The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillo, May 18, 1988 13 Phone 623-3303 Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Pets For Rent ;'1978 IMPALA, two door, power steering, power brakes, tilt steering, steering, a.m./f.m. radio, 80,000 km., excellent condition, $1,300. Phone '623-2569. 19-3SN •1986 MONTE Carlo, loaded, $13,000. certified. Phone 987- 5723. 19-2SN -1975 FORD Torino, good body, •needs motor or timing chain, $400. "or best offer, 225 slant six motor runs, and good transmission, $150. Phone 623-5161. 20-1S -1978 DODGE Aspen wagon, good 'condition, $1000., as is, Phone : 623-2157. 20-1S -1978 Z28, 350, auto, radial T.A.'s ■ on alum, rims, air shocks, cruise, t p.w., delay wipers, am/fm cas- 1 sette, $3,400. or B.O. Phone 623- £8683.20-1SN * 1980 LINCOLN Continental Mark VI, computer dash, fully automatic, • loaded with many extras, mint coni' coni' dition, $6,500. Phone 623-9999. ", , 20-1 SN i'i 1981 LEMANS wagon, 305 cu. in., auto., p.s., p.b., $1,450. as is. i Phone after 5, 623-9772. 20-1S 1984 12 passenger Beauville van, loaded, $9,500. 1984 Hyundai l Pony, standard, $2,000. 1976 Chevy Nova SS, 4 speed with gauges, good condition, certified, $2,800. Phone 623-1373. 20-1 SN 1978 CHEV Impala two door, air conditioning, $1,100. Phone 623- 5088. 20-1 SN "1979 FAIRMONT, 4 door sedan, *- $600. or best offer. Phone 623- L'4312 after 5 p.m. 20-1S 1980 HONDA Accord, sunroof, 'am/fm cassette, some rust, in good running condition, as is, $800. Phone 623-7459.20-1S ;1982 FORD Granada GL, p.s., p.b., air conditioned, cruise control, control, am/fm stereo, 2 tone green, excellent interior, some surface rust,on outside, $2,200. uncertified. uncertified. Phone 623-2684. 20-1S 1987 CELEBRITY Euro-Sport, 24,000 km. V6, air cond., many options, options, $12,500. Phone 623-6575. 20-1S 1987 PONTIAC 6000 '.If, bur- gùndy , power windows, steering, brakes. Air, stereo, trunk rack, 40 km., certified, $12,900. Orono, phone 983-5444. 20-1 SN ^GRAHAM'S GARAGE (1987) HAYDON 263-8172 1983 Plymouth Reliant SE, 4 ., door, 2.2,5 speed, certified. 1982 Olds Delta 88 Royale Brougham, 4 door, V8, auto., p.s., p.b., air,.cruise, etc. certified 1981 .Malibu-. .Classic Slation Wagon, V6, automatic, p.s., p.b., " '■ air, stereo, certified. 1985, 12 FOOT Bonair Travel Trailer, 3-way fridge, stove, furnace, furnace, dual propane tanks, electric brakes. New condition, $6,200. Phone 983-5608. 20-1 SN New and Used Parts and accessories lor the DO-IT-YOURSELF Camper Builder TRAVEL KING INDUSTRIES BASELINE ROAD, COURTICE 436-2052 Group 10, Box 10, R.R. 2, Bowmanville L1C 3K3 BUILDING lot. No agents please. Reasonable. Phone 728-8344. 20-1 SN CEDAR VALLEY RESORT NearOrorto 7 km east ol Hwy: 35/115 Between Clarke 4th and 5th Concessions Exit 401 No. 436 Beautiful campground Seasonal facilities $698. Phone 1-786-2562 THE Clip Joint offers certifed pet grooming and creative styling for all breeds, no tranquilizers. Located Located on 6th Concession between Liberty and 57. Phone for an appointment, appointment, 263-8577. 15-tfSN POODLES, cute and cuddly. Miniature Miniature poodle puppies for sale, males and females. Must be seen. Phone 623-3095. 20-1S BABY hampster, $5. Two hampsters with cages, $20. each. Phone 623-6951. 20-1S RABBITS for sale, baby and adult, also baby chickens and ducklings. Phone 623-5787. 20-1 SN SIAMESE kittens. Gorgeous Seal- point, $150. Also Collie pup, 6 months, sable, reg'd. shots, $375. Champion bloodline. Siamese stud sendee. Phone 987-4281. 20-1 SN TWO cockatiels for sale with cage, $100. Phone 786-2159. 20-1 SN «4 y Show Dog HANDLING CUSSES 7th June, 1988 Gail Sheppard 623-6742 20-2SN Terribrae Pet Food and Supplies TUTOR for grade 6 boy. Phone 623-6951. 20-1S RIDE wanted from Penfound Dr., Bowmanville to Darlington Hydro, preferably someone with drive-in privileges. Phone 623-4390 after 5. 