I Toys from Yesteryear on Display at Town Museum I Cloggers dance at Christmas party lokstock and Area Nawa by Joyce Kelly The second annual Christmas party party of the Pine Ridge Cloggers was held on Sat. Dec. 5th in the Blackstoc, Community Centre. Irene Googh was pleased to welcome all her students from the communities near Blackstock as well as those from the Oshawa and Omemee classes. Joining the party were dancers from Markham, taught by Angela Cameron and known as The Kick Up A Fuss Cloggers and some from Scarborough taught by Sylvia Hunka. All of the cloggers who attended attended are part of a main group called called The Ontario Rhythm Cloggers, formed nine years ago by Sylvia Hunka and Dorothy McCulloch. The cloggers danced from 2-4 p.m. at which time they were joined by friends and relatives for a pot luck supper and an evening of social dancing. dancing. Of course, some couldn't resist clogging when the music suited. Thanks to Brad Goslin and Matthew Gray for doing a great job as DJ's. A great time was had by all and everyone went home looking forward forward to lots of clogging in 1968 and next year's even bigger party. Sorry to report that Mr. Ross Weir who recently moved with his wife and family from their farm south of Blackstock suffered a fatal stroke at his winter home in Arizona. The Funeral Service will be held today ( Monday) at Wagg Funeral Chapel, Port Perry. Sympathy is extended to his wife Andrea and to his family, family, Adeline, Janet, Jim and Russell. On Sunday our community lost still another member with the passing passing of Bill Mahaffy. Funeral Service will be held on Wed., from Wagg Funeral Chapel. Sympathy to his wife Jean and family. Better health is wished for Bill Johnston in Port Perry Hospital and Mrs. Percy VanCamp in Oshawa Hospital. Pleased that Floyd Argue is making remarkable recovery following kidney surgery in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Jamie and Mark Atfield of Pickering Pickering spent three days with their grandparents Merrill and Norma VanCamp. Next Sunday evening will bean in- tergenerational service of carols and Christmas hymns at the United The Canadian Statesman, Bmvmanvillo. December 9. 1987 17 table with a well laden Christmas tree in the middle. All members were present except Margaret Van CAmp who has been ill. Only one of our 4-H leaders joined us-you missed missed a good dinner, girls. After sampling sampling all the goodies we had the mystery sister gift exchange. Programme consisted of a reading by Helen Bradbum - A List Church at 7:30 p.m. If you want to spend an evening in really Christmas spirit this will be an opportunity opportunity for you. The floor hockey results on Tues, were that the visiting Port Perry Blue Jays defeated the Blackstock Leafs 7-5. Scoring for the Leafs were Jason Logan 3, Douglas Lynde and Brad Morton each 1. In the Senior Division Cartwright Canadians 10- Blackstock Bruins 4. Mike Leach scored 7 and Kendall Chorostecki 3 for the winners, while Daryl Dutkewich, Lyndsay Dutkewich, Mike Hepburn and Jay Buma scored one each for the Bruins. W.l. Report by Helen Bradbum, P.R,0. Once again it was time for our annual annual Pot Luck dinner. Starting with the W.l. Grace, the members sat down to a beautifully decorated of Priceless Gifts to Give. Dora Martyn and Lisa Kristensen told some jokes which caused some laughter. We sang carols and Jean Adams gave a reading. Kathleen Watt told of author J.E. Middleton of a Huron Indian carol and we sang the lovely Indian Carol. Collection went to the Salvation Army, Bowmanvilie. A donation will be made to Community Care. Edith McLaughlin and Dora Martyn Martyn were our delegates to the W.l. Convention and Edith brought back an excellent report. One thing they were told that only 3 per cent of our members live on farms. Meeting closed with Benediction. Christmas Gift Suggestions Some of the toys which, no doubt, delighted youngsters youngsters on Christmas morning in the early years of this century are on display at the Bowmanviile Museum. Curator Dan Hoffman is holding a unique dog called "Buttons, the puppy with a brain". By pushinga lever on the mechanical pet, it's possible to wag the dog's tail, raise a paw, wink one eye, open the mouth, etc. In the showcase are representative toys