U The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. June 17. 1987 Section Two 21 Artists Enter Visual Arts Centre Photography Competition I'i ""T HAYDON He's Safety Patroller of the Year These people won the top six awards in the photo competition. From left to right: Anne Allin (1st B & W), John Van Bruggcn (Best in Show), John Kent B' ' I" Trina Perrin (left) and Onnig Cavouk judged the Visual Arts Centre's fourth annual Juried Show of Photography, held June 10. Mrs Perrin operates her own photography studio in Oshawa, while Mr. Cavouk is one of Canada's leading .color portrait photographers. , u m>, by Jeff Hubbell The fourth annual Juried Photography Contest and Show, Wednesday, June 10 was, shall we say, picture perfect? The event was held at the Visual Arts Centre of Newcastle Newcastle at the Cream of Barley Barley Mill in Bowmanville. It attracted 63 entries from 21 artists. The ajudicators were well qualified for their job. Trina Perrin owns and operates operates her own photography studio in Oshawa. The second second judge, Onnig Cavouk, is a counterpart to another great Armenian-Canadian photographer, Yousef Karsh. But whereas Karsh perfected the technique of portraiture in black and white, Mr. Cavouk and his father, Artin, blazed the trail in Canada for color works. Having to choose a winner winner must have been tough. Photos ranged from a post- card-quality photo of Venetian Venetian gondolas, to a baby at the moment of birth, to a friendly-looking beetle peering out from behind a tree leaf. There were landscapes, landscapes, portraits, sunsets, wildlife and still life shots. (2nd Color, Award of Merit), John Sheridan (2nd B & W), Renate Allmendinger (1st Color). icant number of women in the competition. Best in Show Award went to John Van Bruggen for his "Wind, Sand and Straw," First place color was presented presented to Renate Allmendinger Allmendinger for "Flower", and First place, Black and White went to Anne Allin for "Not Alone". Other winners winners were: John Kent, Second Second place color for "Fish", and the Award of Merit for, "Monarch Butterfly," and John Sheridan who won second place for black and white photography with his entry entitled "Suzie". The well-attended event was a definite triumph for the Visual Arts Centre and its director, Denise Vanson. DURHAM AGRICULTURAL NEWS By John E. Finlay, Agricultural Representative Support for White Pea Bean Producers Agriculture Minister, John Wise, recently announced that white pea bean producers will recieve $4.75 million in assistance assistance for their 1985 crop, under the Agricultural Stabilization Stabilization Act. About 95 percent of Canadian white pea beans are grown in Ontario, with smaller amounts produced in other provinces. In 1985, white pea beans were in abundant supply on North American markets. A large carry-over from the 1984 crop in the United States, coupled with a 32 percent rise in Canadian production, led to a 29 percent fall in prices received by about -2,600 growers. The level of support is set at 90 percent of the previous five-year market price adjus- During the brief awards ceremony, plaudits came from one of the Centre's Board of Governors, Mrs. E. Kraft, and Town of Newcastle Newcastle Councillor Marie Hubbard. Hubbard. "It's always a privilege," said Councillor Hubbard, "and I'm very proud to be able to pay tribute tribute to the artists." Mr. Onnig noted that much in photography had changed since he began his apprenticeship with his father. "Beginners are much more creative than I was in my early days," he said. The judge also pointed out that there were a signif- Save up.Mon Now for a limited time save up to $1074 litres on you can't beat your authorized Benjamin Moore these top quality Benjamin Moore exterior paints dealer. And right now you can't beat our prices and stains: MoorGlo Latex House & Trim Paint Reg. either, $37.80, Now $27.80/4i;Moore's House Paint Reg. » RERMCTUV'C $36.60, Now $2795/4.