20-1 SN Professional Dog Grooming 73 King Street West Bowmanville 623-1752 "The convenient place to shop." 48-tfSil Business Opportunity 1982 GMC 1/2 ton, 6 cyl. automa tic, p.s., p.b., 62,000 km., two tone paint, excellent condition, asking $5,600., certified. Phone 983- 5713. 20-1 SN 1983 CHEV 1/2 ton, 305, V8, au- tomatic, sliding rear window, p.s., p.b., 106,000 km., two tone paint, asking $6,500., certified. Phone 983-5713. 20-1 SN Motorcycles for Sale FRANCHISES Available Discount Health and Bulk Foods $25|000. CONTACT: Mr. Tuck 723-9366 17-4SN FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $10,00 Service Charge, on Shëép •' Goats - Pig» i : $20.00 Charge on Rotten Animals RHONE MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 35-tfS AVAILABLE immediately - Two bedroom apartment, $625. per month. One bedroom apartment, $500. per month, everything included. included. After 5 p.m. phone 579- 0314,20-1 SN AVAILABLE May 1 st, 5 room brick, 1 1/2 storey home, spotless, garage, garage, private garden, central Bowmanville Bowmanville on a main street. Can be used residential or commercial. Asking $750. plus utilities. Phone 623-4428. 20-1S BOWMANVILLE, clean one bed- room basement apartment. Close to hospital, shopping etc. Fridge, stove, laundry facilities and utilities included. $500 monthly. References, References, first and last. Available May 15. Phone 623-3122 or 623-8330 after 6. 20-1 SN DOWNTOWN Bowmanville, large one bedroom apartment, newly decorated, two car garage, $575. monthly, fridge, stove and hydro included, first and last, references. Phone 786-2982. 20-1 SN FOUR bedroom house, Hwy. 2 between between Bowmanville and Courtice, large lot, $900. monthly includes utilities and appliances, first and last, available June 1. Phone after 6 p.m. 987-4682.20-1 SN LARGE one bedroom apartment in Bowmanville, newly renovated, appliances and parking included, $575. per month. Phone 579- 7643,728-3757. 19-2S FURNISHED bedroom, large yard, kitchen and laundry room facilities included, $55. weekly, first and last. Phone 263-8781. 20-1 SN HOME in Foster Creek, willing to share, private bath. All facilities including including food, $500. per month. Phone 987-4012 or 786-2906. 20-1 SN KING St. location, downtown core, store, 550 sq. ft. ground floor, rear and front entrances, ample parking, parking, $650. Phone 623-4428. 20-1 SN LOVELY four bedroom older home, central, references, reasonable reasonable rent for sincere quiet family, first and last plus utilities, no pets, available July 1st. Write: Advertiser Advertiser 1414, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9. 20-4SN NEW three bedroom bungalow in Port Hope, attached garage, cul- de-sac, $775. per month. Phone 372-8008; i > KiYStt Y ' ' "20-2SN COMMERCIAL/ RETAIL SPACE PRIME LOCATION King Street West, Bowmanville Over 500 sq. ft. $450/month Heat and Hydro incl. Phone 623-2826 9 a.m. -- 5 p.m. Real Estatè for Sale 1982 YAMAHA RD35Q, excellent condition, low mileage, best offer. Phone Tim 263-8443, 20-1 SN USED motorcycles, Honda XL 75, $500.; XL 250, $995.; CX 500 liquid liquid shaft drive, $1,500.; Yamaha ATC 200, electric shaft dr., $2,200. Yamaha 750 twin, $800. Orono, 983-5444. 20-1 SN 98 ACRE farm - 1 1/2 storey recently recently remodelled home. Three bedrooms, large farm kitchen, family room, 45 acres workable, 15 acres hardwood bush, remainder reforested red pine, drive shed, horsebarn, insulated garage/workshop, garage/workshop, 20 minutes north of Bellville, $129,000. Phone 613-478-5804 evenings. 19-2SN FOUR bedroom sidesplit, 1 1/2 baths, family room with fireplace, walk-out to. backyard, close to shopping, $141,500. Phone 623- 9886. 20-1 SN (Bonded and Insured) Going on vacation? Let us keep check on your-home FREE ESTIMATES Louis and Kathy Real (416)263-2537 Don and Marie Real (416)623-1828 19-4RN YOUNG COUPLE Getting married in August SEEKING Large one bedroom or two bedroom apartment or house in Bowmanville Can take possession in July. Willing to pay $550. per month (inclusive) Please phone 987-5656 after 6 p.m. MACHINERY - pull type on wheels, 9 ft. cultivator, side delivery delivery rake, three furrow plow, semimount semimount mower. Phone 623-7490. 