( ( 1 18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc. November 18, 1987 Nestleton Caesarea Remembrance Day Thought, Lest We Forget In a jaded and distraught world we recall memories of those brave laddies who ... in two world wars paid the supreme sacrifice with their lives so that we might live. Then too... we remember those who have lost their loved ones. It is well that a nation pause ... even if only for a brief period, soberly, soberly, to remember the lives that have been sacrificed. Since 1945, we have enjoyed a longer period of peace and freedom from a major war than any other period in this century. Imperfect though the peace has been ... it is much better than war. Let us pause and remember the fallen heroes on this Wednesday, November llth. If we do, we will have kept the faith! Caesarea Ladies Auxiliary Bazaar With all kinds of interesting items for sale ... home baking, crafts, i Christmas gifts, white elephant, touch & take, etc.... the Ladies Auxiliary Auxiliary Bazaar went off well on Saturday Saturday last at the Caesarea Hall. Refreshments were available as well, and many availed themselves of the opportunity of having a hot cup of tea or coffee, along with some delightful food while chatting with friends. The Ladies raised a substantial sum for their treasury and extend a warm thank you to all who helped with the event--and as well... those who patronized the Bazaar... it was very much appreciated! Nestleton United Church Richard & Janice MacKenzie were the friendly greeters at the door on Sunday morning at 11:15 a.m. Rev. Ruth McKinnell was the speaker, using as her sermon topic, "Meeting In The Middle"... and as well, had a fine story for the children to do with Love. In the choir, a trio sang "Peace on Earth." Hymn, "He's Got The Whole World In His Hand" was sung. Service is withdrawn for next Sunday Sunday ... so that Nestleton Church members can attend Blackstock Church to hear Dr. Anne Squires, Moderator of the United Church speak. Blackstock & District Lions Club News At the last meeting the Lions Club were pleased to have District Governor ofA-16-AlNowitski spend the evening with them. The Lions Club held their Blackstock Centennial Barbecue supper on Friday evening last with an excellent attendance. Lion Mike Dearborn represented the Lions Club at the Blackstock High School Commencement on Friday Friday evening and presented the two Annual Awards for the Club. The C.N.I.B. Canvass, under the direction of the Blackstock & District Lions Club is well on the way. When the canvasser calls be as generous as possible -- it is for a great cause! Caesarea Community Church A fine congregation bn Sunday morning with Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford conducting the service. The minister was Rev. Charles Clarke, who gave the call to worship and the opening Prayer. Scripture Hebrews II : 1-13, read by Dan Pugh Jr. and the Responsive reading was led by Arden Maschke. Rev. Clarke used as his sermon theme "The Pursuit Pursuit of Peace" "Acts of Remembrance" Remembrance" - "God wants quality rather than quantity from his people." Music- K. Watts & A. Maschke. Best Wishes Our very best wishes for better health to a good friend Mr. George Bowers of Nestleton, who is presently presently in Port Perry Community Hospital. Chin up, George! Caesarea Euchre At the Wed. evening Euchre party party ... first prize winner was James Emerton with 80. Second prize winner winner close behind was Dorothy Edwards Edwards with 79. Albert Watt