from a private private collection which includes Lionel trains from 1916 to 1947 as well as toys made in West Germany, Japan, the U.S., and Canada. This is the museum's final special exhibition of the year. Horticulture Christmas Show Orono News "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there," Will Rogers. Mr. Rick Bond and his brother-in-law from Portage Portage La Prairie, Man. were surprise visitors with the Sid Barraballs last week. Rick is the Barraballs son- in-law, married to Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Scarborough, were Saturday Saturday luncheon guests of Mrs. Edith Taylor, and then visited visited his father, Mr. Charles Taylor, Strathaven. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice were guests of Newcastle Horticulture at their annual annual dinner and meeting. Monday luncheon guests of Mrs. Edith Taylor were Mrs. Roberta Bessie, Mrs. Helen McArthur and Mrs. Mary Thompson, all from Bowmanvilie. Mrs. Audrey McNaul, Oshawa, was a recent visitor.. visitor.. with Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kemmet, Lindsay enjoyed enjoyed a birthday party, in honor of Carl's recent birthday, birthday, at Franklin House, Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Peter Slither-; land on Sunday for dinner, on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. Mr. Rick Trull, Bethany, was also a guest. Twenty-five ladies and guests of unit 5 of Orono U.C.W. enjoyed a delicious pot-luck luncheon in Les- kard Church Hall, Wednesday Wednesday noon, Dec. 2. We were pleased to have as our guests, Rev. and Mrs. Fred Milnes. Mrs. Bud Grant presented presented the excellent devotions devotions and an enjoyable sing- along. A highlight of the gathering gathering was the presentation of a U.C.W. Life Membership to Mrs. Bessie Bellamy. Bessie Bessie has been a very faithful, and dedicated member of Leskard unit 5. Many fundraising fundraising events can be traced to her enthusiasm. Mrs. Marie Tambl.vn, President ol'Orono U.C.W., assisted by Past President Mrs. Donna Scott, made the presentation. presentation. The Ladies of Leskard also made a presentation to Bessie, as she's leaving our midst, to live with her son. Leskard Card Party There were 16 tables of progressive euchre at the Thiirs. Dec. 3 card party, held in Leskard Church Hall. High scores were Mar- garuite Cooper 91, Myrtle Pearce 87, and Lois Morton 82, Lucky door prize went to Marie Couroux. The low scores were Jean Allen 48 and Mary Forrest 46. Our next card party will be January January 7,1988. The main hall of Orono United Church was gaily decorated decorated for the festive season, season, with poinscttias, arrangements arrangements and a prettily decorated Christmas tree, laden with warm, colorful mittens. This was the annual annual xmas show, on Thursday, Thursday, Dec. 3, with an excellent excellent crowd. The president Lorna Atkins welcomed everyone, and conducted a short business period. With Mrs. Doreen Lowery at piano, a short carol sing- along was much enjoyed, and Isabelle Challice explained the display of cute teddy bears on stage, and she also gave a story on "Poor Teddy Bear Blue". The feature of the evening evening was the excellent presentation presentation of commentary by Lorna and slides by her hubby Gordon, of their summer summer trip to Alaska, also an interesting display of maps, and souvenirs. Although the weather was not exactly co-operatve, they had thoroughly enjoyed the full seven week trip. Many exciting exciting views of Alaskan highways, small camping grounds, mines, vegetation etc, were thoroughly enjoyed enjoyed by all present. Lorna was thanked by Doreen ' Lowery and presented with a small gift of appreciation. Mrs. Vicki Lesnick, assistant assistant district director, for district 17 was the capable judge for the colorful Christmas show. Special prize winners - Best Arrangement in Show: "Old Fashioned Niche" by I. Challice. Prize donated by Mrs. Gladys Moffat. Judges choice for Flowering Flowering Houseplant was Minnie Zegers. Most points in decorative, decorative, was-won by Carol Mostert and donated by "Reflections" gift shop, Orono. Most points in entire show tied by Carol Mostert and Corrie DeJong. Most entries entries in all shows throughout throughout the year donated by Van