The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville*. .Inly 15. 1987 13 I Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone $7700. Phone 623-9617. 25-tfSNP 1980 ACCORD, $1500. or best oiler, many extras. Phone 623- 7459.26-1S 1981 CUTLASS Supreme with air conditioning, P.S., P.B., $5,000. Phone 623-5286. 28-1S 1980 MERCURY Zephyr, 4 cyl„ standard transmission, AM/FM stereo, 60,000 miles, certified, $1500. or best offer. Phone 623- 6104. 28-1S 1980 CHRYSLER Lebaron 5th Ave., power steering, brakes, locks, A/C, AM/FM, 4 door, as Is. $2500. or best offer. 623-9136 (6- 7 p.m.). 28-1S GRAHAM'S GARAGE 1987 Haydon 263-8172 1982 Caprice Classic, 2 door, V6, automatic, P.S., P.B., air, cruise, certified. 1980 Dodge Mirada, 2 door, 6 cyl., automatic, P.S., P.B., certified. 1978 AMC Concord, 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic, P.S., P.B., certified. 28-1SN 1977 HALF TON with cap, V-8, P.S., P.B., automatic, excellent condition, too many options to list $3500. certified. Phone 786-2695. 28-1SNP TRUCK, super cap, sliding side windows and front windows, full size, silver. Phone 263-2349. 28-1S TWO 1972 Ford Vi ton trucks, $500. or best offer, one running condition. Other for parts. Phone 987-4092. 28-1 SN 1985 CHEV Custom Deluxe, 17,000 km, cap and liner. Phone 263-2785. 27-2SN Motorcycles for Sale 1982 CR80 dirt bike, A-1 condition, $500. Phone after 5 p.m. 983-5267. 17' ORBIT travel trailer, sleeps 4, stove, fridge and toilet. Phone 987-4593.27-2S 1982 BONAIR 1505 hardtop, tent trailer, awning, dual tanks, furnace, fridge, sleeps six, immaculate condition. Best offer. Phone after 6 p.m. 623-6054. 28-1 SN New and Used Parts and accaiaorlM lor the DO IT YOURSELF Camper Builder TRAVEL KING INDUSTRIES BASELINE ROAD, COURTICE 723-9415 1977 DODGE. Van, 318 automatic, good condition, Insulated, carpeted. Phone 623- 9903. 28-1 SN 10 h.p. JOHNSON motor, 5.5 h.p. Johnson motor, and 12' aluminum boat. Phone 623-2502. 28-1S Prop and Skeg Repairs Fait Service Boat Repairs Durham Reolon'a largest supplier of FIBREGLASS-EPOXY and PLASTIC MATERIAL Oshawa Glass Flbre-Rayplex 341 Durham St., Oshawa (416)579-1433 For Rent Notices Notice to Creditors Help Wanted Help Wanted , THREE bedroom semi, with If you have any Questions or Hairefuliet BABYSITTER starting July 15th 6 Paraar in Trnnlrinn Employment Wanted Central Bowmanvllle. Available August 1st. $700. plus. Phone 987-5132.27-2SN 2 BEDROOM apartment In Newcastle, available August 1st, $600. per month. Utilities paid. Phone 987-4353. 27-2SN LARGE one bedroom apartment, appliances and parking included, Bowmanvllle, available July. $575. 2 bedroom apartment, appliances and parking Included, Bowmanvllle. $550. available August 1. Phone 579-7643; 728- 3757,27-3SN TOWNHOUSE for rent, the Bridlepath, Bowmanville. Occupancy August 1, $800. First and last. Phone 839-6267 after 6 p.m.28-2SN ROOM for rent. Phone 623-3443 after 6 p.m. 28-1S TWO furnished rooms In large house In Bowmanville, mlcrowavo dishwasher, 2 T.V.'s, $300/monm or $70/week. Phone 623-9886.28-1 SN BLACKSTOCK, newly renovated 1 bedroom apartments to rent, suitable for mature singles. Phone 986-5197 or 286-1703. 27-2SN PLANNING a wedding or a dance? Phone 987-5439 evenings between 6 and 8 for rental of Brownsdale Community Centre. Golf Course Rd., Newcastle. 6-tfS LARGE 1 bedroom semi, clean, nicely decorated, 5 miles from Bowmanvllle. Available August 15, $575. Phone 983-9861. 28-1S OFFICE space, downtown Bowmanvllle, 800 sq. ft. (will divide), available July 16, Dr's, office, also Ideal for lawyer, accountant, insurance, real estate, etc. Free parking. Phone 623-7263. •28-1S SMALL one bedroom apartment. Central location, no pets, fridge and stove. Phone 623-7438. 28-1S TWO tenants needed to share large house with parking In Orono. Non-smokers preferred. Phone 983-5167. 28-1 SN SMALL one bedroom self- contained apartment over business office. $318. monthly plus hydro. Write Advertiser 1369, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9. 28-1S ROOM for rent to mature working man. Must be responsible. Prefer non-smoker. $70./week. Phone 623-9852 between 5 - 8 p.m. 28-2SN HARD-TOP tent trailer, all accessories, $150 rental a week. Phone 987-4966. 28-2SN THREE bedroom duplex in Bowmanville, $695/month includes appliances, some utilities, large lot. Phone 987- 4966. 28-2SN THREE bedroom bungalow Including dining room, available Immediately, $625/month plus utilities, 1st and last, Queen Street, Bowmanville, references. Phone 623-4354. 28-1S HOUSE for rent In Newcastle. 2 bedroom $650 a month plus utilities. First and last required. Phone 571-3045 after 5 p.m. 28-1 SN HOUSE In Newcastle Village near downtown, $595./month, first and last month's rent and references required. Phone Ed or Carole, Edvan Realty Ltd. 623-4445. 28-1 SN BRAND new raised bungalow, three bedrooms, two baths, garage, wet bar, fireplace, Immediate availability. Townline area. First and last, $800. plus utilities. Phone 623-4044. 28-1S DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE 650 sq. ft. main floor office or retail space for July 15th occupancy. Contact M.C. Burke Property Management 433-0215 between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 28-1S BOWMANVILLE New 2 storey, 3 bedrooms, 1 Vi baths, greenhouse kitchen..$800. per month plus utilities. Phone Dorothy Hertford Edvan Realty Ltd. 623-4445 or 623-3651 28-1 SN ENLARGER for photo developing wanted for amateur photographer. Please phone 623- 2908. 28-1 SN WANTED - APPLIANCES for parts or restoration. Durham's largest selection of used parts lor most makes. PADDY'S MARKET 263-8369 13-lfSN' Local band CHILLUM looking for rehearsal space to rent. Phone Rick after 6 p.m. at 623- 3452. 28-1S TEACHER needs quiet one bedroom apartment In Bowmanvllle near Rhonda Ave. for Sept, 1st. Apply to Advertiser 1368, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C3K9. , 28-2S concerns about your municipality, please feel free to phone me at either 983-5505 or 623-3379, Diane Hamre, Councillor Ward 111, Town of Newcastle. 14-tfSN Ontario Hydro Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Information Centre South Service Rd., west of Holt Road Open Dally 9a.rn.-4D.rn. Bus tours, films, presentations, and more. In-plant walking tours booked In advance. Groups can book other times. Phone 623-7122 19-tfSN KUT 'n' KURL For Month of July "TUESDAYS ONLY" HAIRCUTS $5.00 WASH and BLOW DRY EXTRA Phone 623-5019 71 King Street East, Bowmanvllle 27-4SN Dr. Keith A. Billett Optometrist wishes to advise of the re-locatlon of his office to 77 King Street East effective July 27,1967. 28-3S Monuments and Cemetery Markers For Over 140 Years Rutter Granite Company Limited 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, Ontario Telephone 885-5216 After Hours 372-0263 COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES BEFORE YOU DECIDE 21-tfSP > Services "HELPING HAND" HOME MAINTENANCE Exterior Painting Lawn and Yard Maintenance Eavestrough Cleaning 1, Spring and Summer Clean-ùp 1 Chimney Cleaning \ : Phone Perry (Doc) 623-7984 20% discount for Senior Citizens 11-tfSN Wanted to Buy Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard. 623-5756' Residence 623-7112 Income Property Bowmanvllle Happy tenants, air conditioned, . immediate possession. , $109,900. Comes completely equipped with fridges, stoves, new furnace. Super-seml, completely remodelled, acorn firpelace In master bedroom, walkout from spacious kitchen to private treed yard, all appliances. $84,900. Phone Barrie Lennox Re/Max Summit Realty 571-3800 or 666-2248 "Fashions by Judith" Dressmaking - Alterations EXCLUSIVE IN-HOME CONSULTATIONS Fittings - Delivery 623-1604 ROOMS In furnished house for . boarders, $55 a week. Good location In country, 2 Vz miles east of Bowmanvllle. Phone 987- 4445. 