Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. November 18, 1987 9 SPECIALS AVAILABLE ALL WEEK MON.-SAT.Ü M.J. Hobbs Senior CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF FROM CANADA PACKERS AND CANADIAN DRESSED MEAT PLANTS ROASTS mONTARIO WHITE Afresh MUSHROOMS 3 "1? ★ SIRLOIN! ★ ROUND! ★ T-BONE! (LIMITED QUANTITIES) ★ PORTERHOUSE! (LIMITED QUANTITIES) FACELLE TOWELS ROYALE 1ROLLPKG. PRONTO® MIX OR MATCH |3pkg. limit! PKG. PRODUCT OF SPAIN "FIRST OF THE SEASON" GREEN ALMERIA GRAPES 18 GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS • REGULAR • HONEY NUT Üol LIPTON ALL VARIETIES • CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 2 POUCH BOX « CUP-A-SOUP 3 OR 4 POUCH BOX • RECIPE & SOUP MIX 2 POUCH BOX • RICE • PASTA • POTATOES NOODLES & SAUCE 104 g PKG. •"NET SALAD SENSATIONS 170 g BOX MIX OR MATCH BICK'S PICKLES • YUM YUM • SWEET MIXED • BABY DILLS LARGE FAMILY SIZE 1.5 L JAR GINGER ALE CLUB SODA TONICS* REG. OR DIET C-PLUS ORANGE 750 mL BOTTLE 39* (PLUS 400 BTL DEPOSIT) UNIT COST 4.3f PER 100 mL 3CASEUMIT CASE OF 24x280 mLTINS 5.99 UNIT COST 8.9$ PER 100 mL MIXOR MATCH o CASES ONLY o 3 CASE LIMIT BIRB5Tffi8l5RXîff8RNi5CTiVÏR8^ TRACTOR TRAILER LOADS HARTLEY VARIETY JUMBO SIZE WALNUTS ÜLL YOUR OWN BAG 18 kg BAND AND CHOIR Under the direction of Mrs. Murray, the band played a few selections for the Remembrance Remembrance Day Assembly which class 84 presented on November 11. Some of the pieces which they chose to perform were: Trumpet voluntary, voluntary, O Canada, Rock Boogie andAfter Beats. The choir was also seen at the Remembrance Day Assembly, Assembly, singing two lovely songs, Dream a Dream and The Strangest Dream, under the direction of Mrs. Coles. DRAMA The M. J. Hobbs Drama production is coming along fine. Mrs. Murray is having after school practices so the cast can learn their lines and can act out their parts. The C reduction, Scrooge, should e presented on December 16. With the help of the students, students, Mrs. Nelson is designing designing and making the set. The play should be a great success! HOUSE POINTS M. J. Hobbs has made up a new system for recognizing people for their good efforts ana participation. It is called the House Point System. Every time a student participates participates in various activities he or she gets a point. At the end of the month, with the help of Petra Vanderheyden and Deanna Gordon, Mrs. Moore tallies the number of points. The winner for the month of October was class 84. CONGRATULATIONS! HALLOWE'EN DANCE On Friday, October 30 at 1:45 the halls were filled with excited people dressed up for the dance soon to start. There were clowns, scarecrows, scarecrows, pizza slices, skiers, frogs, pumpkin people, doctors, doctors, gorillas ana many more. Soon the dance would begin. As long as there was music playing, there were people dancing. The teachers teachers had a close eye on the students in costume trying to select winners. When the choices were finally made, the prize for the most original original costume went to Keith Watson - the Hat Person. The most colourful costume was worn by Mohammed Kanji who was a clown. The most homemade were those of Petra Vanderheyden, Deanna Deanna Gordon and Karen Sa- mis-the three crayons. The funniest was Elton Goeman as a drunken clown. There were also prizes for people who wrote poems and entered entered them in the poetry contest. contest. Each class entered the jack-o-lantern decoration contest. Class 82, Tough Ducks, won the prize. At tne end you could tell everyone had fun, for no one wanted to leave. SPORTS SOCCER The two senior teams of M. J. Hobbs competed in a tournament tournament on October 29th. Each team played two games, the second depending depending on the results from the first. The boys' first game was a ed against St. Stephen's a final standing of 2-1. Our boys won, with goals scored by Darrin Lazure, won by 2-0. The goals scored by Bernice Whi and Leslie Hambly. Their second game was with Bowmanville Bowmanville Sr. which took the gold medal, with a final score of 2-1. The goal scorer again for Hobbs was Darrin Lazure. The girls' team also did well in the tournament. Their first game was played against Knox and tne Hobbs girls oals were iy Bernice White and Allison Macko. Our second game was also played against Bowmanville Sr. Again Bowmanville won with a final score of 2-0. The goalies for our teams were Trevor Mercer, and Lisa Sosnowski who did an excellent excellent job. The two Hobbs' teams came back with silver medals. VOLLEYBALL Volleyball for the girls started started in the beginning of October. October. Their workouts have helped them become a well- organized team. Just last week on the 3rd of November, November, they went to Port Percy to play two teams, Cornish ana Cartwright. The girls played four games, winning two of them. On Tuesday the 10th the girls played a few games against Cornish. On Thursday the 12th the boys team had their tournament tournament at Clarke High School. The Girls team had their tournament on Tuesday the 17th at Courtice High School. HOUSE LEAGUE CHAMPIONS CHAMPIONS The soccer season is