Belles Garden Centre was Isabelle Challice. "Following the meeting a delicious lunch was served by Committee Joan Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth, Inez Harris and Dorothy Barnett, to close a very enjoyable meeting. Junior Horticultural Show Congratulations to the hard-working junior members members and their leaders, Mrs. Corrie DeJong, and Mrs. Jackie Borremans. There were 56 entries from 13 exhibitors and all were excellent excellent quality. These young people will be the gardeners of tomorrow and we are glad to encourage them! Just as a note of added interest here, two of our former Orono Junior Gardeners, are carrying on the tradition, Mrs. Yvonne Maitland is owner of our now famous "Apple Blossom Blossom Shoppe", and Donna Sutherland is Bowmanvilie Junior Horticulture leader. The high points winner in junior section was Dianna Borremans. The high points winner in the senior section was Danielle Borremans. St. Saviours Church News Congratulations to St. Saviours Church for their new minister, Rev. Douglas Hall and family, and again for their excellent Christmas Christmas newsletter. Very dedicated dedicated and faithful people are responsible for very encouraging encouraging reports, from all church departments. Sunday December 13, Sunday School will be presenting presenting their 2nd Annual Carol Service, come out and join them. Sunday December 20, Special Candle Service for both Orono and Newcastle Anglican Churches, in St. Georges Church, Newcastle Service of Carols and Lessons Lessons by candlelight. This service has been conducted in King's College Chapel, since 1918. Reception in parish hall, with hot mulled eider and warm mincemeat tarts, given as a thank you by the Rector and his family. family. All welcome. Christmas Eve Services in St. Saviours arc at 8:00 p.m. Holy Communion Sunday, December 27 at 9:30 a.m. St, Saviours Morning Prayer. From St. Saviours newsletter newsletter Help your health with a kiss. Kissing is good foryour health and can make you live longer. Smooching stimulates the heart, which gives more oxygen to the body's cells and keeps them "young and vibrant". Kissing produces antibodies antibodies that in the long run protect the body against certain infections. From Dr. Hildebrando Salazar, Psychiatrist. Psychiatrist. Orono United Church News The Sacrament of Holy Communion was celebrated at Orono United, on Sunday morning. Mr. Don Scott and mem : bers of Boy Scouts, Beavers and Cubs were in charge of lighting the advent candles. With Mrs. Joyce Gray at organ, in absence of Mr. Ross Metcalf, the choir rendered rendered "My God and I". Happy Birthday to the following following on December 6, Archie Archie Hoy, and Wendy and Wanda Hutton, December9, Joyce Gray, Chris Yeo and December 11, Stella Carson and Kevin Scott. Next Sunday December 13 at 11:00 a.m. is White Gift Sunday. This year the Sunday Sunday school have decided to help the women and children children at the Auberge Womens Womens Shelter in Oshavya,,.a local- mission .^p reject» Canned goods, vegetables, fruit, soup etc, are suitable. Cash gills will be used to purchase sleepwear, sheets, towels and toiletries. toiletries. Special thanks to the U.C.W. for decorating the church and for the flowers. Thanks also to the "Apple Blossom Shop" staff for their flowers. Sunday December 13 at 7 p.m., main hall, Orono Church, Community Christmas Christmas concert, under the direction direction of Mrs. Rosalyn Allin. Plan to attend this special event, as a great deal of effort has gone into the preparation. U.C.W. News A good attendance at the pot-luck dinner and Christmas Christmas meeting of the ladies of unit 1, held Wednesday December December 2 in main hall of church. Stella Carson, Edith Taylor and Hilda Caswell Caswell were in charge of Christmas devotions. The U.C.W. have enjoyed a very successful year and unit 1 have gained several new members. Nineteen ladies of unit 3 held their annual Christmas Christmas dinner and meeting at the home of Clare and Margaret Margaret Gunter. The delectable delectable dinner was, as usual much enjoyed by all and this was followed by a time of fellowship and visiting. The devotional period was shared by all present, bringing an item of Christmas Christmas news. This proved most interesting and