Consultants Recommend Sites for Headquarters by Grctchcn Ballanlync Two sites for the location of the new Regional Ileacl- quarlers have been recommended recommended to regional council by its consulting firm. Peat Marwick Consulting Group su bmilied their final report to the region, October October 15, recommending Oshawa and Whitby as the best alternatives for a new regional government headquarters. headquarters. Last March, Durham's Chief Administrative Officer Officer (CAO) evaluated four alternatives for housing regional regional offices. The first option was to continue with the current facilities. The second was to expand the existing facilities facilities by building an annex at the Rossland Road site and renovating the existing building. The final two alternatives were to build in downtown Oshawa, on former General Motors property, , or build on land across from the current current site in Whitby. The CAO, in May, recommended recommended that the region operate operate from one building at the Oshawa site. Regional Council, concerned with the CAO's report, retained the Peat Marwick Consulting Consulting Group to review the report report and assess financial and planning consequences of the four sites. The consulting firm has now concluded that the results, results, of the CAO's analysis in May, were not conclusive for support of the Oshawa site. "It did not assess the relative relative attractiveness of the alternatives," alternatives," said the report, "a significant omission in light of the closeness of the costs for the four alternatives." alternatives." In addition, the results of the financial analysis revealed revealed higher costs for all four alternatives than the comparable costs, made in the original CAO report, for each site. In conclusion, the Peal Marwick Group advised the region that the Oshawa and Whitby sites rank more highly financially, than the other two alternatives, but refused to identify the best possible option available to the region. "The Oshawa and Whitby sites arc sufficiently close that we do not believe it is appropriate to recommend one, rather than the other, on the basis of the analysis presented in this report," stated the consultants. In support of Oshawa, as the future site for the regional regional administrative facilities, facilities, Mayor Allan Pilkey, SUPERMAID AN AFFORDABLE - QUALITY SERVICE YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN BE SATISFIED WITH LESS! 434-8325 BONDED INSURED PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANING was given the opportunity to address the consultants in August, to outline the advantages advantages of locating in Oshawa. • Oshawa offered the region region free land for the site, on the former General Motors property at Mary and Rond streets, and free parking downtown. They also agreed agreed to abandon their title and revenue-sharing interests interests in the existing headquarters headquarters building. Mayor Pilkey highlighted the positive factors in relocating relocating in Oshawa. "We believe that the concept concept of a strong Oshawa- cenlred region is relevant today. And it will counterweigh counterweigh the dominance ol Metropolitan Toronto," he told the consultants. "A strong region needs a strong heart. Whitby was proclaimed "a much more important community than the Village of Oshawa, according according to the history books," admitted the mayor. "But the Village of Oshawa has grown and prospered. Doesn't it make sense that the money (to build the headquarters) should be used where it will do the most good, both in planning and economic terms," questioned Mayor Pikcy. Even the region, in its new Official Plan, has dedicated dedicated itself to the original vision of an "Oshawa- centred" region, he said. The battle for the site of the $15 million headquarters headquarters is again under way and it will be up to the regional councillors to decide what location will best suit the needs of the region. The report of the region's • consultants will be consi-. dered today (Wednesday, October 21) at a meeting of Durham's regional council. The Canadian Statesman. Rownianvill»*. October 21. 