(!;M oorGard Latex House Paint HDEnnC-l ni O Reg. $34.60, Now $24.95/41, MOORWOOD r -- Exterior Stains Reg. $27.70, Now $19.95/4L \ When it comes to friendly, helpful service V PAINTS Paint and Wallpaper 55 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-5431 •Savings based on manufacturers' suggested retail prices. Dealer may sell for less. Some custom colours may be higher In price. Miss Lisa Liptay is a happy girl because she won the Gold Medal, Adams division, at the Enniskillen Field Day. Master Sean Liptay tried hard and tied for third place (Mites) at his school's Field Day. Little Miss Colleen Graw- barger celebrated her birthday birthday on Monday with a party of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paterson spent the weekend at the trailer at Crow Lake. Miss Carol Lowery, Toronto, called on her sister and family, Diane and John Adams, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Lil) Ashton, Blackstock, were Friday callers at the Adam's home. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Glen (Charlene) . VanDam. • Marshall and Jennese DeVries of Tyrone spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams and family. On Saturday evening, John and Diane Adams called on John and Cecile Bertrim. The Adams called on Mr. and Mrs. John (Dora) White, Courtice, on Sunday. The Tyrone Lobb Ball teams have been busy trying to outdo each other with the Tyrone Furies taking the A Championship, Championship, while Steve Millson who plays with the Tyrone Tankers had to be satisfied with the B Championship. Good playing Tyrone. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Steve Millson entertained entertained Mr. and Mrs. Don (Ruth) Cowle, Donny and girl friend Nancy, and Ken, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Donna) Mairs and Jennie, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, to a belated birthday supper for Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Christensen Christensen joined with Mr. and Mrs. Art Trewin at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and celebrated June's birthday. Congratulations Congratulations June - and we won't print which one. Mr. and Mrs. L Christensen were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Joe (Susan) Smith and Jennifer, Oshawa, to wish Jennifer a happy birthday. Monday morning callers with Mr. and Mrs. John Bertrim' were Cecile's father, Mr. John Schoonderbeek, Enniskillen, and her Uncle Bill Kleter of Holland. Miss Charlene Potts spent the weekend in a test chapter with the Pathfinders at the Darlington Park. Mr. and Mrs. Doug (Norma) Blackburn and Mrs. Eileen Blackburn met Miss Carol Blackburn of Oshawa, at the Eastdale Auditorium Saturday Saturday evening to attend the Creative Dance Workshop - where Wendy takes the Jazz part of the program. Mrs. Helen White, Hampton, and her son Mr. Donald White of Oakville were Thursday evening callers with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick (Val) Lloyd celebrated their wedding anniversary in Toronto where they dined on Friday. Saturday evening callers with Dick and Val Lloyd and girls were Mr. and Mrs. John (Lynne) Roth. Mr. and Mrs. Les Goble, Bethany, called on Mr. and ted for changes in the cash cost of production. Producer payments of $79.85 per tonne will be made on all marketed volume of the 1985 crop. Payment to producers in Ontario will be made directly from data supplied by the producer marketing board. White pea beans will also be joining red meats and sugar beets to be protected through a National Tripartite Stabilization Stabilization Plan, a three-way, equal partnership of the federal government, the provincial government and producers. An agreement for a tripartite tripartite plan for beans should be signed in time for this year's croD. Television Sales and Service Servin' Curts Only SI? 9'> Muqnavox and Philips Dealer Television Service Co. 18!) Church SI Phone 623-3883 NORTH OSHAWA 10 RUSSET AVE. UNIT TWO One slreel south ol Taunton oil Slmcoe Telephone 436-6167 Belly and Norm Bowkor, Bowmanville, Proprietors Mrs. Alfred Millson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry (Karen) Ruelland, Bowmanville, visited with her parents, Alf and Peggy Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom (Rena) Potts and family were Sunday dinner guests with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts. Congratulations to Jennie Roth who celebrated her fourteenth birthday this week. Mrs. May Loveridge, Tyrone, Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, and Mrs. June Trewin, attended a kitchen shower for Miss Janet Bragg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon (Alice) Beech