutch, dishes and glassware including Norltake, milk bottles, 2 qt. and 1 qt. jars, chest of silver plate, braided rugs, linens, bedding, quilts, trunks, old jam cupboard, tools, kitchen appliances, lawnmower, berry baskets, ladders, wheelbarrow, plus other useful Items. Terms of Real Estate: $10,000 down day of sale, balance due In 30 days or less. Property subject ot reasonable reserve bid. Viewing of property on Sunday, May 17th, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and morning of sale. House will sell at 1 p.m. Terms cash or good cheque with I.D. on other items. Lunch available. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for accidents or injuries In connection with this sale. Auctioneers: Don and Phil Cochrane 985-2788 or 433-5055. 19-2SN Auction Sale Thursday Evening, May 21 at 6 p.m. FURNITURE and ANTIQUES Auction sale of furniture and antiques for an estate from Holland Landing and others, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario. Including 9 pee. dining room suite, 2 - 4 pee. bedroom suites, antique bedroom suite, washstand, dehumidifier, Grandmother clock, Newhaven mantel clock, collection of mantel and wall clocks, apple peeler, 1930 Newmarket calendar - complete, brass lamps, quantity of dishes Including Cranberry glass, amber, ruby, 5 press back chairs, quilts, oak chest of drawers, rocker, chesterfield, Uxbridge upright piano, apartment size freezer, kitchen suite, 3 speed ladles bike (new), plus many other Items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524.20-1S Auction Sale Wednesday Evening, May 27 at 6:30 p.m. 1 FARM MACHINERY i ction sale of farm machinery, ti . orooertv of Manalco Farms, R.R. '3, Stouffvllle, selling at the farm, 5 miles west of Uxbridge, then 2 miles south on Con. 2, Uxbridge Twp., or 1 mile west of Goodwood on Hwy. 47 to Con. 2, then 2 miles north to farm. Including Deutz D7807 4 wh. dr. tractor with frey loader -1400 hr., Deutz D6206 tractor - 975 hr., Gehl 1460 round baler with electric tie, Gehl 2160 haybine, Turnco round bale wagon, N-H 281 baler, Int. 510 seed drill with grass seed box, Int. 550 manure spreader, Triple-K 3 furrow plow, 10' 3 pt. cultivator, Dan-user post hole auger, snowblower, 30' bale elevator, round bale feeders, Smale cattle chute, Husquarna chain saw, power washer, Mach SM-43 semen tank. Note: This Is one of the finest machinery sales that you will have an opportunity to purchase from, with most of the items being 3 years old or newer. Sale will start with machinery items, as there are no small items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 20-1S Auction Sale Tuesday Evening, May 26 at 6 p.m. FURNITURE, ANTIQUES and TOOLS Auction sale of furniture, antiques and tools, the property of Enoch McKnlght, R.R. 1, Port Perry, selling at the property, Vi mile east of Durham Rd. 23 on Con. 6, Scugog Twp. (formerly Reach), or 1 mile north of Utica and then 2 miles west on Con. 6. Including Hitachi 26" color T.V. with remote control, fridge, stove, freezer, desk, Raymond sewing machine, bedroom suite, Iron bed, antique stacking bookcase, antique buffet, bench, antique lamp, press back chairs, oil lamp, hump back trunk, dishes, books, .22 rifle with scope, tools Including chain saw, battery charger, emery, hedge trimmer, Rockwell bench saw, Work-Mate bench, Lincoln welder, garden tools, quantity of firewood, plus many other Items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524. 20-1S Auction Sale Monday Evening, May 25 at 6 p.m. FURNITURE, ANTIQUES and ORGAN Auction sale of furniture, antiques and organ, the proporly of Walter and Joan Gould and others, soiling at the Wilson Sales Arona, Uxbridge, Ontario. Including Hammond auto, varl-rhythm organ - excellent, antique gramophone, fern stand, wicker chairs, antique washing machine, small tables, lea tins, music cabinet, granite pieces, picture frames, Iron pots, lamps, hand carved tablo, 2 sols of golf clubs. Also fridge and stove, Kenmore porlnblo dishwasher, 9 pee. dining room suite, dressers, rocking chair, treadle sowing machine, secretary office desk ■ excellent condition, Ill-Back' swivel olflco chair, garden tools, Arlene roto-tlllor, plus many other Items, Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 41G-052-3524. 