1(187 2 Top Students Receive Technical Awards Lucky Winner Receives Curio Cabinet Kim Mitchell, of Newcastle, said she never wins anything, at least not until now. She was The Furniture Store's prize winner in their grand opening draw. Kim chose a valuable curio cabinet for her prize. She is pictured here accepting her certificate from Sheila Rekkcr (right), ol'The Furniture Store, Bowmanville. Sorority Busy with New Year U ann u/n nil rian Bowmanville High School recognized its lop students in technical programmes programmes at all grade levels during the 14th Annual Technical Awards held Monday, October 19. Pictured above (left to right) are Frank Varga, Technical Director at Bowmanville High School; Tim Grocn, top automotive student, grade 11; David Wells, top student in all shops, grade 9; and Jack Taylor, Principal Bowmanville Bowmanville High School. II N€W STANDARD FOR VA1UC 1988 SUBARU CHASER COMPARE THESE STANDARD FEATURES: • Cloth seat • Tilt steering • 5-speed manual transmission (automatic optional) • 1800 cc horizontally opposed 4cyl. • AM/FM stereo radio • Full instrumentation • Quartz clock • Rear- window wiper/washer • Full wheel covers • Intermittent wiper • And much, much more FOR ONLY $ 7,f9S Plus PDI, Freight & Taxes C & C MOTOR SAl€S 155 KIND ST. W., OSHAWA (Al the entrance lo Midlov.n Mall) 579-6224 SUBARU. The car that goes to extremes. Kappa Delta Chapter of Beta .Sigma Phi has begun its 1987-88 year, and as promised, it is starting out with lots of events. Our Rushing meeting 1 was lots of fun as well as challenging as we played as interesting game called "Court Whist"-a card game where the rules keep changing, changing, and the hilarity never stops! Sue Jansma was the big winner, and perhaps I shouldn't mention who got the low score, right Donna? Unfortunately, several of our Rushees were unable to attend due to other commitments, commitments, but we were happy to welcome Rose Skinner, and hope she enjoyed the evening too. On October 3, our first fundraising event, a Yard and Bake Sale, was an enormous enormous success.Thanks to all who helped out with donations donations of time and goods, and a special Thank You to Lu- anne Payne for lending her home and her yard, and to' Connie Woodlock for organizing organizing the sale. Our Model meeting was held October 13, and we were delighted to welcome Allison Strike. Our President, President, Penny Anne Davidson, Davidson, explained a bit about Deta Sigma Phi, and the various officers gave a brief account of their position, and responsibilities. Later, we had an interesting program program by Penny Anne and- KUT N' KURL Beauty Shop Announces Our OPEN HOUSE TIME: Thursday, Oct. 22 -10 a.rrv. - 9 p.m. Fri. and Sat., Oct. 23 - 24 - 9^a.m., - 5 p.m. Monday', Oct. 26-9 a.m. - 5 p.m. POSITIONS: " , Full-time and Part-time Retail Sales Personnel We are flexible!!! SALARY Competitive Starting Wages BENEFITS A benefit package, including medical, drug and dental, and a 50% discount on giftware. Flexible hours available. INTERVIEWS WILL BE HELD AT: Hwy. 401 (Westbound lane) Newcastle Only 15 minutes from Bowmanville, 20 minutes from Port Hope. For further information, please contact: Lori Allin - 987-5563 Paul Shelley - 987-4231 Voyageur JO HELP US CELEBRATE WE ARE OFFERING 18% off Wash, Style, Cut, Blowdry (or Set) Oct. 7-31st "A Friendly Atmosphere" 71 King St. East: Bowmanville 623-5019 OPEN "6 DAYS A WEEK" MON., TUES., THURS., FRIDAY EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT TO SERVE YOU ARE WENDY, DAROLYN, DIANE, GINA & VIOLET THAT WILL: % REDUCE YOUR HEATING BILL BY 25%-50Vo 0 REPLACE YOUR FURNACE FREE OF CHARGE #. EFFICIENCY TEST YOUR FURNACE FREE OF CHARGE 0 GUARANTEE CONTINUOUS HEAT - 24 hrs, 7 days per week % OFFER THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PAYMENT TERMS P. S .If you've paid for a service plan to another company, we will honour that plan at no extra cost to you. Plus, we will insure your furnace and tank -- free of charge. BLANKET COVERAGE FREE ALL-PURPOSE BLANKET BONUS ^FSTh COMMEMORATING DIXON'S 85 YEARS OF SERVICE Sonia Parfitt, and we all had a chance to show our artistic artistic side, as well as burn our fingers with glue guns! Actually, Actually, our members created some real works of art and the results were beautiful. By press time, our Friendship Night with the other area chapters will be over and I'm sure it will be the great success it always is. We look forward to this interesting night each year, one of the several events all chapters share and enjoy together. together. Anyone interested in learning more about Sorority Sorority may call Penny Anne Davidson at 263-8443, or contact any of our members. members. Look for more news next month. FINANCIAL SUCCESS SEMINAR TOPICS REDUCING YOUR INCOME TAX - RRSP and Alternatives - Interest vs. Dividends vs. Capital Gains - Income Splitting ACCUMULATING CASH - How much should you save - Where should the savings be invested Address: Flying Dutchman Hotel Date: Wednesday, Nov. 4,1987 Time: 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. To register please call Lynda at 434-8400. I PAYING OFF YOUR MORTGAGE - How important is it - Benefits and Methods NEWTAX REFORMS - How they affect you I Investors f Group ' PROfUfROKt OUR exP£Rt£NCE SEMINAR Looking for a bargain? Come out to our Midnight Madness Sale UP TO 50% OFF STORE-WIDE FRIDAY OCTOBER 23rd 6 p.m. until 12 midnight Note: We will be closed on Friday until 6 p.m. to prepare for this sale. lldr El) FASHIONS 15 King St. E. 623-1771 Bowmanville