The Canadian Statesman. liowmanvillc. October 21. 1987 Section Two Vincent Massey News Lisa Ng of Vincent Massey school enjoys Mrs. Avery's class immensely because they do various crafts such as:clowns, sock puppets and light bulb puppets. Lisa also enjoys process writing. She has completed five stories so far. Her favourite subject is Environmental Studies. Andrea Parks Mrs. Landry's class recently visited the Canton Pioneer school. Four students were interviewed, to get their reaction about the trip. Kim Cowan had fun using the quill pens, sharing the old wooden desks and playing games with Mrs. Strong. Tammy Bunce enjoyed seeing the old text books, using the desks that were attached to the floor and using the blackboards, that were wooden and painted black. There were no computers. Erica Becker and her friends liked the games they played, the bean bag throw and the educational games. Cherron Alehin liked the school because they used slates and had running games. We also used the quill pens and got to dress up like pioneers, even the teachers dressed up. Deanne Desrocher Have you ever tasted spaghetti squash? Well, Mrs. Yellowlees class is studying fruits and vegetables. Just a few days ago they went to Price's vegetable stand to see and buy some fruit and vegetables. They have made some vegetable dips, and different kinds of squash. Spaghetti squash is just one of the types of squash they have tasted. On Friday they are going to an apple farm. Next week they are going to make Become a UNICEF Volunteer ItSa CHANCE friendship soup and salad to tie in with the unit on feelings. Hannah Whately Mrs. Medd's students are involved in a reading program with the grade 2-3's in Ms. Jebson's class. Mrs. Medd says that the reading levels are very high and that the program should work excellently! Another thing that Mrs. Medd is impressed with is the reading skills that her students have. In her class there is a reading lab that they work on almost every day. The lab consists of 3 units:S.R.A. rate builders, S.R.A. power builders, and R.F.U. cards that vary according to the reading level. The R.F.U. cards are easier than the others because once you catch on, you seem to get to know the type of questions. Alan Rickard Bradley Burgess, Andrew Demant and Jessica Grieve have been enjoying making fruit trees, Jessica says next she will make Christmas trees with fruit on them. Bradley made bananas, apples, cherries and strawberries on his tree. But Andrew would rather make Granny Smith apple trees and eat them at recess. Carrie Jackson Ms. Hendrick-Jebson's class is studying the neighbourhood. On September 29, Constable Wraight, Officer of the Durham Regional Police, came to visit the class. They went to the Fire Hall on October 5. The class went to Carter's Bakery on October 7 and will go to the hospital on October 14 and the Durham Veterinarian Clinic on October 16. Ms. Hendrick- Jebson's class is going to be busy these two weeks. We wish the class a safe trip, trip, trip. After their trip to the bakery, I interviewed some of the students. Clara and Rachel loved the decorations on the cakes. Tammy and Andrew liked seeing them mix the dough. Everyone enjoyed the cookies they brought back from their trip. Mandy Dykstra Have you ever been to a pyjama party? And if you did, have you ever brought your favorite bedtime story? Well, Mrs. Dolan's class has. On Tuesday, October the 6, Mrs. Dolan's class had a pyjama party. First, they got on their pyjamas over their clothes, and then headed down the hall to the library. They exchanged their books, then watched a movie and ate popcorn. The movie was called Ira Sleeps Over. It was about a boy that was going to sleep over at a friend's house, but he couldn't decide whether to bring his Teddy Bear because he thought his friend might laugh at him. But it turns out that his friend has a Teddy Bear too! Samantha McDonald BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Phone 987-4240 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN, B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 1913 DundasSt. E., Whitby, Ontario