was low with 48. Light refreshments were served after the card game. The next euchre is scheduled for Wed. Nov. 18th at 8 p.m. at the Caesarea Centre. Nestleton Presbyterian Church Rev. F. Swann conducted the morning service at 11 a.m. with Joyce Taylor presiding at the organ. In keeping with Remembrance Day on Wed. Nov. llth. The National Anthem Anthem was sung and two minutes silence was observed. Psalm 145 was read and Scriputre 1st Samuel 1 & 2 and second Samuel 13-17. Rev. Swann spoke of the gathering gathering of followers at the cave of Adullam, when David was resisting the rule of King Saul. We also should not hold lightly the cost of the victories victories we commemorate on Nov. llth. Jesus is the conqueror of the truth over evil and all victories are to the glory ot the cause of God. Social Note Cheryl Cawker of Waterloo University, was a weekend guest with her grandparents, Sam & Mabel Cawker of Scugog Point Road, and a very enjoyable visit was a highlight! I Pottery & Jewellery Open House Sale Edgar & Anne Emerson of Nestleton, are holding an "Open House" on Sat. & Sun., Nov. 14th ft 15th from it) a.m. to 6 p.m. in their Pottery Studio, at their Nestleton Farm home. Interested folk are invited invited to browse and see what they have for sale. Thought: People who are considered considered workaholics may really just be having fun. The only thing that distinguishes work from pleasure is which activity you prefer doing. That wraps up my little bit of news for this week. Some goodies left over, to catch up with next week! & 4 may fnr LOW, LOW . FRIENDLY tun 7 tor PRICES and SERVICE f . ; : : ASSORTED: FLAVORS, : s & MEADOWOOLD WHITE SWAIi, WHITE SUN SQUEEZE - PF Ü ËWàwWÎ n0LL PKG ■ vÊÈ oz, W TiN I Ilili 1 ■ ; r-oüum OR : y.s,A,: :: : : v : .. WHITE ".V-'- *■/ igttt r»3i 1-- WÊ HSiiW ,S-.« Whip WHITE SWAN Paper Serviettes of iso 1.19 MGULAU-T, Hi. , ' ,VRvt', l'U, SCHWEPPES (UNGER ALE OR . ;p / ' Ohr: 1 . : PUIS 4DC- DEC ■ B : . ; :>:æ. BT1.,: : ■ __ Wh;,~„ 7 4 ,üi. I~'? OH 1 >• Hi H Schweppes case op »» ; SSiïc:o: ; : ,fVis : '-i-V (U.::ir;co:;rp,c. ASSORTED VARIETIES Puritan Stews ASSORTED COLORS, WHITE SWAN Paper Towels 2 pkg ll PURITAN, FLAKES OF Ham or Turkey 1.39 HOME OVEN English Muffins .49 LIGHT OR REGULAR SALAD DRESSING Kraft Miracle Whip i l jar 2.99 PRODUCT OF SPAIN, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Green Grapes 2.18kg .99,b PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE B =. .69 Cabbage ^ PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, A CANADA NO. 1 GRADE fa] 907 g CQ Carrots MP* 1 bag «DS# PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cooking Onions o> in i-5 PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Fresh Corn 5 fo "1 .79 won vtomuM oa. Chefmaster •oft Margarine e»49 FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, FRUIT BEVERAGE, TROPICAL CITRUS OR LIGHT Five Alive Beverage 1.09 FROZEN, FANCY, GREEN BEANS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS OR CORN Fraser Vale Vegetables 8' 1.99 FROZEN, FANCY, MIXED VEGETABLES, PEAS OR PEAS » CARROTS Fraser Vale Vegetables si 1.69 FROZEN, BOSTON'BLUEFISH STICKS, FISH IN LIGHT BATTER, BOSTON BUUEFISH KRISPS OR BOSTON BLUEFISH FRIES Blue Water Fish 680 PKa 9 3.99 FROZEN Holiday Farms Lasagna m pkg. 3.99 FROZEN, POUND CAKE OR PECAN COFFEE CAKE 10.5-OZ. OR Sara Lee Cakes 1 pkg. 2. 