) i I Classifieds Chinooks Heading East The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc, May 27, 1987 19 Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Auction Sale Thursday Evening, May 28 7:30 p.m. Holstelns Auction Sale of Holstelns selling at the Wilson Sales Arena. Uxbridge, Ontario, Including Reg. and Grade fresh and close cows and heifers, a group of 20 open heifers ready to breed. A Nov./ 84 Warden due at sale time from a (GP) Dam with (152-155), 2nd Dam (GP) with 4.1%, a fresh (GP) Trallblazer with 167-163-158 BCA from 2 (VG) Dams, a service age bull by Warden from (Ex) Dam with 9y 305d 17954 776 4.32% (166-196), 2nd Dam (Ex). Consignments will be accepted for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 21-1S Auction Sale Thursday Evening, May 28 6 p.m. Farm Machinery Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., including J-B 710 diesel tractor, J-D 24T baler with thrower, N-H 1005 auto, bale wagon, Int. 205 self-propelled swather, 32' bale elevator, J-D hay tetter, Int. spramotor 50 gal. sprayer, Int. 135 manure spreader, MF 10' double disc, bale buncher, new 10' calf feeder, 7 new steel gates -10' - 16', 1976 Olds. Regency 98 (propane), 1975 Olds. Regency 98, plus many other Items. Consignments will be accepted for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524.21-1S Auction Sale Saturday, June 6th 11 a.m. Selling the appliances and household items, the property of Mrs. Ivy Rahm, 12 miles north of Bowmanvllle, In the village of Blackstock, across from the Public School. McClary fridge, 24" Westinghouse stove, small freezer, Hoover spin-washer, G.E. dryer, color T.V., movie camera, projector and table, Coleman stove and lantern, chesterfield and chair, beds, dressers, wardrobe chest of drawers, airtight wood stove, Hoosier kitchen cupboard, kitchen cart, drop leaf table, 4 chairs, love seat, lamps, 2 night tables, what-not, pine chest, small desk, pool table' with wall rack, 2 sets of balls and cues, mates' chair, old park benches, 12' canoe and paddles, small appliances, and ,d|?f)es loclydjn'g Wedgéwbbd, L'imogè plates, crystal, pressed glass, bedding and linen plus many more small Items of interest. Lunch available. Terms cash or cheque with I.D. Owner and auctioneer will not be responsible for accident or Injury in connection with this sale, Auctioneers Don and Phil Cochrane, 985-2788. 21-2SN Auction Sale Friday, June 5 6:00 p.m. Farm Machinery Property of the Senko brothers on the 9th Cone., 3 miles west of Myrtle off Hwy. 12. David Brown Case tractor 410, Brown hay baler, hay swather, 3 furrow plough, bales of twine, roto tiller, piles of lumber, grain augers, hammer mill, 3 round bale feeders, hay wagons, scrap Iron, International seed drill, John Deere seed drill, cultivators, discs, Int. plough, molasses tank, shovel handles. Many more articles. Terms: cash. Earl Gauslln Auctioneer. Machinery In good shape. 21-2SNP Auction Sale of Cattle and Farm Machinery Wednesday, May 27 at 6:15 p.m. For Larry Robins, 3 miles northwest of Roseneath at Cook Road - watch for signs. 7 Hereford cows and 2 Charolais/ Hereford cows bred. Limousine (due at sale time). International W-4 tractor, Cockshutt no. 30 tractor, Ford model 8N with front end loader, Hesson 9 ft. hayblne, N.H. no. 268 baler, Motts rotary mower, Int. manure spreader, A.C. manure spreader, Int. 17 tooth cultivator, Int. 3 furrow trail plow, Cockshutt 17 tooth cultivator, chain harrows, 3 P.H. 2 furrow plows, 24 ft., hay elevator, 24 ft. grain auger, hammer mill, 2 horse mowers, A.C. factory wagon, 1974 Dodge 3 A ton pickup pickup (as Is), 1974 Dodge 3 ton dump truck (as Is), plus other Items. Terms: cash or cheque with I.D. No reserve. Paul Lean Auctioneer. Phone 352-2403. 