20-1S Auction Sale Thursday Evening, May 28 at 7:30 p.m. HOLSTEINS Auction sale of holstelns selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario, Including Reg. and grade fresh and close cows and heifers, a group of 20 open heifers ready to breed. A Majesty cow due at sale time to Peanut from 2 (GP) Dams with over 4.0% test, a fresh (GP) Trallblazer with 167-163-158 BCA from 2 (VG) Dams, a service age bull by Warden from (Ex) Dam with 9y 305d 17954 776 4.32% (166- 196), 2nd Dam (Ex). Consignments will be accepted for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524.20-1S Auction Sale Thursday Evening, May 28 at 6 p.m. FARM MACHINERY Auction sale of farm machinery, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario, Including MF . 255 diesel tractor - excellent condition with 623 hr., J-D 710 ■ diesel tractor, Hesston 9' haybine, N-H 1005 auto, bale wagon, J-D 24T baler with thrower, Int. 205 self-propelled swather, wheel rake, 24' hay elevator with % h.p. motor, GW snowblower, post hole digger, 32' bale elevator, Int. Spramotor 50 gal. sprayer, chain harrows, 2 h.p. gas engine with water pump, Lincoln welder, air compressor, snowmobile, steel posts, new 10' calf feeder, 7 new steel gates - 10' -16', 1976 Olds. Regency 98 (propane), 1975 Olds. Regency 98, plus many other Items. Consignments will be accepted for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 20-1S Auction Sale Thursday, May 28th at 1:00 p.m. Monthly machinery consignment auction at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontario. John Deere 2130 tractor with 145 loader, hi-low shift, new tires, 2000 hrs., John Deere 2120 tractor, M.F. 255 high arch diesel tractor-multi-power, 800 hrs., other tractors, M.F. No. 9 baler, New Holland super 117 2 row forage harvester with pick-up, John Deere 7000 maxl-merge corn planter, Turnco 6 row corn souffler, 3 pt., M.F. seed drill, Int. 781 forage harvester with hay pick-up, bought new in ,1985 - unreserved, 28' hay elevator, 2 - 8' x 18' bale throwing wagons with 10 ton gearing - like new, 2000 oallon tandem manure tank, John Deere 4 furrow plough 3 pt., John Deere 3 furrow plough 3 pt., packer, M.F. 12' cultivator No. 160 with wings, M.F. 82 4 - 16's trip beam plough, New Holland 275 baler with model 53A bale thrower, 2 bale throwing wagons with racks, auger, single chain < elevator; large quantityiof/quallty farm machinery expected.' Plan to attend. Sale at 1:00 p.m. sharp. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario, 705-324-9959 or Sale Day-324-8311. 20-1S Obituary ELENOREJEANJONES The death of Elenore Jean Jones occurred suddenly at her home in Bowmanville, where she had resided her entire life, on Monday, May 11,1987. Daughter of Kate Seymour and the late Samuel Joseph Seymour, she was born and educated in Bowmanville and was the beloved wife of Edward Harvey Jones. A devoted homemaker, she was the dear mother of Kathleen (Mrs. Gene Prybich), Lee (Mrs. Keith Miller), David, Debra (Mrs. Robert Halt) and William. The Reverend E. Schamer- horn officiated at the funeral services held on Wednesday, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Pallbearers were Messrs. Archie Langille, Dan Hall, Joe Sellers, Jerry Allin, Doug McEwen and Jim Allen. Floral tokens were received in her memory from North American Steel, Whitby, Local 6662 United Steel Workers, and staff of IGA Bowmanville. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Eva Whitehead (centre) treasurer of the Bowmanville Heart and Stroke Foundation Foundation and Eileen McLaughlin (right), a resident of Strathaven Nursing Home, hold a cheque for $232. The money was raised through a walkathon by both Strathaven's staff and residents May 13. Marilyn Deighan (left), volunteer chairman chairman of the Bowmanville district said that more money was coming in from the Canada Health Day walk. Golfers Team Up with Al Balding Jack Logeman (left) and Constable Ron Klosinski, prepare to tee off for the Al Balding Golf Week for Timmy. No, Constable Klosinski isn't golfing on duty. The uniform signifies the fact that 10 regional police associations are helping to sponsor the event along with Carling O'Keefe. Through this special golf week, golfers will have a chance to support 7,000 Easter Seal physically disabled children. The event runs until May 25, at Ayren Links, and Pebblestone Golf Course. Golfers can tee off at the Bowmanville Golf Course tomorrow (Thursday May 21). Yelverton and District A number of visitors were present in our community during the long weekend. Miss Lana Malcolm of Sarnia spent the weekend with her dad, Murray Malcolm and sister Marleah Bowin. Miss Valerie Malcolm and her friend of Montreal were also home with Murray and family. Mrs. Ann Lee accompanied her mother, Mrs. Joe Redmond, for a week's visit with their brother and son, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, this week. Little Ashley Baker spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pfoli. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Baker and family were also Sunday visitors with the Rowans. Mrs. Ida Hurtig has sold her GARY CONWAY DOCUMENTING YOUR ESTATE It part of your estate eventually will be probated (as most are), a simple but enormously useful step to save money Is to organize your records and documents as completely as you possibly can now, while you're alive. Contrary to what you might think, this Is probably moro Important lor the small estate than the large one. Tho lime (AND cost) ol searching out hard-to-locato property represents a larger percentage on a small estate than on a largo one, and can represent moro ol a burden (loss) to hoirs, However, much ol Ilia executor's lime can bo saved by carolul planning and Is translated Immediately Into dollar savings (or the estate. Documentation Is the paper foundation on which the entire house ol our financial and legal existence Is based. For your survivors' sake, draw up an inventory ol all the Information they will need. Gather the papers together, il you have thorn, or make carolul notations as to whore tho papers are to bo lound and what they contain. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 Division SI., Bowmanville Tel. 623-5480 Sorvlng Durham Roglon Slnco 1801 attractive home two miles west of Yelverton off 7A highway, and will be moving to her new home in Port Perry late in June. The new owners are Peter and Christine Gill of Oshawa. The pastoral charge of Janetville are sponsoring a musical evening to be held in Janetville United Church on June 14th at 8 p.m. This musical treat is under the capable direction of Janetville's Jack Gordon. The Woodville Selects were in action again this weekend with a tournament in Woodville. Woodville. The local team won their first game vs. Philadelphia on Sunday a.m. and Ottawa, Cambridge and Pickering later. This qualified them to play the top team from the other atom league - London. On Monday afternoon they bested London by a score of 6 - 1 and emerged champion of the tournament. Mr. Floyd Stinson had a rather frightening experience this week when the tractor lie was driving caught on fire suddenly and he almost got scorched in the process. Considerable damage was sustained to the tractor requiring considerable repairs to bring it back to working condition again. The Dew Drop Inn cast of Yelverton, has recently reopened reopened for business after being closed for several months since being sold by Leo and Mary Crnmyer. Our now neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, are giving their residence a face-lift that should make it quite attractive attractive when completed. Tills includes new windows and new aluminum siding. Tho Squirrel Cage hero at Mnlconln ran true to form on Sunday; Mona entertained a few of her friends including two of her university girl friends, Kim Ilolmcr of Sparta and Francine Taylor, of Toronto (formerly of Solinn); also pleased to have Ptc. Marlene Gosling and her friend Pto. Lomilnne of North Day call here al Maleonla on Sunday, Along with our family members and neighbors, this made up our complement plus Mrs. Brenda Reed and her three cute little girls. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gundry of Barrie were weekend guests of Brenda and Terry Malcolm and family. Intended for Last Week Our Yelverton community was represented at the Smorgasbord held at Nestle- ton on Friday evening and report a fine meal served. Master Todd Malcolm accompanied Howard and Eileen Malcolm on Sunday to Cambridge where he joined the Woodville Selects for a hockey tournament which continued throughout the day. They played several teams from various parts of the province. The next encounter will be a similar one in Woodville. Woodville. A correction to last week's news budget due, no doubt, to our undecifcrablc writing. Congratulations were extended extended to a former Manvers Twsp. Council