20-1 SN MASSEY 17 tooth cultivator, International International double disc, 2 furrow International International ace bottom plough. Like new condition. Phone 983- 5585. 20-1S VERMEER round baler, model 504 G, size 4' X 5'. Good condition, $7,000. Phone 786-2986. 20-1 SN • <Saffron 9ins. ^dood Gattxlng z$tan[cy and Ü^tùoxaH Qofinion (416) Q83-Ç822 EntfuUUi tvaimCy Inviud. PROPELLER, skeg and boat repairs, repairs, Fast service. We supply Durham Region with fibre glass, epoxy and plastic materials. Oshawa Glass Fibre Rayplex, 341 Durham St., Oshawa, 579-1433. in iicm 17' J'Craft with 85 h.p. Johnston motor, mint condition. Phono 983- 5277. 20-1 SN FULL-BLOOD Limousin bull, R.O.P. tested. Phone 983-9551. 20-1 SN La Ferme Sablières Ardeche Proudly presents Its fine line of young, naturally raised lambs • 70 lbs. plus • custom orders • delivery available Phone (416)263-2601 20-1 SN NEEDED Immediately, June 1 st or earlier, three or four bedroom, detached detached house, Newcastle - Courtice Courtice area. Phone 1-683-5116 mornings or evenings. 20-1 SN SUMMER pasture for 8 head of cattle. Phone 263-2221, evenings. 20-1SN TO MilLPOM© CMW TO HOME MAINTENANCE EXTERIOR PAINTING LAWN and YARD MAINTENANCE EAVESTROUGH CLEANING SPRING and SUMMER CLEAN-UP CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone Perry (Doc) 623-7984 20% OFF FOR SENIOR CITIZENS j^| MOTORHOME iales and Rentals No mileage charge Best rates around ik obour oui Investment plan B.B.S. Motorhomes Newcastle 987-5395 HOSKINS STABLES Summer School Horsemanship Course July 4-August 26 Each course taste 2 weeks RIDING-GROOMING PRACTICAL HORSE CARE and MANAGEMENT Car Pooling may be available (416) 986-5558 20-11 SN iPLANNING a wedding or a idance? Phone 987-5439 evenings between 6 and 8 lor rental of Brownsdale Community Centre, Golf Course Rd., Newcastle. 6-tlS ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Stove end fridge, heeled, No pets. Av»llebleM»y15th $460. per month Write Advertleer Box 1408, c/o Jemee Publishing Co. Ltd,, 62 King St. W., Bowmenvllle, Ont. L1C 3K9 16-tfSN PORT GRANBY MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, May 21 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Directions: On Lakeshore Road one mile east of the Newtonvllle Road South. Rain date May 23rd. 20-1 SN YARD SALE Saturday, May 21 Sunday, May 22 1 p.m. -- 4:30 p.m. 12 Second St., Bowmanville 20-1S YARD SALE Saturday, May 21 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 100 Martin Rd.S., Bowmanville Bod, drossors, household Homs, ole. 20-1 SN Sales BASEMENT apartment, separate entrance, suitable for 1 - 2 people, heat, hydro, cable TV Included. Available Available June 1st. Non-smokers. $450/month. Newcastle 987-4061. 20-1 SN CLEAN furnished rooms, full house privileges, weekly maid and linen services, $65. and $75. per week. A home away from home. Phone 623-9476 between 12-1 p.m. or after 5. 20-1 SN FURNISHED rooms for rent in beautiful country home located in Bowmanville on Scugog Road, laundry and kitchen facilities and parking, $75. a week, non-smokers. non-smokers. Phone 571-1775 or 623-8616. 20-1 Sfj EFFICIENCY apartments, fully furnished, suitable for singles, seniors, couples. Private entrance and bath. Includes full kitchenette, parking. Located near Newtonvllle, only 10 minutes • from Bowmanville. From $75. per week. 623-1373. 12-tfSN LARGE, one bedroom basement apartment, newly decorated, clean, parking and yard. $500. monthly plus utilities. Phone 623- 1450. 20-1 SN ONE bedroom apartment. Phone 623-6256. 20-1S ONE bedroom, furnished, central Bowmanville, carpeted, ground floor, $430. includes heat and hydro. Phone 623-5683. 