Councillor Draws Winning Tickets in Aquatic Team Raffle The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. May 27. 1987 West Durham W.I. District Annual Held at Kendal M f\ é-S-Sï, ' : v'c *Yt ■.. „ # - Councillor Hal McKnight, surrounded by members team sold tickets to help offset costs of their recent of the Newcastle Aquatic Team, drew the winning trip to Thunder Bay, where they placed 16 out of 29 names in the club-sponsored raffle on May 16. The teams in the AAAA provincial championships. Foundry Bowling League Champions Receive Prizes at Banquet i'i ( |H> h l A s i«T / t \■/ /-mA This winning group consists of the Foundry Bowl- Holly Buntsma. Awards were presented to the Foun- ing League Champions for 1987. Pictured from left dry League bowlers at a banquet held in Centennial are: Sam Adams, (captain), Linda Churchill, Brenda Hall Saturday evening, May 23. Stainton, Cheryl Cowling, Ryan Sutcliffe. Absent, ;i We invite you to join us for our 3-Day Sale-a-Bration Thurs., Fri., Sat. - May 28-29- 30 Don't Miss Our Rack of T-Shirts Reg. $18.00 to $20.00 Now $12.99 30% OFF All Oversizes (38 to 44) Sportswear (T-Shirts - Blouses - Slacks - Skirts) Super Savings On Our $5 and $1 O Rack Values to $75.00 CLIP and SAVE -- I | ANY PURCHASE OF ! REGULARLY PRICED MERCHANDISE | Coupon valid until Sat!, May 30, 1907 -I All Sales I - Inal -- No Exchanges or Rotunds on Sale Morchandlso fUlouiie fyallUoni 49 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5854 On Thursday, May 7,1987, a Women's Institute District Annual for Durham West was held at Kendal United Church with the Kendal Women's Institute as hosts. Registration and luncheon tickets were capably taken care of and a warm welcome was given by Mrs. Lovelene (D) Cathcart, Mrs. Louise (C) Bell of Bowmanville gave the reply, on behalf of those present. Mrs. Viola (W) Ashton gave a short District President's report. Board Director Mrs. Marion Thompson of Bailie- boro did the ratification of the District Directors and they presented the Pennies for Friendship at this time. A motion was carried to also send $50.00 from the treasury to Pennies for Friendship. The 1986 District Annual minutes and Treasurer's report were given by Mrs. Faye (M) Vice assistant secretary in the absence of Mrs. J. C. Wygerde. The auditors report was given by Mrs. Ida (C) Bray. Collecting Pennies for Friendship is to be continued. The Fun Fair is to be held again in the fall at Solina Hall with Providence-Shaw's branch as hosts. The District President or alternate 1st Vice President is to be a delegate to the Area Convention in Toronto, November 3 and 4, 1987. A new office of Area Delegate was established this year and Mrs. Ida (C) Bray was nominated and Mrs. Marjorie (H) Prescott to be alternate. The 90th anniversary display for the Bowmanville Museum is to be on June 6th, 1987, at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Marion (M) Wiseman doing the opening honors. The District is to serve cookies and tea to the visitors that afternoon. afternoon. A motion was carried to send $50.00 to the Erland Lee Homestead. Mrs. Annie Cathcart shared her talent with us by reciting "Caleb's Courtship" and the "Ninety and Nine". This was much enjoyed by the guests. Mrs. Marion Thompson, Board Director, brought us up to date on recent issues. There are to be new hand books and the cost will be $5.00. The F.W.I.O. is to have a booth again at the Royal Winter Fair. The Central Area Convention Convention is to be November 3 and 4 in Toronto. The National Convention is to be held in Newfoundland in June of 1988. We were served a very tasty and bountiful luncheon by the Kendal Branch. An impressive Memorium was given by the Newtonville Branch in memory of the members from the District who had passed away during the past year. These were Mrs. Gertie Stapleton of Bowmanville; Bowmanville; Mrs. Bea. Jones and Mrs. Louise Jose of Newtonville; Newtonville; Mrs. Doris Roker of Nestleton and Mrs. Lewella Bellamy of Hampton. A flower was placed in a silver basket for each deceased member and a solo "Beyond the Sunset" Sunset" sincerely rendered. The standing Committee reports were prepared for each Director to take back to her Branch. District Curator Mrs. Elaine (T) Baker; P.R.O. Mrs. Alma (C) Lang- maid; Federation of Agriculture Agriculture Rep. Mrs. Doreen (G) Barrie and Safety Council Rep. Mrs. Sein (H) Eikens gave short but informative reports. Miss Barbara Weese of R.O.S.S. spoke to us about several things reminding us how important parliamentary procedure is for our meetings. Mrs. Margaret (J) Killeen gave the second reading of the Resolutions with 2 sustained and 1 lost. The roll call was answered by each branch Director stating stating the number of members present that day, the year their branch was formed and a highlight from the minutes of their