) Thu Canadian Slalusman. Iiowmanvillu. August 2d. 1987 5 tou/ t: : Vi 1 •r: rfL b-@ : i. ;• r 4 i îîewcaatU independent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Soccer League Debbie Green called on us Friday to inform us that she is going to be in charge of Youth Bowling at the Newcastle Newcastle Community Lanes this fall. Registration will be at the Newcastle Community Community Hall on September 19, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Bowling doesn't start until October 10, but mark September September 19 on your calendar, if you want to participate this year. This is a plug for shopping in the village. A couple of weeks ago, Hazel was re- ? [uested to purchase prizes or Crago family picnic. She proceeded to Steaman's and was wandering around in a daze, wondering what to purchase for racers under 5 and under 9, etc. A very charming young clerk kindly kindly offered her assistance, and my purchases were made quickly and that horrible horrible task was done-much to my relief. It pays to shop at home! On Saturday evening, Au- ust 22nd, 1987, at Bond Head, Jocelyn Muir, who is' swimming around Lake Ontario in aid of Multiple Sclerosis, was greeted by local local supporters and by Town of Newcastle Mayor John Winters, Councillors Ham- Hi re, Stapleton and McKnight. Lorraine Lover presented Jocelyn with M.S. donations, donations, which, in turn, Jocelyn Jocelyn returned to the local representative representative of the M.S. Society. Society. Runner Silvia Ruegger greeted Jocelyn, who told the waiting crowd that the water temperature was 38 degrees,' just 6 degrees above freezing. Antique cars and drivers from the Orono Roundup Rally awaited Jocelyn's arrival to drive and accompany her to the Orono Fair Grounds. Quite a gruelling day for the young lady! On Saturday, August 22nd, 1987, Phyllis Marie Powell and Martin John Sund- strom were united in marriage marriage by Reverend Donald Stiles. The pretty garden wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell. Powell. At Newcastle United Church on Saturday, August August 22nd, 1987, Robyn Ibbotson, Ibbotson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David R. Ibbotson, and Douglas Charles Rickard, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bren- ton Rickard were united in marriage by Reverend Donald Donald Stiles. Saturday callers at Jack A !"'«•! N.J i l Mil l) A Mot> of tiihuljiion .mil tin* end times "DRIVE-IN FOR CHRIST" Sunday, Aug. 30th at DUSK (9:00 p.m.) at LIBERTY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Parking Loi) Cor. Martin Rd. and Hwy. #2, Bowmanville, Onl. Phone: 623-5182 I6MM COLOR FILM- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Minister Rev. Frank Lockhart SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 10:00 am. MORNING WORSHIP "A Nation s Choice" For information on Nursery Care and Church School call 623-3138 WELCOMING NEWCOMERS FOR 150 YEARS 155 Years of Community Service Horn's Anglican (fUjnrxlj Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1987 TRINITY XI 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION Mid-Week Communion 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Rector -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley and Hazel Crago's were Marguerite Walker, Beatrice Beatrice Rowcliff, Campbell- croft and Mary Trew, Mill- brook. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Ennismore, visited on Thursday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Mrs. Gladys Bonathon who passed away on Friday, August August 21,1987. Mrs. Bessis Dean returned on Friday from a seventeen- day visit with friends Bill and Rose Day and their fai- ly, Victoria, British Columbia. Columbia. Congratulations to Bertha Powell who was the lucky August winner of $100 dollars dollars worth of gasoline at the MP gas station on Highway 115. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and family, Pontypool, were Saturday guests of her parents, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. A Lobb Ball Tournament took place at the village ball park on Saturday. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Parker, Oakwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago were Sunday dinner guests of Dorrene and Floyd Powell, Powell, Lake Shore. Judy Powell and Jill Coombes, Bowanville, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Glad to report neighbour Alf Gray is home from hospital. hospital. Mr. Jim Scott, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, spent a few days last week with his parents, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Kaye Freethy were in Toronto paying respects to a dear friend Nadine Car- swell, who passed away suddenly. On Wednesday, August 19, several Newcastle friends attended the funeral of Mrs. Ruth Wright in Trenton. On Sunday evening Mrs. Kay Kimball and Mrs. Helen Helen Nesbitt visited Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. A miscella neous shower was attended by many village folk in honour honour of Robyn Ibbotson at the home of Jean Rickard on Wednesday evening. BAHA'I FAITH "God has said, "Let us make man in Our Image, after Our likeness." This Indicates that man is of the image and likeness of God; that is to say, the divine virtues are reflected in the human reality. Just as the light and effulgence of the sun when cast upon a polished mirror are reflected fully, so likewise the qualities and attributes of divinity are radiated from the depths of the human heart." For Information call NOTICE Used Television Sale (Completely Reconditioned and Guaranteed) at Bowmanville Audio-Vision 20 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 623-2312 "Bowmanville's Complete Electronics Store" Miss Candy Starks, Kent- ville, Nova Scotia, is enjoying enjoying a vacation at home. On Sunday the Starks had a pool party in honour of Miss Amanda Starks who is six years old on Tuesday, August 25. Rainbow the Clown entertained. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of William William Van Dyke who died in an accident on Friday night. Mrs. Raye Friedlander entertained entertained son Dean and his wife Olga to dinner on Sunday Sunday evening. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Douglas Wight, Providence, who passed away on Sunday, Sunday, August 23,1987. Mr. and Mrs. David Mills and children, St. Albert, Alberta, Alberta, have returned home after visiting relatives in Ontario and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard. Janice and David were attendants attendants at the Rickard- Ibbotson wedding on Saturday, Saturday, August 22,1987. To Harvey Bonathon who will observe his 93rd birthday on August 29, we extend congratulations. Birthday greetings to Clara Rickard of Marnwood House, Bowmanville. This is a special 90th birthday. Congratulations! Many happy returns of the day also for Debbie Colder, Murray Jose, Russell Powell Powell and Pauline Storks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Staple- ton, Bowmanville, visited on Thursday with Mrs. Gladys Wood. On Sunday Mrs. Gladys Wood accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, of Newtonville, to Oshawa for dinner with Mr. Floyd Wood. Mr. Michael Wade, Oshawa, was a Friday evening dinner guest of grandparents Mabel and Harry Wade. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bamsey, Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoi da way, Port Britain. Britain. On Sunday the Wades visited visited her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Haskill and Sidney, Sidney, Port Britain and were evening dinner guests. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard and girls entertained entertained about 35 members of the George Chard family in honour of Mr. Chard's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Noble, .Jimmy and Jayne, of Brownsville, also enjoyed the party. Happy Birthday, Mr. Chard! Mrs. Garth Alldred, of Herbert, Herbert, Saskatchewan, was a Thursday overnight guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldread. Horticultural News. On Thursday, August 20th, 1987, at the Newcastle Community Community Hall, the Newcastle Horticultural Society held its annual flower ana vegetable vegetable show. In the adult competitions, sweepstakes winners were: Aster, Vicki Lesnick, Zinnia, Ranna Sinew; Sinew; Gladioulus, Fred Couch; Rose, Donna Morrow. The J. Anderson Smith Memorial Memorial prize, a spoon case, for most points in the annual show was awarded to Hazel