The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc, November 18. 1987 9 m Newcastle 3nbepenbent Creative Displays at Orono Craft Show Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 On Monday. November 9. 1987. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crane, accompanied by Dorrene Powell. Lake Shore, motored to Milton lor the grand opening of Milton Mall. Their interest in attending was the opening opening oC Orchid's "n" Lace Ltd., a new flower shop with manager, designer, being Bonnie Coulter, wile of nephew Floyd Coulter. Bonnie's Bonnie's floral arrangements graced the stage where the ribbon cutting ceremony by Miss Milton look place. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Ennismore, were Sunday visitors with her mother. Mrs. Nellie Spencer. On Thursday, Mrs. Pauline Storks attended a Ganaraska finance and personnel personnel meeting in Port Hope. Mr. Douglas Cunningham is a patient in Osliawa General General Hospital. Master Jason Griffin younger son of Heather and Rob Griffin, had the misfortune misfortune to fall and break his leg, lie is a patient in Osliawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoc-kin; Oakville, were Sunday visitors visitors with her brother and sister-in-law. Myrtle and Albert Albert Pearce. Mrs. Shirley Westlake, Kitchener, visited a week ago Saturday night with her aunt, Miss Marjorie Clémence. Clémence. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storks attended attended the Toronto District Jewellers' Ball at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Mrs. Dale Hunt and boys, Pontypool, spent the weekend weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Mrs. Gladys Wood spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wood, Orono. On Friday November 6, Mrs. Pye-Finch, Scarborough, Scarborough, Mrs. Fclgate, Un- ionville and Mr. Ken Smith, Toronto, visited with Mrs. Gladys Wood. Attending Oktobcrfest at Strathaven, Bowmanvillc, on Friday evening were Wilda Johnson, Mabs Barr, Raye Fricdlander, Margaret Margaret Rudman and Pauline Storks. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley spent a recent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ratz, Huntsville. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley accompanied by Mrs. Lena Graham and her brother, Jack Kimball attended a choir concert at Grace Church-on-the-Hill, Toronto, Toronto, where Melva Graham is director of music and husband husband Fred K. Graham is assistant assistant organist. The Fred Graham family certainly had a busy week-end. Birthday greetings to Shannon Counch, Phyllis Sundstrom, Helen Nesbitt, Barbara Crowther, Peggy Primer, Janice Rickard, Ric Pearce, Frank Gray, Delann Chard, Jeremy Wight. The president of the New castle Horticultural Society, Society, Lorraine Lover, held an executive meeting at her home on Tuesday, November November 10. On Tuesday evening, November 17, a workshop will be held and the Christmas Christmas Pot Luck dinner and show is coming up on Tuesday Tuesday evening, December 1st, at the Newcastle United Church Sunday, School. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade attended the turkey dinner at St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa on Saturday evening evening and visited son Bill and wife Marg after the dinner. ' Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wade and family were also at Bill's making it a family celebration. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley were - Bob and Anita, Stephen and Allison, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Burley, Adam and Michael, Ajax. Birthday Birthday dinner was in honor of Bob and Anita. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walker, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goschl, Omemee, were Sunday Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose and family. family. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Lena Graham were Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Graham, Jessica Jessica and Adrian, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hodsoll and Stephanie, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin, Peterborough, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marquis, of Oshawa. Mrs. Bertha Daniel, Oshawa, was a Sunday visitor visitor with her sister, Mrs. Ruby Warburton, who now resides at Roseholm, the former home of the late Charles Cowan. We welcome welcome Mrs. Warburton to the village. Last Wednesday, Mr. Spencer Burley, youngest grandson of May Burley, spent the day with her and his uncle Arthur Clark. On Saturday, Don and Betty Burley, Wingham, visited visited his mother, Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark, Wesleyville, also visited visited with the family. Newcastle Senior Citizens Citizens meet at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, at the Newcastle Community Hall. The Rumbles family, Norwood, visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wilda Johnson and brother Gary. Sunday, dinner guests of Mrs. Kathleen Kimball included included Wilda Johnson and Gary, Janice Kimball, Jean Kimball, Newtonville, Donna Bright, of Oshawa, Joan and Michael Cowle, Bowmanvillc. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Acy Farrow, Newtonville, Newtonville, visited with Mrs. Kathleen Kathleen Kimball. On Wednesday, November November 11th, at the King St. Cenotaph in the village of Newcastle, the Remembr ance Day Service was held. Well-behaved school chil dren were in attendance and some representatives participated in the laying of wreaths. Could we sing our national anthem a little more enthusiastically? Judge E.R. Lovekin read the names of the fallen, local clergy participated and Councillor Diane Hamre brought greetings. Father Dick Walsh gave the address. Could the constabulary constabulary re-route the traffic traffic at Baldwin St. rather than Church St? A huge transport stopped near the Church St. Corner, left the motor running, making it impossible to hear, nevertheless, we thank all who worked to produce the service and we do remember remember the fallen: St. George's Church News. A large congregation turned out at the 11 o'clock service on Sunday, to welcome welcome the incumbent, the Reverend Douglas W. Hall. R included several former parishioners of the new rector, rector, from Christ Church, Campbellford. In the celebration celebration of Holy Communion Mr. Hall was assisted by the Lay Reader, Mr. Oakley Peters. Peters. Cheryl Moulton was server and crucifer. There was also a fine turnout for Early Service. During the past few months this service has been held irregularly, but from now on, there will be Holy Communion Communion every Sunday at 8 o'clock. These two crafty Orono ladies were the youngest participants in the craft show at the Orono Town Hall. The show ran from Friday, November 13 to Sunday, November 15, and it was a great place to catch up on Christmas shopping. Danielle Borrc- mans (left) and Brandy Langley, turned their mutual attendance at the Junior Gardeners' club into some nifty arts and crafts. While they did admit to getting a bit of help from their mothers, the two ladies deserve deserve a lot of credit for all their hard work. The executive met with the new Rector on Thursday evening at St. Saviour's to deal with the busness ofthe parish of Clarke, including services for the next few months. In keeping with tradition Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 9:30 (St. Saviour's) and 11 o'clock services first and third Sundays, Morning Prayer on second and fourth Sundays. United Church News. On Anniversary Sunday, November 15, 1987 flowers gracing the sancturary of Newcastle United Church were placed by the Jose family in loving memory of Mr. Harry Jose. M. Fred Kimball Graham, guest speaker, provided pre-service organ selections, selections, which were enjoyed by many. Several from St. George's Anglican Church were able to attend this part of the service before going to their own St. George's to greet their new rector. Reverend Donald Stiles led the service and introduced introduced Mr. Graham. The Junior Choir entertained with their songs, Peter on the Sea, and Sing for Joy. The Country Four, Glenn Allin, Merrill Brown, Don Staples and Jack Allin rendered rendered two beautiful songs, Turn Your Radio On and I Believe. Where He Leads Me I Will Follow was the anthem anthem presented by the Senior Choir under the leadership of organist Dorothy Payne. In his sermon, Building Spiritual - Houses, Mr. Graham gave the early history history ofthe church in Clarke, paying tribute to the Clerical Clerical leaders from that time, to the pastors, their wives, Sunday School Superintendents Superintendents and teachers of the present day. Much history of the area was integrated in the sermon as he explained that liturgy means work of the people gathered, and