The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, May 4. 1988 Wavcrlcy Public School News Book Fair by Chantal Axelson Logo Last Monday to Wednesday, Wednesday, Waverley Public School had their Book Fair. There were many kinds of books such as: riddles, drawing, diaries, diaries, sports, stories; recipes, science, sticker books, novels and cassettes with story books. There were books for Kindergarten to Grade Six. We also had bookmarks and posters for sale. The cost of the books went from $2.00 - $10.00. For every three books purchased, Waverley gets a book for the school library. library. If there was a book a student wonted but it was gone, they could see Mrs. Anyan to order that book. The purpose for the Book Fair is to get people to read books and enjoy them better. We would like to thank the parent volunteers, library helpers and Mrs. Anyan. Waverley Public School Custodians by Heather Watson At Waverley Public School we have three custodians. custodians. Mr. Luchies who is the Head Custodian, Mr. Parsons Parsons who cleans the portables, portables, and Mr. Mailey who cleans the classrooms in the school. Mr. Mailey and Mr. Parsons work from 4:00 p.m. till 12:00 p.m. at night. MR. Luchies works from 7:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The custodians custodians at Waverley clean the school and all of them like th see the school looking clean and shining on both inside inside and out. All of them hate the mud and dirt tracking into the portables and the school. Mr. Mailey likes working in the school because because ot the help and company company of Kimberlie Perry. Mr. Parsons mostly likes doing the portables because he gets a lot of fresh air. Mr. Luchies likes the school because in the lunch room (the gym) he gets a lot of help from Stacey Bryant, Jackie Ellis and Sheryl Sheryl Ellis. These girls who help the custodians make their jobs easier. At Waverley Waverley we really appreciate our custodians, they really help us keep our school looking neat and tidy. Heather Watson,'Grade 5 student at Waverley is Journalist-of-tho Month. Spring, by April Theriault, Grade 2. I like going skipping, And pick some nice flowers, flowers, And ride my bicycle, And wash the car, And do my Spring cleaning, cleaning, And throw water balloons. balloons. Spring by Chris Peldiak, Grade 2. I like Spring because it is time to play soccer and baseball. baseball. And Spring is the time to take the cover off the pool. Spring is time to plant seeds in the garden. Springtime is to ride our bicycle to the store and our skateboards. Springtime is to have a good Spring clean-up. Goldfish by Russell Tcskey, Grade 3. Goldfish are nice because they are like dice. Goldfish need to be fed and that is very funny! Goldfish are delicate delicate and tame. They ore not like lions and tigers. Goldfish are funny because they go up to the top of the water and you can hear them go "mu, mu, mu" as they breathe, but there is one more thing that I forgot. Goldfish food smells like someone's stinky feet! Space by Chantal Axelson, Grade 5. There are nine planets that I know Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Pluto. The sun, the planets and the stars, make up this universe of ours. The sun is always burning burning bright, Providing the solar systems systems light, When you look away up high, Somewhere there are planets in the sky. at Home or Away Shop at 1ER FROZE. 1, COL'Of-NiiWED Is Spa ®#T iSisi®© : ASSORTED FUS . L/v-f ,f .. \ si Imam ASSORTED COl 0RS,1 •Wî'p;.: tissue. . - Cottonelle : ASSORTES VARIETIES,- FRtTO LAY Po ' - ■ ©hips 1ER) COUPON ©oea-©@la . . : .©©7©© ; ■. ï : : SiiSEi C \HADA , - iR&DE © : ©/'© ©0©©x ■ VBYETA m m - mtm i 750 mL i f yfl! m-r, -r K REGULAS en mtr on CCCA-COi A CLASSIC Kraft *8*- 'In Cream of PRODUCT OF ONTARIO PRODUCT OPOANAOA, CANADA EXTRA FANCY GRADE Pew. ■ Soli# : . • 8^9 >hOZ- I pm, i PRODUCT OF CANADA, CANADA EXTRA FANCY GRADE FROZEN, CHOICE GRADE Valley Farms French Fries 1 1 ASSORTED FLAVORS, SWISS STYLE Vbplait Yogurt 2 cure fl FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, GRAPE, LEMON-LIME, FRUIT PUNCH OR ORANGE Honey Dew Fruit Drinks PRODUCT OF MEXICO/Bffl Watermelon 1.52 k, .69,b PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Romaine Lettuce EACH .79 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. ZB. .99 Fresh Radish PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Green Onions 3 ,on .99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Brussels u aq Sprouts 2.84 k, PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Fresh Carrots 89 BAG .Uw MADE IN CANADA, PICKLE BARREL Caesar Dressing jtn 1.99 FROZEN, SHRIMP NEW ORLEANS, SHRIMP FETTUCINI/ALFREDO, SHRIMP SCAMPI OR High Liner Sole in Light Batter 28 pkg° 9 2.99 IGA GARDENING NEEDS, ALL STORES ALL TREAT, WEED AND FEED, 10-6-4 Lawn Fertilizer 10 kg 3.99 FROZEN; CHICKEN MARSALA OR Lean Cuisine 230-291 g Veal Lasagna 3.39 ASSORTED FLAVORS Eskimd Pie p«s. K 3.79 BEATRICE Orange Juice âi 2.29 PIECES » STEMS jdNh. Riviera Em Mushrooms 10-FL. 70 OZ. TIN ■ f ^ IN WATER OR OIL Clover Leaf Chunk Light Tuna w 1.29 Hot Dog and r. .89 Hamburger Buns ASSORTED FLAVORS 1 L GABLE FBI Juices carton ASSORTED FLAVORS, WITH 25H REAL JUICE Kool-Aid Koolers 3 boxes l ^choice *ruit Cocktail 1.39 smooth or crunchie <E) Peanut Butter 1 kg jar S1»9 HONEY NUT OR CRUNCHY GRAHAM Quaker OH's Cereal bo/ 2.19 ASSORTED VARIETIES, DRY Purrr Cat Food ASSORTED Cut Carnation Bouquets each 2.99 ' jj/ÊÊ" FRESH! CHOICE VEAL BRILLIANT BEAUTIES Potted Mums 4.99 TE».» DELIC.TE, ATTR*™^ « QQ Mini Roses 4" pot 4L .«7*7 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, ■ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE « Cooking Onions^ ALWAYS POPULAR African Violets 1.99 AN ARRAY OF FLOWERS Mixed Pans 8.99 BURN'S Tenderflake Ham or TVrkey «4 g tin ©.99 pii®®©®®© iiioSEii'iLSi : ilit :, Slfloilt LIGHT OR REGULAR Kraft Miracle Whip , utm% fancy 1.79 ITALIAN, FRENCH, THOUSAND ISLAND, COLESLAW, CATALINA OR CREAMY CUCUMBER Kraft Calorie-Wise Salad Dressings 2.49 WHOLE DILLS WITH OR WITHOUT GARLIC, POLSKIE OGORKI, BABY DILLS, SWEET MIXED OR BREAD 'N BUTTER Rose Pickles 7 "r l 1.79 ASSORTED FLAVORS, REGULAR Kool-Aid Flavored m 4 Drink Mixes 4 pk&s. 1 .UU LEMON, ORANGE OR REGULAR, CARBONATED Montclair GUT POM CANADA GHAOÊ A 8ËÊF, 1ST TO $TH TUBS IliWÿSlîiiipïi" bonei tss leg FRF.SUi 4B PL, OZ. • hn ERBE, FORMAGGIO, CAMPAGNA, FIORENTINA OR ROMANO #gl*f®©y§ 1.49 FRESHI Pork Leg Steaks 3.28 kg BONELESS 4,39 kg, 1,99 lb. CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF Short ^ qa Ribs 4.17 kg I lO Wll SCHNEIDER'S WEEK = 1.39 Mineral Water VIVA DECAFFEINATED, COLUMBIA OR RICH BLEND Nescafé rr An Instant Coffee 17 jar 9 0.49 Delizioso Pasta & Sauce fo?l fk& CHOCOLATE, FUDGE, BUTTERSCOTCH OR VANILLA Del Monte Pudding Cups 1.99 HOSPITALITY, DELUXE Chocolate Chip & Walnut Cookies PERSONAL SIZE BARS Zest Soap 2.39 1.99 LIQUID Javex Bleach jug Fresh from Our In-Store Bakery AVAILABLE IN MANY STORES SUPER CONCENTRATED OR REGULAR Fleecy Fabric -a. 1 L OR 5 L Softener jug EGULAR #4.49 lagji $chneider$ COOK6», Schneider'S < Beef Burgers too g pkg. i SCHNEIDER'S Sandwich Spreads rol 3.2S t .95 k SCHNEIDER'S, BREAKFAST SAUSAGE^ 1 Muffin Rounds375 g pkg. 1.1/U k SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED U 1 Lifestyle Turkey pkg® 1 ■ ZU SCHNEIDER'S, COOKED, PICNIC Boneless Smoked u Pork Shoulders 4.39 J 1.99. SCHNEIDER'S, SELECTED VARIETIES Lifestyle q >. Entrées 250-300 g pkg. £ iQ«7 SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED Cooked Ham vs g pkg. 1.79 SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED Bologna 375 g pkg. 1.99 LIQUID Ivory Dishwashing Detergent 2.99 FRESH FROM OUR IN-STORE DELIm™y l s?ores : -- ;v ; '777 7M jÿMoiiiïri m < loaf ©Y ' -• ' REGULAR OR PEPPERMINT Listermint Mouthwash plasVbtl. 2.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES, SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER , Revlon Flex plast.'btlT' MêÊÊ 2.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES Crest Pump _ .. . 100 mL Toothpaste cqnt. #1.69 SCHNEIDER'S, DUTCH LOAF OR FRENCH ONION Meat Loaves .76 3.19, SCHNEIDER'S, MEDIUM Cheddar Cheese.88 too, 3.99, MAPLE LEAF, COIL Polish Sausage 2.19, SHOPSY'S Potato & Egg Salad .44 1.99. STORE MADE DAILY AVAILABLE IN MOST STORES Deluxe f\ QO Pizza 465 g, 9" PIE {1ER) COUPON VALUE .50 i : cardinal ! 'TtjMJAfi I iSTŸtSMXy I «111 I FBBttire prlfré ! without I I! • r|*u.h.w fcnupmi v.iltd at USA 1 I mull clwllltj 6;,l Mity "t, fW ,, J. Ae*Hi4n*<WlHiW,r K170A79r4 I PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAT. MAY 7, 1988. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ALL SAVINGS ARE BASED ON OUR REGULAR PRICES. 1 t , I 1 1 i