7 6 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. September 9. 1987 FLASHBACK -- 25 YEARS AGO -- This seems to bo the bigyear for Bowmanvillc's girls' softball teams. The seniors, sponsored by Kilpatrick Plumbing, won the Lake Shore League title and were awarded the Smith Beverage Trophy. Team members include: Joan Blight. Betty Bundle. Pat McIntyre. Carol Smith, Sandra Johnston, Greta Crawford, Lenore Fowler, Lcnore Cain, Shirley Patfield, Judy Welsh, Dianne Ormiston, Beverly Sleep, Sharon Burgess and Nancy Kelly. The manager was Howard Ormiston and the coach was A. Johnston. SPflOTS 5th Wheel Squirts Ready for Playoffs Honor Sponsor FLASHBACK-- 10 YEARS AGO -- Winners in (he Lloyd Hamilton Golf Tournament Saturday at Bow- manville Golf Club w ere: 1st low gross -- Rick James; 1st low net -- Ted Hoar; 2nd low gross Bill Lyle; 2nd low net Ray Croinbic; 3rd low gross Ken Kelly; 3rd low net Larry Piper. CONGRATULATIONS, TORCH-BEARERS -- Congratulations to Melissa IIarty, Barbara Morton, Morton, and Robert Rough ley, who are all local runners runners selected as Olympic torch-bearers. They'll be running December 21 as the relay passes through this municipality. As far as we know, these are the only torch-bearers from the immediate immediate area. But we'd be interested in hearing from any others who may have been selected. AQUATIC CLUB TAKES THE PLUNGE -- into a new season. Registration for the Newcastle Newcastle Aquatic Club takes place Wednesday, September 9, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Newcastle Newcastle Fitness Centre and on Saturday, from nine a.m. to noon at the same location. This club is composed of some very dedicated young athletes and their coaches. It completed a very successful season last year but needs a growing growing membership in order to improve on that record. JUNIOR C TRY-OUTS -- The Bowmanvillc Eagles Junior C Hockey Club will hold try-outs at the Bowmanvillc Arena September 15,17,20, and 22 between the hours of eight p.m. and 11 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Dry land training will take place this weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) at Knox Christian School on Scugog Rd. This year's staff includes Weldon Brown, Manager; Pat Lange, Coach, and Bob Luxton, Assistant Coach. TORO TRY-OUTS -- also get under way soon. Try-outs take place Monday, September 14, for novices (6 p.m.); pee wees (7 p.m.); bantams (8:30 p.m.) and juveniles (10 p.m.). On Tuesday, September 15, there will be an atom try-out at six p.m. And on Wednesday, September 16, there's a midget try-out at 8:30 p.m. All of these take place at the Bowmanvillc Arena. ICE TECH HOCKEY PROGRAM December 21-24,1987 BOYS ages 7-14 GIRLS ages 7-20 Advanced players 5-6 are welcome. $45.00 for 4 day sessions (6.0 hours) (ice time per day 1.5 hours) Register at J & J Sharpening ICE TECH is coming to Bowmanville with the help of the B.M.H.A. and the B.R.H.L. Hockey Mothers. 'LIMITED REGISTRATION. ACT NOW* ""Vi,,. TORO TRY-OUTS The , Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association will begin their try-outs for ALL their hockey teams at Bowmanville Memorial Arena starting on Monday, September 14th ' 6 p.m. - Novice (1978-79) 7 p.m. - Pee Wee (1974-75) 8:30 p.m. - Bantam (1972-73) 10 p.m. - Juvenile (1968-69) Tuesday, September 15th 6 p.m. - Atoms (1976-77) Wednesday, September 16th 8:30 p.m. - Midget (1970-71) $4.00 per boy/girl per tryout NOTE: OMHA new ruling - neck protectors are now mandatory. REGISTRATION FEES: Novice $165 Bantam $185 Atom $175 Midget $200 Pee Wee $185 Juvenile $200 All boys/girls residing in the former Darlington Township bordered by the Town Line on the east, the 11th line on the north, the Town Line on the west and Lake Ontario to the south, are invited to attend. All boys/girls must try out (or these teams before being eligible for second teams. Each boy/girl is reminded that he/she must have a social insurance number, and come to the arena with full hockey hockey equipment. .y*-. These are the Tigers, league champions of the Squirt soccer league who, following their last game, presented a trophy and team picture to sponsor, the 5th Wheel Truck Stop. Team members are, front row 1-r, Chris Bowers, Joel Osborne, Andy Griffin, Chris Watson, Brad Aylsworth, Andrew Wraith, Heather Chambers ; back row, John VandeGrootevheen, Brent Stockman, Peter Paradis, Josh Manuel, Jamie Potter, Nick Zdravkovski, Jeff Finney, Richard Aasen; absent, Jamie Shrives; also at rear Coach Larry Paradis and at left, representatives of the 5th Wheel, Gail Ferguson, and at right, Stella Dudart. The team's playoffs will get under way