V Hi The Canadian Statesman. Rowmanvillc. November 11. 1987 Classified Ads Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Orono News by I. Challice Auction Sales 1 Mitchells Auction Building • ' Sat., Nov. 14 at 10 a.m. 2 miles E. of Omemee on #7, 3 miles N. of Emily Park Rd. Property of Ted and Grace Robertson of RR #4 Omemee and others. 1980 Pontiac Parisienne Brougham V8, cert., 1982 Ford LTD, sm V8 - both in good condition, 2 stage MTD10 hp snow thrower - like new, Craftsman 38" leaf picker new this fall, 4800 watt industrial heater, well pressure pump, sump pumps, Ig. bench and pipe vise combination, combination, table saw, skill saw, quantity of hand tools, Pioneer P26 chain saW, sm. wood cook stove, Findlay combination wood and elec, stove, kerosene healer, Franklin fireplace, fireplace, elec, portable sauna, Ig. quantity of bulk fibreglass cloth. Appliances - white- frost free refrig, 24" range and Kenmore portable dishwasher, gold -washer and dryer, 10,000 BTU air conditioner. Furniture - pine harvest table, pine bowfront and open washstand, china cabinet, buffets, wooden ext. dining table, pressback high chair, pressback nursing rocker (with face), Boston rocker, gateleg tab|e, sm. wooden desks, sewing machine cabinet, dove tailed blanket blanket box, assorted wooden boxes, qiiilts, occ. chairs, end tables, modern dresser, 2 Masonic swords with cases, old hats and hat pins, pocket watches, gold rings, costume jewelry, postcards, O'Gee wall clock, other clocks, old Christmas decorations, Huskvarna 2 qt. ice cream maker, cast iron pots, crocks, brass coal skuttle, beer bottle collection, antique metal toy trucks, some china, 2 West Indies grass rugs, 2 Ges- tether slide files plus a quantity of mise, kitchen items. Held inside but dress warmly. Vehicles 1 p.m. Poug Mitchell, auctioneer, sales manager, RR #4 Omemee. Phone 705 : 799-6769.45-1SNP •' Wed., Nov. 18 7 p.m. ! Pethick Auction Barn !>;1 mi. east of Enniskillen Household and furniture sale of kitchen set, T.V.s, stereos, dressers, dressers, chairs, rockers, glass, dishes, dishes, small appliances, chesterfields, chesterfields, and so much more. "The Fnëndly Auction". 263-8710 Earl Gauslin, Steve Liptay. 45-1 SNP : Thursday Evening November 19, 6 p.m. Furniture & Antiques Aiidtion sale of furniture and antiques antiques for a Newmarket Estate and others including 9 pc. walnut dining room suite (excell.), mahogany coffee table and end tables with leather inlay, dehumidifier, drop leaf table, 5.pc. bedroom suite, - White sewing machine,: air .con- difteher, antique armjetyair/desk-. chest of drawers combination, Uxbridge Uxbridge Piano and stool, antique sofa, chest of drawers with mirror, garden tools, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- brjdge, 416-852-3524. 45-2S "i nursday evening November 12, 6 p.m. Furniture, Antiques, & Tools Auction Sale of furniture, antiques, and tools for Mr. S. Cullinghan and others, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., including Kenmore almond refrigerator, Viscount Viscount freezer, round oak table, oak buffet, oak roll top desk, oak 4 drawer filing cabinel, walnut Gate- Leg table, French Prov. chesterfield chesterfield and chair, bedroom suite, dresser, washstand, press back rocker, hall stand, maple sideboard,trunks, washboard, brass bird cage, brass torches, wicker baby carriage, German hand knife (1940), oil lamps (peanut finger lamp), picture frames, linens, vacuum, Ige. qty. of tools including 2 Homelite chain saws and garden tools, 4 stable fans, chicken watering jars, 3/4" plywood, Sears 2 wheel garden tractor, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524.45-1S Thursday, November 19th at 12:30 P.M. Victoria's 6th Anniversary Holstein Holstein Sale at Hickson Sales Arena R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontario Approx. 100 Purebred and Grade females from outstanding Holstein herds in this area. Sale features - from Cecil Snodden - fresh V.G. Sheik 4 yr. old - 7693-4.1%-155- 174. A fresh G.P. 3 yr. old for 1988 - Fancy Jubilee, 2 yr. BCA 157- 173. An outstanding Marlin heifer - will be fresh. A V.G. Mattador from 3 V.G. Dams - due sale time to Enhancer. A V.G. Senator 3 yr. old - 7938-3.54-165-158 - due sale time to Enhancer. From Homer Schroter - a fresh Astro Jet heifer from V.G. Starlife dam with 179- 183. 