20-1 SN TWO bedroom house with fireplace, fireplace, Hwy. 2 - Maple Grove, large lot, $750. including utilities, first and last, available June 1. Phone after 6 p.m. 987-4682. 20-1 SN UNFURNISHED room in Bowmanville Bowmanville townhouse, full use of townhouse available. Non-smoker preferred, $55. a week. Phone 623-6281. 20-1 SN FURNISHED room for rent in large spacious house, kitchen and laundry laundry facilities, $75./week. Phone 623-9592 or please leave message. message. 19-4S NEW three bedroom house available available mid-September, $850. per month plus ufilifies, first and last, references. After 6 p.m. and weekends, 623-2390. 18-3S i : ."-to;- ONE month rent free at Devonshire Devonshire Place,\ Liberty; St.S., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Now renting-,- available May and June. Luxury 1 and 2 bedroom bedroom apartments from $650. Stove, fridge, and drapes included. Private balconies. For information, call Joan Gray, Sales Rep., Edvan Really Ltd., 623-4445, 623-3742 or 623-8737.19-3SN FOUR bedroom home, central location, location, large lot in the village of Newcastle, $700. per. month plus utilifies. Apply Box 106, Newcastle, Newcastle, L0A1 HO. 20-1 SN Trucks an entrepreneur in the . ever growing field of natural health and R&R Wanted to Rent nulrilion. Minimum HOMECHECK Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 GIANT YARD SALE May 20,21,22 265 Mill St. N., Newcastle 9 a.m. -- 5 p.m. Antiques and collectables Old bottles - milk, beer, pop, sealers, etc. Clothing, furniture and china 20-1 SN GARAGE SALE Something for everyone Antiques, bottles, books, Avons May 21 and 22 9 a.m.-- 5 o.m. RAIN OR SHINE 362 Mill St. North, Newcastle 20-1S MOVING SALE Sat., Sun., Mon. May 21,22,23 RAIN OR SHINE Ballard's Alter 31 years in Hampton, we're moving 3 pc. chestérfield/loveseat/chair, 2 pc. sectional, Ige. refrigerator, chest freezer, microwave, lawn furniture, desk sewing machine, antiques, collector plates, dishes, pictures, Farmall cub tractor with plough, souffler, cultivator, disk and grader blade. • Articles too numerous to mention Something for everyone Corner McCallum and Mill Streets, HAMPTON 20-1 SN 1 GIANT YARD SALE on May 20,21,22,23 on 11th Line North 3 miles west of Bowmanville Milk cans, buggy wheels, antiques, dishes, books, flowers, tools, knlck knacks and much more. RAIN OR SHINE '20-1 SN YARD SALE Saturday, May 21st 1 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 80 Prospect SI., Bowmanville Pine table, color T.V., drapes and numerous yard and household Items. RAIN OR SHINE : : 20-1S GIANT YARD SALE Saturday, May 21st (Rain date May 23rd) 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tire rims, bicycles", dishes, books, toys, bathtub, kitchen set Directions: Liberty St. N. to Concession 4 and follow signs ,20-1 SN YARD SALE Saturday, May 21st 9 a.m. • 4 p.m. 24 Third St„ Bowmanville Furniture, 10 speed bike, clothes, baby items, etc. 20-1S GARAGE SALE Friday, May 20 Saturday, May 21 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 7 Lambert St., Bowmanville , Close to A&PStore Toys, books, household items Help Wanted CONVEYOR Salesman required for Toronto and vicinity. Please reply in conlidence with resume to Advertiser 1409, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville L1C3K9. 17-8SN BABYSITTER required for two children, ages 2 and 5, occasional weekends and evenings. References References required. River Valley Estates Estates area. Phone 623-8978. 20-2SN E.C.E. teacher required for well established established non-profit nursery school in Bowmanville. Ability to play musical instrumenf preferred. Dufies to begin Sept. 1988. Please send resume by June 15,1988 to Mr. J. Rickard, R.R.4, Bowman- ville, Ont. L1C 3K5. 20-1 SN EXPERIENCED heavy equipment operators, James A. Hennekam Construction Limited. Phone (705) 324-4037. 20-4S MATURE cleaning person, part- time/full-time, available Saturdays. Phone 623-5600.20-1 SN STUDENT wanted for part-time work on horse farm. Free riding or payment. Phone 983-9377 evenings. evenings. 