I / 1 Stye SfruicaatU 3nÙEpenbcnt The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, December 30,1987 15 Kendal Junior Orange Lodge Win Santa Parade Trophy Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 A happy, healthy New Year to everyone! Mrs. George Shevlin, Fore Fore stville, New York was a recent recent overnight guest of Mrs. Bessie Dean ana also visited other Dean cousins in the area. • On Sunday, December 20th, Jimmy Bourgeois, Royal Military College, Kingston, visited his grandfather, grandfather, Mr. Harold Couch. Wednesday visitors with Mr. Harold Couch included Todd and Darla Shields and family, Bowmanville, Tom and Rosie Couch and family, Millbrook, Mr. Fred Couch, Bowmanville, Bill and Marilyn Marilyn Couch and Mr. and Mrs. Luc Le Cl air. Thursday visitors with Harold Couch were Bill, Linda, Linda, Shannon and Shaun Couch, Joe and April Dar- rach and family, Browns- dale, Jim and Beth Stacey and family and Mr. Wallace Couch. Christmas Day Mr. Wallace Wallace Couch drove his father Harold to Belleville where he enjoyed Christmas dinner with daughter and son-in- law Art and Betty Bourgeois and family. The Bourgeois brought Harold home. Boxing Day visitors with Mr. Harold Couch were son Bill and Marilyn Couch and ■grandson Bill, his wife Linda and Shannon and Shaun. ! Mr. Jim Hoogkamp, Tampa, Florida, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hoogkamp and Rob, Ben's father was a Christ- uest also. 1rs. Audrey Gogerty spent Christmas with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and family Bowman- wile. ; Sympathy is extended to family and friends of Mr. Jacob Jacob DeJong, who passed away in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, On Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mè- trailler and family, Dundas, were weekend visitors with Mr. John Metrailler and Ron. All enjoyed Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vasseur and Adrian. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stapleton, Stapleton, Orono were Wednesday Wednesday evening callers at Mrs. Kathleen Kimball's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope, were Saturday afternoon afternoon guests of Mrs. K. Kimball. Kimball. ■ Mrs. K. Kimball enjoyed Christmas Day with her daughter, Joan and Michael Cowle, Bowmanville. ; Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding and Mrs. and Mrs. Bill Skeld- ing enjoyed Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Staple- ton and family Newtonville. Friday evening visitors with Robin and Wendy Tri- neer Rickard and son Rudy were her sister and family, Sharon and Graham Neil, and children Scott, Heidi, Abby and Gordie, Stan- bridge East, Quebec. On Saturday, Mrs. Elizabeth Elizabeth Skelding and Mr. Raymond Raymond Chapman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding and girls, Port Perry. Perry. On Saturday, December 26, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard entertained their family to Christmas dinner, Mr. and Mrs. George Rickard, Rickard, Elan and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Rickard and Rudy, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elaschuk and boys, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley enjoyed Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley, Willow- dale. Mr. Jack Wade is a patient patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Birthday greetings to Wil- da Johnson and Kaye Quin- ney. Anniversary wishes to Marilyn and Doug Walton, Robin and Myrtle Alldred, Albert and Myrtle Pearce. Mr. Edward Glenney, his mother Lillian and aunts Marjorie Clemence, Newcastle Newcastle and Lillian Clemence of Oshawa spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ross, Cambridge. They were joined by other members of the family. On Wednesday, December December 23rd, April and Joe Dar- rach hosted a birthday party for daughter Amanda who is now five years.old. Aunts, uncles, cousins and school friends attended Amanda's party. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Couch, Sr. enjoyed Christmas dinner dinner with daughter Darla and son-in-law,' Todd Shields, ■ Christopher and Ashley, Bowmanville, Mr. Sherman Shields enjoyed Christmas with the family, also. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storks were his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Peterman, Peterman, Toronto. Boxing Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce, Michael Michael and Jeffrey were Mr. ey \ and Mrs. Emil Varga and Daughter Leslie, Peterborough. Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Ric Pearce, Trisha and Kevin, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Viki and Kirk, Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, Adam and Jason. Jason. Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mrs. Pauline Storks who was presented presented with a certificate of merit for her volunteer work by M.P. Allan Lawrence last Monday in Bowmanville. Mr. Bill Richardson, Peterborough, Peterborough, visited Christmas Christmas Eve with Mrs. Raye Friedlander. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade spent Christmas with Mr. ana Mrs. Bill Wade, Michael Michael and Kevin, Port Hope. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade, Mr. Grant Wade and Brenda Hoar, Sudbury and Mary Wade, Barrie, were dinner guests of Margaret and Bill Wade, Port Hope. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wade and family, Oshawa. Sunday visitors with Dor- rene and Floyd Powell, and Lakeshore were Mrs. D. Coulter, Downsview, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Kevin Kevin and Keith, Campbellville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rudge and Dale, Malton, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Coulter, John and Glenn, Thompson ville, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sherman and Donald, Beeton, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cochrane, Mil- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews, Andrews, Janelle and Daniel, Starkville, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Russell Powell, Kelly and Steve, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Couch, Shannon and Shaun, Jack and Hazel Crago, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Powell, Jamie and Allison, Bowmanville. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson hosted the Clark family Christmas party. party. Mrs. Nellie Spencer enjoyed enjoyed Christmas with her daughter, Ruth and Ray Bennett, Ennismore. Their son Jon and wife Karen and children Jennifer and Michael Michael also spent Christmas with them. 'Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Ann Harrison (nee Thomas) of Toronto who passed away on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cotter, Cotter, Oshawa, visited on Sunday Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walton, of Park- view Apartments. Mrs. Gladys Wood enjoyed enjoyed Christmas breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wood, Courtice. For Christmas Christmas dinner, Mrs. Wood accompanied accompanied Harold and Shirley Shirley Wood of Oshawa, to Unionville with the George Felgates. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wood, Scott and Gerrit, visited visited last Tuesday with grandmother grandmother Mrs. Gladys Wood. We wish you happiness and prosperity in the New Year." LOW COST QUALITY SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF LARGE A SMALL APPLIANCES "ONE YEAR GUARANTEE ON NEW PARTS" (Lie 4573-1233) 30% OFF All Service Calls During the Month of January. 17 Temperance Street Bowmanville 623-6166 Christmas Day visitors with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark were May's son, Donald and Betty Burley, Wingham, their son Spencer of Wingham and' youngest son Donald, his wife Pam and babe Misty of Chetwynd, British Columbia. Miss Louise Hancock spent Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, Bowmanville. To honour mother, Hilda Caswell, of Orono, Jim and Marjorie Caswell entertained entertained her children on Christmas Day. Enjoying dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Joesph Seager (Carol) Panama Panama City, Florida, Rob Seager, Seager, Unionville, Kelly Seager, Boston, Doreen Green, Port Hope, Elaine and Victor Doty, Michael and Tracey, Orono, Rodney and Jamie Caswell. This was a wonderful wonderful gift for Hilda, whose family had not celebrated Christmas all together for over thirty years - a great reunion. reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley enjoyed Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Burley, Adam and Michael, Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burley, Stephen and Allison, Oshawa, also enjoyed Christmas there. Mr. Arthur Bedwin and Fred, Lakeshore, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Colleen, Colleen, Frankford. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cooper Cooper had an early Christmas gift - the best of all. Son Chris and daughter-in-law, Rosemary, presented them with a new grandson. Congratulations! Congratulations! Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell included included her sister Frances and Terry Garwood, of Beaconsfield, Beaconsfield, Quebec and their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walton and son Michael, Michael, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and boys, Pon- typool, Mr. Harold Powell and Mr. Art VanDolder, Oak Park, Illinois, Miss Judy Powell and Jill Coombes, Bowmanville. .On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Terry Garwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farr, Thornhill. Mr. Sidney Lancaster, Newcastle Multi-Care Centre, Centre, had Christmas dinner with his family, Dorella and Jack Chard, Johnna and De- lann. Mr. Gary Schmid and his mother Clara, Bowmanville' were supper guests Christmas Christmas Day with the Jack Chards. On Sunday'the Jack Chards were brunch guests of Joan and Wayne Blackburn, Blackburn, Orono, and dinner • guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Noble. On Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Garwood, Beaconsfield, Harold Powell and Art VanDolder, Oak Park, Illinois, and Marion Fisher, Belleville, were dinner dinner guests of the Wayne Markles, Scarborough and all attended the Christmas Eve service at Washington United Church. Sunday visitors with Margaret Pearce were Gilbert Gilbert and Carolyn Alldread, of Cambridge. On Sunday night, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and guests, Frances and Terry Garwood, Beaconsfield, Quebec, Bruce and Terry Lynn Walton and son Michael, Michael, Ottawa and Marion Fisher Belleville visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and sons Russell, Grayden, and Adrien, Pontypool. Christmas dinner guests of Margaret Pearce were Vern and Diane Rowe, Robert Robert and Lorie, Kendal, Ron and Nancy Pearce and girls, Lindsay. Isobel Gamier, Tara and Tammy, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. On Saturday night Mrs. Margaret Pearce and granddaughters granddaughters Tara and Tammy Gamier, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pearce and girls of Lindsay, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rowe, of Kendal. Mrs. Ethel Brown, St. Thomas was a Christmas visitor with her sister, Miss Doris Spencer. Congratulations are extended extended to Mr. Francis Jose who was selected to become the Town of Newcastle's representative on the Durham Durham Region Land Division Committee. Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. Helen Hobbs included included daughter Carol and her husband Douglas Fenton, of London, son Fred and his friend from Port Perry, nephew Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Douglas Anderson and Leslie, Bowmanville and Mrs. Russell Russell from St. Hilda's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Call and Keith of Oshawa, Glenn and Lynda Farrow, Jan and Ryan of Newtonville, enjoyed enjoyed Christmas with son Cory and Marilyn, Black- stock. Joan Jorgenson of Reno, Nevada, telephoned the family to wish them Merry Merry Christmas. On Sunday Hilda Call visited visited friends Ray and Jessie Harris, Janetville. On Sunday evening Mrs. Call was a supper guest of the Glenn Farrows, Newtonville. Newtonville. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson Paterson were Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ian and Sarah, Mr. and Mrs. Nico deJonge, Jennifer, Lesle and Megan, all of Whitby, Mrs. Evelyn Northrup and Bob. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wagar were John and Jeanette Johnson and Stephanie, Bill Wa IJltiU, c and Ray Poole and Anita, of Members of the Brooks Memorial Junior Orange Lodge #525 of Kendal were 1st prize winners in the recent Santa Claus parade in Bowmanville. This was in the Juniior Division and for their efforts, they were presented with the large trophy being held by Terrie Griffin in the front row, with Nyle Stacey alongside, not too happy about having his picture ' taken. In the middle row, hr, are Walter Stacey, Mark Drinkle, Jennifer French, Brian Boudreau and Joyce Stacey; back row, Brenda Stacey, Paul Stacey, Craif French, Diane Lowery, April and Brad Switzer. The photo was taken at their annual Christmas party. Orono News and Danielle Wagar and Lisa L all_of Whitby, Susan V Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs.,Jack Crago visited on Saturday afternoon afternoon with Frank and Donna Rudge and Dale, of Malton. St. George's Anglican Church News The Christmas Eve service service was very well attended, with over two hundred people people being present. It was conducted by the Rev. Douglas Douglas Hall, assisted by the Lay Reader, Mr. Oakley Peters, and the servers, Cheryl' Moulton and Mark Pierce. The altar flowers were in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Galbraith and their daughters, Marjorie Wynn and Vivian Wheeler. Thereùvere also large congregations for the Christmas Christmas Day and-S.unday services. services. Mrs. De waney, widow of the Rev. Douglas Dewdney, who was Rector for 33 years attended the Sunday service with her daughter Cathe : rine. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Sunday, January 3rd. The Warden on duty for January is William Clarke and the Sidesmen are Michael Michael Macdonnell, Jacqueline Jacqueline and Sierd DeJong United Church News There was a good attendance attendance at the Christmas Eve service at Newcastle United Church. Mr. Gary Schmid read the first scripture lesson from Isaiah 9, verses 2 to 7. The Advent Candles and the Christ Candle were lit by Francis and Erla Jose, Faye and Murray. Terry Head played a clarinet clarinet solo, The Little Drummer Drummer Boy, accompanied by Ê ianist Dorothy Payne. Rev. lonald Stiles told the children's children's story, The Magic Christmas Bell. Mr. Glenn Allin sang the beautiful solo, 0 Holy Night. Quote - "You are only going going to get one chance at this life, so make each day count." Well, Christmas has come and gone and the weather is really unbelievable! Beautiful Beautiful sunshine and little or no snow, and good driving conditions conditions have made for a relatively relatively safe holiday season. Holiday visitors with Mrs. H.M. Mercer, included Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer, Janette Janette and Travis, Elliot Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quantril, Elizabethville. Holiday dinner guests oi Mr. and Mrs. David Staples on Wednesday, December 23 - Dr. and Mrs. Paul Staples Staples and family Rohkwood, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tamblyn and family, Mrs. Marjorie VanHorne, Strathaven, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and Mr. Charles Miller, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. George Car- son and Mr. Wilson Carson with Mr. and' Mrs. Barton MacNeil, Oshawa. Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and baby Laurence Tyler - Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hird, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Harris and family, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Harris and family, Kendal and Miss Anita Fulford and Mrs. Inez Harris, Orono. Christmas Eve dinner guests of the 0. Challices, at the Sr. Citizens Complex hall, Station Street - Mr. and Mrs. M. Harmer, Christopher and Lisa, Mr. Don Challice, all from Oshawa, Mr. Barry Challice, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, D. Ferri er and family, Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Douglas Deveraux, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aiken, Pontypool, Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Warren and family, Peterborough, Peterborough, Mrs. Nancy Heckbert and family, Apple River, Nova Scotia, Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown and girls, Peterborough, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutherland and girls, Bowmanville Bowmanville and Miss Kerry Lynn Challice, Pontypool Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mun- neke, Bethany, with his parents, parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Andrew Munneke for Christmas Eve. Mrs. H.M. Mercer and CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE FROM HIGHWAYS AND SIDEWALKS WITHIN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Pursuant to the provisions of the Town of Newcastle By-law 87-197 all occupants or owners of lands adjacent to highways or sidewalks are requested to: (1 ) Clear away and remove the snow and ice entirely from the sidewalks adjacent to the property within 24 hours of the commencement of the fall of snow. (2) Clear awav and remove within 24 hours snow and ice froi n the roofs of buildings where the eaves are less than three metres from the sidewalk at their closest point. (3) Refrain from placing snow and ice from private property upon the travelled portion of the highway or sidewalk. (4) (5) Failure to remove snow or Ice during the time prescribed In the by-law may result in ils removal by the Town of Newcastle, the costs being charged against the property. Any person who contravenes the provisions of this bylaw bylaw may be prosecuted and upon conviction liable to a penally of not less than $50.00 or more than $200.00 for each offence exclusive of costs. David W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T..C.M.O. Town Clerk, 40 Temperance Slreol, Bowmanvlllo, Ontario I.1C3A6 Date of Publication: December 30,1987 family were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harold Luxton, Bowmanville. Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett and family, family, Lindsay, for Christmas day. Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and family - Mr. and Mrs. Rick Neal and family, Pontypool. Pontypool. Mrs. Olive Little, Newcastle, Newcastle, Mrs. Elliot and son Bud, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Challice were Christmas day dinner guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutherland and girls, Bowmanville, along with Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Trull, Rick and Janet, Bethany. Mrs. Rosie Graham spent Christmas with her daughter, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burnett Burnett and family, Ashburn. Mrs. Inez Harris spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Dougins Harris and family, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Thompson, St. Petersburg, Florida, have spent the holidays holidays visiting her mother, Mrs. Edith Taylor and other family members in area. Mrs. Edith Taylor spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Barry Draper and family, family, Bowmanville. Sunday dinner guests of the 0. Challices - Mr. and Mrs. Ian McGillvary and family, Willowdale, Mr. John David Killeen, Brampton, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen, Killeen, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aiken, Pontypool. A group of Orono Horticulture Horticulture members watched the Olympic Flame group pass along Highway 115, a"t Station Street. Some of the group appeared on television, television, channel 57, that night. Really a very exciting event. Town ITall Card Party An excellent attendance at the Wednesday night card party, held in Town Hall, December 23 and following results: L. Cain 68, D. Thrower 84, M. McCallister 83, C. Campbell 77, Dorothy Mercer 76. Low Score - Lloyd Stephenson. Stephenson. Lucky Plant draws - Bessie Davies, Lillian Ellis. Special draw winners - Don Thompson, Jean Allen, Ruth Grady, May Tabb, Edgar Edgar Millson, Dorothy Mercer, Mercer, Bessie Davies, Bertha White, Lena Graham, Mabel Goode. Card parties to be held every Wednesday night 8 p.m. and ladies are invited to , uring lunch. •' Orono United Church News A very impressive Christmas Christmas Eve service at Orono United with very special events. The William'Tamblyn William'Tamblyn family were in charge of the ushering. Scripture readings by Lynn Plummer, Nancy Tamblyn and An drew Scott, and (Jheri Davies Davies lit the Advent Candles. Very lovely music was provided provided by Marion Milnes accompanied accompanied by daughter Cathy Cathy on piano. Also a very enjoyable quartet by the Milnes family, David, Cathy, Marion and Rev. Fred. The offering was donated to the M.S. funds and the Sacrament of Communion was celebrated at this service. service. Standing room only at the Christmas Eve service held in Leskard Church Hall, with the U.C.W. in charge of the service. Mrs. Marion Milnes gave the call to worship and Mrs. Bertha White gave the children's children's story at the regular Sunday morning service. Birthday wishes to Derek Barnett, who celebrates his birthday New Year's day, January 1,1988. Remember to get in all annual reports, no later than Friday, January 8th, to insure insure that there is enough time to type and prepare. Our annual meeting this year is Sunday, January 31. , Our wish for a happy, healthy new year to all our staff and readers - Isabelle Challice. For All Your Renovation Needs MEKHAB EXTERIORS • Soffits • Windows • Roofing • Capping • Doors, Windows • Siding • Eavestroughing 136 Martin Rd. Call Bowmanville (416) 623-9828 Panasonic ZTECH-4/ ADVANCED 4 VIDEO HEAD TECHNOLOGY SUPER SPECIAL EFFECTS PV-4760-K OmnlMovieiviis] • This luturislic VCR from Panasonic with Hi- Tech-4 Video delivers incredible special effects in Standard Play, Super-Long Play, Freeze Field, and Field Advance. • True rich hi-fidelity stereo sound • On-screen display/help function. A step-by-step guide to fast efficient programming. • 42 function direct access remote control. • Digital quartz 114 channel tuning. • Automatic channel memory. • 21-day/8-program timer. • High Speed Omnisearcn. Excellent home video cassette recording for many years to come. 4 tetiWOtoQH $899. 95 Drop in and see the complete line, all on sale at our "Boxing Week Sale!" BOWMANVILLE AUDIO - VISION Authorized PSHSSOilSC • IimIvi I IlM It'l 20 King Street West Telephone (>2:>-2:> 12 "Bowmanville's Complete Electronics Store"