in Bowmanville. Club 21 June Meeting The ladies of Club 21 met al the Haydon Community Centre Monday evening, June 8, 8 p.m. with Gerlinda Hauenstein acting as chair- lady. She called the meeting to oder and asked the Secretary to give the May meeting minutes. Mrs. Mary Bostelmannread a tribute to "Father's Day," A thank you card was read from Laura Piggott. Our Treasurer gave her report and included the Lions dinner. She asked about a Superior Propane repair bill she had received and was authorized to pay it. Collection was taken. Anne Dewsbury asked if we could break down expense bills so she could have a more accurate account for our dinners. Gerlinda seconded the motion and it was carried. Our September picnic date was set for the 20th. Barb Walsh moved for that date and it was seconded and approved. Val Lloyd made a motion to donate $100. from Club 21 and all were in favor. Our Christmas Pot Luck supper date has been set for December 5th, the first Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Val Lloyd invited us to her home for Club 21 Christmas party. Barb has gotten the Lottery Licence, $5.00 this year, and Gwen Banks will make up the tickets to sell on the quilt. A vote of thanks was given to Betty and Gerlinda for hemming the quilt. Dorie Christensen will be asked to send out two thank you cards to two gentlemen who have helped. Gladys Potts moved that Dorie be reimbursed for the purchase of cards and stamps - Gerlinda seconded the motion - carried. Meta Keller is to be asked to sell quilt tickets at the July 1st supper. We have had two applicants for the position of caretaker in September for the Community Centre. After some discussion Barb Walsh moved we accept Mrs. Nancy Gordon's offer for at least one year. Anne Dewsbury seconded it. Carried. Betty introduced her daughters, Mary and Helga, who had their handi-work on display. Mary Bostelmann showed us the technique of her hobby "Scherensehnitt" which is fine cut work of paper, which look really elegant on a dark background - a design is sketched on paper after it has been folded in quarters, laid on a board and cut with a sharp knife. It reminds . Scan Doherty, a Grade 5 Vincent Massey Public School student, is seen receiving receiving congratulations from Constable Nancy Dillon, of the Durham Regional Police Force, as he was chosen "Patroller of the Year". Scan, who was chosen by his fellow patrollers and the staff of the school, was always on time, wore his uniform regularly, and was a great help to the students. Patrollers arc responsible for helping students cross several busy streets to and from school four times a day. us of trying our hand making snowflakes at school. Helga Ecclestone told us of her hobby of Calligraphy. There are always secrets to success and she shared a few with us. There are many different pen nibs to work with and she told us to start on something large and as we learn the skill that some printing, writing and drawings drawings can be scaled down to make attractive wedding invitations - greeting cards and the like. We all enjoyed the love-letter written in a circle. Barb and June made notes on items people would prepare. for our Salad supper. Some were asked to contact others by phone and this took up quite a bit of time. Jean Slemon and Jean Garrard are asked to get the '.Vitchen help and waitresses so Jean sent a paper around and asked us to note down where we preferred to work and they could go from that point. Eileen Blackburn was asked to purchase bread for the table. Catering Committee will buy bread to go for the dressing. Eileen is to ask Wilbur if he would take the lunch tickets and if any are available perhaps sell them that day (July 1st). Barb would speak to Fred Ashton to assist Wilbur. No date was set for setting tables but perhaps some ladies will be available and willing either Monday or Tuesday. The day will be set as the date draws nearer. REWARD $500 for the safe return of female Yellow Labrador Retriever Family Heartbroken No questions will be asked. Dog requires daily medication. Phone days: Ask for Keith 579-1317 Evenings 723-5773 & jfflonstrous Eale Late one dark night in early summer, up. from the muck and slime deep in Lake Ontario, near the Bowmanville Creek, came a Coming July 16-17-18, 1987 * m il BOW jiunr ErieMit MANVIL1E «EU CINTmi i r ;