5 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. February 24. 1988 Nmcaatle 3nùcpcnîictit Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Knox Students Busy with Activities Our neighbours Barry and Jo-Ann Jones and children children have moved from Beaver Beaver Street to their new home on Baldwin St. We wish them health and happiness in their new residence. Mrs. Irene Byers, formerly formerly of Parkview Apartments, is now residing in Marn- wood House, Bowmanville. She will certainly welcome her friends there. After a year of diligence, cheerfully managing the Becker's Store in the village, '/Mrs. Shirley Rogers has ae- • cided to change her type of «labour. We wish Shirley well v in her new position. We are sorry to report that Mr. Bill Wade, Port ;Hope, had to return to To- ' ronto General Hospital, last week. ' Birthday greetings to Nathan Nathan Coyle and Hazel Mur- phy. Congratulations to Marilyn Marilyn ana Bill Couch who observe observe their 33rd wedding anniversary anniversary on March 1. Newcastle Senior Citizens enjoyed their regular evening evening of cards last Thursday evening. Winners of the games were: 1st Hazel Pi- gott, 2nd Robin Alldred, 3rd Janet Paeden, 4th Ellen Or- 'miston, 5th Ernest Bowen, Low Gentleman Morley McAllister, Low Lady Audrey Audrey Walker. Mr. Bud Wagar is a patient patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Allin Rowe has, returned returned home from Oshawa General Hospital. Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley were Mrs. Charles Winsor, of Kingston, her daughter Mrs. Stallan and grandson Matthew. Newtonville Women's Institute Institute members enjoyed their meeting last Wednesday Wednesday at the home of Mrs. May Burley. A collection was taken taken for Auberge and a silent auction was held. We welcome home Wilma Wilma and John Scott who have spent two months in Clermont, Clermont, Floriday. On their return return they visited son Rob, his wife Sophie and family of Clinton, and John's sister, Dorothy and Ken Newton of Hamilton. Mrs. Kathleen Powell and Margaret Rudman, on Friday Friday evening, accompanied a group from Pontypool to Lindsay, where they attended attended a program by the Tudor Singers of Montreal. This entertainment entertainment was held at the Academy Theatre. Last Tuesday evening the Newcastle Lioness Directors' meeting was held at the home of Betty and David Adams. On Saturday evening at the Newcastle Community Hall the Newcastle Scouts Cubs and Beavers and leaders leaders enjoyed dinner catered, by the United Church Women. Women. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skeld- ing and girls, Port Perry, visited visited Sunday afternoon with his mother Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding. We welcome home Mrs. Raye Friedlander and Pauline Pauline Storks from Bradenton, Florida. Last Tuesday, Betty Blaker, Carolyn Garrod, Raye and Pauline attended the Bradenton Lioness Club meeting. Miss Candy Storks, Parry Sound, enjoyed the weekend weekend with her family. Mr. Jack Wade remains a patient in Memorial Hospital, Hospital, Bowmanville. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Jean Wood, Orono, visited visited her mother-in-law, Mrs. Gladys Wood. On Sunday evening Jean and Stewart visited nis mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Call visited visited on Sunday with son Corey Corey Call, Burketon. On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade attended attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary reception in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perfect, Cobourg. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wade, y, Stephanie and Paul, of §shawa, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harry Wade. Miss Bailey Duetta spent a day last week in Oshawa General Hospital and is home, feeling fine now. ST. George's Anglican Church News The Lenton season began on Ash Wednesday witria morning and evening service service of Holy Communion. Following the evening service service a short tape of a lecture by the late Reverend David Wabon was shown in the Parish Hall. Mr. Wabon made a series of tapes, one of which will be shown each Wednesday during Lent immediately immediately after the evening service. A short discussion led by the Rector will follow. Everyone is welcome to at- ,tend. Despite the extremely cold day there was a good ^turnout for the first Sunday service in Lent. The Rector announced that he would welcome volunteers between 10 and 16 years of age to learn to be servers. Confirmation Confirmation classes,- for young people 11 years and up, will begin the week of March 7. The Fellowship ■ Club .yill meet next Sunday evening at 7:30 in the Parish Hall and the fourth Sunday of every month thereafter. Next Sunday Holy Communion Communion will be celebrated at 8 a.m. and there will be Morning Prayer at eleven. St. Francis of Assisi News Baden-Powell Sunday was observed on Sunday, February 21st, 1988, as the Guides, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts worshipped in St. Francis of Assisi Church. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets > Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Ministers: Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A. M.Div. M.Th. Michelle Morrison-Glover B.A., M.R.E. Sunday, February 28 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Sermon: "What's in it for me?" For information on Nursery Care and Church School Call 623-3138 Serving Bowmanville and area since 1835 GOSPEL SERVICES are being held Wednesday, February 24th 8:00 p.m. at Baseline Community Centre Corner of Baseline and Martin Rd. and Sunday, February 28th 7:00 p.m. at Nightingale Centennial Temple ' 140 Queen St., Bowmanville • -- ALL ARE WELCOME -- 155 Years of Community Service Hlolpt's Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Sunday, February 28th LENT II 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Baptism Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying On of Hands for Healing Rector -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley Ü>t. $auVsi Sntteb Cljuvcf) Minlltir: fliv. N. E. Schimuhoin, B.A., M. DU. Oristtiii: Mr. Douglas DtwiH Church Sscratiry: Htftn Mdnnii 623-7346 Sunday, February 28th, 1988 LENT II 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship The Road to the Cross (No. 2) "Not This Man..." Nursery Care for pre-school children every Sunday, If you're new lo lionwuniiollc, we invite yon to wake St. I'<iill's your church home... BAPTIZED? WHEN? "Repent and be baptized/ If thou believest...thou •mayest (be baptized)/j When they ■ believed...they were baptized/ . Baptism...the answer* of a good conscience^ toward God." ^Acts 2:38/8:37/ 8:12/; 1 Peter 3:21 ►The Holy Biblei BAHA'I FAITH "The purpose of God in manifesting Himself is to summon all mankind to truthfulness and sincerity, to piety and trustworthiness, trustworthiness, to resignation and submissiveness to the Will of God, lo forbearance and kindliness, to uprightness and wisdom. His object Is to array every man with the mantle of a saintly character..." character..." For information call k 623-7621 or 623-9277 a United Church News On the first Sunday of Lent Reverend Donald Stiles preached the sermon, A Rainbow, Stones and Bread, in the lenten series, Covenant and Cross. The Senior Choir sang the anthem, Whenever You Need A Friend, He Is There. The Moderator of the United Church of Canada, Mrs. Anne Squire, B.A.,M.A.,D.D., will speak at the Presbytery Rail sbruan Rally on Monday February 29, at 7:30 p.m., at St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa. World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday, March 4th at 2 p.m. in St. George's Anglican Anglican Church, Newcastle. Mr. Ray Noble is editor of the Easter newsletter. Please send information pertinent to the newsletter by Sunday, March 20th. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Ladies February 15. Ina Brown 245,184,193, Debbie Brunt 247, Linda Caswell 191, 182, Susanne Schumann 179, 201, Marilyn Major 177, Toots Barraball 177, Bev Jones 217, Sadie Desveaux 177, Marilyn Kent 219, 204, Louise McKnight 245, Loma,Crockett 202,217, Gail Tutkoluk 231. Tuesday Seniors Eva Smith 160, Jack Holmes 157, Ron Burley 268, (Good going Ron!), Marg Burley 164, 189, Stan Allin 180, Albert Pearce 203, Ruth Bonathon 170. Thursday Night Mixed League Wes Forget 209, 222, Kathy Kathy Jury 226, Joe Mendonca 194, 209, J. McGuey 191, S. McGuey 198, J. Forget 318, 223, 214, J. Kindratiuk 254, D. Wright 196, B. Brown 192,175,191, K. Wright 180, Ken Boyd 188, 220, Ken Jury 20S, 195, E. Moore 181, F. Forget 215, 176. T. Kindratiuk Kindratiuk 223, 211, R. Reffle 194, 221, 189, C. Nicholson 177,194. Saturday Youth Seniors Jeff Darrach 168, 177, Sherry Lee Wright 132, Steve Harman 111, 153, Debbie Miller 200,168, Marcus