21-1SNP Mamouth Auction Salo Thursday, May 28 at Denny's Auction Hall Va mile west of Colborne on Hwy. 2. Two auctioneers selling outside and Inside, consisting of antiques, furniture, china, glass and many other Interesting articles. Good gas lawn mower, 5 h.p. roto tlllor, farm gate, cap for Vi ton truck, step ladders, garden tools, Quebec heater, tap and die set, 2 door frost free fridge, 30" electric range, portable T.V., automatic washer, 0 track player, old barn scales, cabinet sowing machine, portable sowing machine, single drawer metal filing cabinet, antique wooden bed, single bod, drop front desk, electric church organ, antique fine jam cupboard, antique sideboard with mustache palls, pine drop loaf table, oak lap desk, modern 5 piece bedroom suite like now, bedroom chair, 8 piece sotting, Johnson Bros, china with gravy boat and vegetable bowl, 6 piece sotting Wodnowood china, Tiffany lamp, sir. Llmogo pieces, ■pictures, books, lamps plus many other articles, Terms: cash, cheque, Visa, Mastercard. Salo starts 6:30 outside, 7 p.m. Inside. Gary Warner, Cliff Denny Auctioneers, 355-2100, Auction Sale Saturday, May 30th Orange Hall, Pontypool 1:30 p.m. Selling all types of household items, garden tools,. T.V.'s, stereo's, deep freeze, furniture, desks, dishes, many Items left over from Keenagers auction sale. This will be the last auction held In the old unique hall by Cllngman's Auction Service. For Information contact Cllngman Auction Service, 705-277-2838 or 705-799-6256.21-1SN Auction Sale Tuesday, June 2nd at Denny's Auction Hall Va mile west of Colborne on Hwy. 2 Selling the remainder of the tools from the Curly Hallday estate from Trenton, plus other good consignment of tools. Router complete with table, electric table saw, handsaws, hammers, chisels, drill bits, wooden and steel tap and die set, set of 3 sectional scafolding, masonry tools, electric soldering guns, bench grinder, quantity of wood clamps, battery charger, jig saws, circular saws, screw drivers, files, levels, planes, 3 vises - 3" - 4" - 6", gun cleaning kit, extension cords, socket sets, grinder, levels, roto tiller, pop rivet set, pipe wrenches, tool boxes, wheel barrow, open end and box end wrenches, 2 sets golf clubs, golf balls, tree trimmer, block and tackle, ropes. No reserves. Sale starts 7:00 p.m. Gary Warner Auctioneer, 355-2106. 21-1SNP Auction Sale Saturday, June 6th Farm Sold - Auction Sale of Farm Machinery The orooertv of Bert and Marv vlssers, lot 21, cone. 7, Emily Twsp, 3Vi miles north of Fowler's Corners to Windmill Farm. White 260 diesel tractor 3662 hours, bought new In summer of 1980. New Holland 273 Baler P.T.O. 1984 New Holland 707 forage harvester 3 pt. 1 row header and pick-up. Hustler 56 forage blower P.T.O. Cockshutt side rake. Heavy duty 3 pt. blade. 1982 Int. 400 Cyclo 4 row corn planter 4- 34-36. Allied S. tang 13' cultivator 3 pt. Spraymotor trail fleldsprayer 30' boom. G.T. 40'6" auger P.T.O. M.F. 50 tandem disc trail 14'. Pony harrows 16' trail. Tandem wheel hydraulic dump trailer with racks. Cockshutt 16 disc combination seed drill. New Holland 512 manure spreader P.T.O, _1985„Trlole,. OK-Oyerum 5 furrow semi-mount adjustable 14" to 18" plough. New Holland self unloading forage box - 10 ton gearing. H.M. self unloading forage box -10 ton gearing - roof. Bale buncher, 3 pt. fertilizer spreader, 200 gal. gas tank, 2 plywood calf hutches, 2 sets clippers, moisture tester, electric de-horners, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario. 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. 