1 > I I I By Nettle Alkea Reg and Lome Norris just recently returned from a holidaying fishing trip in the bush near Denbigh. They were able to catch some speckled trout and splake. Splake is a cross between a speckled trout and a lake trout. The Ministry of Natural Resources is stocking a number of lakes with this hybrid. These fish are delicious to eat as well. We wish a happy birthday to Lome's mother, Bernice Mann, as she was 76 on Thursday, May 21st. She had a nice celebration in her apartment apartment in Peterborough. On Thursday, May 21st, your correspondent and her husband visited Norine Propp and her Shady Lane Ceramics establishment. She has an abundant supply of beautiful items made by herself and her students. If you wish to have a keepsake for a friend with the name "Pontypool, Ont." in gold lettering, just phone and tell her your price range, and she will be glad to oblige. Her number is 277-2293. Now that there is a Sears Pick Up at Dagg's, all you have to do whenever you are ordering from a catalogue location, is to tell them you want to pick it up from Pontypool. Pontypool. Judy will phone you when it comes in. You may also pick up your latest catalogues. catalogues. She would be delighted to have you help yourself to some coffee and browse around the rest of her store. For opening day of Sears, Dagg's received a beautiful flower arrangement from Sears in Lindsay. There were eight tables of euchre played at the Community Community Centre at the Keen- agers' meeting on Thursday, May 21st. High Lady was Eileen McMillan with 77. Low Lady was Alice Bradley with 43. High Man was Vicki Campbell, playing as a'man, with 71. Low Man was John Nimigon with 49. The draws were won by Ruth Richardson and Debbie Overy. The Keenagers are having a trip on Tuesday, June 2nd, to Caledonia. We hope you had a good day.. Rev. Heather Smith paid a visit to your correspondent on Wednesday, May 20th. She is a very gracious person to have in your home. There are now two businesses at R.R. No. 1, Pontypool, east of the cemetery cemetery in the hollow. They are Handi Bindery 277-2286 and Manvers Print 277-2288. Handi Bindery does book binding, i.e. collating, punching, punching, folding, stitching and trimming. Also curlox binding (plastic). Norm Vachon is the owner. Several local people are employed part time and four local people full time. Roseanim Vachon' runs the Manvers Print and produces publications; flyers, newsletters, newsletters, business cards, tickets. They would be glad to see you for orders. On Sunday, May 24th, in the children's time, Rev. Heather Smith explained the interesting interesting background history behind the meaning of the word "sincere." The service was shorter than usual in order to have a congregational meeting before the minister had . to leave for Bethany, to handle a couple of items of business. The brief meditation for the adults was entitled "Prayer Makes A Difference." God, through prayer, in Christ's name, is equal to all our needs. The anthem was "To God Be The Glory." On Monday, May 25th, with the efforts of some good hearted handy' men in the village, the damage of the vandalism in the cemetery has been rectified, as far as the stones are concerned. There is still some work to repair the damage to the grass, but this is fairly simple. It has come to my attention that there was damage from break-ins in the subdivision over last weekend. The police are now patrolling the streets of Pontypool more regularly. Pontypool and District Happenings Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 3. 1987 9 Tyrone and Area It costs extra funds for security protection and increased insurance on property. Let everyone make sure it is not your family adding to the problem. Those of you who know our M.P. Allan Lawrence, and his family personally, will be pleased to learn of the wedding of their daughter, Alison, to Michael Healey at St. Mary's Lifford Church on Monday, May 18th, with the reception at home, with just their family and close friends. We all wish them best things to come as they start their life together. Several ladies of St. Thomas More Parish and St. Bernadette's Bernadette's Parish, Nestleton, along with Father Tom Lynch, attended the Annual Diocesan C.W.L. Convention in Brace- bridge. It was a very enriching enriching and informative weekend; altogether a great treat. The 2nd Manvers' Brownies held their annual Mother and Daughter Banquet on May 25, 1987, at 6:00 p.m. This was the last meeting of the year. (Registration will be some time in September.) Two of our leaders will be leaving the unit this year. Debbie Overy will be moving to Hamilton, and Carol Quirk, to Courtice. We had six of our Brownies fly up to Guides, which is the highest honor received in Brownies. They are: Tara-Lee Campbell, Jennifer Leystra, Amanda Muirhead, Brandy Nie, Pamela Quirk and Andrea VanWierengen. All of these girls will be sadly missed. On behalf of myself (Debbie) I would like to say thank you to the leaders and girls who have made my six years in Guiding a thrill and honor. Last but not least, goodbye and I will' miss you all. Sincerely, 2nd Manvers Brownies and Leaders The closing meeting of the Guides is Friday, May 29th. They will meet at the church, outside, for supper and games at 5:30 p.m. and then later proceed to Donna Bryant's home for campfire and awards. The winners of the awards will be given in a later column. It was good to see the Guides helping at. the church Salad Supper. Some of the girls