l(i The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, May 20,1987 y Entertaining Circus Animals Prepared for Show At Darlington HAYDON Golf and Bowling Winners Receive Awards .'i-TTjT 1 -< >v-.vV.' 1 *J ?*S* ï& •*- T .-v - ill«Sp ; M:t H> M! I George Carden's fabulous circus rolled into this Urea early Saturday morning after playing in Kingston the previous night. Their several vehicles- Were assembled at the rear of Darlington Spores Centre where animals were unloaded and tethered. $right and early, the crew began assembling ëquipment inside the arena and all was in readiness for the first performance in the afternoon An enjoyable afternoon Nestleton-Caesarea News by Mabel Gawker \ United Church Women Meet The May meeting of the Afternoon U.C.W. Unit was held in a most attractive attractive rural setting at the home of Leona Sadler...east of Nestleton. Ten members were on hand for this inspiring afternoon of worship, business and pleasure. ' Leader Jean Williams brought the meeting to order with a thought "Sowing Seeds of Goodness" and a hearty welcome to all. The worship theme ably presented by Bernice Mairs was entitled, entitled, "When You Have Aspirations." Aspirations." Hymn "Love Divine" was sung. Scripture was taken from portions portions of the Book of Psalms. In her remarks Bernice stressed achieving a goal...life is what we make of it. Hiose who attain success do not shut God out. We need long range goals to achieve, and to make God's plan d part of our lives. His standards are High! Hope is essential...and hope springs eternal! She closed with Prayer followed by Hymn, "I Would Be True." 1 Minutes were approved as read by secretary Gwendolyn Malcolm. During Correspondence, thank you notes were received. Cards were signed for those in hospital. A splendid splendid financial report was given by treasurer Neta Fish re - the Spring Smorgasbord. The roll call was answered with an exchange of seeds or plants. During the brief business period several pertinent items were discussed at some length. The meeting was brought to a close with the Mizpah Benediction. Lovely refreshments were served by hostess Leona assisted by Bernice Bernice Mairs. Appreciation was expressed expressed by Neta Fish. A most enjoyable enjoyable afternoon! Caesarea News At the Wednesday evening euchre first prize winners tied - Eva MacDonald MacDonald & George Mathewson each held 85. Second prize - Linda Hughes 62. Terry McQuaid with low - 48. Gwen & Terry supplied lunch and served as well. The Ladies Auxiliary wish to extend extend a hearty thank you to the men folk for doing such an excellent job on Pancake Sunday. A good crowd and the men cooked the pancakes "just to a turn." Really good cooks! We take our hats off to them! Evening Unit May Meeting Arlene Malcolm opened her home to the evening UCW meeting. Kay Notman welcomed everyone and used used a humorous reading. "A Farmer's Wife" to open the gathering. After the business portion, Regenia Walker took charge of the program which was completing the quilting of the design on the UCW Banner. Ina Davis presented the fine worship worship entitled, "How much God cares about you." Scriptures were taken from Psalm 34 and 1st Peter. The hostess provided delicious refreshments which concluded a very productive meeting. Program Planning Meeting On Monday, May 11, a program planning meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Neta Fish. The program program conveners for the year sub-, mitted mottoes and roll calls, and secretary Mrs. Gwen Malcolm will have the programs ready to be distributed at the Branch W.I. June meeting to the members. The hostess served a tasty lunch at the close. Nestleton United Church On a beautiful May morning, service service was held at Nestleton United with a goodly number of worshipers present. Carol Dovle. Karen & with a packed audience present which must have pleased Kinsmen sponsors. After their evening show, the routine began again as the circus moved on for their next stop at Whitby. This Saturday, they return to Oshawa for the annual Shrine sponsored performances. These photos show just a small portion of the pre-show activities. with...how to pray. A simple conversation conversation with God...no more than that! Kathy Tromans was in charge of the children's church. Music - Anne Maschke & Kathy Watts. The Teen Club had a Saturday morning breakfast under the direction direction of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arney. Quite