28-2SN APURVAS HOMECARE Living In the Newcastle area for the next 3 months. Available for cleaning, child care, odd jobs, gardening, cooking and help with parties. Reasonable rates, reliable ana friendly. Qualified nurse. Phone 987-5632 Do you have overnlte or weekend guests you cannot accommodate or would you like to have a quiet, relaxing holiday? Call DURHAM EAST BED and BREAKFAST at 987-4096 28-tfSN Business Opportunities FIREWOOD business Includes Dodge 800 truck, 10,000 lb. trailer, customer and supplier lists, no cutting. Low capital, required. Phone (416) 797-2566. 28-2SNP NEW FRANCHISE Window Cleaning Service One of two large areas for sale. PO B Af ^]j' nwr ^ n9to: Peterborough, Ont. K9J 6Z3. 27-3SN NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of LILLIAN MAUDE CRAWFORD, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 30th day of June, 1987, must be filed with the undersigned personal representatives on or before the 7th day of August, 1987, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Executors then shall have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 10th day of July, 1987. MURIEL BUTSON AND HAROLD CRAWFORD Executors of the Estate of Lillian Maude Crawford by their Solicitors MACKEY, BAILEY &KORB Barristers and Solicitors 400-22 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1H7L9 DARLINGTON MILLS - New two- storey, double garage, 3 bedrooms, greenhouse kitchen, 3 bathrooms, mid-August possession. Private. $148,900. Backsplit - $132,900. Offers accepted. Phone 728-1276. .28-1S Quality Constructed New Homes by Rick Lovekln Construction Detached above grade, 36' x 144' lots, 1400 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, eat-ln kitchen, provisions for fireplace. $127,000. Village of Newcastle Phone 987-4088 987-4935,987-4682 623-3607 28-2SN Wanted Pleasant Atmosphere Full or Part-Time Phone 623-2931 28-1 SN Easton's 115 Suny's on Enterprise Hill MATURE HELP NEEDED for coffee and gas bar Paçt-tlme or Full-time 983-9742 28-1 SN' Doormen Waiter or Waitress Bartenders Needed Phone 623-7072 28-1S Offering over 100 pieces of wicker, antique furniture, clothes and lots of "no room for" items Rain or shine Friday, July 17 Saturday, July 18 at 44 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanvllle 28-1 SNP YARD SALE Sat., July 18 Sun., July 19 9 a.m. • 4:30 p.m. Newcastle: 667 Sunset Blvd. Electric motors, switches, wires, Camping stuff, electric BBQ, much more 28-1 SN YARD SALE Fri., July 24 Sa;l.,Jyly 25 (Rain Date July 26) 108 Duke St., Bowmanvllle A large variety of Items including dishes, tools, magazines and tires. YARD SALE July 18 and 19 4272 Old Scugog Rd., Bowmanvllle Tools, brass bed, cable converter (new) and many other items. 28-1 SN YARD SALE July 18 and 19 19 East Beach Bowmanvllle 2 FAMILY Barn and Lawn Sale Sat., July 18th 9 a.m. -4 p.m. (Rain or Shine) Lots of antiques and household items. 8th Line, Bowmanvllle (1 road west of Martin Rd. 57, south of Hwy. 2) last house. Giant Yard and Craft Sale Saturday and Sunday July 18th and 19th 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Numerous antiques and collectibles, country crafts, clothing, 10 speeds, 7 ft. freezer, hall trees, train set and much more. 199 and 223 North Street Newcastle 28-1 SN Giant 6 Family YARD SALE July 18 and 19 2Y2 miles east of Newcastle on Hwy. 2 at Brownsville Road. Watch for Orange Sign 28-1 SN MOVING SALE 11 ArgyleSt., Bowmanvllle Sat., July 18 6 a.m.