i i Stye Newcastle Sinùepenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 The <*:tii:iili:iii Kl;it<\sni:m. liownuinvilk 1 . Oi lober 21. 1987 7 Sale Proves That Christmas is Just Around the Corner Thanksgiving visits were not all reported last week, so - here are a few more. Mr. and Mrs. Len Lam- ; bert enjoyed Thanksgiving • dinner with her grandson, • Mr. and Mrs. David Co- J chrane and family, Cobourg. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter ' Murphy returned Saturday from a week spent in Red £ Deer, Alberta, with Mr. and 1 Mrs. Jamie Crowther, Ni- j cholas and Heather. Thanksgiving dinner • guests of Donald and Velma Z Parker were Mr. Douglas - Wright, Mary and Jamie Z Wright, Jaime and Nathan; Z Patti and Don Sharpe, Mi- - chael and Paul; Karen and ; Don Wright, Sherry and ; Lisa. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott enjoyed the Thanksgiving ; week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ' Rob Scott and family, Clin- ; ton. On Saturday, October > 24, at Brownsdale Commu- 1 nity Centre, a benefit dance ' is being held for the Prosek ! family who lost their bam by ; fire. Your support would be greatly appreciated. 1 On Saturday evening ; Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- . ley visited with a former Ï neighbour Mrs. Lynn De- f With, who now resides at £ Holland Christian Homes, \ Brampton. i Sunday visitors with { Mrs. Nellie Spencer included < grand-daughter Tara i McCabe ana her husband ; Ray and their little girl Tifla- » ny of Shelburne, niece Ann t Harrison, Toronto, and her • sister Gail Knox from Ni- pawin, Saskatchewan. ' On Tuesday Mr. and i Mrs. Bill Grol, Port Hope, J visited with Mrs. Nellie ; Spencer. Î Birthday greetings to j Amy Jo Brunton, Trisha » Pearce and Donald Parker. Anniversary congratula- j tions to John and Charlotte I Rickard, Pauline and Bill ; Storks and Francis and Erla • Jose. ■ Masonic Ladies Night 1 was held at the Newcastle Community Hall on Saturday Saturday evening. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Mrs. Ruby Nichols Murray, who passed away last Wednesday, Wednesday, October 14,1987. Mrs. Meda Stapleton, Port Hope, visited last Wednesday Wednesday with Mrs. K. Kimball. Kimball. Glad to report Mr. Bill Storks returned home from Oshawa General Hospital last Wednesday. Mrs. Margaret Pruner remains a patient in Memorial Memorial Hospital, Bowman ville. The Newcastle Senior Citizens met last Thursday evening at the Newcastle Community Hall. Winners of the card games were, 1st Bill Call, 2nd Carl Todd, 3rd Stan Powell, 4th Ellen Ormiston, 5th Audrey Walker,Low Lady Myrtle Pearce, Low Gentleman Arthur Bedwin. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a Children's Aid Society Society meeting last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wood, Orono, visited Sunday Sunday afternoon with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Robin Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe and family had birthday birthday supper in honour of her mother, Mrs. Robin Alldred on Sunday evening. Lois was home from hosital and Robin enjoyed the dinner also. Many happy returns, Myrtle. We are sorry to lose Fred and Eva Couch from the village village but are glad that they are not far away - in Bowman Bowman ville in the Hendry Apartments. Saturday evening supper supper guests of Mabel and Harry Wade were Doug and Elizabeth Wade, Peggy, Stephanie and Paul, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Paterson, Paterson, Fenelori' Falls, were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson. Saturday visitors with Mr. Arthur Clark and Mrs. May Burley were Mrs. Ray VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INC. 24 Hour Nursing and Homemaking Services for the elderly, sick, disabled or mother and new bom. Complimentary Assessments 356 King St. W Oshawa 433-1494 Delvin and her daughter Mary Bancroft and her grand-daughter Averil Bancroft, Bancroft, all of Almonte. Miss Merridy Stephenson, of Kemptville Agricultural College, College, also visited, as she was home for the week-end. The Chard families held a Jack and Jill party on Saturday Saturday evening in honour of Pam and Paul Ferguson. Mrs. Gladys Wood enjoyed enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood and family, Orono, on