over now at M.J. Hobbs, so volleyball volleyball spirit is in the air. Like soccer, volleyball teams are made up in the classes and taken to the gym to play. But let's go back and remember remember who won the finals for soccer. Class72, Alley Cats, and 75, President's Choice, played and just couldn't beat one another so both were declared junior champions. Class 82, Tough Ducks, played 84, Cole's Classic Kids. Class 84 won the game in the end and emerged as the senior house- league champions, by: Karen Samis and Kelli Dil worth. In Editor's Mail Dear Editor: As a result of an accident at home Sunday, November 1, 1987 a little girl, Samantha Hennessy, was badly burned with 1st and 2nd degree burns to her body. Donations to help the two year old girl would be greatly greatly appreciated and could be given to the Canadian Imperial Imperial Bank of Commerce at the comer of King and Temperance Temperance in Bowmanville, Ontario. The trust account is in the mother's name, Heather Heather Hennessy, or given to Mr. E. Malley in charge of the fund for Samantha Hen nessy. The donations would be greatly appreciated by Mr. and Mrs. He lennessy so they could pay medical expenses that are not covered. Sincerely Yours, Mr. E. Malley, Apt. # 9-63 King St. West, Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C1R2 BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY 25% BONUS 3LIMm MllXB CLEANSER Jflfc- 500 g 1 #4$ 500 g TIN "f SILKIENCE 150 mL MORE 450 mL BTL SHAMPOO or O QQ CONDITIONER LS9 mimii in mi ii mi adhvick^H (ASSORTED SCENTS)^^^^^^^* PURINA CAT FOOD tend™ VITTLES PURINA noce CHOW PRODUCT OF U.SA OR MEXICO CANADA #1 GRADE fi] CUCUMBERS SELECT YOUR OWN 1 " VI PRODUCT OF U.S.A. - CALIFORNIA menu FILL YOUR ( 1C ?" £ )WN BAG I9! M PRODUCT OF ONTARIO I»»? CANADA #1 GRADE Waxed JUMBO SIZE YOUR CHOICE dût TURNIPS (RUTABAGAS) ■ ■ WEA. .(U, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO SMALL SIZE COOKING ONIONS CANADA #1 GRADE urge! 10 LB. BAG PRODUCT OF P.E.I. LARGE 50 LB. BAC CANADA #1 GRADE ^ WHITE 0 POTATOES 0, 5 99. tafe*. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA SELECT YOUR OWN ® "INDIAN RIVER" WHITE • RED^^^™ GRAPEFRUIT 9CLCVI luun vitn MEDIUM I/I IS 1 g 14/ I PRODUCT OF ONTARIO LARGE SIZEl CANADA #1 GRADE .74 kg BOSC PEARS 79 f LB. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA CANADA EXTRA FANCY FILL YOUR OWN BAG CRANNY SMITH APPLES MS rfjfe PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA "FIRST OF THE SEASON" lyicE ORANGES LARGE SIZE 100's SELECT YOUR OWN 1.99 DOZ. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO WRED or GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES CANADA FANCY GRADE LARGE 10 LB. BAG 339 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W„ Newcastle Phone 987-4240 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 623-6555 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN, B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 1913 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Phone 576-4619 MOASE Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 Morris Meadows b.a. B & M ENTERPRISES Full Accounting Services Including Financial Statements .andTax Returns Fast Results at a Reasonable Rate Newcastle, Ontario (416) 987-4053 HOME SERVICE BARINA HOME CHECK Ease your mind while you are away. Barb Shelter - Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 7 - 8 a.m., after 6 o.m. CHIROPRACTIC G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor 39 Pamela Court By Appointment -- 623-5509 Member ol Canadian and Ontario Chiropractic Associations LEONARD JAY, B.Sc.,D.C. Doctorof Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 50 Richmond St. E., Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1 G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 COMPUTERS 'west - Mississauga North - Markham Central - Toronto DIXIE WOODBINE 222 Lansdowne MALL NORTH Avenue At Dixie Rd. South olQuesn Elizabeth Way At No. 7 Highway: Markham Comer Dundas St. West North York Downtown -- Toronto 222 CHERRY STREET Just South of the Lift Bridge '"t E MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ,0 limit 9 AM.-10P.M. 9 AM.-10P.M. 9 A.M.-10P.M. Terminal 2549 Weston Rd. | THURSDAY Just south of Hwy. 401 East - Pickering HWY.2& BROCK RD. In Pickering OSHAWA/DURHAM FIRST AVE. Between Slmcoe & Ritson Just a "Stone's Throw" North of 401 JOHANNES L. BAARBÉ B.P.E., B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 29 King St. W. Newcastle Phone 987-4600 ANDY BATELAAN, B.A. Consultant Programmer Software Development Maple Grove Rd.N. Bowmanville Phone 623-2375 • NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE FRIDAY 8A.M.-10P.M. SATURDAY 7A.M.-10P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY NOV 21 8/ LAURENCE A. GREY, N.D. . Doctor of Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic, and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 50 Richmond St. E., Suite 2 McLaughlin Square Oshawa, L1G 7C7 Phone 433-1500 REFLEXOLOGY BY ANNA Anna M. Bragg, R.N. By Appointment Only R.R. 4 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K5 Phone 623-9198