i i Goodyear Eagles Record Intact Jennifer Keaton in Toronto Tilt* C'aii;i(li;m Stali-.sman. liowmam illv. October 21. 1!)!',7 Sunday night at Bowman- ville Arena, the Bowman- villc Eagles hungon to their undcrcated record by beating beating the Trenton Golden Hawks 9-5. The game started off slowly, not quite as rough as when they played a week ago Friday. Bowmanville's Brad Cruess scored the first goal five minutes into the first period. Trenton tied it up around the halfway mark but Brian Heard's first goal of the night had Bowman- ville leading at the end of one. Trenton tied it up and pulled ahead midway through the second period. Shortly after that, the Eagles jumped ahead for good, as Willy McGarvey scored one to tie it. Then the Eagles' captain, Brian Heard, scored a shorthanded shorthanded and powerplay goal to give Bowmanville the lead and himself a hat trick. Trenton scored one more in the second period to keep it a tight game. In the third period, the Eagles came out and blew them away. Kelly Armstrong scored his first goal of the nightwhen Steve Terry set him up at point directly directly from the faceoff in Trenton's end. He blasted the winning goal past the Trenton goaltender, Scott Chambers. Twelve seconds later Bowmanville brought it back down and Jeff Dawson Dawson stuffed one in the net. Trenton managed to score one more before Kelly Armstrong got his hat trick by banging two more goals in from the point. The final score was 9-5 in Bowmanville's Bowmanville's favor. The most evident thing of this game is the Eagles', weakness in fighting penal-' ties. All five of Trenton's goals were on the power play. Last night the Eagles played Ajax in Ajax and the results will be in next' week's paper. The Eagles defeated Ajax 9-3 in Ajax Tuesday night. Club 21 Holds Oct. Meeting The Ladies of Club 21 held their meeting at the Community October 5th, one week early because of the Thanksgiving Monday with Ruby 'Irewin and Kay Buttery as our group. Ruby chaired the meeting meeting and opened with two readings "With Golden Hours" and"Needed". Secretary's report was read and approved. Collection was taken and the Roll Call answered by "Your favourite Winter Casserole". Treasurer re V z . ▼/; lEX. Â TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Ministers: Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A. M.Div. M.Th. Michelle Morrison-Glover B.A., M.R.E. "THE COMMANDMENTS OF LOVE- ROAST BEEF DINNER Sat., Nov. 14,5:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Tickets - 623-3138 or James Insurance For information on Nursery Care and Church School call 623-3138 Serving Bowmanville and area since 1835 BOWMANVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH 3rd Concession, West of Liberty Street Pastor: Roger Fellows SUNDAY: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. THOM. SMITH, Charleston, W. Va. 6:30 p.m. Pastor Fellows TUESDAY: 6:45 p.m. FAMILY NIGHT Queslers Club for Children Ages4-6and7andup Adults - Studies in 2 Peter Nursery available at all meetings For further information phone 623-3000 or 623-9235 155 Years of Community Service JVngltcaii: (UijurcLj Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Sunday, October 25th TRINITY XIX 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00a.m. Morning Prayer guest Speaker: Lieutenant R. Shirran, Salvation Army 7:30 p.m. Evensong Masonic Church Service Preacher: The Rev. Sid Maddock Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying On of Hands for Healing Rector -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley ê>t. Raul's Eniteb Cfjurcfj Minister: Rev. N. E. Schemerhom, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Mr. Dwglis Dew»» Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnei 623-7346 Sunday, October 25th, 1987 11:00 a.m. "The Left Hand of God" SUNDAY SCHOOL Children will attend first part of service with their parents Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday. If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home... ported on the June 9th catering, catering, July 1st supper and expenses. Our September 14th catering-the Community Community Picnic and the Fall Sale- and our quilt. Then the Hallowe'en Party which will be held on October 24th, at our Centre 6:30 p.m. was discussed and