2.29 FROZEN, BLUEBERRY, BUTTERMILK OR ORIGINAL Aunt Jemima 4 a#> Pancakes p 6 kg? I «Z9 ASSORTED VARIETIES, LUXURY STYLE Puss N'Boots Deluxe Cat Food 4 tin 9 REGULAR OR BEEF 1 CHEESE, KEN-L RATION Tender Chunks ^ gg PRODUCT OF U.S.A., / Fresh Avocadoes à ?.99 PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND Fresh Kiwi Fruit W v $ f ".99 MADE IN CANADA J Northland 5LBL0G 1.79 Firelogs case of b logs U .S#y PRODUCT OF ISRAEL 227 g Unpitted Dates pkg 1.29 EASY TO GROW, JUST ADD WATER PRE-PLANTED Indoor Amaryllis each 5.99 BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME 15.24 cm Potted Mums pot 4.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES Colonial Wafer Cookies 250-350 g pkg. .99 ASSORTED VARIETIES, WITH FORMULA Milupa Baby or Toddlers Food 2 !ox 9 2.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES, HUMPTY DUMPTY^ ft Corn Snacks 125-150 g bag 1.^%# ASSORTED VARIETIES Trebor Tie Top Candy 400-550 g pkg. 1.99 REGULAR OR UNSCENTED, FABRIC SOFTENER SHEETS Bounce box of 40 4.79 ASSORTED VARIETIES, 200 mL AEROSOL, 55 g SOLID OR 60 mL ROLL-ON Secret O >10 Antiperspirant cont. 4.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES, REVLON FLEX Hairspray, Shampoo or Conditioner cont" 11 2.99 HERBAL, SPRING OR CITRUS FRAGRANCES Wizard Rug & Room - «q Deodorizing PowdercoNtX.e,y THREE STAR, -40"C Windshield Washer Anti-Freeze 4 l jug 1.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES, INSTANT FRIED Rice-A-Roni 177-227 g pkg. (2)Macaroni & Cheese aa Dinner 225 g pkg. .09 UPTON, 2-PACK Chicken Noodle Soup 2 box k ASSORTED VARIETIES Lipton Cup-A-Soup - ... BOX OF Soup Mixes 3 or 4 , SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Peanut Butter 1 kg JAR ASSORTED VARIETIES Lipton Noodles & Sauce 120-130 g FOIL PKG. 1.19 159 ASSORTED VARIETIES Lipton Casserole Bases 170-100 g pkg. 1.79 ASSORTED VARIETIES Quaker Oats 0Fn!g QQ BOX 1^0 CRUNCHY GRAHAM OR HONEY NUT, Oh's ke Ce re „#-'^'1.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES Betty Crocker Brownie Mixes "Fro 1 * 1.69 ASSORTED FLAVORS Jell-o a Jelly 9QQ Powders ^ pkg! IllRe. ■ 3 SI ... • • • , . • ^ 3.95te mm m Wb CANADIAN OtitoN, SLICED ' BAGGIES Food Storage Bags PK 5b 0F 1.19 Dog Food a kg bag baggies, bonus pack Sandwich Bags pkg. of 120 FROM OUR IN STORE BAKERY AVAILABLE IN MANY STORES 5-Pc Place Setting W6VLAX Mttll Of t-K. RACE MTlIWi PURCHASE' 00 PURCHASE Med S Suffer Pfefe II.H Matching Accessories Arc Also Available w^à jFcivi PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAT. NOV. 21. 1987. .. . lb. CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF, BONELESS 1 TENDERIZED Hip Cube q Steaks 8.36k fl O. I 9m. "BONELESS 6 LEAN" Stewing Beef 4.39k g CANADA GRADE A FROZEN, YOUNG, UNDER 5 kg, 11-lb. Canada's Pride Self-Basted TUrkeys 3.51 ng STORE RACKED, FROZEN PORTIONS, IN BATTER Minced Cod 3.73kg FROM OUR DELI AVAILABLE IN MANY STORES MARY MILES Wieners 4$o g pkg. 1.59 MARY MILES, RING, VACUUM PACKED Polish .4 QQ 4.39kg I eî/î/ll Sausage MARY MILES Deli Sausage 375 g chub 1.99 SHOPSY'S, COOKED Roast Beef .99ioo g MAPLE LEAF Cooked GOURMET FOODS, BONELESS, READY-TO-SERVE Honey Ham .99ioo g 4.49, 1.69. MARY MILES, COOKED Boneless Dinner Hams 5.93kg 2.69, GOURMET FOODS, BONELESS, READY-TO-SERVE MAPLE LEAF, CANADIAN Brick or Colby Cheese ,84ioo fl 4.99, SHOPSY'S, FRESHI Tropical Fruit q pq Salad ,79ioog Oivwn WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ALL SAVINGS ARE BASED ON OUR REGULAR PRICES V ^0CK ^ GRAHAM IGA MARKET 225 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ontario OPEN - MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. Senior Citizens 5% Off On Personal Shopping. Wednesday Only