l The Caiuidiun Slalesman. liowmanville. July 1. 1987 15 Board Recommends Bowmanville High School Students as Ontario Scholars / JL^ A liana Traill 95.8% David Drown 89.0% Michelle Hannah 88.2% Benjamin Willis 88.2%. Roderick Tukker 95.5% Merrilee Brown 911.2%' Theresa Fulton 84.2%. Katherine Netten 84.0% Andrea Murdoch 82.2% Carolc-Anne Vatchcr 81.5% Jayne Stutt 83.3%. Kendal News Atthe June meeting of the Kendal Hills L.O.B.A. 1420, we were pleased to have with us five members of the former Bowmanville L.O.B.A. who presented and dedicated an altar cloth and symbols to the use of our lodge. Our next meeting will be a social evening and Tupperware party-- everyone is welcome! Four members of Kendal L.O.L. 405 entered a lecture competition in Toronto. Brothers, Wayne Lowery and his son Richard Lowery placed first and brothers, Chad Switzer and Brad Switzer took second place. Congratulations boys! On Sunday, June 21st, the brothers and sisters of these two lodges along with the junior lodge held then- church parade. Members f Thursday, July 2nd t r pips 1 DISCOUNT AND S ALE STORE 60 Walton St., Port Hope Southern Comfort Cotton Clothing ALL REDUCED! Cotton Shoes CHILDREN'S, WOMEN'S, GIRLS' AND MEN'S $ 2.99 - s 5.99 H ALSO: a wide range of glass, jewellery, paper goods, etc. ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED BRING IN THIS COUPON AND GET ADDITIONAL 10% OFF DUR ALREADY REDUCED PRICES L ON UP TO 5 ITEMS £ ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER W EXPIRES JULY 7 JBt ÇCOUPON^) EXCITING PREVIEW! of the EUROCLEAN SAT., JULY 4,1987 SPARKS VACUUM PLACE, 409 Division St., Cobourg is NOW the authorized authorized dealer for the NEW Swedish 'EUROCLEAN' power team vacuums. These units are engineered and manufactured manufactured by the world's largest makers of vacuum cleaners. FULL 2 year warranty with 5 year warranty on the motor! "In all my 25 years selling and servicing vacuums, I can honestly say that there is now, and never has been, such a superbly engineered cleaning implement!" BRING YOUR TRADE! IT'S WORTH FREE COFFEE and DONUTS ALL DAY! "Come on in and try the EUROCLEAN! You'll love them as we do!" Fred, Mary Lou and Jonathan Sparks SPARKS ~ VACUUM PLACE 409 Division St,, Cobourg, Ont. 372-9548 Hours: 9:00 iuii, ■ 5:31) |i,m. Monday • Saturday Wesley ville News E. Barrowclough The last regular indoor service for the summer was held at Welcome on Sunday, June 28 with Rev. Sedgwick in charge. The sacrament of Communion was observed with assistance by elders, Babe Symons, Mary Kellogg, Peter Franke, John Groeneveld, Clarence Nichols, Laverne Farrow, Allin Osborne, Glen Thompson, Lloyd Kellogg and Chris Beatty. The sermon topic was "Raised With Christ to Life", and was an explanation of symbols. The two Sacraments of Baptism and Communion have very special meaning in the Christian church. Because of infant baptism in the United Church, not many remember their own baptism, the symbol of Christ's spirit entering into our lives. The sacrament of Communion is a memorial, as Jesus said, "Do this in Remembrance of me." The choir's anthem "The Lord is Good" was, as usual, a delight to hear and remember. The choir and leader will be having a holiday in the coming weeks. Rev. Sedgwick expressed appredciation to the choir and Stephen Sword for the year's beautiful music and also to Ruth Woodruff for her constant service in preparing the Sunday's leaflets. A vase of beautiful yellow roses, courtesy of Gerald and Caroline Byers, who had celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary the day before was part of the floral offering. Congratulations to them. There was also an arrangement of peonies, cornflower, daisies and rose colored lythrum. Coffee hour was held following the service. Next Sunday's service will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beatty at 10:30 a.m., so remember lawn chairs. In case of rain service will be in Welcome Church. There will be choir practice for the men of AOTS club in preparation for their service on July 12th in Bowman's Cathedral in the pines. Among those who attended the strawberry tea at Dorothy's House on Saturday, June 27 were Alberta Anderson, Inez Symons, Helene Harvonen and Florence Reeve. •..." Paul Morris Something To Think About A CHILD'S GRIEF Just like adults, children children need to go through the grieving process when they lose someone they love. Also like adults, children children express their grief in different ways. Some will cry; some will withdraw for a while: some will have discipline " and/or academic problems in school: some may not eat or sleep well, or not even want to play with other children and pursue their otherwise normal activities. activities. Given an atmosphere of patience, understanding and unconditional love, the storm will gradually clear. Avoid the tendency to say "big boys don't cry." Rather, let them express their feelings and work through their loss. Don't be tempted to believe that children soon forget these things. Children usually have vivid and lasting memories of the deceased and have to work out their grief. Let them talk about the dead person and how they feel and felt. Suppress Suppress the desire to change to a more pleasant topic. They must be made to feel that their thoughts and emotions are acceptable. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 Division St., Bowmanville Tel. 623-5480 Serving Durham Region Since 1881 from many lodges were in attendance! it' On Saturday, June 27th, thé yoün&" women' of 1 the Kendal United .Church, put oh a salad supper in the Sunday School room. The attendance was not as good as expected. The meal was excellent and enjoyed by all. In the past, Kendal was noted for their suppers-- these young women put up a meal that would certainly compare with the best. Congratulations, girls and I know you wish to extend thanks to Ken Baptie who supplied the potatoes. Those who did not attend the supper were the losers. Here's to better attendance the next time. Come out and support the church and those young people who are working so hard for all. LOW-LUSTRE BEAUTY I For wood siding, masonry and metal [Moored] PAINTS MOORE'S BEST! Aquavelvet - Latex Egg Shell 24.95 -20*5" Satin Impervo ■ Alkyd Satin $28.95 „33*5 : Moore's House Paint • Alkyd Gloss $27.80 -36*5" Moorwood Stains - Solid or Semi $19.95 .27*0" (Some colors higher in price) MOORGARD Latex House Paint ■ Applies easily, fast drying ■ Fade-resistant colors ■ Soap and water clean-up DEPENDABLES BEST! Satin Latex $16.95 -49*S" Latex Semi Gloss $19.95 -26:95" Latex Primer Sealer $14.95 -17:95" Alkyd House Paint $22.95 _2&*r Alkyd Egg Shell $22.95 -28*5" AND... Moortone Wood Stains $14.95 -49*5- Moortone Latex Exterior $17.95 -24*T $ REG. $34.95 24 95 Cedar Wood Stain $9.98 Clearance, GAL. Some colors higher in price. IN-STOCK WALLPAPERS We buy 'em for less... We sell 'em for less! 30°/< Choose from Sunworthy, York, Birge, Colorall etc. * OFF Book Price * FABRIC NOT INCLUDED OFF* SELECTED WALLPAPER BOOK ORDERS ABERNETHY'S PAINT AND WALLPAPER 55 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-5431 5 v.v/>3 V.vTvvai A t *