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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1987, p. 5

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) The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. November 4. 1937 •NeuicaBtU 3nbcpcnÙEnt Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 On Friday evening at Newcastle Newcastle Multi Care Centre, a masquerade party was held. Residents and staff enjoyed the costume party reported by Alicia Spencer who won first prize in her bathing beauty outfit of 1890. Congratulations, Congratulations, Alicia! On Saturday evening many Hallowe'en costumed people arrived at our door. All were very mannerly and well- behaved. We were pleased to greet wee Carrie Sayer, of Millbrook, who along with brother Chad were overnight overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Foote, Lindsay and Adam. Since her unfortunate accident in May, Carrie is able to run again just like be- fore-a modern miracle. •Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago were Mrs. Nellie Pate, Picton and her friend Kay Brown of Fawcettville. Birthday greetings to Gary Powell, Jackie DeJong, Joe Visser, Edna Sunday, Dale Hunt and Linda Woolner. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCabe and Tiffany, of Shelburne, were recent visitors with her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell Powell entertained their family to birthday dinner on Sunday. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and ayr Andrew, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and sons, Pontypool, Miss Judy Powell and Jill Coombes, Bowmanville. The honoured birthday celebrants were Stanley Powell, Wayne Markle, and Dale Hunt. Happy birthdays! Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Kathleen Kimball included included Isabel Harris, Jean Cochrane and Doris Trimble, Trimble, from Bowmanville, and Lena Graham, Margaret Rudman and Helen Nesbitt' of Newcastle. Miss Candy Storks, Kent- ville, Nova Scotia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storks. Mrs. Wilda Johnson enjoyed enjoyed the week-end with her daugter and family, Glenda and Brian Rumbles,Krista and Mark, of Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burley. Stephen Stephen and Allison, Oshawa. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wade and family, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade, visited visited on Sunday eveing with his parents, Harry ana Mabel Mabel Wade. Attending the supper in Ty- 155 Years of Community Service loan's JVttgltcait (Eljurd} Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th TRINITY XXI 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Morning Prayer Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying On of Hands for Healing Rector -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley rone on Sunday evening were Doreen Lake, Helen Hobbs, Elizabeth Skelding and Win Brown of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The ladies enjoyed visiting visiting Mrs. Brown after the; supper. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton, Hamilton, were week-end visitors with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mrs. Charlotte Hendry has returned from a six-week holiday with her sons and families, Grant, Annette and children, Redbank, New Bruinswick, George, Pat and boys, Ottawa and Frank, Linda and children, Belleville. Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, Michael and Stephen, Toronto, Toronto, visited on the week-end with his parents, Alf and Vickie Gray. Mrs. Diane Balfour, Oshawa, visited on Sunday evening with Mrs. Mary Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley, Port Hope, visited last Thursday with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. Last Thursday evening George and Madeline Buck- ley, Hazel and Walter Murphy, Murphy, Albert and Myrtle Pearce and Robin and Myrtle Alldred were guests of Leslie and Neta Allread' for birthday celebrations. Mrs. Gladys Reid has resumed resumed her hairdressing business business at Castle Hair Care. Judge and Mrs. E. R. Love- kin attended Trinity Church. Colborne, for the Feast of All. Saints on Sunday', November November 