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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1987, p. 5

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®te Hemcaatle jlnbcpenbcnt Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 The Canadian Statesman. I'owmanville. October 14. 1!)!!7 Fire Truck Becomes Too Hot to Handle Met Heather Griffin on Thursday and she reports that her aunt, Miss Rowena Bragg, who resides at Marnwood House, Bowman- ville, is in Oshawa General Hospital with a broken hip. Miss Bragg is a former Newcastle Newcastle resident. Neighbor Ruby Murray remains a patient in Memorial Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. ■ On Thursday evening, Mr. . and Mrs. Mark Marchant vi- ; sited their son, Mr. and Mrs. • Ron Marchant and Dawn ; Marie, Oshawa, the occasion occasion celebrating Dawn ■ Marie's third birthday. On Tuesday evening, Mr. Lewis Clark, Wesleyville, visited his brother Arthur Clark and sister May Burley. Burley. Birthday greetings to Wilma Scott, Mrs. Audrey Turner, Mary Foster, Ed- "ward Glenney, Myrtle Alldred, Myrtle Pearce, •Lorie Rowe, Jacqueline Vanderstarre, Greg Martin, Mrs. R. Gohecn, and Hilda Call. To Grant and Jackie Copper, Copper, who observe their 36th wedding anniversary on October October 20th, we extend congratulations congratulations and best wishes. Sorry to report Mrs. George Allin of Parkview Apartments had a fall and is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson celebrated celebrated Thanksgiving, having the following to dinner, Mrs. Evelyn Northrup and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ian and Sarah, ofOt- tawa, Mr. and Mrs. Nico de Jonge, Jennifer, Lesle and Megan of Whitby. Friday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding were Mrs. Doreen Lake, Helen Hobbs and Audrey Gogerty. On Tuesday Mrs. Dale TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Ministers: Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A. M.Div. M.Th. Michelle Morrison-Glover B.A., M.R.E. " Thoughts About Baptism" BEEF DINNER Sat., Nov. 14,5:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Tickets - 623-3138 or James Insurance For information on Nursery Care and Church School call 623-3138 Serving Bowmanville and area since 1835 155 Years of Community Service hick's JVngHcatt Ci|wrct| Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Sunday, October 18th, 1987 Trinity XVIII 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying On of Hands for Healing Rector -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley Hunt and sons Grayden and Adrien, Pontypool, visited her mother, Mrs. Kathleen Powell. Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, Waubaushene, were Saturday morning visitors visitors with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. On Friday, October 9,1987 Reverend Donald Stiles united in marriage Anne Esther Allin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allin, RR 2 Newcastle, and Frank Wayne Bowen of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. On Saturday, October 10, 1987 Lisa Anne Kent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verdon, Newcastle and Robert Wray Axworthy of Brantford exchanged their, marriage vows atNewcastle United Church, with Reverend Reverend D. A. Stiles officiating. Sunday Thanksgiving dinner dinner guests of Mrs. Kathleen Kimball were daughter Joan and Michael Cowle, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope and Albert and Myrtle Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce entertained all their family to Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner on Monday, Larry and Barbara and boys, Wayne and Kim, Viki and Kirk, Bethany, Ric, Marilyn, and children, Port Perry, Ted and Elizabeth Walton and boys, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. On Tuesday Mrs. Raye Friedlander and Mrs. Pauline Storks attended a fashion show at Frederick's, Frederick's, Oshawa, sponsored sponsored by the IODE. On Thursday Pauline Storks attended a Finance and Personnel meeting at the Ganarasda Region Con- f BAHA'I ^ FAITH "In this Day the sun of ■ craftsmanship -shineth above the horizon of the occident and the river of arts Is flowing out of the sea of that region. One must speak with fairness and appreciate such bounty. By the life of God I The word "Equity" shineth bright and resplendent even as the sun." For information phone 623-7621 or 623-9277.^ EK xx â>t Raul's! ®mteb Clmrclj Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mcinnes 623-7346 Sunday, October 18th, 1987 11:00 a.m. Worship Service SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER, MR. SHERRY BASSIN GENERAL MANAGER OF THE OSHAWA GENERALS Special music will be presented by the St. Paul's Senior choir. Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday. It's Our "Special" BALLOON BUSTING Discount Save up to 25% sSl ■ 0n W;„ H Perms Reg. $40 - $60 ^ Hi-Lites Reg. $30 i/j f j, / Ear Piercing . Reg. $8-$9 \ - ':|// nL Waxing Reg. $5 brows If $4 up SÈÉ&. . %>. v II- Artistic Hair Designers 235 King Street East Bowmanville 623-2931 servation Authority, Port Hope. On Saturday Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wade were luncheon guests of Mrs. Grace Love, Port Perry. On Sunday Bill and Marg Wade enjoyed Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mrs. Margaret. Rudman were Dennis Valeric Valeric and Christa Rudman, Del, Kevin and Jenny of Courtice. On the weekend of October October 3rd the Allin Family held their annual reunion at Golden Lake. Mrs. Margaret Margaret Rudman accompanied accompanied Stanley and Wylma Allin, Jack and Velda Allin as far as Barry's Bay, where she enjoyed the weekend with her daughter and son- in-law Faye and Willi Matthews and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Joli, Owen Sound, spent the week-end with their son, Ken Joli. Mr. Bill Storks is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Hospital. Mrs. Pat Bernard, Fleshcvton, visited on Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Sunday Thanksgiving dinner dinner guests of Margaret Pearce were Vern and Diana Rowe, Robert and Lorie, Kendal, Ron and Nancy Pearce, Melanie, Jennifer and Rhonda of Lindsay, Isabel Gamier, , Tara and Tammy, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- ley were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alldred, Vic toria, B.C., Mrs. Ellen Or- miston, Ebenezer and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Monday Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were their family, Bruce and girls, Douglas Rowe and family including Lois from Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Madeleine Buckley and Mrs. Leila Werry, Orono, attended the Superannuated Teachers of Ontario meeting at G.L. Roberts School last Thursday. Thursday. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray were their son RCMP Sgt. Tim Gray and his wife Bonnie and their daughter Kimberley, Kimberley, of Orleans. On Sunday for Thanksgiving dinner Mrs. Jennifer Pisani, John Patrick and Brian of Orono, also joined the family. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sundstrom, Toronto, spent the weekend with her family, family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and Gary. With Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley for Thanksgiving dinner on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burley, Stephen and Allison, Oshawa. The Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Society holds its annual meeting meeting on Monday, October 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Centennial Centennial Room of the Newcastle Community Hall. Officers will be elected for the 1987- 1988 year. A video will be shown of portions of interviews interviews given by Harvey Bonathon, George and Bob Walton and the late Charlie Cowan and events sponsored sponsored by the Society. We welcome home our Great with Rev. Gordon Williams formerly of 100 Huntley St. and Switzer Singers to be held on Saturday, October 17th at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, October 18th 10:50 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. REV. PAUL RIPLEY and SWITZER SINGERS at Liberty Pentecostal Church Comer Hwy. 2 and Martin Rd. - Bowmanville People of ALL FAITHS Welcome! ■ 'V-ir--- v ' ■ - .... v ,- v . -, At the peak of the Schwarz Brothers' barn fire on lights on the truck began to melt. Above, firemen Sunday afternoon, firefighters had to hose down one Rick Patterson cools down the pumper as steam rises of the pumpers on the scene when the heat from the from the hot surface, blaze became so intense, one of the revolving red neighbors, Vince and Ann Doyle who have returned from a vacation in England and Scotland. On Sunday Miss Louise Hancock enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with her brother and his wife, Betty and Lloyd Hancock. ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH NEWS On Wednesday evening there was a large turnout for the open meeting of the Advisory Board. The churchwardens churchwardens reported on the summer and fall activities as well as the condition of the church property. Eight feet of the west cemetery wall, damaged by a truck earlier in the year, have been torn down and rebuilt by master mason, Leo Boisvert of Newton- ville. A contract with D.J. Mac Rae, Church Restorers, has been signed for repairs to the roof and eavestrough- ing of the Church and Parish Hall. 