I 16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 3,1987 tSift Hcuicaatle 9nùepetsîient Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 New Executive Elected for Branch 178 of Royal Canadian Legion President Charles Gray, Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce, informs us that their society has challenged the Durham Regional Police to a ball game at Newcastle Park on Sunday, June 14, at 6:30 p.m. The proceeds are for the improvement improvement of Christmas Lighting Collection. The day before, Saturday, June 13th, 1987, the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society is conducting a house, church and garden tour. Just to arouse your interest, we mention, Tyndale, owned by Norma and Roger Yates. This house was built in 1830 for a remittance man from England. When he and his family were lost at sea, on the way to Canada, the builder, Mr. Treleaven lived in the home. Also, the Mill House, built in 1847 to house the ■ operator of the Grist Mill. This home is owned by Hope and Gordon Carveth. We are certain that you will enjoy touring all the homes and buildings included in this tour. For information, call 987-4822, 987-4406 or look for the advertisement. advertisement. The Calls have just spent a month entertaining Mrs. Call's cousins, Mr. David Ingate, Miss Lou Ingate and her twin sister, Flo Holder from England. They have enjoyed trips to Cullen Gardens, Cullen Barns, Niagara Falls, Parkwood in Oshawa, Casa Loma, Peterborough Peterborough Lift Locks and to relatives in Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Herm Harris. They all spent an evening at the CN Tower and Old Ed's, with Mrs. Call's sister and brother-in- law, Gladys and Milt Downs, from Toronto. They spent three evenings visiting with Bob and Wilda Simpson, Glen and Lynda Farrow, Corey Call and Marilyn Duff. Mrs. Call hosted a family picnic last Sunday with Glen, Lynda, Jan and Ryan, of Newtonville, Corey and Marilyn, of Black- stbck, Keith and Children Adam, Chris, Craig and Tanya, of Oshawa. They also visited David's friends from England, Mr. and Mrs. S. Broad of Thornhill, who immigrated to Canada four years ago. After watching F.A. cup finals from Wembley Stadium, Calls and their guests left for Toronto to spend the afternoon with Glad and Milt Downs, before saying farewell to each other at the airport. : Birthday greetings to Jean Holmes, Joan Taylor, Jeff Rickard, Sidney Lancaster, Allan Rowe, Tara Gamier, Janet Paeden, Kim Storks, Doug Rickard. Congratulations to Kay and Cecil Bowler who observe their 30th wedding anniversary anniversary and to Frank and Mary Waterbury on their 43rd. All the best! We welcome home Mrs. Mabel Wade from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Visiting Visiting with the Wades on Sunday were Mabel's niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bamsey. Mrs. Doris Trimble, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, visited on Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Kathleen Kimball. Mrs. D. Coulter, Downs- view, was a Saturday overnight overnight guest of Floyd and Dorrene Powell, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrailler, Alex, Laura and Daniel of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vasseur and Adrian were Sunday visitors with John Metrailler and Ron. Rev. and Mrs. Donald Stiles and son Don accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stiles, of Peterborough, Peterborough, to Montreal where they enjoyed the weekend. On Saturday, brother Harry Stiles and wife Denise, of St. Lambert, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Little Carrie Sayer remains in traction in Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, but is progressing progressing favourably. With Dave and Carla Foote, Lindsay and Adam, for the weekend were Mark and Anita Vecsey and children and Marg and Vince Stevens and children, all of Hamilton. Masters Russell and Grayden Hunt, of Pontypool, are visiting grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, while their mother Dale is in Oshawa Hospital with a new baby brother. On Saturday, May 30, 1987, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coyle and sons Brandon, Matthew and Nathan attended the wedding of Shirley's brother, Doug Pickell and Giselle Van G estel at Immaculate Conception Church, Port Perry. June is picnic month for many. The Powell Picnic is June 28 at Orono Park with dinner at 2 p.m. For the ball players, a diamond has been reserved. Last Monday Mrs. Bessie Stephenson entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. Congratulations to Mrs. Pauline Storks who was presented presented with a public service award at the Town of Newcastle's Citizens of the Year Award last Tuesday night. These awards were presented presented at the Lions Centre in Bowmanville. Attending with Pauline were husband Bill and granddaughter Amanda, sister Raye Friedlander and friend Wilda Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope, yietje Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Kathleen Kimball. On Saturday evening Tom and Sandra Schmahl took Grandmother Raye Friedlander Friedlander to the Joan Rivers show at the O'Keefe Centre - an early birthday present. Mrs. Lena Graham spent Thursday and Friday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham, Adrian and Jessica. Mrs. Bill Hodsoll and Stephanie, Whitby, were Sunday visitors with . her mother, Mrs. Lena Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Alt Perrin, Peterborough, visited Saturday Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. On Tuesday Mrs. Gladys Wood visited Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono and Mrs. Gladys Wood were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Felgate, Unionville. Mr. Jack Chard, Randy Firth and Sally Mitchell recently attended a Meat and Deli Seminar at Rock Haven, Peterborough. Dorella Chard visited with Ann Spivey. , Mrs. April Chard, Sarah, Crystal and Michael, Port Hope, visited the Chard families in .Newcastle on Sunday, among them, Jack and Dorilla Chard. Mrs. Isobel Gamier, Tara and Tammy, and Mrs. SHARING GRIEF Modern society tends to smother the whole topic of death and bereavement in silence and embarrassment. It is almost as If there were a conspiracy of silence on the subject. The reality of grief Is denied, and there are few outlets for pent-up anxieties, tensions, guilt feelings, anger, loneliness, loss of faith, and hopelessness about the future. These stresses frequently appear as physical symptoms: aches and pains, real Illnesses, exhaustion, and loss of motivation. Drugs may bring passing relief, but the underlying anguish needs to be relieved by talking freely to and an understanding compassionate person. This person could be almost anyone. It could be a trained professional, such as a clergyman, doctor, or psychologist. It could be a close relative sharing the loss, In many cases, it turns out to be an Individual who recently experienced a similar grief. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 Division St., Bowmanville Tsl. 623-5480 Serving Durham Region Since 1881 Margaret Pearce visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pearce and girls, Lindsay. The Newcastle and District Concert Series Committee announces with regret, that its 1986-87 Youth and Music Canada Series concludes the music in our community. With fewer than 50 subscribers for these programs, there was not enough base support to continue bringing Youth and Music concerts to Newcastle. We do wish, however, to express our thanks to those who gave generous support to our series during the past four years. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin have returned home to Wood- ville since Ted has recovered from his heart attack. Horticultural Society News On Monday, May 25, 1987, eighteen Junior and Senior members of the Newcastle Horticultural Society went to the Orono Forestry Station, A guided walking tour was much enjoyed by all. It was very interesting to view the different trees and learn to identify the various pines, spruce, hemlock, balsam, larch and cedars. Not so familiar to this area, the tulip tree full of buds and the Gingko, last representative of the pre-historic age. Many of the fossils have their leaves patterned in them. Besides the evergreens that are started in both outside beds and greenhouses, greenhouses, there are many varieties of deciduous trees on the property. It was a good learning experience. St. George's News May 31st, 1987, was the Sunday after the Ascension at St. George's. On Sunday, June 7th, the A.C.W. are holding a Salad Supper. Tickets are available for two sittings in the Parish Hall, 4:30 and 6 p.m. On Sunday, June 14, the Parish Car Rally begins sharp at 2 p.m. from St. George's Parish Hall. Cost is $4. per car. Each car is asked to bring a large Pot Luck dish, own beverages and lawn chairs. Refreshments will be provided provided at half-way point. Outdoor Eucharist will be celebrated at Orono Park on Sunday, June 14th, at 9:30 a.m. with picnic and games to follow. In the future: Walkathon Sept. 26th, St. Saviour's Bazaar Oct. 24th. Contact Bill Tomlinson at 983-9642 if you wish to help design the float for the Orono Fair Parade, Saturday, Sept. 12th. June is Senior Citizens' month. We observe our Seniors around us and offer prayers and thanks for their many gifts and talents shared with us. Durham Northumberland Spring Fun Day and Barbecue Saturday, June 6, St. John's, Port Hope, 1:30-7 p.m. Ages 11 - 18 years bring baseball glove and something, to barbecue. The church is a hive for workers, not a nest for drones. United Church News The United Church Women presented the service at Newcastle United Church on Sunday, May 31st, 1987. Mrs. Annabelle Rickard, President of the Trillium Unit and Mrs. Shirley Coyle, President of the U.C.W. conducted the service. Miss Gwyneth Hughes of Kedron United Church sang two beautiful solos, I See the Love of God in Every River and the old Irish Blessing, May the Road Rise Up to Meet You, much appreciated by the congregation. A new storyteller, storyteller, Marjorie Caswell told her story to the children, Safe in God's Hands, and was well received by all. The guest speaker, Mrs. Ruth Harris whose sermon "What Is In Your Hand?" was based on these examples, Moses' rod, the lad's loaves and fish, the widow's mite, Dorcas' needle and thread, Abraham's ram in place of his son Isaac - all to teach the use of the talents one has. Coffee hour followed the service. Trillium Unit outing is Thursday, June 4th, leaving the church at noon for luncheon. The Sunshine Unit meet at the church on Monday, June 8th at 6:30 p.m. to go out for dinner. Sunday School Anniversary will be celebrated on Sunday, June 7th, with Mrs. Beulah Buchwald guest speaker. Picnic follows the service. . Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, June 14th, Tickets are available for the annual Father's Day Beef Barbecue and Strawberry Supper. Girl Guide News The 2nd Newcastle Girl Guides participated in the Crown Life Participation Challenge on Wednesday, May 27th, at Newcastle Public School. A speedy game of volleyball was played by four teams, aided by referees Jack Chard and Neil Wood, score- keeper Peggy Carroll, and cheerleaders Helene- Kraayvanger and Dorella Chard. The girls had invited te Chard. The girls had invited the former Brownies who flew up to Guides on May 19th and Newtonville Guide Company. Those taking part were: Sheila Van Dyke, Andrea Chinn, Crystal White, Janice Rickard, Monique Kraayvanger, Kraayvanger, Angie DuMouchel, Lynnette Harvie, Marnie Jackson, Tara Gamier, Lee Anne Tressider, Julie Coburn, Christina Arsenault, Shawna Burgess, Allison McManus, Barb Metcalf, Melissa Wilson, Shannon Holmes, Kristy Catherwood, Rebecca Oliver, Leigh Wood Colleen White, Hilary Maderos, Tara Macey, Diane Metcalf, Cheryl Anderson, Brooklyn Allan, Leah Winter, Amy Winter, Laura Wood, Darlene Gillan, Amanda Lloyd, Shari Whatten and Roxanne Pollard. The new executive for the Bowmanville Legion is pictured above. Front from left, Nyhl Sheehan, 3rd vice-president, Fred Brown, 1st vice-president, Walter Walter Park. oresident, Jim Connell. 2nd vice-president, Cccile Bowers, secretary, George Morris, treasurer. Back from left, Doug Walton, Ralph Ormiston, Shirley Shirley Robbins, Art Sheehan, Alf Millson, Gloria Grant, past president, Jim Firth. Absent: Stan Dunn. 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