the present church is built on the work of the people of the past. Thus, the building of spiritual houses. Following the 163rd anniversary anniversary services, lunch was served by the session. Delicious sandwiches, squares, tea and coffee were enjoyed while old friends chatted. Custodian Jack Gordon displayed some of his collection of United Church pictures which were appreciated. Newcastle Community Bowling. Monday Night ladies 175 and over were Ina Brown 184,184,191, Lorna Crockett 184, 185, Dorothy Drysdale 177, 183, Gail Tutkoluk 225, Louise McKnight 189, 206, and Debbie Brunt 193. Tuesday Senior Citizens 165 and over were Albert Pearce 165, Ron Burley 175, Ruth Bonathon 165, 190, Ron Burley 175, Marg Burley Burley 182, Vance Cooper 172. Thursday Night Mixed 175 and over were Wes Forget 203, 199, B. Brown 179,193,191, KJûry 194, Joe Mendonca 177, 182, 194, B. Richarson 188, 240, John McGucy 186, Joe Forget 219, 197, 194, J. Kindratiuk 175, 185, K. Wright 232, K. Boyd 206, 204, C Lycctt 193, Ken Jury 225, E. Refile 201, F. Forget 276, T. Kindratiuk 260, R. Refile 179, 175, 217. Youth Bowling Seniors over 100 were M. Coyle 171, J. Hughes 129, M. Stacey 138, P. Darrach 128, 132, R. Dc- Jong 132, 116, M. Wcrheid 118, N. Darrach 109, 132, Kevin Tutkoluk 134, 133, D. Miller 214, 129, T. Whitehead 118,104, B. Coyle 149,184, Karla Tutkoluk 130, L. Vandcrstarre 113, 113, S. Hancock 136, J. Bcr- ncy 117, 133, L. M. Wright 129, J. Darrach 107, S. Harman Harman 106, 111 and J. Rogers 112. Juniors over 65 were V. Norton 81, B. Leach 72, J. Richarson 115, D. Barr 89, 107 A. Darrach 108, M. Caswell Caswell 93, T. Barr 89, 101, N. Duval 86, 87, T. Green 116, 94 and A. Lynde 65, 77. Youth bowlers take note: there will be no bowling on Saturday, November 21st. Everyone may participate in or attend the Santa Claus parade in Bowmanvillc that morning. Knox Students Attend Fair Glen Youth Camp Outdoor Education Camp by Sarah Reitsma Ten o'clock, on the morning morning of September 30 we were off... in the bus, on our way to Fair Glen Youth Camp in Beaverton, On- ,tario! We were there. There was- a mad rush to the cabins and when we were finally sorted out we found ourselves ourselves in a well-insulated and heated cabin. The food was delicious and plentiful. There was a system called "hoppers and sloppers." Hoppers brought the food to the table and sloppers cleaned up. The first class we went to was on forest management. We had a lecture in the chapel on poorly managed forests. He talked about the reasons for crooked trees, sick trees, and others. We walked over to a poorly managed forest where he showed us in real life dense, diseased, dead, decayed decayed and decomposed trees. We split up into grpups of three to four people and chose a tree. We were allowed to cut it down, cut it up, and carry it back to camp. That afternoon we had soccer games against other schools there. Knox won every game it played! In the evening we played "Capture the Flag" in the rain, and later sang in the chapel because we couldn't have a campfire or hayride . in the rain. Lights out was 10:00, but ! the talking didn't stop until around 12:00! When the bell rang at 7:00 the next morn- ! ing we were exhausted! ; j That morning we went for v a nature walk. We wereSj shown what had, been a^j; ploughed field for one 1 j hundred years. We could see the differentsigns ofthe , ; forest taking over the field..- ; Near the road there was : grass, then tall weeds, bushes, softwood, coniferous, coniferous, and about half a ' ; kilometre in, hardwood. Rev. Frèeman showed us where to find Vitamin C if ' lost in the woods -- in little white worms found in the , bulb of a certain weed. Yuk! { We played soccer, vol- ; leyball, canoed, and later in the afternoon played "Sur- vj vival." At night we watched a >. V.C.R. movie called "Caught in Time." The next day we learned ; about cloud formations and air pressure. After that we i hiked to one of the 45 locks ii on the Trent Severn Water- , way. We opened and closed ' the gates and watched the water level rise and fall. That afternoon we came back to Knox and almost everyone's voice was fj hoarse from singing so ; much! We had a wonderful time : at Fair Glen and I hope to i go again! BUN KING SANTA CLAUS PARADE SPECIALS KAISERS DINNER ROLLS $1.59 doz. 890 doz. Birthday Cakes available by special order -- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -- 138 King St. E. 623-1121 Bowmanville