planned as thus. Jennie Roth and friends well plan the games. Jan Mayer volunteered volunteered to get invitations printed and distrubuted around. Anne Dewsbury will buy the prizes, Gerlinda Hauen- stesin offered to get Red Di- licious for theevening. Committee Committee for the evening-Barb, Anne and Jan. Judges will be Michael and Norma Scott. Gladys Potts made the motion the committee look after prizes and supplies supplies -Carried. Jan will attend attend to the Drinks. All are asked to come in costume. We decided since we have a new caretaker we should give her a copy of the "Duties of Our Caretak- Kennel Owners Band Together For Exemption Kennel owners in the Town of Newcastle have formed a committee, in conjunction conjunction with town staff, to review concerns about a possible exemption from the noise by-law. At a meeting on October 6, approximately 34 licensed kennel owners met with Town Clerk David Oakes to discuss the need for an exemption. According to a report submitted submitted at the general purpose purpose and administration meeting on Monday, October October 19, the 1 majority of kennel owners present at the meeting favored an exemption from the noise by-law. Upon the initiative of the kennel owners, the committee committee has been formed to establish establish guidelines for the industry. In his report, Mr. Oakes asked for an open-ended extension extension on a report back to council. It was decided that a report report will be brought to the first general purpose and administration meeting in December. BAHA'I FAITH 11 Honesty, virtue, wisdom and a saintly character redound to the exaltation of man, while dishonesty, Imposture, Ignorance and hypocrisy lead to his abasement. Man's distinction lleth not In ornaments or wealth, but rather In virtuous behaviour and true understanding." For Information phone 623-7621 or 623-9277. ^ First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oshawa presents TERRORISM: What we can do about it A free public lecture by Nancy S. Plhl, C.S., of New York City This lecture deals with International International political terrorism, random terrorism, behavioral terrorism and self-imposed terrorism. It Includes examples of how to handle tear, the most effective tool of the terrorist, and of how to heal disease that threatens to hold one hostage to the body. Nancy S. Plhl Member of The Christian Science Board ot Lectureship Sunday, October 25 3:00 p.m. Holiday Inn, Oshawa er" and hope it will help Diane. A Reminder of the Tyrone Tyrone Craft and Bake Sale Novenber 28th at the Community Community Centre, was put forth-as we have been invited invited to participate either as a group or single. Barb Walsh and Anne Dewsbury are to attend the course "Money Making" at Court Room 1 at Bowmanville Bowmanville October 7th. Jan moved we bring our business of the Grant up to date and specify costs for material as the NCSAP could request this on their inspection on or about October October 17. Norma Scott 2nd the motion-carried, motion-carried, It has been mentioned several times of our ladies treating themselves 'as a group to a Night Out, so Beth Neilsen offered to check into several places for dinner and entertainment. Dorie Christensen reported reported she had sent out one congratulations and three Thank you cards. For their program Kay called on Ruby for a reading reading "THIS FINE TASTING FAMILY STEW IS SURE to KEEP FOR YEARS". Then the ladies set up tables and foam egg cartons, and beads were handed out and Ruby proceeded to show us the knack of making Christmas Christmas Tree decorations. We enjoyed the craft as it was easy and looks really nice. When the tables had been cleared we enjoyed the lunch of loaves and cheese along with our tea. Next month's group will be Jean Slemon and Lynn Roth and should be November November 9th. Incorrect Lot Size May Affect Rezoning Request Hampton's population may grow by one more house if a rezoning application application is approved by town council. Originally, the application application was to allow rezoning for the creation of two additional additional lots. At the general purpose and administration administration meeting on Monday, October 19, councillors heard how a mix-up in lot sizes resulted in an initial positive geotechnical