a number were present and found it most enjoyable. Family Interests Arnold & Jean Williams of Nestleton, enjoyed a visit with her sister, Dorothy and Ray Carson at their home in Huntsville over the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. W.F. MacKenzie of Toronto, were weekend guests with son Richard & Janice MacKenzie, Claire & Leslie of Nestleton. Ralph & Leona Sadler of Nestleton, were successful in planting planting their garden over the weekend. Trust we'll have some much needed needed rain - soon. Merna Cawker and daughter Cathy of Oshawa were Sunday dinner dinner guests with Sam and Mabel Cawker at the farmstead. So nice to see them - and son Grant was away on a fishing trip. Our warmest wishes to Ella Bowers & Dora Gillson of Nestleton, Bob France of Scugog Point, and Marguerite Beacock, Scugog Island (a former resident of Cartwright) who are presently patients in Port Perry Hospital. Nestleton Presbyterian Church On a lovely sunny morning, Rev. F. Swann conducted the service at 10 a.m. in the Presbyterian Church with Mrs. Winnifred Davison - organist. Psalm 34 was read in unison; and from the "Living Faith"...the sections on "Justice and World Peace." Scripture reading was from Matthew 6: verse 5 and Luke II, the recording of "The Lord's Prayer" by the two Apostles. Tracy were the greeters at the door. Rev. Dale Davis used as a basis for his excellent message, "Strength Through Weakness" re - Scripture passages from Corinthians & Matthew...read Matthew...read by Barb Weir. The children's theme was interesting...an interesting...an illustrated story in keeping with his sermon. The ladies quartet composed of Regenia Walker, Kay Notman, Betty Betty Headon and Janice MacKenzie sang, "I Found The Answer" with organist Gwen Malcolm at the helm. This fine service closed with a favourite hymn, "Thee Will I Love." Next Sunday, May 24 - Sacrament of Communion. This Wednesday evening - 8 p.m. the Official Board of the charge meets at Nestleton United Church. Happy Event Wilma & Tom Wotten of Caesarea, are the proud parents of a new baby son, Patrick Thomas, born in Port Perry Hospital on Wednesday...a little brother for Johnathon Henry. Congratulations and best wishes to this young family. Blackstock & District (Cartwright) Lions Club The local Lions Club is planning to have a mammoth Flea Market - at the Arena Saturday, May 23 - Sunday, Sunday, May 24 - (time for both days) 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. The club would appreciate appreciate any articles.Jarge or small...that folks would like to donate. Try and support the project...the project...the Lions raise money for many a worthy cause. Caesarea Community Church A nice company of people at the Caesarea Church nn Sunday, and visitors were welcomed. Daniel Pugh, Sr., conducted the service. Daniel Pugh Jr. greeted at the door and read the Scripture. Arden Maschke led the Responsive reading. Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford used as his sermon theme, "The Lord's Prayer" from Matthew 6 - a portion of verse 9 and concluded Display Advertising Representative for weekly newspaper in Cobourg Tyrone By HcssteVaneyk Apology Is my face red! I apoligize for stating the wrong date for the Tyrone Sunday School Friendship Service in the last column. Sunday, May 24th is the correct date for this children's service which will begin at 10:30 a.m, in Tyrone Church. The children will participate and the guest speaker will be Benin Buckwcll, a puppeteer from Oshawa. A snack and refreshment refreshment will follow the service. Everyone welcome. Pleasant, out-going manner and a car are essentials Please apply in writing to Advertiser 1356 c/o James Publishing Company Limited P.O, Box 190 Bowmanville, L1C3K9 Euchre There were eleven tables of euchre in play at the Old Tyrone llall on Monday evening, May ll, 1007, with the following results: Dave Hall 02, Bcrnlcco Wells 00, Ethel Goble 70, Dorothy Edwards 70, Harold Burgess 70, Verna Chamberlain 40. Special draws Leonard Cain, Ethel Goble, Edgar Mlllson, Club 21 ladies met at the Community Centre Monday, May 4 for their May meeting as the regular date was taken up with the Lions' Catering. Blanche Jones acting as chairlady called on Brenda Lucchi for two readings about "Mother" in verse. Secretary's report was read and she also reported on our bowling social May 2nd where we had six alleys in play at Liberty Bowl where 32 folks enjoyed themselves. Treasurer Anne