Crago. Previous winner .Ranna Sinow was not eligible eligible for three years. The Elmhurst Elmhurst Silver Cup for most points in the flower section was won by Ranna Sinow. The Cersdale award of 7-7- 7 fertilizer was given to Jack Crago for most points in the vegetable section. Arlene Arlene Bonsma was given the New Exhibitor Award. In the adult home garden classes, first prize ior the best patio planter was awarded to Mrs. Ludwig Vohsemer, second prize to Mary Garrod ana third prize to Madeleine Buckley. The best flower bed prize went to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Biersteker, second to Bren- ton Rickard and third to Jean Rickard. Narda Hoogkamp, Youth Leader, awarded prizes for the following: Juniors 5-10 years, Garden Plot 1st Ian Bonsma, 2nd John Galbraith, Galbraith, 3rd Melissa Allin, Melanie Allin and Kate Nichols, tied. I. Patio Planter 1st John Galbraith. Galbraith. 2. Toy Arrangement 1st. Allan McKenzie, 2nd.John Galbraith, 3rd. Melissa Allin, 4th Melanie Allin. 3. Rock Festival 1st,Melanie Allin, 2nd, Melissa Allin, 3rd, Danny Lovekin, 4th, Darren Morrow. 4. Recycling 1st, Melissa Allin, Allin, 2nd, Melanie Allin, 3rd, John Galbraith, 4th, Vincent Norton. 5. Vegetable Character 1st, Matthew Caswell, 2nd, Melissa Melissa Allin, 3rd Melanie Allin. 6. Leaf Me Alone, 1st Ailan McKenzie, 2nd, Melissa Allin, Allin, 3rd, Melanie Allin. 8. Beetsj, 1st, Ailan McKenzie, McKenzie, 2nd; Matthew Caswell, 3rd, Ian [Bonsma, 4th, Kathy Bonsma. 9. Carrots 1st, Kathy Bonsma, Bonsma, 2nd, Melisa Allin; 3rd, Ian Bonsma, 4th Ailan McKenzie. 10. Strawflower 1st, Danny Lovekin II. Zinnia 1st, Melissa Allin, 2nd John Galbraith, 3rd, Matthew Caswell, 4th, Kathy Kathy Bonsma. 12. Lavatera 1st, Ailan McKenzie, 2nd Melanie Allin, Allin, 3rd, Melissa Allin, 4th, David Lovekin. The Lions Plaque for the most points in the show was presented to winner Melissa Allin. In the Junior Section there are also seniors, 10 years and over. Winning prizes for their garden plots were 1st, Matthew Coyle, 2nd, Paula Dumouchel, 3rd, Natalie Natalie Wicha and Kerri Wool- ner (tie). (1) Paula Dumouchel Dumouchel was awarded first prize for her patio planter. (2) Home Sweet Home winners were 2nd Natalie Wicha, 3rd Paula Dumouchel.(3) Summer Days 1st Natalie Wicha, 2nd Paula Dumouchel Dumouchel (4) Recycling 1st Paula Dumouchel (5) Way Out 1st Natalie Wicha, 2nd Paula Dumouchel (6) Tiny Tim 1st, Sean McKenzie 2nd, On Aug 11 the Bow Lions shut out their opposition 7- 0. Erik Griffin, Gavin O'Donnell and Kevin Hoc- kctl stopped most of the offensive offensive drives with solid defense. defense. It was Jason Lang's second straight shut-out. Mid-fielders Chris Baumhauer, Chris Pot and Ryan Jackman played a large part in the scoring with Ryan scoring four goals, Chris Pot one goal and set-up three and Chris Baumhauer set-up one. Forward Kevin Donovan scored his first goal of the season to the delight of the fans. Centre Niki Defrcitas opened the scoring and setup setup two goals, while Mike Edcy and Lindsay White also took part in the offensive offensive drive. The team's passing and unselfishness showed in this game. Then on Aug. 18 the Lion; tied their final game of the regular season 3-3 against Orono. After trailing 2-0 the lions got goals from Ryan Jackman and Niki Defreitas to tic the score. Again trailing trailing 3-2, Niki was brought down in the penalty zone and the penalty shot was taken by Ryan to tie the game. The Lions were off to a slow start and only a few players gave their usual effort. effort. The absensc of Chris Baumhauer in mid-field really really showed as the mid-fielders mid-fielders were caught out of pos- itionon many occasions and the forwards were always coming back to help. Entering Entering the play-offs the Lions have to maintain their positional play in order to reach the finals. Good luck team. On July 28 the Bowmanville Bowmanville Lions defeated the Bowmanville Wolves 7-1. Full marks to the positional play displayed by the Lions. Greg Farrington, Chris Baumhauer and Gavin O'Donnell played a great game defensively. Karl Wiener positioned himself perfectly for his first goal of the season. Niki Defreitas opened the scoring at the ten second mark of the game followed by two more goals