early years. These answers were all quite interesting interesting and humorous. The election of officers was presided over by Mrs. Marion Thompson with the following results: Past President - Mrs. Marjorie Marjorie (H) Prescott, President - Mrs. Viola (W) Ashton, 1st. Vice President - Mrs. Sharon (G) Buttery, 2nd. Vice Presi- dent-Mrs. Lovelene (D) Cathcart, Cathcart, Secretary - Treasurer - Mrs. J.C. Wygerde, Assistant Secretary - Mrs. Faye (M) Vice, Public Relations Officer - Mrs. Shirley (G) Brown,Alternate Brown,Alternate P.R.O. - Mrs. Arme (J) Brine, Safety Council Rep. - Mrs. Sein (H) Eikens, Fed. of Agriculture Rep. - Mrs. Doreen Doreen (G) Barrie, Curator - Mrs. Elaine (T) Baker, Auditors - Mrs. Blaikie (R) Rowsell, Mrs. Ida (C) Bray. STANDING COMMITTEE CONVENORS - Program Convenor Convenor - Mrs. Margaret (J) Killeen, Resolutions - Mrs. Margaret (J) Killeen, Program Program Co-ordinater - Mrs. Bernice Bernice (F) Watson, Assist. Program Program Co-ordin. - Mrs. Anne I J) Brine. A vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Marjorie (H) Prescott and an invitation to hold the 1988 District Annual in Maple Grove. The meeting closed with singing "0 CANADA." Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Alma (C) Langmaid Obituaries VENONA ELIZABETH BAKER The death of Venona Elizabeth Baker occurred on May 12, 1987, at her home, 41 Cowie Hill Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Formerly of Toronto, she was the daughter of the late Robert and Maude Boyle of Toronto. Left to mourn her passing are her husband Allan Roscoe Baker, three sons Robert W., Abbotsford, , ,6. Ci ,. John Michael, /Dartmouth, N.S., Allan Gordon, Halifax, N.S. and six grandchildren. " A memorial service was held May 15 at the J. Albert Walker Funeral Home Chapel, Halifax. Cremation. Interment Zion Cemetery at a latter date. HAROLD A. PASCOE A resident of Solina his entire life, widely known and highly respected, Harold A. Pascoe, died Saturday, May 2, 1987 at Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville, in his 85th year. He had been ill three years. Born in Darlington Township, he was married April 6, 1929 to Kate M. Cryderman. A farmer for 30 years lie had also been employed at General Motors of Canada, and Gale Lumber, in Oshawa, retiring 10 years ago. He was a member of Eldad United Church, and had served on the Solina School and Eldad Church Boards. Surviving are his wife Kate Pascoe, three sons Rae, Don and Lyn Pascoe, and many loving grandchildren and great grandchildren. The Reverend Doctor G. Victor Levan officiated at the funeral services held on Monday, May 4, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Pallbearers were grandsons of the deceased. Interment Hampton Union Cemetery. 74th year. He had been ill four months. Son of Alice Mary Tompkins, he was married June 28, 197, to Ethel May Austin. Coming to Canada in Nineteen Hundred and Thirty, he had resided in Ontario 57 years where he worked as a farmer thirteen years, white washed barns ten years, pumped septic tanks twenty years, and drove a school bus sixteen years. He had previously worked at Port Hope Sanitary ten years. He retired eight years ago. A member of Canton United Church, he had served five years in the R.C.A.F., overseas overseas two years. Surviving are his wife, two sons Ralph and Ray, two daughters-in-law, four grandchildren grandchildren and two great grandsons. grandsons. Reverend Ransom officiated officiated at the funeral services held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. The organist was Mrs. Helen MacDonald. Pallbearers were his sons Ralph and Ray, and grandsons grandsons John McGuey, Doug, Dan and Robert Tompkins. Floral tributes were received in his memory from Goodyear Canada, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, and McCallum Transport, Oshawa. Interment Newtonville Cemetery. Don't Miss Our Huge Sale-a Bration Thurs., Fri., Sat. May 28-29-30 -CLIP and SAVE- BRING IN THIS COUPON and SAVE 20% Any Regular UJrJr Price Merchandise Coupon Valid Until Sat., May 30, 1987 Savings of Up to Special Sale Racks 50% OFF All Sales Final - No Exchanges or Refunds THE John & Judy 33 King St. W. SHOPPE "Fashions for Little People" 623-3293 Bowmanville BERTRAM TOMPKINS Born and educated in Bristol, England, Bertram Tompkins died on Monday, May 11, 1987, in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, in his A STITCH i IN TIME... could save you money! • Alterations • Tailoring 623-5011 2d Divir.ion St., Bowmanville RAM'S Iailorshop Savings Thurs., Fri. and Sat. May 28-29-30 Old Country Styli Dog Food $9.99 2 »K s Made In Canada Rubber Boots . $12.50 p,„ All In-Stock Chicken Feeders and Waterers 1 5% OFF VANSTONE FLOUR and FEED MILL j j a iz! rxji in n r\r\r\ r* m 9 m f m 9 116 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-5777