Marcus Werheid 124, Nina Darrach Darrach 202,169, Kevin Tutkoluk Tutkoluk 154, 159, Tommy Whitehead 112, 128, Brandon Brandon Coyle 256,239, Matthew Coyle 121, 135, Justin Hughes 110,148, Paula Darrach Darrach 166, 122, Tammy De- Jong 123,126, Karla Tutkoluk Tutkoluk 103. Junior Tim Green 75, 93, Jordan Schmahl 95, Nick Tutkoluk 89, Nicole Norton 83, Mark Sausedo 112, 74, Julian Norton Norton 75, Paul Winter 88,137, Nathan Coyle 94, Vincent Norton 94,120, Brian Leach 99, 81, John Richardson 121, 69, Jacki Green 79, 94, Matthew Matthew Caswell 74, 91, Susan Sausedo 67, 81. Henry, LaFrance Lead Juveniles Win By Robert E. Stiles The Newcastle Juveniles travelled to, Norwood on Sunday, February 21 for the 5th game of the best. 4 out of 7 Quarter Final series and came out with a hard fought and well disciplined 5-4 victory. victory. Don Rogers, (Pee Wee Coach) and Juvenile Manager, Manager, Murray Dennis had everything under control with their 10-man squad and 2 goal tenders. This victory gave Newcastle a 3 to 2 game lead in the series with the 6th game in Newcastle on Thursday, February 25 at 9:30 p.m. Dave Lafrance led the scoring with 2 goals and 2 assists, while Paul Henry racked up 4 assists. Keith Vey, Jim Wood and Jim Harmon all had 1 goal and 1 assist to round out the scoring. scoring. The first period saw Newcastle Newcastle take a 1-0 lead when Jim Harmon scored at 2:03 assisted by Paul Henry and Dave Lafrance. Newcastle took the first penalty of the game at 3:01 with Dave Lafrance Lafrance getting the gate for holding. Rob Baker went off for interference for Norwood Norwood at 6:45. Norwood tied the game at 1-1 onRon Buchanan's Buchanan's 1st goal at 9:22 assisted assisted by Rob Baker and Bryan Doherty. Norwood's Bryan Doherty went off for elbowing at 9:54 and Mike Payne went off for high- sticking at 13:09 to end the eriod. Norwood out shot ewcastle by a 12 to 10 margin. margin. The 2nd period saw Jim Wood get a slashing penalty at the 29 second mark for pc Ni St. George's Anglican Church Newcastle Village Sunday Services 8 a.m. Holy Communion 11 a.m. 1st and 3rd Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Morning Prayer Nursery mill Sunday School MIDWEEK Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion The Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 180 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa Phone 723-9631 CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A M. Wednesday Testimony Meeting -- 8 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM IN CHURCH EDIFICE Tuesday and Friday 12:3C to 3:30 p.m. Wed. 7 to 7:45 p.m., Thurs. 7 to 9:30 p.m. F *-*■» . For the past six weeks, Knox Christian School students have been very creative. creative. The end results of their work were on display in the school library. Crafts of all kinds, including apple pies, sunflower owls and match stick crosses were made by the students during the craft program. Showing off their work (left to right) are: Shawn Lise, David Knoop and Melanie Vandergaast. A/I IriSl It) Ml Altl WUCOMt. Newcastle. Norwood's Glen Bock got only 2 minutes for slashing Dwight Collinson across the facemask and 2 minutes for roughing while Tony Gregg got 5 minutes for fighting Bock plus a 5 minute match plus a game misconduct at the 38 second mark so Newcastle was down to 7 players for the next 10 minutes. Norwood's Mike Payne got the gate for crosschecking at the 48 second second mark. Norwood took a 2-1 lead at 1:14 on a goal by Mike Barr with the teams playing 3 men on each side, assisted by Rob Baker. Norwood's Norwood's Richard Coughlin went off for highsticking at 2:18 to give Newcastle a 4-3 manpower advantage. Newcastle Newcastle went to work with Keith Vey tipping in a shot from Jim Harmon at 3:05 with Paul Henry picking up his 2nd assist to tie the game at 2-2. Dave Hole went off for roughing at 3:17 for Newcastle along with Bryan Doherty for Norwood. With both teams having 3 men and lots of room to skate, Norwood went to work and Richard Coughlin scored 17 seconds after getting getting out of the penalty box at 4:35, assisted by Ken Hamblin Hamblin for a 3-2 lead. Norwood's Norwood's Mike Payne went off with a hit from behind penalty penalty at 8:45, his 3rd of the game. Norwood's Bryan Doherty Doherty went off at 11:40 for a 5 minute match for spearing. Newcastle's Todd Yarrow went off for highsticking at 10:51. Newcastle, after playing short most of