21-1S Auction Sale Thursday, May 28 6 p.m. At Orval McLean Auction Centre in Lindsay About 400 healthy potted evergreen shrubs, white and blue spruce, etc. 6:30 p.m. Property of Doug Lafete and Mrs. R. White of Lindsay. 7 piece walnut dining room suite, lamps, pictures, paintings, green G.E. frost free refrigerator and matching stove, good auto, washer, dryer, chest freezer, KRUG Brothers maple buffet hutch, desk, air conditioner, chesterfield suites, Filter Queen vacuum - like new, exercise bike, chest, dressers, stereo, lové seat, blender, bedroom set, Hammond organ, Kenmore gold dishwasher, four oak office desks, rollaway, spin washer, wardrobe, dishes, collectibles, tools. Note time, shrubs at 6:00 p.m., furniture at 6:30 p.m. To list your sale, phone 324-2783. McLean Auctioneers, Lindsay. 21-1SNP Auction Sale Saturday, June 6th At Denny's Auction Hall Selling a large private collection of glass and china, plus china cabinets and whatknot stands and other collectables, Carnival glass, Goofus glass, toby mugs, Cranberry, occupied Japan, Llmoge, oil lamps, brass collectable pieces, metal levs Amethyst, Tlllany cut glass, satin glass. Full listing In next week's aution ads. Gary Warner Auctioneer, 355-2106. Cornell's Auction Barn Tuesday, June 2 at 6:30 p.m. A large quantity of modern furniture, electrical appllcances, antique pieces, tools, china and glass. Also approximately 50 I breeding cages. chinchillas and a Don Cornell, Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Utile Britain, 705-786-2183. 21-1SNP Auction Sale Cornell's Auction Barn Tuesday, June 9th at 10:30 a.m. A vory largo salo, the estato of a prominent Peterborough family Including a vory largo quantity of good quality furniture, Mason and Reich piano, Victorian solloo, mahogany bedroom suites, oak hl-boy drossors, walnut and mahogany chest of drawors, walnut gentleman's chair, largo quantity of good quality pressed glass, prints, sterling, Cranberry glass, R.S. Germany paintings, compotes, crystal, quilts and linens, etc. This la one of the largest and best quality sales of the year. All articles from one homo. Plan to attend this one, More details next week, Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Utile '.Britain. 705-780-2183. Auction Sales Auction Sale Saturday, May 30th at 12 noon Giving up farming, auction sale of Percheron horses, farm machinery and horse equipment. The property of Ken Scott, on Hwy. 7 In the village of Oakwood. 8 Percheron horses, 1 quiet Welsh pony mare, matched team of Greys, registered mare 5 year old bred Feb. 14, grade mare 5 year old to foal in June, registered Grey mare 18 years old - bred March 27th, registered Black mare 2 years old, registered black Stallion 8 years old, yearling black horse colt, Int. 454 diesel tractor with 1550 loader, Oliver 66 gas tractor, live P.T.O., M.F. No. 10 baler, McKee double auger snow blower, M.H. 15 run seed drill, Int. 530 manure spreader P.T.O., John Deere ground drive manure spreader, Case side rake, Case 7' power mower, Int. 3-14's trip beam plough, Int. 10' vibra shank cultivator, M.H. 6 blade tiller, 28' hay elevator, 12' grain auger, GMC 1 ton stock truck, tipping box - as is, chain harrows, hay buncher, manual stoaker, John Deere 8 h.p. garden tractor with 36" mower, full line of machinery Hay, grain, horse drawn cultivator, 1 horse souffler, horse drawn In-throw disc, Int. single plough, show wagon, 2 sets of sleighs, single sleigh, cutter, pony cutter, rubber tired pony buggy,, hay wagon, dual wheel trailer, 1 wagon, 1 set of show harness, 2 patent leather show collars 25" - new. 1 pair of Kreepers and draps for lead team, 1 set of chrome mounted work harness - like new, set . of brass mounted work harness, pony harness complete, hackney harness complete, 1 set of single driving harness, number of collars, various sizes, halters, pony saddle, horse saddle, many other Items of horse equipment. Barn 90' x 40', shed 30' x 24' to be torn down to foundation by September 1, 1987. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm machinery and buildings at 12 noon. Horse equipment at 2:30 p.m. Horses at 3:00 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario, 705-324-9959 or 324-8311.20-2S Auction Sale Cornell's Auction Barn Friday, May 29th at 6 o'clock A large oak bow . front china cabinet, mahogany curio cabinet (very n q(nate), „p[qe >v chest of drawers, a,, round .oak split pedestal dining room table, six triple press matching pressback chairs, hall table, drop front desk, 9 piece mahogany dining room suite, ' oak swivel office chairs, oak Victorian mantel clocks, a double brass bed, quantity of wooden kitchen chairs, brass umbrella stand, an 8 h.p. Ariens riding lawn mower (electric start), 1977 Monte Carlo, quantity of china and glass. Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 21-1SNP Auction Sale Thursday, June 4 at 1:00 p.m. Property sold, George and Jean Stockdale, Lot 19, Cone. 6, Asphodel. 3 miles west of stoplights In Norwood to Cone. 6, Asphodel, then 1VS miles north (watch for sale signs). A.C. 170 diesel tractor (p.s„ 3 pt. hitch, " i,p„ 800 old brick, silo rods, old tools, etc. Approx. 1000 bales of hay (some second cut). Terms: cash or good cheque witn I.D. Owner ana auctioneers shall be free from responsibility of any accident or Injury on or about premises day of sale. Lunch available. Roy and Rod Williams Auctioneers, Box 883, Campbellford K0L 1L0. (705) 653-3533.21-1E Auction Sale Wednesday, June 3 at 1:00 p.m. Health reasons force sale of this good herd of milking cows. Peter J. Stephens, R.R. 5, Campbellford. 3 miles south of Campbellford on Stirling Road to Bradley Bay Road, then south for 1 mile, then west to second farm on right (watch for sale signs). 42 high grade Holstein milking cows In different stages of lactation. Cows have been exposed to bull and will be pregnancy checked. Milking and freshening dates to be verbally announced day of sale. DeLaval pipeline for 60 cows, auto, washer, Zero milking pump, 6 DeLaval units, 5 milk testers, Mueller 600 gal. bulk tank, bulk tank washer, double stainless sinks, N.H. 38 crop chopper -1 year old, wagon and feed rack, 8" feed auger 22' (SVi h.p. motor), 3 round bale feeders, 2 cement culverts each 6', chicken brooder, set of heavy horse harness (good) grain cart, 42 stanchions, 1 bull stanchion. NOTE: This Is the complete list. Be sure to be on tlmel 1:00 p.m. Terms: Cash or cheque with I.D. Owner and auctioneer shall be free from responsibility of any accident or Injury on or about premises day of sale. Lunch available. Roy and Rod Williams Auctioneers, Box 883, Campbellford K0L 1L0. (705) 653-3533. 21-1S Auction Sale Kahn Country Auctions. Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located 3 miles north of Hwy 401 (exit 399), on the Brock Rd„ Pickering. Featuring every week, excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectables, primitives, etc. So join us every Wed. and participate In one of Ontario's TRUE auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Previews from 1:00 p.m. Come see our new auction barn facility with lots of free park)ng:and other,quality features to" Handle your sales efficiently and professionally. Consignment and Estate selling our specialty. G and H Kahn auctioneers - (416) 683-0041. 