went to Wonderland on Saturday, May 30th. The Pathfinders wind up the season with an outing to the Pontypool L - Triple J Riding Ranch on Wednesday, June 10th and a camp on June 19,20 and 21 at Warsaw Caves. On May 25, the 1st Bethany - Pontypool Boy Scouts held their annual Swim Up. This year it was held at Mr. Malcolm's farm. After saying farewell to Beaver friends and leaders Pat Davies, Lorraine Evans, David Cassidy, Linda Hawrylak, Linda Clarke and Bev Fisher, and Mary Margaret Boone, the new chums were escorted over the Bridge by Keeo Dana Clarke and Keeo Robbie Lewis. Once over the bridge, the new chums received their white neckerchief from next year's Akela Sharon Hofstede 1st Bethany and Akela Ryan Lebeau 1st Pontypool. Akela Christine Van De Velde then welcomed each chum to the pack. Leaders Christine Van De Velde, Janice O'Neill, Dave Clarke and Ryan Lebeau bid farewell to the Cubs going to Scouts. After crawling through a cave the boys were greeted into Scouts by Scouter Diane Tink and Scouter Larry Evans. After saying farewell to his buddies in Scouts, Mark Evans joined the newly formed 1st Pontypool Venturer Venturer Company. A warm welcome was extended to Mark by Advisor - Christine Van De Velde, Assistant Advisor Larry Evans, Company Company members Christopher Van De Velde and Julie Merry, Any Youth 14 to 17 years interested in joining the 1st Pontypool Venturers please contact Christine at 277-2471 evenings. Many thinking people are pre-arranging funerals At quiet times, along with their own private thoughts, many people --both young and elderly --are making the sensible decision to pre-arrange their funeral. Their wishes are made known well before time of need, removing stress from surviving relatives. Call or write for our selection of brochures on the various aspects of funerals and pre-planning. Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home 53 Division Street BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 2Z8 Phone 623-5668 Beavers Swimming Up were: 1st Pontypool - Blair Cassidy, Scott Clarke, Michael Davies, Brent Dixon, Chris Love, Stephen Quirk, Chad Thornton, Shawn Walker, Jeff Fisher and absent was Ian MacLean. 1st Bethany - Jeffery Beer and Stuart Paul. Cubs going up were Jason Bulman, Matthew Shortill and absent Aaron Solotarow. Scouts Going Up - Mark Evans. Newcomer to Venturers - Julie Merry. Transfer from 22nd Spring- ville Venturers - Christopher Prices effective Wednesday, June 3rd thru Saturday, June 6th, 1987. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements. Savings shown in this ad based on Metropolitan Toronto A&P regular retails. We accept all food store coupons Van De Velde. On the weekend of May 16th, David and Christine Van De Velde and family and Ron and Dawn Marie Seburn and family visited with family in North Bay. Christine and Dawn Marie met many aunts and uncles and cousins for the first time. On May 29th, Christine and family and Dawn Marie attended attended the funeral of their grandfather grandfather Amos Ross (in his 97th year) at Sundridge, Ontario. Unfortunately, Amos died before Dawn Marie had a chance to meet him. On May 20th, Christine and David and family attended the funeral of Christine's foster father, Michael Semenuk at Waterford, Ontario. The sympathy of the community community goes to the Van De Velde family. The U.C.W. Salad Supper was a great success. A thank you to all those who patronized it on Friday, May 22nd and to those who helped or contributed contributed in any way. The helpers, including young people, seemed to cooperate well to gether to tend to everyone's needs. The Manvers Arts and Crafts Show on June 6th and 7th will operate during the following hours: Noon - 6 p.m. on June 6th; Noon - 5 p.m. on June - 7th. ' Sorry for the previous error. There were forty-eight attending the Bingo at the Community Centre on Wednesday, May 27th. The Jackpot still did not go. Next time, June 10th, the new statistics will be $150 in 60 numbers. There were a lot of games with multiple winners. Lobb Ball scores for Sunday, May 24th. Pinewood over No Stars, 41 - 6; Kinsmen over Night Hawks, 9-8; Evergreens Evergreens over Titans, 8 - 5; Centre Field _ over Brandt- Stewart, 10 - 9? Your correspondent says good bye to Public Health Nurse Susan Baker, who has made her last official visit and welcomes Angela Ursel, who is just beginning her duty with the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit. Bessie Vaneyk Sunday School Friendship Service Some colorful, precocious puppets and their mentor, Beuia Buckwald, Oshawa, were guests on the program at the Tyrone Sunday School Friendship Service on Sunday morning, May 24, 1987. Students of the Sunday School led the service and sang two musical numbers, "Pass It On", a spritely round, and a contemporary song, "The Richest Kid in the Neighborhood", accompanied by Deb Hoy at the piano. Rev. David McKinnell administered the Holy Sacrament of Baptism for Gwyneth Catherine Fischer, infant daughter of Alex and Debbie Fischer, Tyrone, at the children's Friendship Service. Lunch and fellowship followed the service. Announcements : Tyrone General Council will meet on June 2nd at 8:00 p.m. in the C.E. Wing. The Education Committee will be in charge of the church service on May 31st when Mrs. M. LeVan, Hampton, will be the guest speaker. JANE PARKER Angel Food Cake 400 G SIZE DELICIOUS WITH STRAWBERRIES OVER 1/3 OFF Jane Parker WEEK SPECIALS JANE PARKER. 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