-4 p.m. Books, furniture, odds and ends. 28-1 SN Bowmanvllle's Largest GARAGE SALE Our renovations of apartments and stores are finally flnlahed! We have everything from care to antique coffins. Furniture - gas furnace • building materials, Insulation- electric lawnmowera - stove and refrigerator. You name It we probably have Itl Rear of 37 King St. E. (The old Kramp Furniture building) . PLEASE NO PARKING In the rear or at the Morris Funeral Home. Sale contlnuoua from 9 a.m. Thuraday till Saturday p.m. Everything goes. Even the garagel THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires the services of a SECRETARY at Courtlce Public School Computer literacy Is essential along with a general knowledge of office clerical procedures. Strong Interpersonal skills are required as the school secretary has considerable communication with other Board staff, students and the public. The position involves 35 hours per week, 10 months per year. Current salary is $8.73 per hour. Apply in writing by 24 July 1987 stating qualification to: Personnel Department The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education P.O. Box 470 834 D'Arcy Street North Cobourg, Ontario V"?. K9A4L2- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Gary W. Tushingham j Director of Education for 4 and 5 year olds. Phone 987- 4730 and ask for Darlene. 27-2SN PERSON to work in rental store on repairs, maintenance and counter. Full or part time, good wages, start immediately. Lewis Rent-All, 113 King St. E„ Bowmanville. 28-1 SN LOOKING for a position with excellent financial rewards? You owe it to yourself to call Eric F. Auliff now arid get the fact's about a full-time career as a real estate professional. Bowes and Cocks, Limited, Realtor, 576-2121, Res. 728-4050.e-»Q LEGAL SECRETARY required for buey office. 1 ■ 2 years reel estate experience necessary. Shorthand a must. Phone 579-5522 28-2SN MATURE SALESLADY needed to help at Farmer's Market on Saturdays. From 4 a.m. till Noon. Must be 16 over, with Drivers Licence. Some lifting and driving required (Vz ton truck) Send Resume to: Clement Poultry Box 297 Newcastle, Ontario L0A1H0 28-1S ASSEMBLER required for a cabinet door manufacturing plant In Pickering. Starting salary $10. plus all company benefits. Apply in person at: Marbel Doors 1060 Salk Rd., Unit 9 Pickering Robert L. Willsher Chairperson of the Board 28-1S Durham Building Supplies requires Sales Person Some experience necessary in plumbing, electrical or flooring. Phone 623-6341 28-1 SN DAYCARE is required In the Bowmanvllle Area. If you are interested in caring for children in your home, please Phone 579-0622 Daycare Division for more Information. ' 28-1S Bowmanville Store Requires Furniture Salesperson Commission Salary Truck Driver and Warehouse Worker Bookkeeper Part-time with qualified RIA Submit resume to Advertiser 1366 c/o The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvllle L1C3K9 28-1 SN WANTED! EXHIBITORS and PARTICIPANTS FOR THE ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW 1987 ON THE GARDENS and VERANDAH OF THE BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM On August 8, 1987, the Bowmanville Museum will once again be hosting its Annual Arts and Crafts Show and Sale. If you would like to be an exhibitor or demonstrate a historically- oriented artform during the course of the day, please give us a call at 623-2734 during our regular business hours for a programme outline of this event. WE'D LIKE 1987 TO BE BIGGER and BETTER THAN EVER! The success of this programme depends upon the number of exhibitors and participants. Don't be shv! Full-Time Cashier We have a position available Involving cash and kitchen responsibilities for the midnight shift (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.) Monday to Friday. Phone 832-1555 for an Interview appointment. 28-1 SNP JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE A responsible Individual Is required to maintain our high standards of cleanliness. You will be working from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. and your duties Include cleaning In the restaurant as well as cleaning some equipment. This Is a lull time position, starting wage Is $7 per hour plus benefit package. All uniforms and training provided. FOR INTERVIEW Phone 987-4231 Hwy. 401, westbound lane, Newcastle, Ontario (Esso Service Centre) Transport Drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" License. For pre-screening Interview and job placement information Contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training Brampton 1-800-265-3559 18-tfSNP Pets MINI Lop-ear rabbit, 2 years old, $5. Phone after 5 p.m. 983-5267. 28-1 SN BEAGLE pups, not registered, $50. Phone 623-7392. 28-1 SN FREE to good home, Tri-colored Sheltle. Phone 987-5749. 28-1 SN FREE to good country home or farm, 6 month old, male Australian Shepherd/Collie, tan color, has all shots, loves kids. Phone Oshawa 723-8394. 28-1 SN BIRDS Baby Cockatlels, Budgies, Zebra Finches. All colors, cages, feed, etc. After 5 p.m. Crozier Aviaries, Orono. Phone 983-9311. -11.HR CARING mother of 1 year old will babysit weekdays in her own home starting middle of August, Lord Elgin School area. Ages 2-4. Phone 623-7728. 27-2SN ' Thorough Housecleaning by Tina's Professional Service Also Businesses Dependable Please Phone 623-2657 riO ffOM TYPING done in my home Business, Resumes, Manuscripts, etc. Phone Judith Jamischak 786-2988 CJ's RENOVATING SERVICE Specializing in siding, sheds and garages, custom decks and fences. Roofing and home renovations. For free estimates phone: 623-4154 2 male, reg'd., champion sired Bichon puppies. Shots, wormed, lovingly raised, non allegenic, non shedding, powder puffs. Reserve now. Ready July 25. Phone after 6:00 p.m. 797-2904 Terribrae Pet Food and Supplies ONTARIO DEMOLITION CO. Dismantling or Demolition Any Type of Structure Any Size Project FREE ESTIMATES Service Bullion Integrity R.R. 1, Newtonville, Ont. Phone Collect 786-2315 Professional Dog Grooming 73 King St. West Bowmanvllle 623-1752 ■The convenient place to shop." 1-tfSN Durham Farmer's County Co-op Hwy. 115 and Taunton Road Orono NOW OPEN Tack Shop • Pet Supplies • Pet Food Hl-Boy Dog Chunks 20 kg. $15.69 MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 a.m. • 5 p.m. SATURDAY 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Phone 983-9134 TERRIBRAE KENNELS (est. 1977) FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER 4 SONS Bowmanvllle 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 DUAL ACTION j CARPET STEAM CLEANING ONLY $45 . Dining Room and Living Room Plus Hallway C & J Services Phone Collect 623-2095 anytime Dog Boarding Conveniently located In Maple Grove (On Holt Rd., north of Hwy. 2) 5 Minutes from Bowmsnville 623-1104 623-1752 VISITORS WELCOME 27-tfSN BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington St., Bowmanvllle 623-3410 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 • 5 Saturday 10-2 Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repair, all types of glass and mirrors available- FREE ESTIMATES 24 hr. emergency plate glass replacement. Locally owned and operated. PASTURE/ BOARDING CATTLE OR HORSES Excellent Prices Newtonville Area HAY and STRAW FOR SALE ALSO 786-2991 24-8SNP Custom Software Services and Supplies Microcomputers ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC. 623-2375 Maple Grove Rd., N. R.R. 6, Bowmanville Ont. 31-tfSN WEATHERSHIELD ROOFING ALTERATIONS REPAIRS PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES Thomas G. Yeo 623-9475 FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $10.00 Service Charge on Sheep ■ Goats • Pigs $20.00 Charge on Rotten Animals PHONE MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 Newcastle Upholstery We feature a complete upholstery service Including antiques. Large selection ol fabrics, shop at home service. Free pickup and delivery. 987-4958 3-tfSN