Dewsbury Dewsbury gave her report and she stated our April Chinese Auction brought in $12.15 or which $10.32 was in pennies. Collection was taken and our Roll Call answered by "One of your best memories of your Mum" with fifteen ladies present. Betty Roth offered with Gerlina Haunstei.n's help to hem the quilt in the very near future. Barb Walsh to get the raffle raffle liscence so we can sell quilt tickets. Gwen Banks offered to make up the tickets for the quilt as soon as Barb had the licence number and word it to be drawn in October. October. One change is the ticket price this year is to be $1.00 each. Our May catering was discussed discussed with Eileen Blackburn and Blanche Jones to get seven waitresses. waitresses. Then the July 1 supper details details were worked on with the secretary instructed to advertise in the Canadian Statesman and the Newcastle Newcastle Independant for May 11th week to alert our public public about advanced ticket sales and four sittings. There will be two more weeks in later June when we will again advertise in the Coming Events. A vote of thanks was extended extended to Bev Cochrane for her work of making our new drapes and hanging them. Betty Roth makes a hobby of collecting flags and Brenda had asked her to bring sonie to show us. She had a German flag that had been changed into thirds-- top black, then red and bottom bottom yellow. The State she had grown up in was'a blue and white. Their Olympic flag was a blue border on white, our Canadian Olympic Olympic flag of red, white and blue. And one more with an interlocking interlocking chain effect of a 1784-1984 .anniversary, and of course, our Canadian Maple Leaf-flag flies up at her home. Blanche Jones had a reading entitled "The Vindication Vindication of Mothers-In- Law." She then passed out a scrambled word contest pertaining to thoughts of the month of May, which was to keep them busy while she and Brenda prepared prepared lunch and tea. Thursday May 7, Blanche Jones accompanied Mrs. Peggy Millson, Cindy Millson and Dorothy Dodds to the Port Darlington Marine Restaurant, to join the other memebers of the Newtonville Bowling League for our banquet. There were twenty-five ladies who enjoyed a sumptions sumptions meal. Then we adjourned to a room upstairs for our meeting-presided meeting-presided over by Pat Osborne who we were all pleased to see looking so well after her stay in the hospital. She called for volunteers for all the executive offices except two for 1987-88. President-Linda Adams Secretary-Cathy Adams Treasurer-Jean Fallis Two new captains-Karen McAluse, Joan Argue Two captains returning- Sandra McAluse, Blanche Jones Price change was announced announced and a new rule or two was put in effect. First place team-- Chimps-Capt. Blanche Jones called her team members members to come forward for prizes. Second place team-- Gorillas-Capt. P Millson distributed her team's gifts. Third place team--Orangu- tans-Capt. J O'Neill decided to give her team cash, as did the fourth-place team--Ba- boons-Capl. S. McAluse. The tournament champs were the Gorillas. High Avcrage-PatMillson High Triple-Cindy Millson High Single-Sandra McAluse Low Single-Jean Fallis Perfect Atlcndancc- Pcggy Millson Most Improved Bowler- Jean O'Neill. 300 Games-Cathy Adams, Cindy Millson and Sandra McAluse. Honorary mention went to Linda Adams who had over a 300 in a bowl-off. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing playing Court Whist. It was great knowing your scores would not be published. We will all return to bowl on Thursday, Thursday, Sept. 10111-8:30 PM. Mr, and Mrs. All' Garrard and Lori were guests at the wedding of Bill Rohm and Cathy Boegel at the church Golfers at the Bowmanville Country Club dusted off the first tournament of the season in the Men's sec- their equipment Saturday, May 9th for the Men's tion. The next scheduled tournament at Bowman- Opening Day tournament. Despite being a little ville is the Bob Walton Member-Guest Day this Sàt- rusty with their swings, Kevin Elliott, A1 Lobb, urday. Wayde Preston, and Ossi Sponer lead the pack to win These ladies are the Legion Ladies Auxiliary Brooks, Teresa Quinney, Helen; Reynolds. They re- Bowling Champions. Pictured, from left:'; "Lola ceived their awards and trophy at the banquet held Wright, Meg Gibbs, Patti Roberts (captain), Marion at Memorial Park, May 14. in Harlow and the reception reception was held in the Cloyne Hall. After staying the night, on their way home on Sunday they called on Mr. Clem Rahm and daughter. Saturday evening, Mrs. Diane Adams had successfully successfully arranged a surprise birthday party for her husband husband John at the Haydon Community Centre where 30-35 friends attended to wish him happy birthday. Congratulations John. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams and family called on his mother--Mrs. Dorothy Adams at Oshawa General Hospital. Later in the day they called on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lott, Enniskillen for a Mother's Day visit-and then on to see Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adams and family at Blackstock. Congratulations to Miss Jeanetta Grawbarger who had a birthday on Monday but celebrated on Saturday with four little friends that were treated to a show in Oshawa called "The Aris- tocats". Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Larry (Barb Walsh) Grawbarger Grawbarger and girls celebrated with their family at her parents.' parents.' Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Walsh 40th Wedding Anniversary Anniversary in Ajax where they treated mum and dad out for brunch at Grebes Restaurant in Whitby. Master Christopher Polls stayed with his grandparents grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blackburn and Wendy joined the gathering at Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blackburn's at Orono for a fine Mother's Day barbecue. barbecue. Mr. Tom Jones, Mrs. Lorraine Lorraine Mackcn and John, Miss Angie Bowens and Mr. Craig Thompson-Wood, all of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Peter and Susan and Miss Mela Keller of Oshawa were Mother's Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones and Sandy. Miss Cora Degur joined with them for Sunday supper. supper. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain were guests at a Mother's Day gathering at Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read's at Orono on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Trewln joined with Mr. and Mrs. Waller Loveridge and Charles, Tyrone and Mr. and Mrs. Will Trewin, Oshawa at the Flying Dutchman Dutchman Restaurant for Mother's Day brunch and then they returned to Tre- wins for a nice visit and supper. supper. Mr. and Mrs. John Ber- trim attended the surprise birthday party for Mr. John Adams at the Haydon Hall Saturday evening. On Sunday John and Cecile joined in with her family for a Mother's Day get-together at her parents home. Mr. and Mrs. John Schoonderbeek, Enniskillen. Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Shrig- ley, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests with her parents parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sle- mon. Master Craig, Darren and Leslie Graham were weekend weekend visitors of their grandparents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard, View Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Graham accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts to the wedding and reception of the Rahm- Bocgel wedding at Cloyne on Saturday and stayed for the weekend. On Sunday the Liptays spent Mothers Day with Lynne's mother Mrs. Teresa Chapman, Oshawa and her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Alton (Diane) Casteels and family from Centrcton who were also at Mrs. Chapmans. Chapmans. Grand Opening Monday, May 25 FREE Loaf of Bread with every $5.00 purchase Open Mon. - Thurs. 9-6 Fri. 9-7 Sat. 9-5 987-4439 --«■Newcastle Village Bake Shop- 40 King St. E. AT NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE PARTICIPATION DAY Wednesday, May 27,1987 SPECIAL EVENTS TO GET EVERYONE WET "GET UP AND GO" Early Bird Swim • 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. "SUPER AQUA FIT CLASS" 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. "CATCH THE WAVE MAP SWIM" (Adult Swim) 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. "WANNA RACE" Exporlonco competitive swimming with Iho Newcastle Aquatic Club - 4:00 p.m. • 5:00 p.m. "SYNCHRO. SEE ITI TRY IT!" 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. "SWIM OFTHE DAY" Exporlonco fun and oxcltomont on the amusing TRIMARAN - 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. "RALLY TO SQUASH" 6:40 a.m.-10:00 p.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT CATCH THE WAVE EVENTS, CONTACT: Newcastle Fitness Centre 39 Liberty Street Bowmanville, Ontario 416.623-3392 ADMISSION - Vi PRICE 'tmper/W _ 0ptAr*/ Sports