l I Phone 623-3303 Classified Advertising Rates Up to 20 words $4.20 Each additional word 200 Display Classified 280/line Memoriams $4.20 plus 200 per line of verse Additional charges for logos and bordered ads. Box Number Rental $1.50 Deadline for All Classified ' Advertising is 4:30 p.m. Monday. All Classified Advertising is Payable in Advance Births BOGART -- Ron and Susan (nee Cation) are thrilled.to announce the birth of their daughter, Caitlyn Eva-Marie, on September 16. 1987 at York Central Hospital weighing 7 lbs., 14 oz. A sister for Lindsay. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Bogart ol- Mississauga and Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Cation of Enfield. Great grandmother is Hazel Smallwood of Beaverton. 41-1SN SUDSBURY -- LUXTON -- Scott and Jane are proud to announce the arrival of their first child, Amanda Lyh, born on September 11th, 1987 at 6:29 p.m. Second grandchild for Don and JoAnn Sudsbury and John and Carol Luxton of Bowmanville. Special thanks to Dr. H.B. Rundle and the nurses and staff of Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. 41-1SN VANDEN HEUVEL -- Blake and Janet (nee Lawrence) are thrilled ; to announce the birth of their son , Robert Christopher, born October • 6,1987, weighing 7 lbs., 13 oz. at • the Grace Hospital, Ottawa. Proud grandparents are Bram and Amy Vanden Heuvel, Oshawa, Jane Lawrence, New- tonvllle, great grandmother Muriel Lawrence, Port Perry and great grandparents Lloyd and Margaret Passant, Fenelon Falls. 41-1SN Forthcoming Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Van Goor are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Wilma, to Henri Oosterholt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oosterholt. Wedding to take place Saturday, October 24th, 1987. 41-1 SN Anniversary Open House Flowers by Jackman "Bowmanvllte's Firs I Florist" 243 Kinpî St. 15., Bowmanville Mall Tel, (.23-3311,T 4 MIS Deaths ANNIVERSARY Keith and Anne Porter, Bowmanville cordially invite their relatives, friends and acquaintances to help them celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Dance at Pontypool Community Centre on October 17, 1987, 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Best wishes only. 40-2SN ANNIVERSARY The family of George and Bessie Purdy cordially invite their friends and relatives to help celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. The tea will be held at the home of Mrs. Lana Beard on October 24th from 2-4 p.m. 3 miles east of Bowmanville 1 mile north on Durham Road 42 BEST WISHES ONLY 41-2S Oshawa Monument Co. Ltd. • Family Memorials • Bronze and Granite , Markers • Cemetery Lettering • Designing and Lettering Done on Premises • No Salesman Involved • You Decide When We Can Assist You 1457 KING ST. EAST 728-3111 3-tfSN Bev's Floral Creations 162 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-3377 After hours 623-5803 OPEN HOUSE for 50th Wedding Anniversary for MARIE and HAROLD WILSON October 16,1987 at their home In Poplypool 2-4 p.m. and7-9p.m. 1 41-1 SN "Flowers Say It Best" VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery to... Oshawa-Bowmanvllle Area Phone 623-4441 Tiarfo mark ol Van Unite C-ianJmis l.lti 13-IIS STAFFORD Bros. Monuments Ltd. 318 DundasSt. E., Whitby, Ont. Box133, Whltbv L1N5R7 Phone 1-668-3552 for quality monuments, bronze and granite markers and cemetery ' lettering. Private appointment In your home gladly arranged by calling Mr. Philip J. Dawson at 1-668-3552 during day or after hours at 579-1116 In Oshawa. 32-tlSN Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m, Memoriams BARRABELL, Eileen Phyllis -- At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, ■ on Saturday, October 10,1987, In her 70th year. Eileen (Alder) beloved wife of William (Bill) Barraball of Bowmanville. Loved mother of Brian and his wife of Bowmanville and Karen Geddes of Pontypool. Loving grandmother grandmother of Charlene and Joanne, Shelley and Stephanie. Funeral service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tuesday at 1 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 41-1 SN HARNESS, Mervyn -- On Tuesday, October 8,1987, after a courageous battle with cancer. Mervyn Harness, in his 60th year, beloved husband ol the former Marion Porte and dear father of Marie, both of Kitchener. He Is also survived by three brothers, Everett of Bowmanville, Thomas ol Newcastle and Alfred of Orono and two sisters, Audrey Horner of Oshawa and Jean (Mrs. Ronald McLean) of Bowmanville. Mr. Harness was a member of the O.P.P. for 32 years until his retirement in 1983. Funeral service was held on Thursday. October 8 in the Ratz-Bechtel Chapel, 621 King Street West, Kitchener. Interment in the Orono Cemetery. LARMER, Christopher Stephen -- At Bowmanville Memorial Hospital on Thursday, October 8 1987. Christopher Stephen Larmer, infant son of Stephen and Dawn Larmer. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Complete funeral service was held Monday. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Personal Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events BROCK -- In loving memory ot Lyle and Lillian Brock, who passed away October 18, 1980 and December 9,1967. We think of you in silence And often speak your name All we have are memories And your picture in a frame. The world changes year to year And friends from day to day But never will the ones we love From memory pass away. --Always remembered by the family.41-1S CLYSDALE, Lloyd -- In loving memory of a dear lather, grandfather, grandfather, who passed away October 19.1977. Ten years have now passed. What we would give if we could say Hello Dad, In the same old way. ' To hear your voice, to see your smile To sit with you and chat awhile. You, who have a father, Cherish him with care, For you'll never know the heartache heartache "Till you see his empty chair." --Sadly missed by Doris, Ray, Shelly, John, Robert and Becky. 41-1SN O'NEIL -- In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Dale William, who passed away suddenly 10 years ago, October 13.1977. ' We cannot keep from wondering No matter how we try, And In our sad and lonely hearts We keep on asking - why? Who shall say the grief is lessened Though the smiles may hide the Memories keep the wound still open Despite the passing of the years. --Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten, Mom, Dad, Kathy, Plane and Scott.41-1S The Apple Blossom Shop Orono's Own Flower and Gift Shop 983-5291 AFTER HOURS 983-9656 NO DELIVERY CHARGE TO BOWMANVILLE FUNERAL HOMES 47-tfSN OPEN HOUSE at Soper Creek Nursery School 98 Concession Street East Bowmanville WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 1 -4 p.m. Come and bring your child. Registration is available. Phone 623-3613 BINGO Memorial Park Every Friday Night 7:30 p.m. $300. Jackpot 56 NUMBERS 41 -S 41-1 SN AUXILIARY TO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, BOWMANVILLE 75th ANNIVERSARY AUTUMN LUNCHEON Wednesday, October 28th, 1987 Trinity United Church Hall 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tickets $4.50 Phone 263-2934 A1-9R KREATIVE KIDS Dancerslze - Dance Drama - Crafts and Fun We Often 3 hours for 10 Saturdays, of supervised, creative, educational fun. Ages 4-12 years. Talk to us and see what we are offering. LOCATION: BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY (Downstairs) Registration October 14 at the Library. 623-5434 41-1SN PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE HELP US PLAN FOR THE FUTURE A major Study of library service needs in the Town of Newcastle Is underway. Join us at one of the following Public Meetings for a presentation and open discussion on plans and priorities. Wednesday, October 14 - Tyrone Community Centre Thursday, October 15 - Courtlce High School Tuesday, October 20 - Court Room #2, Bowmanville Fire Hall EACH MEETING WILL START AT 7:30 p.m. The Needs Study Steering Committee Town of Newcastle Public Library Board Canadian Foresters Court Venture ANNUAL BAZAAR Memorial Clubhouse Bowmanville Saturday, October 24 at 11 a.m. Tea room, bake table, craft table and draw. 41-2SN Jopce &octfeau DECORATIVE DESIGN STUDIO 86 Church Street, Orono, Ontario 983-5312 TEACHING STUDIO and FULL LINE OF FOLK ART SUPPLIES. Expert Advice for your Painting Pleasure. 38-1 0SN ANNUAL FALL BAZAAR St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church 127 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 11 a.m.lot p.m. BAKING PLANTS PRODUCE TEA ROOM CRAFTS KNITTING KIDDIE CORNER 40-2SN WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS for help call Auberge Transition House for Women and Children TOLL FREE 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidentiality assured. 24-4USNP ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH BINGO Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Weekly Jackpot Feature 56 Calls or Less $500. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 38-tfSN Durham West District W.l. FUN FAIR Solina Hall October 21 st Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Tea Tickets $1.00 Home Baking, crafts, draws, country store, entertainment. PUBLIC WELCOME 41-1SN BINGO Every Monday Night Early Birds Start at 7:30 Brownsdale Community Centre Golf Course Rd., Newcastle 35-tfSN BINGO LEGION HALL Jackpot $300. • 50 Numbers ' Every Wednesday Night New Starting Time 7:30 p.m. 41-tfS ORONO UNITED CHURCH 140TH ANNIVERSARY Friday October 16-8p.m. "Urgency In Concert" at the Clarke High School. Saturday October 17-2-4 p.m. Anniversary Tea and Historical Display. 7:30 p.m. Creative Sound and Light Presentation with Gordon Leek Sunday October 18 -11 a.m. Guest speaker Rev. A. Eustace Special Music by The Orono Choir - 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker: Rev. Jett DeJonge. Special music by the "The country hour' For more information Phone 983-5502 Or 983-5208 41-1S DANCE Saturday, October 17th 9:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. COUNTRY COUNTRY ROCK at Kinsmen Community Centre 109 Colborne Street West, Oshawa MUSIC BY "THE TRADESMEN" Door and spot dance prizes and lunch. For ticket information or reservation Phone 263-2052 or 728-6646 SQUARE DANCING 41-1 SN Solina Community Centre and Eldad Stewards ROAST BEEF SUPPER November 8,1987 TWO SITTINGS 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Adults $9.00 Children $5.00 12 and under BABYSITTING SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR 3 YEARS and UNDER For tickets phone: V! Ashton-263-2287 Marlon Luke - 263-2106 Gladys Mlllson - 263-2183 41-4SN The popular children's recording artist JAMES GORDON will be offering a selection from his many albums and will sing about the many things that interest children. This show will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24 at 10:00 a.m. at the Newcastle Village Community Hall and is presented by the Newcastle Public Library, Newcastle Memorial Branch. ADMISSION IS FREE ■41-2S BEEF DINNER Trinity United Church Bowmanville Saturday, Nov. 14 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Adults $8.00 Children under 12 $4.00 Children under 5 - No Charge TICKETS: Church Olf Ice 623-3138 or at James Insurance, 24 King St. E., Bowmanville 41-4SN HALLOWE'EN DANCE Saturday, October 31 Tyrone Community Centre 8 p.m. -1 a.m. Prizes for best costumes. Tickets available at door. $5.00 per person 41-3SN 10% OFF 10% OFF FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Plants, Cards, Gifts, Crafts and Garden Supplies Free Delivery to Bowmanville Funeral Homes. $2.00 Delivery Charge within Bowmanville and Oshawa City limits. WEDDING INVITATIONS OVER 300TOCHOOSE FROM Also Wedding Anniversary Cards Napkins, Matches, Cake Boxes Scrolls, Guest Books, etc. Mothersill Printing Inc. , Sg| fay 7 DIVISION ST., BOWMANVILLE Appointment Only ^ K HOURS 623-1155 l 9-5 Mon.-Fri.^xSl^ 27-tfS j to' (o awul&e'/t' of Zeroes 33 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-5577 omâ PLUS 050 KING ST. W. OSHAWA. ONT. 436-9151 40-tfSN M Simpson Memorials Monuments-Granite or Bronze Markers-lnscriptions -Sandblasting 49 LAVINIA ST. PORT HOPE 885-6434 Home appointments gladly arranged 41-1SP GOODYEAR PLANT OPEN HOUSE GOODYEAR The general public is invited to the Goodyear Bowmanville Plant Open House on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28th between 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the tour. 41-3SN nii-A TYRONE MILLS LTD. (1846) Cider Season is Here! --Freeh pressed elder --Apples - old and new verletlee --Honey end Apple Butter --Cuetom pressing by appointment and we make our own trash doughnuts every Saturday and Sunday I Open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday afternoons • 1-5 p.m. LOCATED IN HAMLET OF TYRONE Phone 263-8871 41 .hsn Phone 623-3303 Articles for Sale TYRONE L.O.B.A. 1244 Annual Penny Sale and Euchre Wednesday, Oct. 28 8 p.m. Tyrone Orange Community Lunch will be served Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 41-2SN DANCE Newtonville Hall Saturday, October 24 9:00 p.m.-Midnight Wood's Orchestra $4.00 per person Proceeds for Kendal Sunday School 41-2SN EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH ROAST BEEF SUPPER Saturday, October 24 Adults $8.00 Children $4.00 Sittings 4:30 and 6:15 p.m. For Tickets phone 434-7123 41-1 SN HELEN'S Tailor Shop. Duality alterations. Sewing machine, tune-ups. Bernina - Omega Sales. 623-2741.32-tlSN ONE Franklin wood stove, good condition, $120. Phone 623-1398. 41-1 SN REFRIGERATOR, 15 cu. ft., $75., while. Phone 623-5477. 