* y i 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, December 16,1987 Section Two Young Figure Skaters Compete in Cobourg : These skaters from the Bowmanvillc Figure Skating Club represented Bowmanville Bowmanville in the Skate Cobourg competition held recently. From left are: Stacey Dunnigan, Kate Garrett, Hilary Jennings, Gillian Hajduczek and Jennifer Carter. Carter. Jennifer placed third in her flight in the preliminary women's division. Cara Gardener also attended the event but she is absent from this photo. 60th Anniversary Celebrated Kitchen, McCallum & Porter CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS JOHN G. MANUEL, CGA DONALD K. KITCHEN, CGA. CIA PARTNERS MB KING STREET EAST I BOWMANVILLE, ONT. LtCINS 1 (416)623-6555 1 UtolNTSj sikkens • Does the entire job stains, seals and finishes • Long, lasting protection • Requires only 2 coats Available at Central Paint and Wallpaper 2!)5 Ititson ltd. S., Oshawa m HOLIDAY SAVINGS mmwmÊÊëêmWÊM ANY LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM AND ADJOINING HALL FURNITURE CLEANING 3 Seat Sofa (Get chair done FREE!) DRAPES 10% OFF $45. 00 A.D. CLEANERS 67*/2 King St. E. Bowmanvillc 623-5600 After 6 p.m. 786-2384 Ends Dec. 16, 1987 DeHwm Agri-Newt by John Finlay Agr. Rep. PRODUCERS MAY INCREASE THEIR REGISTRATION TONNAGE UNDER GRAIN STABILIZATION PLAN: Ontario producers enrolled enrolled in the 1987 grain stabilization stabilization plan may increase their grain tonnage registration registration by 25 per cent per crop. Registration forms to indicate indicate the revisions are available available from local offices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Total registration for all crops remains at a maximum maximum of 5,000 tons. Deadline for registration is December 31,1987. The grain stabilization plan supports the income of Ontario farmers in the production production of the following commodities: canola, seed com, com, barley, oats, winter winter wheat, white beans and soybeans. Stabilization payments are made when the past year's market price of grain m the plan falls below the support price. The support price is calculated by using 95 per cent of the previous five-year average market price, with adjustments made for cash costs. The grain stabilization plan is a voluntary program, funded one-thira by the grower and two-thirds by the Ontario Government. DAYS TO MARKET THE WEAKEST LINK Jim Walker The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food is sponsoring a one-day seminar seminar for pork producers on Reducing Days to Market. Guest speakers will be discussing discussing the influences of such things as environment and facilities, genetics, nutrition nutrition and health. The meeting will be held on December 9, 1987 at the Rock Haven Motor Motor Hotel in Peterborough from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Registration costs $20/ person or $30/couple and you can enroll by calling the Peterborough OMAF Office at (705) 745-2403 or the Pork Advisor in Bowmanville at (416) 623-3348 or 1-800-263- 8023. Courtice Family Studies Room Turned into Nursery for a Day H » » ----- * -i Think Canadian * vaiTA A number of grade 11 students at Courtice Secondary Secondary School were given a taste of parenthood on Thursday, December 10. Their family studies room was turned into a nursery, as 20 toddlers spent the day with the students. Miss Smith's Family, Child and Development class set up the day care facility and children were left by teachers, neighbors and friends to be cared for by the students. Despite a few homesick tears and tussles over teddy bears the day was a success. Pictured above are some of the children and students involved. On October 24, 1987 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood celebrated their 60th Wedding anniversary which had to be postponed from June 18, 1987 because of illness. They held a family dinner in Trinity Church Hall at 5:00 p.m. 33 family members enjoyed a most delicious roast beef dinner prepared and served by Trinity U.C.W: ladies. Thank you ladies. ! Amanda Writes To Santa Claus Dear Santa, I have been a very, very, good girl. I am nine, my name is Amanda and I am in grade 4. I really don't know what to ask for but I finally, thought of something. something. I have wrote to you lots of times and I wonder how you are doing? How are the reindeer? Are they all rested up for there big fly on December 25 Christmas? Christmas? O.K. so here's what I would like. I would like an black acid washed jean purse and some kind of glitter glitter gel or make-up. Ana I have another question. I've been wondering, because people are saying their parents parents are Santa. I don't know if you are real or not. I think you are. But anyway are Mrs. Claus and you reaady for the big night? Hope you are. Sincerely, Amanda. P.S. KAKO Ste means "How are you doing?" in Yugoslavian. Why don't you say kqko ste to Mrs. Claus and fool her and then tell her what it means? Bye!