study of the one acre property. Katrina Gibson, speaking on behalf of her parents, Gerald and Ethel Balson, who own the property, told councillors that she would have the study redone if that was necessary. The report from Gibson and Associates found that the creation of two additional additional lots would have no impact on existing water supplies. Bul.lhcirfindings were based on a total land size of 1.25 acres. Town staffs assessment of the property claimed that the land was only 0.89 acres in size. When informed of the difference difference in lot size, Gibson and Associates indicated that the results of their report report could be affected. The big question seemed to be whether two additional additional lots could be properly properly supported by wells and septic tanks. "We have to avoid pollution pollution of area wells," said Councillor Ann Cowman. Planning Director Terry Edwards stressed the im portance of not overdeveloping overdeveloping the land and blocking the ground from recharging. "We must be maintaining lot areas as large as is reasonable to recharge the ground area," he said, comparing comparing the situation to Courticc where the amount of pavement has allowed less water to go back into the soil. One Hampton resident, Beatrice Boddy, presented a petition to councillors with approximately 25 names in support of the re- zoning. At the meeting it was decided decided to table the report for staff to review the comments comments made by Gibson and Associates and look at the possibilty of the creation of one additional lot. World Of Family Fun will have Family Ties this year. Tina Yothers, who plays Jennifer Keaton on the popular télévision series, Family Ties, will be one ot the main attractions during the spectacular World Of Family Fun, October 23, 24 and 25 in the Automotive Building at Exhibition Place. However, besides Jennifer, er...Tina, there will be a multitude of other attractions from the show's creator, nationally recognized show promotor Marrill MacDonald and organized by daughter - Terry MacDonald. There's entertainment, sports, cars, something for the kids, something for mom, hundreds of prizes and as the commercial says, "a whole lot more." Yothers, one of the most popular young ladies on prime-time T.V., will be appearing for the first time in Toronto and during the show she'll perform her new record, Over & Over, and autograph her book, Being Your Best, published by Paper Jacks in Canada. Tina will also meet her fans ana to answer everyone's questions including, of course, "what is Michael J. Fox really like?" The musical show, Happy Days, choreographed by Toronto's Roland Kirouac of Roland & Romaine, is another fun-filled attraction as the youngsters from 9 to 15 salute the Golden Era of rock 'n' roll, the '50's. Tom's Auto Body 27th Anniversary Special 10% DISCOUNT* On all body and paint work performed by us on your vehicle between September 22nd and October 30th, 1987. we feature • UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT • EXPERIENCED CRAFTSMEN TOM'S AUTO BODY A division of AUTOHAUS COBOURG Dale Road at Burnham Street, Cobourg Monday • Friday 8:00 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. Proprietor: Lou Timermanis (416) 372-2197 ' 'Bring in this ad for 70% discount. SPIC and SPAN Liquid, 800ml or Powder, 1 L $2.59 ea. PALMOLIVE Dishwashing Liquid 1.5L $2.89 SCOTTIES Facial Tissues 200's 890 ROBITUSSIN DM Cough Formula $2.99 tooml SUCRETS Assorted lozenges, 24's or Throat Spray, 100ml $1.99 ea. METAMUCIL Regular 340 g. .sugar free 225 g, or orange 300 g. $4.69 ea. BUFFERIN Regular Strength Caplets $2.99 100-s DRISTAN Tablets, 24's or Capsules, 16's $2.69 ea. DRISTAN Long lasting nasal mist or mentholated spray, 15 ml $2.49 ea. NeoCitran Regular, 'DM' or 'A' $2.99 ios TYLENOL Junior Strength Caplets $2.89 20 s CONTACT - C Capsules $2.99 ios McGregor Drugs 5 King St., W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5792 BROKEN WINDSHIELD? CLIP 'N' SAVE Save $ 50.°° on any insurance windshield claim ^ deductible. Good for most makes H and models. Limit one per purchase. ^mrnmmmrnmmmmm 7 IE3U9 Auto Glo// BOWMANVILLE 19 Silver St. at Church Pineridge Auto Parts across from Canadian Tire 623-4225 - FREE MOBILE SERVICE UXBRIDGE Hwy. 7 - Douglas Rd. 852-5382