t I I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 5,1987 21 Play in Lacrosse Championships : ' 1 ' ! m» : . n Local Women Attend UCW 9 s National Anniversary Event ...... - .. ... . . . ... . ...... ... wm.. auvmuull, lvllimn ixuse, «nu Witmerv Sufnrnn Nn, by Bessie Vaneyk "Called to Respond" was the name given the first ever national gathering of United Church Women which was arranged to celebrate celebrate the 25th anniversary of UCW. Over 700 women fairly evenly represented every province and territory, territory, including Bermuda which is part of the Maritimes Maritimes Conference, at the gathering July 18 to 21, 1987. at Waterloo University. University. Tneir main objective was to have fellowship with their sisters from othei parts of the country and to move with purpose toward the future. One of the two women over 90 years of age who attended said she was looking for a challenge; there were about a dozen women between age 80 and 90. Fewer than 100 women attending were under 35 ■ years of age. Much admired were Zephyr, the guide dog of Jean Little, of Guelph, and three-month-old baby Darcy from Newfoundland, who was quite oblivious. The theme speaker was the Very Reverend Lois Wilson, a past moderator of the .United Church of Canada, who gave three talks on the celebration theme, directing reflection on the image and the reality of woman in the past, the present and visions of the future. Response and reflection followed the talks when everyone met in small groups, mixed regionally to broaden the meaning and experience. Dr. Wilson's addresses addresses and the scripture study re-affirmed the strength, courage and equality of women and encouraged encouraged response as to direction direction for the future. Dr. Anne Squire, Moderator Moderator of the United Church of Canada, was the guest speaker at a banquet with 900 people, mostly women a handful of gentlemen guests, in attendance attendance on Monday evening, July 20th, when the entire gathering was bussed to Bingeman Park, Cambridge. Cambridge. Anne's address was based on the celebration theme, "called to Respond: for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14). Anne told the story of Ester, saviour of the Jewish people and succès sor to Queen Vashti aftei Vashti had thrown off the yoke of male domination. Vashti and Esther demonstrated demonstrated that women want to be treated as persons with minds, hearts, souls, and bodies of their own. "The story of Esther", said Anne Squire, "points to the need for racial tolerance, nationalism nationalism turns sour when it goes against those in need." The celebration banquet evening ended with the sacrament sacrament of Holy Communion Communion which was led by the Worship Chairperson, the Rev. Eleanor O'Neill. Among the special guests at the banquet were the second to the last president of the Dominion Board of Women's Women's Missionary Society, Mrs. Reba Patterson, a Past President of the Dominion Council of the Woman's As- Judy Lambert of Oshawa, a recent graduate of the Nursing Assistant program at Durham College was this year's recipient of the Beth Skinner Scholarship for Clinical Nursing. Mrs. Judy Robinson, a faculty member of the Nursing Assistant program program made the presentation at the finishing party for the 1987 graduates at Durham College on Friday, June 12th. The scholarship was established in 1976 as a memorial to Beth Skinner, a teacher in the program. It may be awarded annually to a graduating student who shows exceptional ability in bedside nursing. Only students who show a high level of skill as well as a sincere interest in their patients, and enthusiasm for their work are considered. Mrs. Donna Oates of the Ontario Association of Registered Nursing Assistants presented two special awards at the finishing party. Mrs. Patricia Potts of Ajax was presented with an award for achieving the highest academic standing in the Nursing Assistant program. Mrs. Mary Dostert of Oshawa received recognition for excellence excellence in clinical performance. HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE mJSrSS Main St., Orono MtSmm 983-5115 SERVING YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS FOR 35 YEARS Susan Sawyer 983-5767 Nolda Dawson 623-4835 A FAIR (2) OF TICKETS TO auviaviun, Ethel Born, USA President of the Methodist Women of North America. Response was called also from international quarters and trom an inter-faith Dan- el of women. The official international international guest, Sun Ai Park, of Korea, described the crucial activities of women in Asia. Solidarity with women in South America America was demonstrated through response to their needs of "Gifts for Peace" with pencils, notebooks, women's hygienic supplies and money. Support was given to tne Mission and Service Fund in a special offering. offering. Women; Swarna Sugunasi- ri, the Buddhist Council of Canada, who shared what it meant to be a woman in each of these cultures. A common thread which seemed to run through each and every story was the striving to give Back to the world the potential of women women which has been lost through world-wide suppression suppression of women. Local participants in the exciting celebration were Leila Werry and Thelma Vagg, Orono; Marion Larm- er. Blackstock; Donna Johnston, Solina; Betty Tur- cott, Bowmanville; and Bessie Bessie Vaneyk, Tyrone. DAVID BOWIE™ 0UM a lilL MÈËÈÈÊËÊÊÊÊiÈmÊÊÊ SPIDER TOUR A PAIR (2) OF TICKETS EVERY WEEK IN EVERY A&P STORE. DETAILS AT A&P. Prices effective thru Saturday August 8th, 1987. 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