in the second half. Chris Pot also scored two Paula Dumouchel 3rd, Natalie Natalie Wicha (7) Wild arid Wonderful 1st Natalie Wicha. Wicha. (8) Beets 1st Matthew Coyle, 2nd,Sean McKenzie 3rd, Natalie Wicha. (9) Carrots Carrots 1st, Matthew Coyle, 2nd, Paul.a'Dumouchel, 3rd, Natalie Natalie Wicha (11) Zinnias 1st, Sean McKenzie, 2nd, Natalie Natalie Wicha, 3rd, Paula Dumouchel. Dumouchel. (12) Lavatera 1st, Natalie. Wicha, 2nd, Paula Dumouchel, 3rd, Matthew Coyle. The Lions Plaque for the most points in the show was awarded to Natalie Wicha. The total entries for the Junior Junior Show were eighty-six. Congratulations, Juniors. Keep up the good work! United Church News. Beautiful baskests of gladioli gladioli fro the Rickard-Ibbotson wedding on Saturday graced the sanctuary of Newcastle United Church on Sunday, August 22nd,1987. Guest soloist, Ar- line Ayre sang the beautiful solos, The Beautiful Garden of Prayer and He Touched Me. The Lay Reader was Mr. Ray Noble, member of the Session. Reverend Donald Donald Stiles delivered his fourth sermon in his series Hearing the Word and it was titled Water for a Thirsty Traveller. Reverend Stiles thanked Dianne Wood for her conscientious work as custodian. Next Sunday, August 30th, coffee hour will be held following morning morning worship. 1987 CHASER 4 W.D. LOWEST PRICED 4 W.D. CAR IN CANADA $ FOR ONLY 8,585 m $ 3 FREIGHT, PDI, LICENSE & SALES TAX EXTRA Includes 5 Yr. - 100,000 km Warranty 7 155 KING ST. E„ OSHAWA (Ai T Hi l NTHANCt TO MIDTOWN MALL) 579-6224 goals in the second half. The other goal was scored by Ryan Jackman. Jason Lange lost his bid for a shut out late in the game. Then on Aug4th the Lions scored an impressive 8-0 victory over Hampton, with Hampton missing a couple of talented players and the Lions playing with only nine players (due to vacations) vacations) the passing and ball control was outstanding. Ryan Jackman enjoyed a well earned four goal performance. performance. All of the goals were the result of excellent playmaking. Passes from Chris Pot to Niki Defreitas to Ryan; Chris Baumhauer on a long throw-in to Niki to Ryan; Chris Pot again to Niki to Ryan; and Erik Griffin Griffin to Niki to Ryan. Chris Pot scored three goals with two by individual effort and one on a pass from Niki. Niki also scored on a perfect perfect pass from Chris Pot. Chris Baumhauer and Gavin O'Donnell controlled mid-field. Kevin Hocketl played a good game on defensive defensive and worked very hard. Jason Lange made a diving save off a penalty shot to preserve the shutout. shutout. Chris Baumhauer also had a penalty shot that narrowly narrowly missed the net. Erik Griffin and Kevin Donovan also played a steady defensive defensive game. An upset vvs in the making making in Iasi: Tuesday's United Soccer League Squirt Divi- ' sion action. Unfortunately for the Cheetahs, a late flurry flurry of goals by the Lions resulted resulted in a 7-0 lose which was in no way a reflection of the actual game. The Cheetahs showed a total total team effort, as the group of 1st year players held the talent laden Lions to a hard fought 1-0 half time score. With five minutes remaining remaining in the game, the Cheetahs Cheetahs trailed by only two goals. This in itself, was a moral victory for the Cheetahs. Cheetahs. Credit must be given to the coaches, players and parents of this team, for their patience and dedication dedication in developing a good team spirit. Although without a victory so far this year. Total team participation is evident as only one player was absent for this match. Good luck Cheetahs, Keep it up! ..vA 0jg> S ^ aÎ 5 9 *ut "Sbotit" (Linda Lockhart, Proprietor) 1st Haircut for $6.00 2nd one for 1 /2 Price Offer valid to children 12 years and under. Expires September 14,1987 623-4404 174 King St. E. Bowmanville HIGH LwsjSCHOOl Bowmanville High School School Opening 1987 -1988 Tuesday, September 8th Students returning in Grade 9 and 10, please report to Main Foyer 8:45 - 9:00 a.m. Students returning in Grades 11, 12 and 13, please report to Main Foyer 9:00 - 9:15 a.m. School will dismiss at the regular time on September September 8th. gup WATCH FOR THE OPENING The VRNITURESTORi 77 King St. East •-- Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4466