i Liberal Candidate Enters Surprise Float in Blackstock Parade Enniskillen By Betty Wright Anyone who would like to become involved with the Sunday School please contact contact Jill Haskins at 263-8268. Sunday School will be starting starting September 13th. 240 participants, youth and young adults 16 - 30 from the United Church gathered gathered in Ottawa August 17 - 30 to celebrate Kairos '87. The theme of the week was the Bible, our Radical .Roots expressed in talks, small group discussion. The Bible especially came alive in the humourous acting out of Biblical stories by a drama group from Vancouver, Vancouver, Brainstorm. The music was lively, fun and serious with songs like "Black Socks", "Give Yourself to 1 Love" and "The Lord Inside." Inside." Two young adults . from Tyrone andUhe minister's minister's wife, Ruth McKinnell, :■ were there for the week. The best experience for her was leading a small home group of eight youth. Their opinions, their caring, their commitment, the sharing of their struggles was a gift to her of themselves of immeasurable immeasurable value. Mrs. Ralph Virtue spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hall, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adams, Oshawa, were recent recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Jim. Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., has returned home after spending some time with Mrs. Frank Spry and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hall,' Seaforth, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery were Wednesday noon dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Jim. ; X MIDWAY MIDWAY 'MIDWAY -'MIDWAY MIDWAY § ,5 « * s ci Cr; 1 si ... ■ ^ 5 ..... ' £ < fessas " MIDWAY MOTORS 1300 Dundas St. E., Whitby ^ 668-6828 j q DURHAM REGION'S No. 1 IMPORT TRUCK DEALER § midway midway midway midway midway: Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman have returned returned home from a 23-day Trent-Way bus tour of the Northern and Western United States. Mrs. Frank Spry, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright were visitors visitors on Friday with Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, R.R. 1, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball, Orono, were Saturday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Martin, Bowmanville, were Sunday dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaughlin enjoyed dinner at the Garden Gate Restaurant, Restaurant, Whitby, to celebrate Clarence's birthday and Jim and Aileen's wedding anniversary. Congratulations Congratulations folks. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gerryts and sons, Bowmanville, visited visited ,Mr, and .Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family on Saturday Saturday evening. Mr. Neil McQuire Junior, Beamsville, was a recent caller of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harvey McGill and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Michelle Leadbeater visited visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater Leadbeater for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Dickey, Mr. Milton Stainton, Miss Elva Orchard, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Garnett and Bernice Bernice Towns, Peterborough, enings 1 '•e.*- Back-to-School SPECIALS, For students and Br ^ mpF children until August 19 to Sept. 12 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. September 2. 1987 3 Forthcoming Marriage Rotarians Told About B & P Women Irene Konzelmann, guest speaker at last week's meeting of the Bowmanville Rotary Club, accepts the gift of a watercolor sketch from Rotary Club President Harvey Partner (right). With Mr. Partner is Rotarian Dal Dalrymple. Mrs. Konzelmann Konzelmann discussed the role of the Business and Professional Women's Clubs both at home and at the international level. She has recently returned from a visit to the organization's international congress. There are 250,000 members of the Business and Professional Women's Clubs in 72 nations around the world. The forthcoming marriage of Bernice Bothwell (Welsh) of Bowmanville to George Rudd of Oshawa. Wedding to take place on Friday, September 4, 1987, 7 p.m. in the Salvation Army Citadel, Bowmanville. y PERMS WASH, STYLE, CUT and Blow Dry 15% ONLY OFF $12.50 To serve you are: Wendy, Diana, Darolyn, Gina and Violet. "OPEN « DAYS A WEEK" (Mon., Thurs., Fri. evenings by appointment) Phone 623-5019 71 KING ST. "EAST" Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Todd Milford, Newtonville, Steve Thompson, Mitchell's Corners, Corners, joined Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton and family family in celebrating Auntie Elva's birthday. Many happy returns of the day, Auntie Elva. Mr. and Mrs. Art Lcadbe- ater attended the Come and Go Tea for Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright at Solina Hall on Sunday on the occasion of their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery were recent dinner guests of Mrs. Rene Cook, Whitby. Miss Brenda Stainton graduated from Parkwood on Monday in Nuclear Medicine. She has a position position at Oshawa General Hospital. Congratulations Brenda. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Avery and family were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clarence Avery and Jim. Master Ryan McGill has been out west in Edmonton for two weeks visiting relatives. relatives. We had a joint church service service on Sunday with Tyrone. A special welcome was given to Mrs. Allanah Coles who was with us to share her gift of music. Rev. McKinnell's message was based on 'Not of the World.' Jacqueline Vaneyk was the organist. Next Sunday Enniskillen's Enniskillen's service will be back to regular time, 9:45 a.m. Announcements: I Enniskillen Sunday School Teachers' Meeting on September 9th at 7:00 p.m. at the church. II The Durham Region Arthritis Society is looking for a Captain and Canvassers Canvassers for a September campaign campaign in Enniskillen. Please contact Barb Howe at 263-8868 for information or to offer assistance. The Lobb Ball final tournament tournament was held at Solina on Saturday and Sunday with teams from Tyrone, Enniskillen, Hampton and Solina playing. The final games were played on Sunday