September 19th at Darlington Sports Centre grounds. Figure Skating News O.H.A. Junior "C" Bowmanville Eagles T ry-Outs for 1987-1988 start Tues., Sept. 15th Thurs., Sept. 17th Sun., Sept. 20th Tues., Sept. 22nd at 8 p.m. -11 p.m. 8 p.m. -11 p.m. 6 p.m. -11 p.m. 8 p.m. -11 p.m. Bowmanville Arena EVERYONE WELCOME BRING YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT DRYLAND TRAINING CAMP Fri., Sept. 11th 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat., Sept. 12th 9 a.m. -11 a.m. Sun., Sept. 13th 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at Durham Christian Regional H.S. Scugog Road For more information please contact: Mgr.: Weldon Brown Bus. 623-3396 or home 623-1791 Coach: Pat Lange Home 623-3008 Assistant Coach: Bob Luxton Home 623-1683 Neivco-stCe Aquatic Club REGISTRATION for the 1987-88 swim season will be held at the Newcastle Fitness Centre as follows: Saturday, Sept. 5th 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Wednesday, Sept. 9th 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12th 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Sign Up and Hake A SpCash! For additional Information call 623-6897/623-1485/987-4494. by PAM WHITE Even though we don't like to think of it winter is approaching and the time to prepare for skating is here.Sooner than you think it will be time to try on the skates and see how much the feet have grown and to pull out the cheque book to pay for registration. Before we discuss when and how much let's see how our fee structure is decided. It isn't arbitrary. v < Many costs -have to be considered, such as: -The ice $24,648.. -The coaches approx. $3,ooo -Test days, judges, hospitality hospitality -Advertising, ticket printing, printing, stamps and stationary,- etc. -Coaches clinics, music, tapes and someone to play music. There are more but just as an example it costs the Big Win for Pontypool By D. Adams. This past weekend in a 16-team mixed lobb ball tournament held at Memorial Memorial Park in Bowmanville, a team from Pontypool and surrounding area called The Hammers was successful successful in winning the 'B' Championship Championship with a money prize of $250.00 and a trophy. To arrive into the "B" Champiionship they won their first game against Blackstock by a score of 8-7. This win and loss situation made Sunday's game at 10:30 a.m. a must win! This 3rd game was against Tyrone and after a very slow start The Hammers Hammers did win by a score of 19-8. This win put The Hammers Hammers team into a 4th and final final game played at 2:30 p.m. The opposition was a .team called The Oshawa Good Timers who got on the scoreboard early in the first inning getting 3 runs over home plate. However, with a great team effort, The Hammers came away with a 5-3 win after 7 full innings. innings. club about $300.00 per year for one intermediate skater to skate. We charge only $180.00 and fund raise the rest.DOESN'T FUND RAISING TAKE ON A NEW LIGHT! Skating starts September 28 and finishes March 30/ 88. We will run not only the figure skating but an extensive, extensive, season long Power Skating course. : Registration Fees- Beginners- Beginners- $72:00, Juniors- $120.00 (BEG. and JRS. pay in two installments), Intermediates- Intermediates- $180.00, Senior B.- $210.00, Senior A- $240.00 (INT. SR. pay in three installments), Power Skating- $110.00. All fees must be accompanied by a $10.00 C. S.F.Afee. We're very proud of our skaters who work very hard, but there can be no club without fund raising. Registration is at the Bowmanville Mall Thursday, Thursday, September 10 6p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, September 1210 a.m. to 3 p.m. We'll see you there. MIXED LEAGUE Bowling begins September September 11, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. TEAM 1. Barry Henning, Helen Simpson, Lu Welsh, Mary Kalka, Reg Land, Leona Bartlett. TEAM 2. Fran Sleep, Andy Big- Canoe, Cheryl Wray, Mike Brien, Donna Page, Bob Mitchell. TEAM 3. Dave Verctli, Carol Harris, Jim Kalka, Ruth Mitchell, Emile Salomon, Joan En- glcy. TEAM 4. Fern Bradley, A1 Wray, Janet BigCanoe, Fred Tip- pins, M. VandcnHoogen, Terry Jackson. TEAM 5. Bob O'Neill, Mary Brien, Bob Flintoff, Flo Land, Tom Harness, Rose Ritchie. TEAM 6. Pat McArthur, Stan Green, Marg Jackson, Garry Cooke, Marg Welsh, Brian Harris. TEAM 7. Arnold VanGoor, Patti Barrie, Barrie, Ranee Ritchie, Sandra Cooke, John Wickens, Debbie Debbie Salomon. TEAM 8. Carol Verelli, J. Van- denHoogen, Deneen Henning, Henning, Ted Cornish, Eleanor VanMeer, John Downey. TEAM 9. Ken Barrie, Ruth Wright, Don McArthur, Kim Henning, Henning, Dave McDougall, Carol