1st, 1987. The address was given by Archbishop Michael Peers, Primate of Canada. His wife, Dorothy, accompanied the Most Rev 1 a Peers and the congregation enjoyed meeting and visiting during the luncheon reception reception following the service. On Sunday Mrs. Margaret Pearce accompanied Isobel Gamier and daughters Tara and Tammy when all visited Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pearce and girls, Lindsay. On Sunday, October 25th, Mrs. Alice Rowe and Mrs. Margaret Pearce enjoyed a birthday celebration at the home of Vern and Diana Rowe, Kendal in honour of Lorie Rowe. Miss Dorrene Powell and Floyd, Jack and Hazel Crago were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ronald Powell and Gary. St. George's Church News The Reverend Allan Langley Langley celebrated Holy Communion Communion at 11 o'clock on Sunday, Sunday, All Saints Day, Insulation of the attic and other minor repairs to the Rectory are just about complete complete in readiness for the new incumbent, The Reverend Reverend Douglas Hall, his wife and daughter Valerie who will be moving in on November November 10. The ladies of the ACW are busy preparing for their annual annual Bake and Craft Sale which is in the Parish Hall on Saturday, November 7. On Sunday November 8 there will be a service of Morning Prayer with the Lay Reader Mr. Oakley Peters Peters officiating. A Special Session of the Incorporated Incorporated Synod of the Diocese Diocese of Toronto for the pur- E ose of electing a Coadjutor ishop was held on Saturday, Saturday, October 31, 1987. Proceedings Proceedings commenced with a Service of Holy Communion in St. James' Cathedral followed followed by the business session. session. Nominees were The Rt. Reverend Arthur Brown, The Rt. Reverend Terence TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Ministers: Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A. M.Div. M.Th. Michelle Morrison-Glover B.A., M.R.E. Sunday, Nov. 8,1987 11:00 a.m. Sermon Title: "The Curse of Cain" ROAST BEEF DINNER Saturday, Nov. 14, 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tickets: Bea Wells 623-2027, Church Office 623-3138 or James Insurance For information on Nursery Care and Church School Call 623-3138 Serving Bowmanville and area since 1835 â>t. haul's Eniteb Cfjurcf) Mlnistsc fliv. N. E. Schamiriwm, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Hr. Dougin Dewed Church Secretory: Helen Mclnnes 623-7346 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1987 11:00 a.m. Remembrance Service "BARE FEET IN THE PALACE" St. Paul's Players present "Just For Laffs" November 6th, 7th, 12th and 14th For Tickets, phone Helen Mclnnes at 623-7346 Harold Yellowlees at 263-8370 SUNDAY SCHOOL Children will attend first part of service , with their parents Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday. If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home... Ctie Miiai tjic }\m^e Before you send it, seal it... with a Christmas Seal!' EXPERT PICTURE FRAMING • M.ittuuj ,in<i n i( )i int ir h | i it , ill p.ipiu iti'iir. • Hint kinij ,irui '. t r < -11 111 r i < j i it ncndli'woi k'. • Ob|( •( t ti .imiiHj .nul Hi'.pl.iy < asc". • Rev,tor ,ition of ph( >t i x jr . ip! is, prints, oils .uni I r < n ne 's • Wide- solnc tu in of l >o, hi 1 11 ully ti.lined l 11 l( |ll 1, ils , 1111 i I 1 H l '( ll II 11( II v , 139 King Street East Bowmanville 623-2644 r GRAY HAIRS? "The hoary head is a crown of glory, if itfl i be found in the way* of righteousness." Proverbs 16:31 The Holy Bible BAHA'I FAITH "It behoveth you to abandon abandon vainglory which causeth alienation and to set your hearts on whatever • will ensure harmony. In the estimation of the people ol BahS man's glory lieth in his knowledge, his upright conduct, his praiseworthy character, his wisdom, and not in his nationality or rank." For Information call 623-7621 or 623-9277. Finlay and The Rt. Reverend J.Taylor Pryce. The Rt. Reverend Reverend Terence Finlay, Suffragan Suffragan Bishop o f Trent Durham, Durham, and resident of Bowmanville, Ontario was elected Coadjutor Bishop. United Church News Five members of Newcastle UCW enjoyed Wednesday at Zion Church where the 15 at 10;30 a.m., with guest speaker, Mr. Fred Kimball Graham. The November meeting of the Official Board willbe on Tuesday, November 10th, at 8 p.m. in the Board Room On Sunday, November 1st, Lay Reader Barbara Oliver read the scripture from Luke 17 and I Thessalonions 4. In keeping with the day, Reverend Reverend Donald Stiles preached the sermon, When tne Saints Come Marching In. Coffee hour followed the service. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Night Ladies League 175 and over Marilyn Kent 207, Louise McKnight 181,178, Lorna Crockett 201, Betty Majors 247, 182, Marilyn Majors 270, 178, Dorothy Drysdale 273, Ina Brownl99. Senior Citizens 165 and over Bob Simpson 165, Eva Smith 195, George Buckley 177, Jack Holmes 167, Wilda Simpson 169, Albert Pearce 171, 255, Ruth Bonathon 196,168, Marg Burley 186, 220, Vance Cooper 209, Thursday Night Mixed e 175 and over News from St. Stephen's Oshawa Presbyterial United!.F. forget 175,192, R. Refile Church Women held a re-J'i80, C. Nicholson 178, 242, gional meeting that day with W. Forget 252, 217, K. Jury Reverend Dawn Vaneyk, '191, 206, J. Mendonca 198,201, B. Richardsl99, J. McGuey 234, S. McGuey 194, K. Wright 194, K. Boyd 244, 200, 213, C.Lycett 198, 190, K,Jury 175,191, E. Refile Refile 178, J. Forget 211,211, J. Kindratiuk 183, 202, D. Wright 197,176,179.] Saturday Youth Seniors 100 and over. M. Coyle 103,192, J. Hughes guest speaker. The Trillium Unit of the UCW meets Thursday, November November 5th at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. K. Kimball. Mrs. Helen Goheen will speak about the work of the Gideons. Newcastle United Church celebrates its 163rd anniversary anniversary on Sunday, November The Pre-Hallowe'en Tie Up By Tammy Cahill and Melinda Broome Grade 7A and B It all started with a harmless harmless question... "What are we going to be for Halloween?" "vampires", "smurfs", '"babies". "I got it! lets be monsters, two headed monsters", O.K. that wasn't that bad but it gets worse... "Let's practice by fastening our shoes together." Now the fun begins, after wc had practised! There was about three minutes left of recess... 130, P, Darrach 111, T. De- Jong 133, 128, J. Darrach 102, S.L. Wright 128,127, S. Harman 151,117, J. Rogers 112, 111, D.Miller 181,185, N.Darrach 123, 117, Kevin Tutkoluk 101, T. Whitehead 108, B. Coyle 133, 143, L. Vanderstarre 103, S. Hancock Hancock 104, C. Vanderstarre 108, J. Bemey 163,100. Juniors 65 and over P. Caswell 65, J.Green 77, 72, M. Caswell 71, T.Barr 77, 100, D. Wernick 102, 111, N. Coyle 79,101, B.Leach 76, J. Richardson 80, 69, D. Barr 81, 65, Angela Darrach 77, J. Schmahl 81, T. Green 100, 83. By Kim Cot 6Aand Diane Yuzwa 6b School Activities School actities are fun to do, The teachers make it fun for you. Baseball is the activity for me, I also like soccer as you can see. Reading, drawing, playing g ames, loing different things, it's never the same! By Erin Walkout 5A ^ jVot ^}a±(iion± We're celebrating our 2nd Anniversary _ Introducing our Special Gift BASKETS Great for gift giving or just pampering yourself COME IN, BROWSE AND HAVE A COFFEE Main Street, Orono x 4 983-9466 Providing Quality Esso Petroleum Products in the Bowmanville and surrounding area for almost 50 gears. 24-HOUR SERVICE AUTOMATIC DELIVERY Jtarriso» Fuels 12 Sturrock Road Bowmanville Telephone 625-5516 SÉÜ2 -r^T7rTl5% PERMS off Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 10-6 Wednesday Friday 10-8 20% Off Saturday 9-5, For Seniors Evenings by appointment CASTLE HAIR CARE Mill St., Newcastle Phone 987-5773 Appointments not always necessary ANOTHER NISSAN MAJOR EVENT. There's a brand new Nissan dealership in town. And you're invited to come and see all the new Nissan cars and trucks. Come on in and test drive a new Nissan car or truck. Each one is covered by Nissan's 6 y ear/100,000 km no cost powertrain warranty. For added vehicle protection, ask your dealer about Nissan's Added Security Plan. NISSAN PATHFINDER NISSAN 300ZX COUNTY NISSAN LTD. Parts -- Sales -- Service Ask your dealer about the new Nissan Leasing System. Hwy. No. 2 at Maple Grove 2 miles west of Bowmanville Telephone 623-8358 NISSAN j Customer First

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