Sunday. On Thanksgiving Monday, Mrs. Wood enjoyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood and families, Newtonville. A carload of Newcastle people attended the Induction Induction Service for Rev. E.C. Woodland at Zion United Church on Sunday evening, October 18,1987. Following the baptism of their son, Daniel Phillip, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Labrie and sons Justin and Paul, entertained entertained her parents, Jean and Curt Huffman of Port Colboume and Daniel's godparents, godparents, Cathy and Steve Crabbe and their children Sara and David of Whitby. The christening gown worn by Daniel ana five other grandchildren has an interesting interesting history. It was his paternal paternal grandmother's wedding wedding dress which she fashioned into a beautiful christening gown. St. George's News At St. George's Anglican Church, the Rev. Allan Langley Langley of St. John's, Bowman- ville, celebrated Holy Communion Communion and preached at the 11:00 o'clock service last Sunday. His text from the Gospel according to St. Matthew Matthew was What Think Ye of Christ. Next Sunday, Oct. 25, the Suffragan Bishop for Trent- Durham, the Rt. Rev. Terence Terence Finlay will make a pastoral pastoral visit to the Parish of Clarke. He will preach at St. Saviour's, Orono, at 9:30 and at St. George's at eleven. Following Following the service at St. George's there will be a reception reception for Bishop Finlay in the Parish Hall with sandwiches sandwiches and coffee for everyone. everyone. There will be no early service until November 15. United Church News On Sunday, October 19, 1987 at Newcastle United Church, lay reader Gertrude Gray read the scripture from Exodus 33, verses 12 to 23 and Philippians 2, verses 1 to 13. Now Open In Port Perry Ladies' wear store, specializing in large sizes...14 to 26 Wendy's Boutique 180 MARY STREET We invite you to come in and browse Telephone 985-9948 Open Tues.-Thurs. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri. 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. It's Our "Special" BALLOON BUSTING Discount Save 9 co/ dft|<, up to /o on w Perms Reg. $40 - $60 '■%» Hi-Lites Reg. $30 ' vf 1 h Ear Piercing . Reg. $8-$9 V :/ Waxing Reg. $5 brows ^ ' $4 up tÉÉlifci Artistic Hair Designers 235 King Street East Bowmanville 623-2931 A memorial gift of fourteen fourteen tubular candles for use in the candelabra was presented presented by Sharon Head on behalf of her family, husband husband Barry and children Linda and Terry, in loving memory of her parents, Chris and Evelyn Barchard. Rev. Donald Stiles baptized baptized Daniel Phillip Labrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Labrie of Stephenson Road. The minister minister delivered the sermon, The Practice of the Presence of God. The annual turkey supper supper will be held on Saturday, November 7, with Susanne Schumann in charge of the tickets. The Golden Harvest Craft and Bake Sale was another another great success, thanks to all who contributed food, crafts and labour. Thanks also to those who attended and made the day worthwhile. worthwhile. Hazel adds her personal personal thanks to all concerned. concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Henderson returned home on Thursday after nearly a month at the West Coast. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Feagan at Kelowna, British Columbia and took the ferry from Prince Rupert to Masset on the Queen Charlotte Island to visit their daughter Carol, Ken and Kimberly Byars. On their return return they visited Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dedier at Bonny- dille, Alberta. Mr. Clinton Farrow is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Hospital, Bowmanville since last Friday for tests. Mr. and Mrs. Mel May- bee of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beatty of Port Hope were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill in the death of his aunt Mrs. Isobel St. Louis of Northumberland Heights, Port Hope. The funeral was Monday. Mrs. Acy Farrow attended attended the Oshawa Nurses' Alumnae Dinner at Oshawa for dinner on Saturday held at the Golf and Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Gilmer, Mr. Ron Philips, Janet Paeden, Lena Clysdale, Phyllis Phyllis Peck, Wallace Boughen and Mr. and Mrs. Don Robins Robins were among those who attended the Church Anniversary Anniversary services at Kendal on Sunday with Mr. Denzil Dale of Oshawa as guest speaker. Several Masons of the village entertained their wives and friends to a dinner and dance on Saturday evening at Newcastle Community Community Hall. The U.C.W. catered catered to this dinner. Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Mrs. Phyllis Peck and Mrs. Janet Paeden were among those who attended their annual fall bazaar at Newcastle Saturday Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morton and Jennifer of Canton with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best enjoyed enjoyed their Sunday dinner at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Henderson attended the Legion Golf Banquet held Saturday evening at Bowmanville, with dinner, and dancing and prizes were also awarded. awarded. Mrs. Lynda Farrow, Jan and Ryan and Mrs. Acy Farrow Farrow attended the 30th Wedding Wedding Anniversary celebrations celebrations for Mr. and Mrs. Eric Found at Little Britain United United Church on Sunday afternoon afternoon while Glen visited his dad in hospital. Mrs. May Tompkins and Ask Pat... "Is It possible to buy Nowax vinyl flooring from HARDINO that can withstand dampness and alkali?" The answer is at,.. %T>/CXSOtf ELOQBStOVfmNU LTD. HIGHWAY 2 1 mile west of Cobourg (4i6) 372-3331 Lena Clysdale were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Henderson, Henderson, Jennifer and Michelle, Michelle, Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson, Chris and Jessica, Jessica, all of Newcastle and Bob of Oshawa were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson. Henderson. Their son Bill of Oshawa was a caller in the afternoon while Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Leudke and Barret spent the week-end at their Lodge at Lake Tern agami. agami. Mrs. Phyllis Peck has been talking to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martell of Edmonton who will be spending a few weeks with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bob Willsher and boys in Newcastle. Olive Henderson and Doreen Green were the church greeters on Sunday. The choir sang Jesus is Coming Coming Soon. Next Sunday our own church anniversary services services with Rev. Dawn Va- neyk of a former family of the village as guest speaker. Our bazaar will be the Saturday Saturday previous on October 24th beginning at 1:30 in the church basement. Newcastle Community Bowling, October 17,1987 Thursday Mixed League W. Forget 224,215,213 J. Mendonca 213,272,204 B. Richards 177,183,212 J. McGuey 208 J. Forget 230 D. Wright 197 D. Moore 210 B. Brown 217 K. Boyd 212 C. Lycett 202 E. Refile 219,190 F. Forget 177,195 R. Refile 207 C. Nicholson 187 Senior Citizens 175 and Over George Buckley 178 Vance Cooper 175 Albert Pearce 191 Youths - Seniors 100 and Over Matthew Coyle 113,108 Justin Hughes 117 Mike Stacey 123,101 Paula Darrach 153,109 Tammy De Jong 127 Shannon Hancock 100 Jennifer Bemey 102 Jeff Darrach 123 Steve Harman 135,151 Jason Rogers 144 Debbie Miller 138,179 Nina Darrach 112 Kevin Tutkoluk 133 Brandon Coyle 146,125 Youths - Juniors 65 and Over Nathan Coyle 99,128 Vincent Norton 86 John Richardson 112,70 Nicole Norton 89 David Barr 81,126 Angela Darrach 91,123 LeeWemik 76 Jordan Schmahl 66 Amanda Storks 66 Niki Duval 79 Tim Green 136,126 Adrian Lynde 81 Trevor Barr 75,66 Darel Wernik 91 Ontario Hydro Sets Goal of $42,000 for United Way The Darlington Nuclear Generating Station has set a goal of $42,000 for its United Way campaign this year. To date, $30,000 of that has been raised. The majority majority of funds have been committed committed through employee payroll deductions, according according to Donna Front, assistant assistant community relations officer. Since the middle of September, September, volunteers from the operations staff of 800 employees employees have been canvassing canvassing to raise funds. Mid-way through September September there was a dunk tank on site and balloting took place to see who would do the swimming honors. The money raised from ticket sales for prizes donated donated by businesses has also been pledged towards the campaign. On Friday, October 23, the construction workforce will kick into