16 The Canadian Statesman Ebenezer UCW News By Eileen Down 723-5549 On September 8,1987, Ebenezer Ebenezer U.C.W. began its fall activities by gathering at the home of Carole Bickle for a picnic lunch, and as usual we nad much too much food, and of course we enjoyed it all. Joan Coverly, president, took the chair for the meeting meeting and opened with a poem "The Difference", which gave the suggestion to pray in the morning to give a good start for tne day. Minutes Minutes of June meeting were read by Joan Down, which prompted some discussion. We will be ordering more church mugs, so if you want same, contact Greta Down- they are quite nice. Bernice Pearce gave the Mission Minutes; Fact #1- there are 9 Theological Schools and 5 Lay Training Centres in Canada, all receiving receiving aid from Mission and Service Dollars. Fact #2- There is not a United Church minister serving anywhere in Canada, who has not been helped in some way from the Misson and Service Fund. Joan Coverly thanked the Potato pie supper committee for their hard work and successful successful supper-over $1000.00 was the profit. Next meeting is October 13th at 1:30 P.M.-a special one, in celebration of tne 25th anniversary of National; National; U.C.W., when all former former members will be invited. Everyone is welcome, plan to attend! If you have any pictures of past events etc. oring them. Bernice introduced two U.C.W. friends-Bessie Va- neyk from Tyrone, and Donna Donna Johnston from El dad, who brought us highlights from the First National Gathering of U.C.W. women, held in Waterloo this past summer. The event coincided coincided of course, with the 25th anniversary of U.C.W, and the theme was 'Called to re- spond-for such a time as this. The Bible passage in Esther Ch. 4 and especially verse 14, relates to this theme. One fact that came out of the conference, conference, which many of us didn't know, is that Bermuda is part of our Maritime Conference. Conference. Donna said that there were two ladies attending, attending, over 90 years of age-one said she came because she wanted a challenge. There is concern over the future of U.C.W., but obviously, it was not apparent there. Music, as per usual, was a very important part of the event, and Bessie and Donna led us in singing three songs throughout the afternoon, "God who touches earth with beauty", "Walls that divide divide are broken down", and, Called to become, Called to become God's daughters, • Called by the word of Scripture, Scripture, Called to respond in faith. I Answer the call, Answer the call to service, Answer the call to freedom, Answer the call to love. We divided ourselves into two groups for the last part; number one group with Donna as leader took as our Bible verses for study, Exodus Exodus l:-2:9, still remembering the theme 'Called to Respond: Respond: for such a time as this. We talked about the images images of women in these passages, passages, and tried to compare the situation with our own. One question was, how shall I tell this story to my grandchildren? grandchildren? The other group, under Bessie, used Psalm 122, and Mary's song from Luke 1: 46-54, also Ephesians 5:14, 'Awake sleeper rise from the dead and, Christ will shine upon you. We tried to answer answer the Questions and search for tne meaning of the Song of Mary for ourselves ourselves and for marginalized women here and overseas in to-days world. It is difficult to come up with anything definite-read these passages for yourself and think on the message 'Called to respond- for such a time as this'. Rae thanked Bessie and Donna to end the meeting, so we're off for another good U.C.W. year. Editor's Mail Dear Mr. James: September/13 to 19 has been designated as MEALS ON WHEELS week in Ontario Ontario and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the terrific Community Care volunteers who deliver these meals to Bowmanville- Hampton-Courtice. We also want to thank the staff of Bowmanville Memorial Memorial Hospital for the extra effort effort they give to make these meals available. And last, but not least, thanks go to the Community Care volunteers who assist at the hositnl with the preparation preparation of containers, menus, etc. and to those who do the scheduling of the drivers and runners. Only with super supportive volunteers ana hospitals like ours are important services like Meals on Wheels able to operate. Many thanks to all. Yours truly, Roxy Barnes, Administrator Bowmanville. Senlemher 16. 