3-tfS Chinook salmon are coming coming east According to a recent recent report from the Minstry of Natural Resources, Resources, twenty-five thousand fingerling Chinook salmon are being stocked at both Oshawa and Port Darlington this spring. For years, the Ministry stocked coho and chinook salmon in the basin west of Toronto. Stocking has been heavy along the U.S. shoreline of Lake Ontario, as well. Fishing for trout and salmon salmon in Northumberland/ was limited to the migration of these fish from their home bases, mainly to deeper water in the warm summer months. Charter fishing operations operations have grown. A handful of boats operating out of Cobourg and Brighton last year, has easily doubled. A hindrance has been the lack of boat ramps between Port Darlington and Port Hope, and Cobourg and Brighton, and the lack of stocking in this area. Both of these issues are being addressed by the Northumberland Anglers' Association based in Port Hope and the Central Lake Ontario Sportsmen's Association Association at the east end of the county. Ministry news that the salmon stocking is moving east is encouraging. Salmon and trout fishing has produced increasing economic and recreational opportunities for our area. Stocking salmon locally should extend the season for the present excellent summer fishery. If you would like to get in touch with either fishing association, association, you can contact: Albert Jarvis at 416-885- 8093 or A1 Vandusen at 613- 392-8467 Test your tourism I.Q. You should treat tourists: a) with contempt b) with indifference c) with courtesy d) the way you want to be treated when you arrive.; The answers are c) and d). Of course, visitors should always be treated courteously. courteously. But, just think of how you like to be treated when you're travelling. Don't visitors visitors to Canada deserve that same special attention? You bet they do! ffiooeS (s&xmtoaO (skso'g&sffX Automotive NEWS After riqorous and extensive extensive testing done by one of North America's leading Universities, Krown Rust Control Control has substantially out-performed Rust Check, one of the best-selling products in the industry. That's why so many car owners and professional rustproofers are switching to Krown, the totally proven process. Review the McMaster University Report for yourself at your nearest Krown Rust Control Center and save $10 off the regular price on your next application. j^nownr RUST CONTROL CENTER 153 King Street E., Bowmanville PhOflG 623-261 5 for the shop closest to you. Servian tlw public for over 13 years Wooden Country Crafts e.g. Scaredy Cat $29.99 (made in Canada) Picnic Hamper $44.95 Rainbow Stained i "Sun Catchers" e.g. Unicorn, Sailboat $18.00 $48.00 Carved Wooden Sailors $9.95 Carved Keyrings $4.50 Spinal Tappers Come on In and help us celebrate our tenth year of service to youl HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOUS! And to get the festivities started started off right, we're presenting you with big savings on specially specially selected merchandise on display right now for a limited time. Hurryl s $9.99 Thursday Friday and Saturday Above a co/ Prices I 0 /O OFF PLUS IN STORE SPECIALS My Apothecary 26 King St. E., Bowmanvllle Free Travel 8*9 for the first 20 people who book a trip during the Sale-a-Bration Sale Thurs., Fpl, Sat. - May 28-29-30 at BowmanVtllc Travel Centre 19 King St. W. Telephone 623-3182 Independent Travel Proleuionals pt. r p.t.o., hl/lo range, 60 h.p., hours since reconditioned, good rubber), Minneapolis Moline tractor, M.F. 925 hayblne (new In 1980) good, M.F. 124 baler (good), M.F. side