the period enjoyed enjoyed a manpower advantage advantage that paid off at 14:34 when Paul Henry slid the puck under Jamie Lytle, assisted assisted by Dave Lafrance to tie the score at 3-3 after 2 periods. Up to this point Norwood had a 29 to 23 edge in shots on goal with a 17 to 13 edge in the 2nd period. period. The 3rd period saw fast 2- way hockey with Norwood having an edge in territorial play and both teams playing a stronger, defensive style of hockey. Newcastle went ahead 4-3 with Paul Henry scoring his 2nd goal of the game at 2:19 on a slapshot that trickled between Jamie Lytle's pads and barely crossed the goal line, assisted by Dave Lafrance and Jim Wood. Norwood's Rob Baker Baker took his 2nd penalty of the game for interference at 4:24 to give Newcastle a powerplay situation. Norwood Norwood took a too many men on the ice penalty at 4:41 served by Richard Coughlin to give Newcastle a 2-man advantage. Dave Lafrance passed back to Keith Vey on the right point and Vey passed to Jim Wood on the left point and Wood moved in to about 30 feet and lot a hard low shot go that Lytle never Knox Christian School held its annual speech contest February 18th for grades five through eight. Contest winners qualify to go on to the Cobourg Regional contest being held February 24th. Christine Sikma, a grade six student, is pictured pictured above giving her speech on "Prayer". St. Marys Cement Unbeaten St. Marys Cement Midgets Midgets advanced to the second round of play-off action on February 3rd as Port Hope stayed down for the count, failing to show for the third encounter at Darlington. Waiting the appropriate time, the referees finally dropped the puck as Toros eagerly lined up at the face- off Tim Powers directed the puck to Chris Hall who easi- . it to the ready Paul lant and with no interference interference Paul honed in on the vacant net to earn his first goal and send Port Hope into history. Congratulations boys! Exhibition - Pickering To further prove their playoff readiness, St. Marys played host February 10th to Pickering, a team which had given them trouble previously. previously. This time the Toros, pumped with playoff adrenalin, adrenalin, showed their superiority, superiority, easily dumping Pickering 4-0. Scoring: Jim Pithie (Chris Hall); Tim Powers (John Duczmalewski); Jeff Reynolds (Paul Hindman, Jim Pithie); Steve Cus (Tim Powers, Brad Rushak). Campbellford - Game 1- February 17. It seems appropriate, somehow, that the first main hurdle to climb is Campbellford, Campbellford, the team that was the nemesis for many of the boys last year in playoff action. action. This time the tables have been turned. Fans could tell this one would be a romp by the intensity of the pre-game warm-up. Toros were ready! In less than two minutes, Toros were on the scoreboard and by the time the smoke had settled three moved on, to give Newcastle a 5-3 lead at 6:19. Norwood got one back on a miscue in the Newcastle zone and Ron Buchanan scored his 2nd of the game at 7:29,assisted by Mike Barr. Norwood pulled their goaltender with about one minute to go and then Jim Wood was given the gate for interference with 19 seconds left but the Newcastle squad were able to hold the fort for the 5-4 victory. Norwood outshot Newca- tle in the 3rd period 7 to 3 with Norwood outshooting Newcastle 36 to 26 in the game. Dwight Collinson turned in on excellent effort in goal for Newcastle. I would also like to thank Don Rogers for helping out on the bench and extend congratulations congratulations for an excellent job as the boys appreciated you being there. Keep up the superb work, guys. periods later, Campbellford left the ice humiliated 6-1, thanks to the brilliant play of Ian Cooper who frustrated enemy attackers all night and to the relentless attack of all Toro lines. Scoring: Doug Lever (Jim McWilliams); Jeff Reynolds (Paul Hindman); Paul Crago (Doug Lever); Tim Powers (Steve Cus, Brad Rushak); Sean Powers (Paul Hindman, Hindman, Paul Crago); Jim McWilliams (Paul Crago, Chris Hall). Game 2, February 19. The ease of the first game was not to be repeated on February 19 as Toros travelled travelled to Campbellford in one of the worst storms of the winter. Braving treacherous roads, Toros arrived just in time to take to the ice. The next three periods would see the lead change hands continually continually in a penalty-ridden, fast-skating, hard-hitting see-saw battle that had fans standing in