2 fresh Warden daughters 3 yrs. old - with BCA's to 177-187. From John Buckley - a Nov. 84 Astro Jet heifer - big, tall and fancy - will be fresh. This will be an out standing sale with lots of classy females to upgrade your herd. Come early - See our sale selections selections and join us for complimentary coffee and donuts. For consignments consignments or further information contact contact Sales Office, 705-32*8311. Sales staff - John Buckley 324- 4017, Gail Snodden 357-3237. Cliff Lillico 439-2380 or Carl Hickson. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reab- oro, Ont. 324-9959. Our Christmas Special is Wednesday, December 9th at 12:30 p.m. 45-2S Sat., Nov. 29 10A.M. ; ... Annual,Ski Doo Sale, at Orval McLean Auction Centre' : • . '•>J;;:;:iiindsay "ta v/on Accepting snowmobiles, tractors, farm machinery, recreation vehicles, vehicles, 3 wheelers, riding lawn mowers, mowers, construction equipment and tools, etc. Bring to barn or phone 324-2783, Lindsay. ORVAL Mc- LEAN AUCTIONS. Our last bit round up of the year. 44-3SNI CORPORATION OFTHETOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER ! i SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the -.following requirements listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 ..■-Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the ,,'specified closing time and date. 11 Tender Documents can be obtained from the Purchasing ■Office at 68 King Street East, (The Veltri Complex), >' 'Bowmanville, Ontario. D Tender No. T87-35-TRAFFIC SIGN REQUIREMENTS 0!". Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time) Wednesday, November 25,1987 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent. Telephone: (416)623-3379 Ext. 267 -- Date of Publication: OJ November 11. 1987 45-1S BOB H K3BBÊÊ WILLIAMS VALUE! OF PRE-PLANNING V; "'To some people, the Idea of planning their own funeral in advance may sound strange. Rowever, there are a number of advantages to pre-need plans that should be considered. First, there is the Opportunity to comparison- shop among different plans and terms to choose services most suitable lo Individual wishes and Incomes. Second, because the transaction is not made by survivors al lime of need, decisions can be made when buyers are not under severe emotional strain. Third, buyers have the opportunity lo make known before death the lype of funeral desired and may feel more secure that iHelr wishes will be carried oui because they have made Ihe Auction Sales Auction Sale Sat., Nov. 14 6:30 p.m. Pethick Auction Bam 12 mi. N/E of Oshawa, 1 mi. east of Enniskillen An excellent sale of antique and modern furniture, glass, dishes, completing the estate sale of the late Elsie Saunders and others including including a 7 pc. mahogany bedroom bedroom suite, Welsh cupboard, oak armoire, dinette suite, wall units, wood cookstove, queen size bedroom bedroom suite, dressers, chairs, and much more. "The Friendly Auction", Auction", 263-8710 Earl Gauslin, Steve Liptay. Having an Estate sale? Call us today. 45-1 SNP Durham Antique and Collectable Market Sunday, November 15th 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (3rd Sunday of each month) Kahn Auction Barn, Brock Road North, Pickering 3Vi miles north of Hwy. 401 Exit 399 Selected dealers featuring furniture, glass, china, Canadians quilts, nostalgia, tools and collectables. Admission $1.00 Children free with adult. 45-1 SNP FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $10.00 Service Cherge on Sheep-Qoate-Pigs $20.00 Charge on Rotten Animals PHONE MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 35-tfS IN A A»,. y ^0CK *** Quote-"Patriotism is your conviction, that this country is superior to all other countries^ countries^ because you were bom in it. -George Bernard Shaw. The Orono U.C.W. catered to the Rotary clubs Rural- Urban night on Thursday evening, November 5, in main hall of Orono United Church, with a good attendance attendance of members and guests. Mrs. Bridigit Pyke, Wolfe Island was guest speaker and she is president of Ontario Farmers Union. Musical entertainment was supplied by "The Country Four" quartet. Sympathy of the community community to the family and friends of the late Mrs. Jo. Barlow, who passed away Sunday morning, November 8. Funeral Funeral was held Tuesday, November! November! 