Phone 576-4619 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 623-6555 WINTERS, SUIMERLAND & MOASE Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 CHIROPRACTIC G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor 39 Pamela Court By Appointment -- 623-5509 Member of Canadian and Ontario Chiropractic Associations LEONAHÙ JAY, B.Sc.,D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 JOHANNES L. BAARBÉ B.P.E., B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 29 King St. W. ( Newcastle Rhone 987-4600 LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 50 Richmond St. E., Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 HOME SERVICE BARINA HOME CHECK Ease your mind while you are away. R arb Shelter - Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 7 - 8 a.m., after 6 p.m. COMPUTERS ANDY BATELAAN, B.A. Consultant Programmer Software Development Maple Grove Rd.N. Bowmanville Phone 623-2375 Space Available NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE LAURENCE A. GREY, tt.D. Doctor of Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic, and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 50 Richmond St. E„ Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G 7C7 Phono 433-1500 REFLEXOLOGY BY ANNA Anna M. Bragg, R.N. By Appointment Only R.R. 4 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K5 Phono 623-9198 FROM ONTARIO PACKERS -- FRESH SHANKLESS PICNIC PORK SHOULDERS 4-6 LB. AVERAGE "KEEP YOUR FOOD COSTS DOWN - SHOP BY THE BOX" (1.50 PLASTIC BOX DEPOSIT) 2 ROAST LIMIT I PRODUCT OF U.S A YAMS I PRODUCT OF CANADA - FRESH 0R previously frozen CHICKEN! PRODUCT OF ONTARIO x fresh]™™"™ 7 ™ NEVER FROZEN PORK SIDE RIBS BACKS ATTACHED MINUTE MM) FR0ZENI ^■DRINKS • FRUIT PUNCH • GRAPE PUNCH • LIMEADE nFMPSTER SUNSHINE BRAND BREAD SLICED LARGE 675 g LOAF ' # WHITE • 60% WHOLE WHEAT • 20% CRACKED WHEAT • HOT DOG ROLLS (8 PACK) • HAMBURGER BUNS (8 PACK) • ENGLISH MUFFINS (6 PACK) MÏXÔR1 MATCH 9 LOAF 0RPKG.I LIMIT IblUsSOL 4ooobox4 CQ I jWEi-ttA TOAST IbvJ I FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF SHOULDER & BLADE ITEMS ». ONTARIO w WHITE Lfisjl HUSBOOMS RU.Y0UR SLA SCHNEIDER'S PROCESS CHEESE FOOD CHEESE SUCES 24's SINGLE THINS 500 g PKG. •REGULAR • SWISS • MOZZARELLA • LIFESTYLE HALLOWEEN • KERR'S KISSES • HUMPTY DUMPTY 32 oz. 907 g BAG POTATO CHIPS or ê IfFPR'C cnn DA ~ CHEESE STICKS • IVClltn O 500 g BAG 14 MINI BAGS 224 g BAG SUCKERS • KRAFT CARAMELS 397 g BAG XrCr MIX OR MATCH FROM ONTARIO PACKERS kg 3.73 CHOICE CANADIAN FRESHBsaaaaiEBaa m SHOULDER LB. 1.69 QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND 2-3 LB. AVG. VAC PAC SWEET PICKLED kg d IQ COTTAGE f QQ 1.03ROLLS -03 CANADA PACKERS OR CHERRY RIVER BRAND 3-4 LB. AVG. VAC PAC SMOKED SHANKLESS BONELESSI kg 439 READY-TO-SERVE PICNIC PORK SHOULDERS ■* 99 SHOPSY'S CORNED BEEF PASTRAMI OR SMOKED MEAT » 4x50 g PAC, SLICED 1.99 PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND SIEBIBI 500 g TRAY PAC LAMB DINNER 1 QQ I SAUSAGE 1.33 SCHNEIDER'S 500 g (17.6 OZ.) VAC PAC CENTRE SLICED RINDLESS 450 g VAC PAC WIENERS* RED HOTS, SKINLESS DUTCH TREET OR ALL BEEF 3 LIMIT SCHNEIDER'S 500 g PKG. FROZEN SAUSAGE ROLLS MAPLE LEAF BRAND AT DEU COUNTER kg 171 POLISH! CO w.iv SAUSAGE. 1.03 QUALITY PACKERS AT DELI COUNTER | A Jfc "TOWN CLUB" BRAND J IQ COOKED kg HAM LB. 1.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES HJ-M.I.'.lil DeCECCOI PASTA HABITANT 33% BONUS 500 mL JAR relish! 79 4 FRUITCORNERS ASSORTED FRUIT BARS 135 g - 4 BAR BOX MEXICASA TACO SHELLS BOX OF 10 -- 113 g BOX t KRAFT REGULAR OR.LIGHT CHEEZ WHIZ! ir MAmnoNi jl rmrer T! nr nr am rnrrcr WITH THlI! COUPON I with this! fpi COUPON I I J4JPOUUI0NI à CHEESE X\ r CREAIVI CHEESE 225 g PKG. I || M Jfc | | 250 9 TUB -- COUPON VALID UNTIL All #1 FB | 7 COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SAT., OCT. 24/87 tl. I I CAM ■ l'4 CLOSING SAT., OCT. 24/87 ' LIMIT 4 PKGS. IVI ! np 1 ! I Î V^wari UMIT ONE COUPON _ _ ONE COUPON PER FAMILY ÆB Mm .. JL&A | | \ ONE TUB PER FAMILY | IN-STORE RETAIL594EA. a IN-STORE RETAIL 1.79 ^^340 3785| ALL ^HWMHER DETERGENT POWDER ;