O'Neill. TEAM 10. M. Flintoff, Ray VanMeer, Kim Wickens, Ken Wright, Sandy Green, Jim Hicks. TEAM 11. Bert Engley, Rita VanGoor, Harold Bartlett, Ruth Wray, Don Bradley, Joyce Downey. Downey. TEAM 12. Jean Harness, Doug Sleep, Marg Tippins, Tom Simpson, Ginette Hicks, Randy Henning. Town and Country Bowling The following are the first half teams for the Town and Country Bowling League, 1987/1988. TEAM 1 Randy Gibbs, Alan Wharmby, Arnie Brinklow, Gloria Wilkins, Laura Hicks, Trixie Brown. TEAM 2 Walter Curr, Bonnie Beers, Joan Gibbs, Terry Luke, A1 Bentley, Mary Brinklow. TEAM 3 Mike Powers, Carol Barrett, Randy Pollard, Vivian Hunt, John Lyle, Kim Pow- TEAM4. Mark Wilkins, Bob Brown, Evi Cole, Chris Alden, Rod ' Gibbs, Tina Hyland. TEAM 5 Les Hunt, Gerry Lyle, Cindy Pollard, George Gibbs, Denise Denise Curr, Wendy Luxton. TEAM 6 Steve Zealand, Cathy Kirkton, Peg Powers, Ken Lee, Lisa Januch, John Luxton. Luxton. TEAM 7 Linda Bentley, Brian Terry, Barb Lyle, Eric Cole, June Wharmby, Roline Powers. TEAM 8 John Lane, Brenda Kilmer, AI Hyland, Brian Powers, Pauline Jebbett, Kelly Powers. Powers. Note: Bowling starts September September 13th at? p.m. sharp. THE BOWMANVILLE NON-CONTACT HOCKEY LEAGUE requires PLAYERS for two divisions 25 yrs. and over 35 yrs. and over PHONE RON SHACKELTON 623-7327 for information. sporf-ttlk 623-3303 NEWCASTLE MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE -- Will hold its registration on September 12 in the Newcastle Arena from 10 a.m. lo 2 p.m. For details, details, call Larry Carroll al 987-4086. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATION -- Will lake place at the Newcastle Arena the following dates: Friday, September 11. from seven p.m. lo nine p.m.; Saturday, September 12, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and Saturday, September 19, from nine a.m. to noon. Coaches, managers, and trainers are also required for the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Hockey system. Interested parties may write to Newcastle Village Minor Hockey at I'.O. Box 345, Newcastle, Ont. LOA 111». ALSO TAKING PLACE AT THE NEWCASTLE ARENA -- is the figure skating registration. The Newcastle Village club will hold registrations Saturday, September 12 and 19 from 10 a.m. to noon and Friday, September 18, from seven p.m. lo nine p.m. UNITED WAY LOB BALL TOURNEY -- On Saturday, September 26. and Sunday, September September 27, the Town of Newcastle United Way Lob Ball Tournament for mixed teams will he held. The competition is for I oh hall players who wish to compete for cash prizes with profits profits for the two days going to the United Way. Nine teams have already registered and there's room for more. If you arc interested, call Dave Spence at 623-9294 or Judy Bedford at 983-9734. PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our specialty is lumber and lumber products. A complete line of kiln dried hardwood and softwoods. • Walnut • Cherry • Maple • Redwood • Teak • Oak • Phil. Mahog. • Soltwooda Hardwood & softwood plywood. Specialty Custom Milling .MILL and YARD 328 Rltaon Rd. N., Oahawa 725-4744 FRED'S AUTO BODY - Specializing in Unibody, Front Wheel Drive - Free Gravelguard, with complete paint jobs - Superior Collision Repair • Expert Refinishing • Stripework • Come In -- Free Estimate - Courtesy Car Available 163 Base Line Rd. Bowmanville 623-6353 Clear Coat Available - Insurance Claims NEWCASTLE MEN'S TOWN HOCKEY LEAGUE (Sunday Night) For Registration, Telephone LARRY CARROL -- 987-4086 Registration - Newcastle Arena September 12th, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE FIGURE SKATING REGISTRATION AT NEWCASTLE ARENA Saturday, Sept. 12 and 19, 1987 10 a.m. -12 noon Friday, Sept. 18, 1987 7 p.m. -9 p.m. FEES: Can Skate $102.00 Intermediates (Can Figure Skate) $150.00 Seniors (C.F.S.A. Test) $174.00 Plus $8.00 C.F.S.A. Membership Partial Payment Plan Available For more information contact Ted Brown 987-4698. 1 itching the full 4 games was Dinne Adams, with other other team members of Angela Preston, Lynn Argue, Vince Parcel!s, Lavern Brown, Jim Remington, Kevin Bryant and friend Jenny?, Larry and Judy Currins, Gary and Wanda Weight- men, Sandra Kutasienski and conch Bruce Adams. Well Done Guys!! TIRE SALES INC. 676-1220 trisun, tlBLKLl RADIAL 781 _ All SEASON 299 D«an Av n Re-Elect SAM Sam Cureatz Action Centres On September 10th Re-Elect Sam Cureatz -10 Years of Hard Work and Commitment to Durham East- Bowmanville- 68 King St. E...... 623-5144 Brooklin - 45 Baldwin St 655-3959 Orono - Main and Station St 983-9126 Oshawa-13 Taunton Rd.E 433-0883 Port Perry - 64 Water St 985-8424 "INVEST IN TOMORROW"