'Necessary maintenance work is presently presently being done on the Rectory. Rectory. The Treasurer, Mr. Oakley Oakley Peters, gave the financial financial report to the end of the third quarter and j responded responded to questions regarding regarding the various j accounts. accounts. Following the business meeting, the incoming rector, rector, the Reverend Douglas Hall, of Christ Church, Campbellford, outlined his interesting career to date and answered questions. Thanks to Audrey Gogerty and the Wednesday morning morning ladies, with help from DONE WRONG? "Not having righteousness righteousness of my own...but that which is through faith in Christ...that is from God." Philippians 3:9 The Holy Bible explains explains God's way out of wrong doing. ELMIRA MAKES YOUR WINTERS WARMER IN EVERY WAY! Firepl aie Phis' DUNDASST (U»y •?' 900 Hopkins St. at Burns WHITBY (416) 668-3192 n5 ■■ the Fellowship Club, coffee and refreshments came next, with everyone having an opportunity to meet the special guests, Mr. and Mrs. Hall. On Sunday the flowers on the altar were to the Glory of God and in loving memory memory of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Martin, Martin, Archie Martin and Glen Brooks. For the second week the chancel and nave were decorated for Harvest Home, this time for the National National Thanksgiving. The Reverend Allan Langley of St. John's Bowmanville celebrated the Eucharist at Early Service and Mr. Peters, Peters, the Lay Reader preached on God in nature at Morning Prayer. Next Sunday Oct. 18, Mr. Langley will celebrate Holy Communion at eleven. There will be no Early Service. Service. On Oct. 25 the congregation congregation looks forward to welcoming, welcoming, Suffragan Bishop, the Rt. Reverend Terence Finlay. UNITED CHURCH NEWS Flowers, fruits and vegetables vegetables from a bountiful harvest harvest were among the many gifts gracing the sanctuary of Newcastle United Church on Thanksgiving Sunday, October 11. The Lay Reader was Mr. Garnet Rickard and Shirley Coyle led in the Thanksgiving Litany. The choir sang the anthem, Sing to the Lord of Harvest. The Workshop on Spiritual Growth continues Wednesday evening at the home of Ray and Pearl Noble, Brownsville. The sixth annual Golden Harvest Craft and Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, Saturday, October 17. The General meeting of the UCW will be held on Monday, October 19, at the church at 7:30 p.m. Turkey Supper tickets from Susanne Schumann. Supper is Saturday, November November 7. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY COMMUNITY BOWLING Monday Night Ladies Oct. 5, 175 and over. Susanne Schumann 187, 274, 184, Betty Majors 187, Joyce Majors 180, Ina Brown 220, 200, 253, Marie Trim 201, Sadie Desveaux 188, Louise McKnight 233, Gail Tut- koluk 178. Thursday Night Mixed League Oct. 8,175 and over. Fae Forget 180, 208, Tom Kindratiuk 202, Ron Reffle 187, 188, Chris Nicholson 186,201, Joe Forget 221,271, Bill Brown 177, Dave Moore 181, Ken Boyd 191, 225, 188, Carol Lycett 333, Ken Jury 260, Elaine Reffle 251, Wes Forget 222, 204, Kathy Jury 185, Jeo Mendonca 209, Good going on your 333, Carol. Toros Tie Oshawa Dennis Pizza Novice Toros recently earned a 4 - 4 tie against Oshawa Red Wings. The Toros finally got going about the half way mark , down by a 4 - 1 score. G. McMurter, P.Lavallee, S. Brinkman, B. Strand each with a goal and D. Lange with an assist. R. Stainton shut the door on their scorers. scorers. Dennis Pizza Toros played Port Perry on Saturday and won 9 - 0. B. Strand with the hat trick, P. Lavallee two goals, one assist, M. McCarthy two goals, one assist, assist, G. McMurter one goal, two assists, S. Brinkman one goal, two assists, R. Jeffers three assists, T. Laughlin three assists, C. Steele two assists, R. Stainton with the shutout. D. Lange and D. Rowe played a very solid game. EASTERN ONTARIO DOLL CLUB The Eastern Ontario Doll Club is holding their 8th Annual Annual Doll Show and Sale on Sunday, October 18,1987, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ramada Inn, Trenton, Ontario. A wide variety of sale goods and displays of interest will be available to Doll Lovers young and old alike. Admission Adults $1.50 Children 50y Sit up and NOTE! Save $2200. on select models! Offer expires October 31, 1987 DISCOUNTS- COMBINATION OF DEALER DISCOUNT and rebale SUBARU. @ The car that goes to extremes. C & C Motor Sales 155 King St. W., Oshawa (at the entrance to Midtown Mall) 579-6224

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