41-1 SN Weekend Special MIXED BOUQUET $4.99 Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division Street Bowmanville 623-5577 41-1 SN LOOKNOW snowblower, 6' wide, single auger, like new, $600. Also pine firewood, $35. per pick-up load, various lengths. Phone 983- 9354. 41-1 SN MUST SELL'- buildings, steel clad either pole or stud wall design, for example 30 ft. x 42 It., $8895.; 40 It. x 70 ft., $15200. Phone today 342-5361. 25-lfSNP ®HERBAUFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR Phone me for Products/Opportunity Pamela Lawton 433-7661 40-tfS MIXED Timothy and Alfalfa hay. Square or round bales. Phone 987-4065. 40-8SN TANDEM dump truck, 20 ton float and tractor, 90 horse dozer. Phone Gerald Balson, Hampton. 39-3SNP TRAILER 12' x 60', 2 bedrooms, In Newcastle Park. Phone 987- 4694. $36,500. 40-tfSN DINING room 9 piece set - dark wood, 6 chairs, table, 1 extra leaf, buffet, hutch. $600. Phone 623- 9531 after 6 p.m. 41-1S SOUARE Grand piano, fruitwood. Please phone 372-5534 days, 885-4682 evenings. 41-1SNP LUMBER and FIREWOOD Buy direct at saw-mill prices PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK AND OAK All sizes available Also cedar posts 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 Roka Lumber 1-705-277-3381 26-16SN Bowmanville Mall FLEA MARKET King St. E. OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 623-3632 31-tfS 41-1S DR. BANDOLI'S TRAVELLING GOOD TIME SHOW This Is a popular participatory story theatre presentation using Improvlsational storytelling, mime, juggling and clowning. This show is recommended for children five years of age and older. Dr. Bandoli's will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24 at 2:3o p.m. at the Newcastle Public Libary Bowmanville Branch. ADMISSION IS FREE 41-2S Come Dance Again to Bobby Burton and His Boys Saturday, Oct. 24 9 p.rrf. -1 a.m. Tyrone Orange Community ADMISSION $5.00 per person 41-2SN ORONO UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL FALL SUPPER Wednesday, Oct. 21 st 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Adults $8.00 Children under 12 $3.00 Pre-school • Free Advance Tickets Telephone 983-5824 or 983-5272 40-2SN Gladibrae FRUIT BASKET Francis and Erie Jose Newcastle 987-4789 Metcalfe St. East of Mill St. V2 mile south of 401 Varieties Now in Season Macs Empire Ida Red Golden Russet Northern Spy Bose Pears 41-2SN APPLEBEE ORCHARDS Angau and Sheldon Pears McIntosh, Cortland, Spy, Ida Red, Talman Sweet and Spartan Apples $5.00 per bushel (hail damage) Vi mile east of New Dutch Oven on 6th Line Phone 983-5173 No Sunday Sales 40-4SN FALL PLANTING OF ROSE BUSHES 1987 FREE ROSE (BLAZE CLIMBER) WITH EVERY ORDER OF 6 BUSHES ORDERED. All roses are guaranteed to grow. You pay for your order with a postdated cheque for June 30th, 1988 when you receive your order. Prices: 1 - 5 bushes: $5.00 each 6-11 bushes: $4.50 each 12 or more bushes: $4.00 each to receive a list of varieties of roses Phone 623-3732 until 6 p.m. After 6 p.m., phone 623-5511 NEWCASTLE ROSE NURSERY 52 Brown Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 2R6 SNACK ON A MAC Also Available: Cortland-Spartan Empire - Delicious Fancy and "C" grade PEARS Bose - Flemish CRAB APPLES 39-tfRN SIKMA'S ORCHARD 786-2153 5 km east of Newcastle on Hwy 2 Open Mon. • Set. 1:00 a.m. • 6:00 p.m. FRUIT MARKET Take a bite out of Fall. Enjoy a crisp, juicy, Empire Apple. A quality new variety Also McIntosh, Spartan, Cortland varieties available. Bartlett, Flemish Beauty and Bose Pears. 100% NAIUHAL PURE CIDER 1 FREE Pumpkin or Squash with every $5. purchase. 39 3sn THE REDBARON COMPUTER SERVICES 112 Palmerston Avenue Whitby, Ontario If you are shopping for a XT Compatible computer, you should check the features of the prospective computer first, then check the price. Here are the features that I have to offer: XT Compatible with 640K of memory (high speed chips). 8 expansion slots with only two taken at this point. 150 Watt CSA approved power supply. AT style fllptop case standard with turbo and hard reset switches, keyboard keyed lock and power, turbo and hard drive LED Indicators. AT enhanced style keyboard Phoenix bios standard, 8 Mhz turbo standard. 2 - 360K Panasonic floppy disk drives. GM-7 Genius Bus Mouse and Joystick. The following Items are all standard equipment: Composite color or.monochrome, IBM color (RGB) and monochrome Interface. Bus Mouse Interface. Parallel Printer Interlace, Light Pen Interface. Games Controller Interface. Floppy Disk Drive Interlace Real Time Clock. Serial RS232C Interlace. 640 x 400 Color Display optional. And now the Price - $995.00 Phone 666-3958 One year's warranty on parts and labour. 41-1SNP