colleague Mr. Lewis McGill who appeared on Global T.V. recently demonstrating the art of clipping clipping sheep. Mr. McGill is 87 years of age. Here in the Yelverton area the corn planting season is winding to a conclusion due in part to the extremely dry spring which lias permitted the local farmers to work ns long ns they care to without weather interruption. Across the fields to the west we note n Cartwright resident is in the process of combining last year's corn crop; they must be in a different time zone over there!! We shall bite our tongue on any too obvious a comment In the Interest of maintaining a good neighbor policy. Despite the frosty evenings, we have Imd a small Invasion of Ilnliburton black flies • those dlminultivo blood suckers that leave you itching for days, Welcome callers at Maleonla however, were a pair of white crowned sparrows, Plans for the Yelverton SS No. 1 school reunion for Letters to the Editor: Nurse's pride trampled to death An open letter to Murray Elston, Ontario minister of health. Thirty years ago I graduated from St. Michael's Hospital as a registered nurse -- very proud of my profession and of myself. That pride has been trampled to death by the negative media coverage of my chosen professional career in long-term care -- specifically a privately owned nursing home. Fourteen years of my life have gone into helping to make this nursing home the warm, caring, loving place that It is and the resentment resentment felt by our dedicated staff and I'm sure, the dedicated staff in 90 per cent of the nursing homes in Ontario, is rampant I object object strongly to 'the discrimination being shown by your ministry against our elderly. Why are they being punished for needmg a nursing nursing home? Why are they not de serving of the same funding as residents in government-run homes? Many of our population are unaware unaware of the discrepancies in the system, due to their mental or physical condition. So, who is left to fight for their rights? Caring families, families, caring staff and caring owners. Despite the grossly unfair ratio of funding between hospital, homes for the aged and nursing homes, our residents do not suffer from lack of warmth or love or high quality nursing care, thanks to the dedication of the staff members who take great pride in'the careers they have chosen. Our first priority priority is the caré of our residents. Our employer demands the best of us and because we care very much about what we do -- we give our best and more. We give our best Is it too much to ask that our facilities be treated to equal funding with the government government agencies? Private enterprise was the basis for the development of our country. country. Why are politicians so adept at discouraging this democratic means of earning a livelihood? Your ministry has saddled us with a list of 480 regulations, five inspection groups, and 30 per cent less funding than government-run homes. No other health care facility facility in Ontario has to comply with this type of'stringent accountability, accountability, and yet the press continues to report negative facts fed to them by politicians who apparently are unaware of the facts. BARBARA E. BREMMEN Midland Hospital Employees Honored for Long Service ft'</' r... ■<.t' . \*,i % . mL r Bowmanville Memorial Hospital honoured these fine employees with recognition of service awards on May 12. Pictured in front, from left: Perlita Avila, Victor Snider, (15 years), Connie McLaughlin, Sunday p.m., May 31st, are going forward on schedule. Although printed invitations have gone out to all former pupils and teachers whose addresses could be identified, everyone interested in attending attending is certainly welcome. Anyone with any ties to our community in the past or present is encouraged to attend. The Yelverton U.C.W. ladies will be providing refreshments during the afternoon afternoon at a nominal cost per person but would like to know how many to plan for. Donations to defray the out-of- pocket expenses of the committee committee would not be refused. This is NOT a money-making venture and if there is an excess over expenses, the surplus surplus will be turned over to either the church treasury or U.C.W. Name tags will be provided on registration. Oh yes, hope all that qualify had a Happy Mother's Day! Yelverton United Church, although not exactly bursting