0, from Long Chapel. Chapel. Body rested at Morris Funeral home Bowmanville. Ladies of Orono U.C.W. catered catered to the friends, following following service. Mrs. Deanna Harmer, Oshawa, was a Sunday dinner dinner guest of her parents, the O. Challice's. Congratulations to the hard-working members of Kirby U.C.W. who sponsored sponsored their annual bazaar and luncheon on Saturday, in Orono United church. Orono Sr. Citizens held their monthly meeting Thursday, November 6, in LO.O.F. hall. Following the business period period euchre was enjoyed by everyone, with the following results: High lady-Gladys Greenwood, Low lady-Stella Carson, High gent-Carlos Tamblyn, Low gent-George Carson. Winners of most lone hands-Carlos Tamblyn. Next meeting will be December 7, with our Christmas pot-luck dinner party. U.C.W. News. A large attendance of ladies of unit #1 met Wednesday afternoon, November 4th in main hall of Orono United Church. Dorothy Barnett, leader welcomed everyone and again thanked all who had contributed to the very attractive attractive folders for our recent recent 140th anniversary. 'Die leader also read a poem on "Hands" and Jessica Watkins Watkins gave an interesting "Mission Moments." Dorothy reported a wonderful meeting meeting of U.C.W. Presbyterial where Reverend Dawn Van- yek was guest speaker and theme "Worship the Lord in Beauty of Holiness." Doris d script gave prayer. Nellie Baird and Jessie gave papers on ^Mission in Africa" and "African Women". Marie Tamblyn expressed thanks to all who helped in any way at our recent Board of Stewards fall supper. Edith Taylor is to attend the budget meeting November 18. Dorothy Barnett has setup setup 2 work parties for November November 12 and November 19, to make coverlets for Men's hostel and Ladies Auberge. Auberge. Everyone is to bring in canned goods and Christmas gifts for hostel and auberge at our Christmas meeting, November 26. This meeting will be a pot-luck dinner, 6 p.m. and guest speaker will be Mrs. Mary Rutherford, talk and pictures on her recent recent trip to "Holy Land." Orono News Fourteen ladies enjoyed their Unit #3 meeting at the home of Mrs. Joan Hodge, Taunton Road, on Tuesday afternoon, November 3. Joan Hollingsworth welcomed welcomed everyone and read a poem. Dorothy Bailey gave minutes of previous meeting and Margaret Gunter gave out a very encouraging financial financial report of our yearly givings to date. Several Birthdays were reported and donations to birthday Box. Our program consisted of each member answering the roll call, with "Something from our heritage." Something Something from Dorothy Bailey-a with actual arrangements funeral director. Fourth, buyers can arrange to pay in advance for their own funerals, thereby reducing the risk that survivors will have heavy funeral expenses at need. Fifth, by pre-arranging and pre-paying for Ihe funeral, buyers may minimize distress and Inconvenience for survivors. MÜHHIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 Division St., Bowmanville Tel. 6235480 Serving Durham Region Since 1881 200 year old cup and saucer, from Eileen Billings a pretty lustre pitcher 150-200 years old. A silver hair brush, a cute little vinegar bottle, an attractive syrup bottle and several poems on our heritage heritage were all most interesting. interesting. An enjoyable time spent, reminiscing on family track- grounds and important items we cherish. Our next Christmas meeting meeting will be a noon pot-luck luncheon at Margaret Gunter's, Gunter's, December 1 and each one is to bring (2) gifts-one to Men's Hostel and 1 to Women's Women's Auberge, also our dime bags and a homemade item or gift to tell about on the program. The ladies served a delicious delicious lunch to close a very enjoyable afternoon. Eighteen ladies at the #4 unit, held Tuesday night in church. Lorna Atkins, Pat Irwin Irwin and Mary Clapdorp in charge of meeting, with a "Remembrance Day Theme") for devotions. Another feature of program was the showing of the "Slides/of the Past", shown recently at our 140th. This presentation was put together together by Ed. Millson and Clare Gunter, and thoroughly enjoyed enjoyed by eveiyone. The ladies of unit #4 are catering catering to the Rotary Club banquet on Thursday night in our church. The ladies of unit #5, Leskard Leskard held their monthly meeting on Wednesday evening in church hall, with Irene Brandt in charge of devotions. devotions. ' Leskard ladies are sponsoring sponsoring a toy demonstration Wednesday night, November November 11, at 7:30 p.m. We will also be having our Christmas Christmas Pot-luck luncheon noon, December 2. Orono Town Hall Party There were 11 tables of progressive progressive euchre on Wednesday, Wednesday, November 4 in Orono Town Hall, with following winners-High scores-Hilda Caswell 86, Carol Hooper 84, John D. Moffat 82, Leta McAllister and Bernice Moffat Moffat 80, Low score-Hazel Murphy, Lucky draws-Roy Winter, Jean Allin. Bertha