nervous anticipation. anticipation. Campbellford struck first at 7:20 of the first period but had no time to celebrate as six seconds later, Jeff Reynolds Reynolds (Paul Hindman) evened it up. Early into the second Steve Cus (Jeff Reynolds) Reynolds) in the first of his hat- trick, grabbed the lead only to relinquish to two unanswered unanswered Campbellford goals in the second. Into the third, Toros took seconds to give their answer as Steve Cus one-timed a perfect pass from Tim Powers Powers into their opponent's net. Two minutes later, Steve Cus (Tim Powers) sent a reminder reminder of Toro power but St. Marys couldn't hold and overtime resulted. For ten gruelling minutes the boys waged open warfare warfare and a tie seemed evident ' until with 43 seconds remaining remaining Jim McWilliams brought the puck into enemy territory with impressive stick work and Tim Powers, who took the unattended rebound, rebound, made no mistake putting putting Toros ahead 2-0 in the series. Congratulations to Ian Cooper for his spectacular spectacular play and to all team members for the great show! Frank's Wins Championship On the weekend of February February 13, 88 Frank's Variety Novice Selects won the "B" Championship in the Oshawa Heritage Select Tournament. The opening ceremonies saw the boys being being announced individually as they skated to center ice and stood proud during the singing of the Canadian National National Athem by a member of this class tournament. The boys were very happy after the game as they carried the championship banner (soon to be hung in the Bowmanville Bowmanville Arena) around the ice. In the first game London came out of the gate fast scoring four goals. Variety began their comeback as Derek Hall scored assisted by Niki Defreitas. Jason Lange, with slick moves, scored Variety's second goal. Niki Defreitas (the M.V.P. of the game) scored a short- handed goal to close the gap 4-3. But with less than a minute minute left London scored into the empty net. David Lep- pert played well on defense. Jordan Station was Variety's Variety's next opponent and Variety Variety won 3-0. John Marco Cannito (the M.V.P. of the game) was very sharp in net. Brent Stockman played a great game, scoring twice with Philip Gushulak assisting assisting on one and Jason Frayne the other. Jason Lange got the final goal assisted ny Ryan Jackman and Niki Defreitas. Defreitas. Chris Pot and Derek Hall played an excellent defensive defensive game. This set the stage for the final game against Oshawa C.H.L. Oshawa opened the scoring, beating John Marco Cannito (the M.V.P. of the game) on the short side before before Darryl Cook tied it assisted assisted by Derek Hall and Niki Defreitas. Jason Barr took over between the pipes midway in the game and shut down the Oshawa team the rest of the way. Jason Lange, Brent, Miki, Stephen, Darryl and Ryan came close to scoring as Oshawa ran into penalties in the third period. With time running out in the first overtime period period Chris Pot made an end to end rush that created a scramble in front of the net.' A shot by Jason Lange was stopped, David Leppert took a swipe at the puck before Ryan Jackman lifted it over the sprawling goalie for a 2- 1 victory. Ryan played an excellent game. Colin MacDonald MacDonald and Guy Tousignant did a good job killing penalties penalties in the tournament. Good back-checking, good defense and good goal-tending gave the boys confidence in themselves. themselves. It was a total team effort effort and the reward was well deserved. Members of the team are: Jason Barr, John Marco Cannito, Darryl Cook (and his good luck care-bear), Niki Defreitas, Jason Frayne, Philip Gushulak, Derek Hall, Flyan Jackman, Jason Lange, David Leppert, Colin MacDonald, Chris Pot, Brent Stockman, Stephen Tabb, Guy Tousignant and hard working Chad Un- sworth. Coaches are Mike Defreitas and Rick Stock- man, and Manager is Neil Pot. Congratulations! Ladies High Single: Gail Short - 255, Ladies High Triple: Janice Woodcock - 609, Mens High Single: Derrick Derrick MacLean - 278, Mens High Triple: Derrick MacLean MacLean - 703. 1. Mike Reynolds - 233, 2. Janice Woodcock - 212, 3. Rodney Greenley - 209, 4. Phil Woodcock - 209, 5. Art Atkinson - 205, Your NEWEST and FULL SERVICE dealership. Sales -- Service -- Leasing -- Parts Full Service Body Shop "Home of the Fair Deal!" Hwy. 2 at Maple Grove -- 2 miles west of Bowmanville Telephone 623-8358