action with a one day cash blitz of the workers workers as they arrive at the plant. This will involve collections collections at the gate on the way in and out of the site. The Darlington Nuclear Nuclear Generating Station has participated in the United Way campaign in previous years and has already already proven this year that they are ready for the challenge. challenge. Joyce Rosseau and Friends of Orono held their 2nd annual Christmas Sale last weekend and Mrs. Rosseau said she was delighted with the results and will continue their sale this week. Here, she is pictured in one corner of her display room, with some of the gift items behind her. Her shop is at the southern extension of Church Street'. Watch for signs on Station Street East. Solina W.I. Holds F all Meeting On October 14, Solina W.I. met in the Community Hall with President Barb. Kap- teyn in the chair. The Institute Ode was sung accompanied by Ida Bray, and the Mary Stewart Collect Collect repeated. Secretary Treasurer Dorothy Pascoe read the minutes and gave. the Treasurer's report. Lois Yellowlees is our delegate to the November Area Convention. Convention. The Fun Fair is to be October October 21, at 1:30, and is hosted by Providence-Shaw's W. I. The Casserole Luncheon will be held on March 23 at our hall. Every Tuesday evening the ladies attend dancercize exercises led by Marilyn Mo- rawetz. The Softball trophy for Most Valued Player is presented to Leslie Mcll- moyle. Faye Vice is arranging arranging tàsend Loi Ching Christmas Christmas and Birthday girts. "What is my responsibility as a citizen?" was the Roll Call. The answers showed that much thought had been given this subject. Bradley's Group Leader Lois Yellowlees introduced Mr. Kevin Fogarty and Mr. Harold Jensen. Both gentleman gentleman talked about "becoming a Canadian Citizen." Mr. Jensen said he thought about a new life in a new land when still a young man, when he came to Canada, he spent a year on a farm at Meaford and then to Hamilton. Hamilton. He received more education education at Night School. He met Anita at Niagara, and after after finding out she was from Montreal, he proceeded to that city to find employment. In 1955 he became a Canadian Canadian citizen and moved to Oshawa yvhere he still lives and works. Mr. Fogarty spent some time working on his father's dairy farm in Queensland. After this he did share cropping cropping for 16 years with a brother. He wanted to leave Australia, so he chose Canada Canada where English was spoken. spoken. His family had Irish and English ancestry. He and his wife and elder daughter came to Canada as Landed Immigrants. They had to provide many documents and data for the consulate. They had to have a health check-up, police check, and a list of former employers. Kevin Kevin said he had to have employment employment arranged in Canada Canada before he came. In 1983, he and his wife and girls became became Canadian citizens. Kevin Kevin has worked in the dairy farming area most of his life. We are proud to know these fine Canadian citizens. It was hard to believe all the work they had to do to migrate to our country. November 9 is our next meeting when Reverend Nancy Knox is our guest. The motto "Citizenship is the rent we pay for the space we have on this earth." It was prepared by Lynda Cry- derm an. We enjoyed the piano piano music provided by Lisa Kolodzieyczak of Oshawa. She's a very talented young lady. We proceeded down stairs to consume the apple crisp and ice cream and tea. November 9 is the next meeting so come and bring a neighbour. See you then. E. Knox, P.R.O. Think Canadian iaiT\ it is Alf coming to help us celebrate our 75th Anniversary Note: Not the TV Character. We invite you to come in and see our new line of balloons, filled with air or helium, plain or with sayings. We also make balloon arrangements, with or without flowers. Come and see our display in the mall. Alt's hours are: Thurs. 5-6 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. Fri. 5-6 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. Sat. 10-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. fylowefri by ffachman 75 years service to this community Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 COUPON Good for k" 1 FREE 10' Air-filled Balloon Valid on Sat., Oct. 24 only