Fisher. There will be euchre every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. and ladies are requested to bring lunch. Horticulture Work-Shop There were 18-20 ladies in attendance at the dried workshop, sponsored by Orono Horticulture Society, on Thursday evening, November November 5, held in lower C.E. hall of Orono United church. Mrs. Ruth Tink, well-known horticulturist led the workshop. workshop. Mrs. Tink brought an excellent array of dried materials materials and described the varieties varieties and how to dry the, same. Wreaths were the order of the evening and many styles, colors were happily created. Along with these some ladies designed table designs of dried materials. Mrs. Tink was thanked and everyone enjoyed the evening. evening. Our Christmas show is always a very attractive one and will be Thursday, December December 3rd, at 8 p.m. Leskard Card Party There were 12 tables of progressive progressive euchre at the Leskard Leskard Church hall on Thursday, Thursday, November 5, and the following results- Bernice Moffat 81, Lois Morton and Bill Forrest 74, Low score- Leta McAllister 46, Doreen Barrstow 45, Door Prize- Mrs. M. Britton, Next card party- December 3 at 8 p.m., Leskard church hall. Un Remembrance Day we gratefully remember those who made the supreme sacrifice sacrifice in the wars of our century. century. Around the Town HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS - In just 10 days' time, St. Nick will arrive in Bowmanville along with a large contingent of friends. Don't forget to buy your Santa Parade button and join in the celebration. Parade Day is Saturday, Saturday, November 21. BROTHERHOOD NIGHT -- A truly remarkable success story is the annual Brotherhood Night held in Bowmanville under the auspices of five fraternal organizations. For nine years, the Canadian Foresters, Knights of Columbus, Loyal Orange Order, Independent Order of Oddfellows, and the Masonic Order have met as one fraternal group in a tangible demonstration demonstration that all men are, indeed, brothers. This year, Brotherhood Night takes place Tuesday November 17, at the St. Joseph's Parish Hall. The guest speaker will be Garnet Rickard. Musical Musical entertainment will be provided by the Bowmanville Bowmanville High School Band. CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE -- Everyone is invited invited to attend the Christmas Open House at the House of Amber gift shop and luncheon room in Bowmanville. No doubt this is a good chance to explore Christmas gift ideas. The Open House takes place this Saturday, November November 14. RECENT SERIGRAPHS -- by Bowmanville artist artist David Gillespie will be displayed on Sunday, November 15. These recent works will be on view at the home of the artist at 5 Vanstone Court, Bowmanville. Hours are one p.m. to 5:30 p.m. HOW TO BE A HAPPY EX-SMOKER -- Response Response to the CBC smoking cessation program which commences November 16 has been excellent. excellent. This cessation program for non-smokers non-smokers in-the-making consists of a three-minute episode at the end of the National News at 11:30 p.m. These segments are based on the Canadian Canadian Cancer Society's booklet entitled "How to be a Happy Ex-Smoker". If you wish to receive receive your booklet, call 623-4326 or 623-7155. DID YOU KNOW -- that the concept of Christmas Christmas Seals was invented by a Danish postnam who caught sight of two ragged children outside the window of a post office where he was sorting Christmas mail? He suggested the idea of an additional special stamp on each parcel in order to raise money to help unfortunate children. children. In North America, the Christmas seals were used to raise funds for the battle against tuberculosis--a major health threat at the time the stamps were introduced. Today, the tradition tradition of the Christmas Seal continues and the funds raised are used to fight other lung diseases diseases now that tuberculosis (in our part of the world) is almost a thing of the past. The local fund-raising goal has a target of $140,000 for Durham. Moreover 110,000 Christmas Seal packages have been sent to homes in the Durham Region. Please give generously. CURATOR ADDRESSES LOYALISTS -- Dan Hoffman, .Curator of the Bowmanville Museum, will give an illustrated slide presentation presentation on the early history of Bowmanville industry industry and family residences on Tuesday, November November 24. Mr. Hoffman will speak to the Upper Canada Branch of the United Empire Loyalists at the auditorium of