Sunday afternoon with Solina Blue winning the "C" Championship Championship against Solina Steel. The "B" Championship Championship was won by Enniskillen Enniskillen Garage against Hampton Remax. The final "A" Championship game was played with Hampton Shoppers winning the final game. Diane McGill was picked for Most Valuable Player for Jensens. This ends the Women's Lobb Ball for this year and hoping hoping all teams will be back for next year. The sponsor of the Enniskillen team took many of the players and families out for dinner afterward. The team would like to thank Brian Jensen for all he has done for the team. PONTYPOOL There will be a Bible Study and Prayer Group starting on Tuesday, September September 8th in the Pontypool subdivision at the home of Allan and Lynn Dormer, 132 Coulter Drive. Phone 277-3415. The meetings will start at 7:15 p.m. We welcome the McKenzies McKenzies and the Worrels to the houses of the Howards and Jarvises respectively. Both are fixing tneir places up. More power to them. They are a good addition to the neighbourhood. There have been many changes over the summer. On Wednesday, August 26th, the last barboque of Allan Allan Lawrence's was held at the Devil's Elbow. Canada's Business and Professional Women's Clubs are part of a network of one quarter of a million women in 72 countries. The work of this group both at the local and international international levels was outlined outlined on Thursday, August 27, at the regular meeting of the Bowmanville Rotary Club. The guest speaker was Irene Konzelmann, corresponding corresponding secretary for the Bowmanville club. Hockey Mothers Bring Ice Tech To Local Arena The Hockey Mothers of the BMHA and the BRHL are pleased to have the opportunity opportunity to bring Ice Tech to the Bowmanville Arena. Glen Evans who runs the Ice Tech program out of Art Thompson Arena will be coming to Bowmanville, December December 21-24,1987. Glen's Ice Tech will benefit benefit all Hockey' players both boys and girls - who want, to improve all ■ the basic skills required to play the game of hockey. Ice tech provides drills to improve and strengthen balance, agility, ftexibilty, skating and puck handling. Glen and his staff use unique pieces ofequipment in their program. For backward backward and forward crossovers crossovers a carousel is placed at centre ice. Balance and agility are strengthened with the use of a springboard. Parallel bars for flexibility and agility. In order for each participant participant to benefit from the program program a great deal of self-discipline self-discipline wil be required on the ice at all times. Required equipment: full hockey equipment, stick and puck. (Goalies will need full gear). Registration is open to boys 7-14 and girls 7-20. Advanced Advanced players from 5-6 years of age are welcome. The program is designed to accommodate players from House League Select and All Star levels. It is open to all players living in the Town of Newcastle Newcastle and surrounding areas. The program will have two sessions with ice time instruction of 1.5 hrs/day for four days. Registration is limited limited to 37 participants per session. Ice time sessions wil be Dec. 21-23, from 9:00-10:30 & 10:30-12:00. Dec. 24 from 8:00-9:30 and 9:30-11:00. You may register during the BMHA and BRHL registration registration times. After Sept. 5, at J.J. Sharpening. A late fee will be charged after Oct. 13. For further information call 623-6757. She noted that Bowmanville Bowmanville has had a Business and Professional Women's Club since 1951. Today, the local group has a total of 28 members. members. Encouraging women to participate in government is one of the objectives of the club. In addition, its aims include the training of women in business, professions, professions, and industries and the improvement of standards standards in these areas and in public life. The Business and Professional Professional Women's Club also aims to repeal policies and laws which discriminate against women. And, on a more practical level, it provides schol- aships and awards to assist women in their education. Mrs. Konzelmann noted that the Bowmanville club provides a $100 bursary to a graduating female student at Bowmanville high School. And past efforts have included the furnishing furnishing of a room in Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. In her address to the Rotarians, Mrs. Konzelmann Konzelmann also spoke of attending attending the recent international congress of Business and Professional • :■ Women's Clubs: nçhere/she'triet with 1200 W&nrièn 1 from clubs around the world in an experience which taught her what an ingenious, competent, and capable group of people women are. They have, however, however, noted difficulties such as low wages, limited access to the higher-echelon jobs in industries, and declining job opportunities. In reference to projects undertaken by the Business and Professional Women's Clubs worldwide. Mrs. Konzelmann Konzelmann noted that in Nepal they have built a secondary secondary school and day cafe centre. In South America, there has been a new training training centre for nurses estab lished thanks to the efforts of the clubs. And Australian Business and Professional Women's clubs have developed developed a program to encourage encourage educational activities activities in New Guinea. The guest speaker told Rotarians that her club also seeks to improve the lives of not only women in the workplace but also those who work at home. "The club opens a door to knowlcgc, achievement, fulfillment and friendship," Mrs. Konzelmann Konzelmann said. Lloyd Scott m.a. Counselling Speeltili:iiiK in: • Marriage and . Separation Counselling • Parent-Child and Individual Problems ORONO MEDICAL CENTRE 1-983-9792 Inquiries Welcome livening mill Weekend Appointments WATCH FOR THE OPENING The VRNITURE STOR E 77 King St. East Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4466 $ PORT HOPE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LTD. ITS WHAT VALUE IS ALL ABOUT! BRAND NEW RAM CHARGER 4X4 LOADED SAVE!!! $3109.00 BRAND NEW DODGE DAKOTA 4X4 SAVE!! $1652.00 AND STILL $750.00 CASH REBATE PORT HOPE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LTD. Hwy. #2 at Jocelyn St., Port Hope 885-6331