1987 J? g' % § /fWjm Ê 0% Bondes» Gros» Mb Roast» 5.27 kg 2^9» Bontle-- Shoulder Roasts 4JI. 159» Boneless Brisket Roasts 5.71kg 259» 1ST TO 8TH RtBB Chef Style Prime Mb Roasts BBO., 359» Blade Steaks 3.73* 159» Boneless Blade Steaks 453 kg 2.19» Cross Rib Steaks 4B3kg 2.19» Boneless Cross Mb Steaks 5.71kg 259» FRESHI Pork Liver .99 kg .45 Ib. FRESHI Pork Hocks ,1.52 kg .69 Ib. MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, ASSORTED RACK A AA Sandwich Meats 375 g pko. LiAU MAPLE LEAF, DELI THIN 4 AA Sliced Smoked Meats wo 8 1.09 MAPLE LEAF, EUROPEAN CUISINE,., A AA Dell Sticks a- 2.29 MS kg 1.79» SBSkg 2.29» 439 kg 1.99» 3.28 k, 1.49, "MEATY SOUP STOCK" 1.52 kd Neck un Bone»ib. TOWN CUUB, PORK 1 BEEF, STORE PACKED Breakfast * rr\ Sausages 3.51 kg 1.057 lb. rOWf: thus, V,r t 49 m. TOWN CLUB, STORE PACKED Italian Style a no Sausage 4.39kg I.Wib, TOWN CLUB Beef Burgers is 4.69 FRESH FROM OUR IN-STORE DELI iB' . ...... ■ JM m ■ IT f >V y ':1b. SCHNEIDER'S, JUMBO Summer Sausage TO'i'.'fi '■ CYO TOWN CLUB, 1 kg AVG. J QA Bologna Chubs 4.17 k fl 1.057 lb. 1.10100 g 4.99 Ib. mm z.x Salad SHOPSY'S, ROTINI PASTA OR CARROT A RAISIN .39100 g 1.79 lb. STORE MADE DAILY, 12" Deluxe Pizza (AVAILABLE IN MOST STORES) 820 g PIE 3.99 MAPLE LEAF, COIL Polish Sausage .50100 g O OO CANADIAN, CREAMY A AA £.£9ib. Havartl Cheese .88100 g lb. woit mm Æ m- ■siEtlli TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED Boneless 4 aa Cottage Rolls 5.27k fl c.Jjib TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED, STORE CUT, BY THE PIECE, END CUT Peamealed Back Bacon 6.15kg &.f ^Ib. CENTRE CUT - 6.37 kg, 2.89 Ib. 2.79, FRESHI PORTIONS Boneless q aa Chicken Breasts 8.80 k fl J.jjb & WMtm y Eli : II || : || :E i ?vEE!EHhh:iEEhE, i E:nEGl3::AEl.' si . IFfidiZ s', : 1 ' • ■ '.p-VlWWi ■ ASSohVui. VaRI-YiES,": EYimiY s;s sis-::. SKTsstsEE/hE® : M M : )L. ■- -, l. MA/'Axé m S;Y :.vY 'E ' ,:ip i * E; : É : Yasrïs.sER' ;:.| m ? ÉE "j "V'Eliüi Siii 28-fl. j WËÊmrn - •. r »B ASSORTED VARIETIES Primo Beans lltiïllEElEEEE Eehv I ; . iill : R ' .ÜYRY'-; SYï; I : -i î FsstB i 'ÜF 'S: E :■ " ' : : If^OTH, SAjOO iilli sIrI ; As s ; . .:E. E:'Y: »e eeI:ï y ! Ess'S'E EEsEkEAY: :A'|g|s ssR; s iliiiSliS-BiSEI 19-FL. OZ. TIN 100% PURE Primo Vegetable Oil FLAVORED WITH CHICKORY NEW DECAFFEINATED OR REGULAR, 170-198 g JAR Encore Instant Coffee 4.99 y SA' S/ls;. El! SAICO | aIEE 'EEE ;,EEEs 3 L JUG 2.49 PRIMO, GRATED, ROMANO OR VI A O Parmesan Cheese shak§r MINT LIGHT, LIGHT MARSHMALLOW, MILK CHOCOLATE OR RICH FLAVOR, CARNATION Hot Chocolate ma^ENre. 1.99 PRIMO 'S' Biscuits 250 g QQ PKG. 1WW SUN SQUEEZE, PURE Apple Juice 48-FL. 1 OQ OZ. TIN 1 IbW PURE Libby's E3p Plneennle luitt», ■ II IvCIkiMlU , i 1.36 L Juice tin PACKED IN ITS OWN JUICE, ASSORTED CUTS Libby's Pineapple 54 °in l ■# y EVAPORATED, PARTLY SKIMMED Carnation 2% Milk 385 m 1 . 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PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, GREENHOUSE Seedless H Cucumbers EACH TAQUITOS, CHEESE BALLS, STICKS, REGULAR OR BBO CORN CHIPS, CRUNCHITS, PRETZEL STICKS, TWISTS OR ASSORTED VARIETIES Hostess Potato Chips or Snacks 200 g BAG 1.49 [Old South Orange Julcej Mil I »7H PULP FREE OR REGULAR, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED ■ 12.5-FI-. OZ. TtN ! with thk I coupon only | feature price ( without coupon •1.09 If i I AU. PURPOSE I | wfth It* Robin Hood Flour coupon oofy - feature price | without coupon I I Limit one coupon per fsmlly, one tin per coupon, ■ | coupon velld et IGA until closing Set. Sept. 19th, 1987, | IPLU 004 I 2000979H I Be--■ -- ■--L--*--4 I SS.74 5-Pc Place SCttlll^ ™ wlouul wat or tr. n>u imw WITH A $25.0° A>' KTS.'SLM'":». PURCHASE b™m l B«w PW. un Much toe Accewetto A#e Akto PgT mm ■A- jf - ■m a.'.'VYY E mm, • PRODUCT OF U.S,A. CANADA FANCY GRADE Granny Smith Apples 2.18kg ■99ib. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE gRMHs 2.27 kg Aee Cooking Onionsbag .yy PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA FANCY GRADE Bartlett Pears 1.30kg .59» PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND Kiwi Fruit FOR .99 10 kg BAQ | Limit one coupon per lemlly, one beg per coupon, | coupon velld it IGA until ckwlng Set, Sept, 18th, 1987, ■ A r UÉBI BSM BOY VW1 I ASSORTED VARIETIES LUXURY STYLE Purrr Cat Food PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Brussels Sprouts 2.18k, .99 lb. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO „Bj9 g A Pepper Squash Z ™.99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, .64kg CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Rutabagas .29» PRODUCT OF U.S.A. 2.18kg Peanuts In-The-Shell .99» JUST ARRIVED SHOP NOW FOR BEST SELECTION Holland Bulbs pkg. 2.49 A.C. HULUN, BOX XXX) ST. JOHN, H.B. E2L «11 | PLU 011 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAT. SEPT, 19. 1987. Jj 0942338H | ASSORTED VARIETIES, DRY Purrr Cat Food 1 k 8 BOX 1.99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ,Rfl„2.27 kg Fresh Carrots W So .99 DISTINCTLY ATTRACTIVE Boston Fern 25.4 cm 10 POT Hanging Basket each 9.99 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ALL SAVINGS ARE BASED ON OUR REGULAR PRICES. GRAHAM IGA MARKET 225 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario OPEN ■ MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. Senior Citizens 5% Off On Personal Shopping. Wednesday Only