the Whitby Public Public Library. This meeting takes place at 7:30 p.m. For further details, call Donald Fox at 576-3175. OUR GIFTS -- OUR CHALLENGE -- is the title of a rally planned for this Saturday, November November 14. The event is sponsored by the Oshawa Presbytery of the United Church of Canada. There are a number of special youth speakers including the youth and young adult co-ordinator for the United Church of Canada, Robyn Brown. This is an excellent opportunity for Christian young adults to meet and discuss mutual interests. For further information, please call 576-5368. WOMEN OF DISTINCTION -- Four Durham Region Region women were honored last Thursday, November November 5, as the YWCA's Women of Distinction. The awards ceremony took place at Oshawa's Holiday Inn. This year's recipients include: Louise Hartney, a volunteer with Scugog Community Care; Joan Murray, director of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa; Cathy O'Flynn, an Oshawa area businesswoman and head of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce; and Patricia Arnold, Arnold, a student at Denis O'Connor Catholic High School. Patricia Arnold won the Young Woman of Distinction Award, while Cathy O'Flynn was selected in the "Women in the Workforce" category. category. Joan Murray was chosen in the category of "arts and multiculturalism". Louise Hartney was selected for community service. ROAST BEEF DINNER -- The Bowmanville Lions Club will hold their Roast Beef Dinner in the Lions Community Centre Sunday, November November 22, commencing at 6 p.m. If you require tickets, tickets, contact any member of the Lions Club or phone Nels Osborne at 623-4738. RURAL POST OFFICE CLOSINGS -- This is the topic of a meeting to take place at the Orono Oddfellows Hall on Tuesday, November 17th, commencing at 7:30 p.m. Speakers will include include a representative from Canada Post and a member of the Rural Dignity organizaton. SETTING THE PACE -- The Durham Region YMCA is sponsoring a Parent and Child Enrichment Enrichment Centre (PACE) in Oshawa. The YMCA noted in an announcementlast week that the first PACE location,,in Pickering is now two years old and has be#n very successful. PACE is a centre for families, including moms, dads, home day care providers and, of course, children. children. It is designed to help provide information and other resources related to successful child- rearing. The Oshawa PACE Centre holds a grand opening on Thursday, November 12, between between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at 539 King St. E., Oshawa. ST. PAUL'S PLAYERS--Don't forget the final performances of the St. Paul's Players "Just for Laffs" revue. Curtain time is eight p.m. this Thursday evening and Saturday evening only. SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND-RAISING -- The latest newsletter from Bijwmanville Senior Public School reveals that a total of $18,512 was collected in the recent fund-raising drive. The money will be used for ongoing student activities, activities, including the Grade Eight trip to Camp Tawingo. Congratulations to Colin Clement, Class 88. who was the top sales person. BOARD AND COMMITEE MEMBERS NEEDED -- Applicants have until December 7th to submit submit their names for membership on a number of committees which serve the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. There are openings on the Clarke Museum Board, the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Advisory Board, the Game Commission, the Hospital Hospital Board, and the Property Standards Committee, Committee, to name just a few. Applications should state the office being applied for as well as the , applicant's experience, qualifications, occupation, occupation, name, address, and telephone number. : - ; "VlRIUE fuels ltd. Tyrone/Oshawa • Dependability • Quality • Service 728-8050 The Fox What more could you want,volks! • Performance proven 1.8 litre engine • Fuel injection. • Maintenance free transistorized ignition. • Rack and pinion steering. • Halogen headlights. • Fully reclining Iront bucket seats. • 24 month, unlimited mileage warranty. Ask for details. » 6 year, unlimited mileage corrosion perforation warranty. • Plus more than 30 other standard features *8,690 OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. 1425 Dundas St. E., Whitby iOshawaiWhitby 668-9383 Toll Free 1-800-263-2676 Ajax/Pickering 683-3235 111 EXPERIENCE THE OWASCO FEELING--IT'S BEEN PROVEN SINCE 1972 AN "I CARE" and O.M.L. SERVICE AWARD WINNER z Mtr mn i u i ■ owjco X, mwt m