delivery rake, good; M.F. 3 furrow trip beam plow, M.F. 12 ft. cultivator, 3 pt. hitch, 2 wagons and flat racks, I.H. 251 - 2 row plate corn planter (3 pt. hitch), 3 pt. hitch sprayer, 24 ft. boom, 3 pt. hitch fertilizer spreader p.t.o., 3 pt. hitch 1 row corn harvester (Maize corn bob), M.H. 13 run seed drill on steel, bale elevator and motor, chain harrows, 3 drum roller, 3 pt. hitch 8' blade, stone boat, steel wheel wagon, hay loader, threshing mill, Gehl hammer mill, 50' belt, harness, horse collars, neck yokes, Whipple trees, electric fencers, 40' wooden extension ladder, deep well pump, new and 10% OFF Everything In Stock 3-DAYS ONLY Thurs., Fri., Sat. - May 28-29-30 at The Pine Hut Solid Oak and Pine Furniture and Accessories 34 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-9663 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Tender Number 67-014 Roof Replacement Sealed tenders will bo received by the Superintendent of Business, 834 D'Arcv Street. North. CoDourq, Ontario K9A4L2, 372-6871, up to3:00p.m., Monday, 15 Juno 1987, for Roof Replacement. Site Inspection will bo hold on Tuesday, 02 Juno 1987 beginning at 9:00 a.m. In tho following order: Murray Centennial Public School, R.R. //4, Tronton (Woolor Road), Spring Valley Public School, R.R. //7, Brighton Highway 30), Brighton Public School, Elizabeth Street, Brighton, Campbolllord High School, Rannoy Street, Cnmpbol lord, Kent Public School, Konl Stroot, ÇjjropboWord, Cobourg District Colloglato Institute Wost, 135 King Street, West, Cobourg, Bowmanvlllo Sonlor Public Sc poo, 105 Queen Stroot, Bowmanvllle, Courtlco Secondary School, R,R, #3, Bowmanvlllo (Courtlco Fload, Highway Ü2). Contractors wishing to bid must attend Silo Inspections. Bonds and Insuranco Requirements, as par specifications. Specif cations and Tender Documents can bo obtained at tho abovo address or at Slto Inspection or Trlloch Consultants, 27 Albort Stroot, Georgetown, Ontario (416) 040-3525, upon payment of $100.00 by corllllod choquo payable to Tho Northumberland and Nowcasllo Board ol Education, which will bo rofundod upon rolurn ol documonls n good ordor, within two weeks aflor Tondor Is awarded. Lowosl or any Tondor not nocossnrlly aocoptod. 21-1SNP * HONDA ACCORD BEST CAR BUILT IN CANADA * WORLD ON WHEELS MAGAZINE SPRING 1987 "The victory for the Accord comes as no surprise. It has won virtually every award and accolade possible and is generally considered the world standard for compact cars." COBOURG HONDA LEASING -- SALE? - SERVICE - PARTS Your Satlslatlon Guaranteed HWY. 2 WEST COBOURG 372-5445 D YKSTRA'S BUCATEMCN FOODHAMdT Hit BOWMANVILLE SINUS CENtl mm fCCD STORE 77 King St W.. BowmanvHle,, 623-3541 Sale-a-Bration Weekend Food Specials medium . _ _ , GROUND BEEF $1.95tb/.43 ioo g DELI SLICED COOKED HAM $2.99ib /.66ioo g DELI SLICED . . , nr _ MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA $1.59tb/.35ioo g DUTCH GOUDA CHEESE MILD OR oo I oo MILD SPICED.... $3.99ib./.o8ioog BABY EDAM BALLS $6.90each P.G. TIPS TEA BAGS .<7^Rack/.69 JOLLY MAC & CHEESE DINNER 4Q HEAD LETTUCE .69 BROCCOLI .79 CELERY 79 ALL TIME LOW PRICE ITEMS MAPLE LEAF WINNERS $1.69ib. DEVON BACON soogpkg $1.99 MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA soogpkg $1.99 2% MILK BAG $2.99 MILD CHEDDAR $2.99ib /.66ioo g FRESH GROUND NATURAL PEANUT BUTTER $1.48ib./$3.29 kg BULK LIQUID HONEY $1.18ib./$2.60kg STORE SLICED BACON $2.99ib BLACK FOREST HAM $4.49ib. $1.99doz. 3/.99 ORANGES GRAPFRUIT RED or WHITE BUTTERMATE BREAD .99 CHAPMAN'S ICE CREAM 2U ,ro $2.19 TAKE OUT jrfËÊÊfâ&r DELI BUNS and COFFEE J FRUIT BASKETS MADE TO ORDER DELI MEAT and CHEESE PLATTERS