very successful. successful. The ladies brought 3 boxes full of groceries and Christmas gifts to be sent into Men's Hostel and Ladies Auberge. Our grateful thanks to Clare for taking the Men's Hostel gill box and also to Marie Tamblyn for taking all the boxes to Auberge, in Oshawa. Nineteen ladies of unit 4 enjoyed their Christmas party at a dinner at Darlington Darlington Marina. We all join in sending speedy recovery wishes to Mrs. Donna Scott and hope she is soon home to enjoy Christmas. Orono Town Hall Card Party There were 15 tables of progressive euchre at the weekly card party, held Wednesday, in Orono Town Hall, and the following scores were, high scores Hilda Caswell 95, Ed Couroux 86, Edgar Millson 79, and tied for fourth were Charlie Finney and John Forrester both with 78. Low score was Ilcsper Dean. The Lucky draw winners winners were Carol Hooper, Eileen Eileen Stephens, Ed Couroux and Don Thompson. Card party this week, Wcdncs- . day, December 9 at 8 p.m. However the party for December December 16, is cancelled, due to the I.O.O.F. turkey draw and card party. Heather Christmas Bazaar An excellent attendance at the annual afternoon tea and bazaar of the Heather Rebecah club. The bake sale tables were as usual snapped up in record time and the crafts and home knitting tables were likewise. The Penny Sale tables tables were well stocked and completely lined up, with hopeful customers. The beautiful hand-made quilt was won by Mr. C.D. Hall of Bowmanvilie, and the lovely lamp won by Mrs. Margaret Tabb, also Bowmanvilie. Bowmanvilie. Choir Christmas Concert A large Crowd in attendance attendance at the very first Christmas Choir Concert here in many years. Our very special guests were the renowned "Oshawa Festival Festival Singers." This is a group of young ladies from 11-18 yrs of age and the group is now in its 17th year. They have recorded, recorded, travelled exten- «»aÿ«eljiL,and-.H performed all cjj&' this country and England. England. The choir director is Elsie Drygala and co-director co-director our own choir leader Mr. Ross Metcalf. The young ladies were very attractively attractively gowned in long white gowns, red sashes and lovely red corsages. The mistress of ceremonies was Marlene Flett. Our own choir rendered four selections with solos by Peggy Foloy, Marion Milnes, Carlos Tamblyn and Don Staples. This was truly a remarkable experience experience for all of us in our own choir, to hear a 38 voice choir of young ladies, preforming preforming special Christmas music. John Deere Toys John Deere action toys make playtime more fun. And, they're built to last. Riding tractors, miniatures, put- together kits. Come in and look over our full line soon. Trim up to walls, under fences, over obstacles, next to plantings John Deere trimmers get places mowers miss. Weed gardens, too. Even cut brush. Choice of one electric and eight gas- powered models, with nylon line storage heads. (Some use blades, too.) Stop in and see. GAS MODELS from \r \ '.A Sv \ WOOD CUTTING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES CHAIN BAWB from Battery Chargers Keep batteries at full power, boost-start dead-battery engines with a John Deere charger. Models have 10-, r "at-15-, 30- or 80-amp f charging power. from C-yr. John Deere High-Pressure Washers Scour with Power Melt grime and grease from any surface with a blast of high-pressure water -- 500 to 1000 psi. Four electric washers, with soap/chemical metering. Can be used as sprayers. Backflow prevention system. Direct drive motor. John Deere Space Heaters Plug-in comfort Roll in a John Deere , heater, plug it into a. 120V. ^ outlet, and make any.» building comfortable. Three models: 60,000-150,000 Btu's, burning kerosene or No. 1 fuel oil. Automatic ignition, flame-out protection. See us. MODEL A90 .... from* UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT 2 Miles West of Manchester 888-870*1 Monday to Friday 8 AM to 5 PM; Saturday 8 AM to Noon CRESCENT Bowmanvilie Poultry Ltd GRAND OPENING on Monday, December 14th Specializing in CUSTOM KILLING (Whole and cut-up chicken) GOVERNMENT INSPECTED NOTE: Custom Killing on Mondays only 21 Caristrap Street -- Bowmanvilie Telephone 623-9752 Reg. No. 519 BASE LINE RD. E. m HWY. 401 BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR