V 6 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, December 16,1987 Section Two 60 Years Ago Companion Annie Wright was presented witha gift, celebrating her 50th anniversary anniversary as a Companion of the Forest, by fellow Companions Companions Hilda Humphrey, Rose Dickinson and Rena Bathgate, last Thursday evening at a meeting of the Maple Leaf Circle # 143. Garnet Rickard, Reeve of Darlington Township and candidate for Durham County's Federal Conservative Conservative Party won the world championship for 6-rowed barley at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto last week. Reverend W. G. Blake, Minister of St. Andrew's Church, Bowmanville, will deliver the address at the Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph. District Governor Pete Peterson, Peterson, owner of several drugstores in Windsor, was guest speaker at Bowmanville Bowmanville Lions Club last Monday Monday night when he paid an official visit to the club. Over 200 Goodyear Em- Him and Blatant Seat ployees and friends danced to the music of Ollie Wa- gar's orchestra at the Goodyear Goodyear Recreation Dance held Friday at the Badminton Club. 10 Years Ago. Students at the Durham Christian High School recently recently staged a two day work-a-thon to help pay for their new school on Scugog Road. Four of the students who took part in the project were Kathy Molenaar, Teresa Teresa Griffioen, Gord Blyle- ven and David Manuel. The school hopes to raise about $3,000 in the work-a-thon. "Harvey", a three act comedy comedy play, directed by Bob Sheridan and Michael Lin- -dop, will be presented at Bowmanville High School next week. Double casting will involve some 20 students. students. Models appearing in the Breslin Ladies Fashion Show, October 26-27 at B.H.S. included Erminie Davies, Davies, Lillian Hooper, Betty McGregor, Mary Ruth Moore. Darlene Welsh, Carol Carol Wight and Marie Brooks. Blaokatook and Area Nawa by Joyce Kelly A warm welcome is extended to Brian and Judi Mountjoy, Karl and Kimberly who have recently returned returned to this area from Richmond, B.C. Our wish is that you will feel that it is like coming home again after several years spent in Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ego of Lindsay were Friday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. On December 5 Mrs. Kaye Taylo: hosted a family birthday party at the home of Les and Ann Taylor in honour of her husband Doug Taylor's 75th birthday. A large number of relatives and friends attended attended this happy occasion. The afternoon U.C.W. Unit Meeting. On Tuesday, December 8 the Afternoon Unit of the U.C.W. met at the home of Jean Adams for a bounteous and delicious pot luck luncheon luncheon followed by the regular meeting. There were 18 present. Grace Hall, unit leader opened the meeting with a lovely poem she had received tucked into a Christmas card. The worship was given by Flora Samells. The hymn Joy to the World was sung accompanied by Grace on the electric keyboard. The scripture was Matthew 2 telling of the coming of the Wisemen to Jerusalem, their meeting with King Herod and the departure by another route.to avoid him after visiting the Christ Child. Silent Night was sung. A short business meeting followed. followed. Preparations were made for the Cow-Calf dinner on Dec. 15. The roll call and programme consisted of readings, storjes of Christmas. Grace sang a solo, "A Star was His Candle" and Jean Adams read from an old 1929 School Reader, a dramatic story of Scrooge's Christmas. The meeting closed with the Benediction. Our area has been absolutely overwhelmed by sudden passings recently. Sympathy is extended to Manual Saltariche and family on the sudden passing of his wife Shirley. Shirley and Manuel have lived for a short time in Blackstock on Sunrise Cres. Sympathy also is extended to Jean Mahaffy and family on the death of Bill Mahaffy last Sunday. His funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at the Wagg Funeral Chapel, Port Perry. Also on Wednesday afternoon another funeral was held which involved many Cartwright residents. Wilbur Vance, a former Purple Hill resident, resident, cousin and friend of many in this area passed away suddenly on Monday. Sympathy is extended to his wife Electa and daughter Shirley and Jack Simons and family. Better health is wished for Elva VanCamp and Roy Morrow both in Oshawa Hospital and Bill Johnston in Port Perry Hospital. Pleased to learn that Floyd Arçjue was home on a weekend pass from St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto. He hopes to be released soon. What a great Christmas present. A speedy recovery is wished for Sean Porter who received serious injuries in a chain saw accident. Vernon and Vera Asselstine were Sunday evening dinner guests of Vem's sister Feme and Carl Webb of Trenton. At the United Church morning service Sunday several special events took place. The third Advent candle was lit and the special Advent Advent Candle song sung by the Sunday Sunday School. Memorial gifts to the Glory of God in loving memory of Ivan Mountjoy were dedicated. A lectern. microphone and lamp by his wife Margaret, an antependia by his children Linda, Judy and Brian and a Good News Pulpit Bible by his grandchildren Meghan, Bradley, Kevin, Lisa, Laura, Kimberly and Kari Anne. Rev. D. Davis preached an excellent excellent sermon entitled The Gift of Lifetime. The Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated when Ashley Anne daughter of Leanne and Jim O'Donnell O'Donnell was received. Following the Baptism on Sunday Cindy and Dennis Werry and boys, Kedron entertained in honour of Ashley Anne with a buffet dinner. Those attending were Jim and Leanne O'Donnell and Ashley Anne of Kitchener, Rev. Dale and Anita Davis, Percy and Elva VanCamp (Elva was happy to be able to leave Oshawa Hospital to join this family event) Keith and Wilma VanCamp, Debbie and Jay, Kelly Hart, Union- ville, Barry VanCamp, Merrill and Norma VanCamp, Aileen VanCamp, VanCamp, Valerie VanCamp, Dale and Janet VanCamp, Mary and Michael, Marie and Bob Attfield, Jamie and Mark, Pickering. John and Tena Writers hosted a gathering in honour of their grandson's grandson's baptism Patrick Thomas son of Wilma and Tom Wotten was baptised baptised at the Nestleton United Church. Those, attending this dinner were Tom and Wilma Wotten, Jonathan and Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Riemstra, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beatty, Mrs. Kelly Sweetman and girls, Mrs. Debbie Bryans and girls, Mrs. Patti Alpe, Mrs. Pat Milson and Danielle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wotten, Richard Miller, Mrs. Joanna Joanna Malcolm and family Debbie and' Ron David. Best wishes to Lloyd and Julie Jamieson who were married in a lovely wedding on Saturday afternoon afternoon in the Blackstock United Church. A men's bonspiel is planned for Monday, December 28. If you are in- f terested call Doug Kadowaki, Cameron Porter or Gerald Kelly. A week ago four professors from Emmanuel College returned to Blackstock for a review of the Rural Weekend which about fifty students experienced here in middle October. Nearly forty members of the Blackstock and Nestleton congregate congregate enjoyed hearing what the students Jhad learned about rural Ontario. In the Junior Floor Hockey game the Blackstock Leafs defeated the Blackstock Bombers 6-5. Scoring for the Leafs were Jason Logan and Dillon Webber with 3 each while Brad Morton 4 and Luke Camaghan were the Bombers scorers. In the Senior Division the Cartwright Cartwright Canadians outscored the Blackstock Bruins 8-5, The Canadians Canadians scorers were BrendoifAgnew 3, Mike Staniland 3, Mike Leach 1 and Kendal Chorostecki 1 wmie Mike Hepburn 4 arid Jay Buma 1 scored for the Bruins. What a busy, involved time of year this is with shopping, cards, baking, etc. On Sunday evening a large number from the community enjoyed an evening of Christmas music at the United Church. Special guest artists was the group Touch of Class. Several numbers by the Sunday Sunday School, by various young people and The Touch of Class combined with carol singing created a delightful evening. Another treat for those enjoying Christmas programmes programmes will be the Cartwright Central Public School Christmas concert on Thursday, Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m. ^KEEPYOURFOOD COSTS DOWN - SHOP BY THE BOX" (1.50 PLASTIC BOX DEPOSIT) REGULAR DIET CLASSIC • SPRITE • SCHWEPPES • A&W 39* MIN* COKE HUMPTY 0UMPTY .1 POTATO QQti CHIPS 2D0OBAG MIX OR MATCH 3 CASE LIMIT ^ FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF SHOULD! &BLADE STEAKS SUNLIFE BRAND FRESH JUICE T - :-- L- FROM concentrait 2 L JUG •ORANGE •GRAPEFRUIT •APPLE 6 LIMIT SLJCPF^Q MANDARIN ORANGE SEGMENTS 10 FL. OZ. 284 mLTIN SICŒSS %Rl\ OKAlN't'* FROZEN ^^■NEWZEALAND GENUINE SPRING LAMB WHOLE OR HALF 15-18 LBS. McCAIN-SWEETHEART CHEESE BARS MIX OR MATCH • MOZZARELLA • MEDIUM • COLBY • BRICK • MILD • OLD PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FRESH iflMSHKHISt* g gk mâk WHOLE OR HALF g *1 lf*l LOIN OF |nocentre| * 8 Old PORK kg. FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CHOICE CANADIAN NO CENTRE CHOPS REMOVED 173 FRESH choice VEAL BSMj 1691 NEVER FROZEN WEMi* NOTTS 1 OCEAN SPRAY • CRANBERRY COCKTAIL 40 OZ. BTL. • WHITE GRAPE JUICE 1 L BTL. • PRUNE NECTAR 40 OZ. BTL. • CLAMAT01.36 L TIN • CRANRASBERRY 40 OZ. BTL MIX OR MATCH 12 LIMIT Hi LB. SHOULDER FROZEN SIZZLERS REGULAR • MAPLE • BEEF SCHNEIDER'S SAUSAGE "ROLLS g PRODUCT OF HOLLAND FRICO^3RAND AT DELI COUNTER g A A A MILD OR SPICED ^ Æ. A* i 8.80 CHEESE J.99i mMiln'ssixaMmmxaisimmaamfnmMimssivammmnm STOVE TOP WITHTHIS c ° up oN™j ASSORTED STUFFING MIX " A 170 fl BOX COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SAT., DEC. 19/87 LIMIT ONE BOX ONE COUPON PER FAMILY IN-STORE RETAlLjMtf TacnovrJ QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND 50O,(17.. OZ .PACft CHRISTMAS 8 CANDIES g DEMPSTER'S ASST. SLICED BURNS "PRIDE OF CANADA" CUSTOM SLICED AT DELI COUNTER gJACOOKED kg HAM LB. 1.99 BONA BRAND - WHOLE 2-3 LB. VAC PAC « 2.99 FINEST QUALITY BRAND MINI "BUCK FOREST' STYLE SMOKED & COOKED kg BONELESS 2-3 LB. AVERAGE LB. VAC PAC m Alt WNflEBi.tAu»*,' g MAPLE LEAF ilEMM IPUHELflRD ITïiMiîl I GOURMET GALLERY ASSORTED PURE HAMS » WESTON BRAND googPKÈl I FRUIT fCAKE „ _. ww . KICK'S • YUM YUM • BABY DILLS • SWEET MIXED LARGE 1.5 L FAMILY SIZE JAR PRONTO BSSF ROYALE 2 ROLL PKG. JUMB01 ROLL PKG. 79 * EA. MIXORMATCH3 PKG. LIMIT