at its 125 year old seams, was comfortably full for Sunday's Mother's Day Service. A number of extra curricular events prevented those present present suffering from "ennui" boredom or whatever. The duo of Lindas P and P - not Pride and Prejudice, but rather Page and Pfoh enriched the musical aspect of the service with two duets - the first an organ and piano duet "I Believe" and later in the service a solo by Linda Page "O Perfect Love" accompanied accompanied by Linda Pfoh on the electric organ. Three of the Sunday school children assisted assisted in the scripture reading - Matthew Gray, Christa Robinson and Jeffery Russo. ■ A special presentation was made at this service commemorating commemorating 25 years of U.C.W. activity. Yelverton U.C.W. president Maureen Moore, called up four members of the U.C.W. who had served for periods of 40 years plus, to 25 years or more in the local organization. They were then presented with Life membership pins • namely Eileen Malcolm, Mary Moore, Myra Page and Isabel Wilson. Linda Pfoh was also presented with n Life Membership pin that had been previously worn with pride by her late grandmother grandmother Mabel Roqunnc. Itov. John Evans divested himself of some rather interesting facts concerning our United Church's policies In Baptism nnd Confirmation and some of its more confusing applications applications when practised. The thoughts nnd prayers of all concerned folks arc entreated on behalf of Master John Marshall who although only 12 years of age, Is suffering suffering from Leukemia. He has already had the first five weeks of a toil-week session In which the marrow of Ills bonus will he taken out and replaced with some from Ills brother. The sincere best wishes for u speedy recovery for John Is' the wish of all. On Saturday night we were submitted to a rather painless infusion of Dutch culture on the occasion of the Nether- landers Night in the Peter- . borough Memorial Centre. Not since our last visit to Holland have we seen such a motley collection of Dutchmen, wall to wall crammed into such a small space per person per inch, enjoying themselves with such boisterous enthusiasm. Several families had relatives relatives home for the Mother's Day weekend: Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robinson and family of Stroud were visitors this week end with Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore. Miss Candy Malcolm visited her parents, the Howard Malcolms. Master Coady Bowin was permitted to return home from a Toronto hospital this week, hopefully in an improved condition. Mr. and Mrs. Marti Malcolm and Dionne were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Sinclair of Oshawa. Mona Malcolm and Ronnie Sharman spent the weekend with friends in Collingwood area this weekend. All our family were home here at Malconia for Sunday afternoon and dinner to honor Matriarch Malcolm on Mother's Day - Mitzi and Bob Pick, Marti, Jane and Dionne, and Mona Malcolm. THE YUKKIES Please put them in their place JOIN US! Cash Rebates On K Cars New Yorkers 5th Avenues Le Baron GTS Lancers Daytonas At Port Hope Plymouth/Chrysler Hwy. 2, South ol <101 885-6331 Donald Gilhooly, Joyce Dilling (10 years). Back row, from left: Johanna Bryant,(15 years), Al Graham (5 years), Dorothy Stewart and Vera King, (15 years). Property Valuators & Consultants Ltd. Wm. H. Clipper ton, A.A.C.I. Professional Member, Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers .. Valuations for -- • Capital Gains Tax • Inter-Family Transfers • Mortgage Financing Write: 29 Scugog St., Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3H7 Phone (Collect) - 416-623-6023 D ykstra's i t EUCATEMCN FOOD HAMIT ^ SERVICE ym DOWNTOWN AL S'EO.AlsifOOO $TCP[ ^ ^ 77 King St W., Bowmanvlllo,, 623-3541 WEEKEND SPECIALS MEDIUM GROUND BEEF $1.95 ib./.43 100 g SIRLOIN STEAKS $4.49 ib./.99 100 g BARONIE HONEY CAKE $1.29 ea. HEAD LETTUCE $ .69 BROCCOLI $ .79 CELERY $ .79 ALL TIME LOW PRICE ITEMS MAPLE LEAF WIENERS .... $1.69 ib. DEVON BACON 500 g P kg $1.99 MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA 500 g pkg $1.99 2% MILK BAG $2.99 STORE SLICED BACON .... $2.99 u>. BLACK FOREST HAM $4.49 ib. ORANGES $1.99 doz. GRAPEFRUIT RED or WHITE 3/990 BUTTERMATE BREAD $ .99 CHAPMAN'S ICE CREAM 2u.ro $2.19 TAKE OUT DELI BUNS and COFFEE w, FRUIT BASKETS U MADE TO ORDER DELI MEAT i , and CHEESE 1 PLATTERS