20-1S Experienced WAITRESSES Wanted Apply In person to: The Coronation Restaurant 9 King St. West, Bowmanville 20-1S CLASS"A"and"D" DRIVERS Required lor full-time and additional work Competitive wage offered Must have recent abstract Contact Donna at 11 SlmcoeSt. North, Suite 303, Oshawa or Phone 436-6202 20-1 SN The Time For Thinking Is Over! Your Trucking Career, Starts with PROFESSIONAL DRIVER TRAINING Phone 1-800-265-3559 TOLL FREE Merv Orr's Transport School H.0.746 Hespeler Dr., Cambridge, Ontario N3H 4S6 Ottawa, Brampton, London, Sudbury, St. Catharines, Winnipeg Accredited by the National Accreditation Commission 20-1 SN Full-time PUMP ATTENDANTS Required for shift work, We offer competitive wages and a benefit package Apply at: Heavy Haulers Truck Stop Hwy. 401 and Waverley Rd., Bowmanville 623-6422 19-2SN Noone's Restaurant Hwy. 115 and 35 COOKSAND WAITRESSES Full and Part Time 983-9290 19-2SN SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Students Straight Days 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. No weekends Processing Plant Phone 786-2224 18-4SN TED'S POULTRY Requires lull-time Chicken Catchers To work evening hours MUST BE RELIABLE For more Information Phone 623-8850 between 10-5 19-4SN ) D.N.G.S. - "A" OPPORTUNITY Ontario Hydro's Darlington Nuclear Generating Station "A" has Immediate openings lor TEMPORARY HANDYPERSONS For Custodial Work Duration ol Assignment Is: 3 -- 4 Months Interested candidates should apply In writing to: Human Resources Darlington N.G.S. -- "A" P.O. Box 4000 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3Z8 PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION/RESUME BY MAY 23,1988 Attention: Pluman Resources "ONTARIO HYDRO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" 2l>1 SN TWO mature part-time sales help for new store opening June 1st. No experience necessary, no nights, closed Saturday afternoons. afternoons. Phone 623-9902 evenings only. 19-3S EXPERIENCED hairdresserTpart- time. Phone 623-5455. 15-tlSN CONSTRUCTION laborer required required immediately for new home site east end of Bowmanville. Phone 623-4172, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. 20-1 SN FULL-TIME general laborers re-' quired by Wiggers Custom Yachts in Bowmanville, a custom boat builder. Apply in person/Located on Lake Road across from Port Darlington Marina. 20-1 SN Hair stylists wanted for Oshawa or Bowmanville. Please phone and leave a message 434-8488. go-tfS PERSON to repair chimney, clean and paint eavesfrough, do rote filling. filling. Phone 623-2212. 20-1S INSTALLERS for'vinyl siding, experience experience preferred, salary commensurate commensurate with experience. Phone 623-1373. 20-1 SN PART TIME PERSON Required to learn Classified Page Layout, etc. Monday and Tuesday 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. This job could lead to more hours per week. Must be creative type of person. Phone 623-3303 For interview appt. This position Is available now. 20-1 SN Waitresses/Waiters Short Order Cooks Part time and Fulltime Preferably experienced Starting rale $5. per hour plus tips APPLY AT: Mr. Roast Beef Restaurant Hwy. 115 or Phone 987-4891 20-1 SN Manufacturer of ROOF TRUSSES and WALL PANELS is taking applications for: TRUCK DRIVER "A" LICENCE Must have abstract FORK LIFT TRUCK DRIVERS, SAW OPERATORS TRUSS BUILDERS YARD MAN GENERAL LABOURER Please apply In person: HALCO Building Components 1748 Baseline Road, (at Courtice Road) Courtice, Ontario 434-5500 20-1 SN PART TIME CLERK TYPIST An immediate opening exists for an Afternoon part-time Clerk Typist The successful candidate must be able to accurately type 50 -- 60 w.p.m., have strong organizational skills and be able to maintain confidentiality. Previous working knowledge of the Multimate Word Processing package is a definite asset. Interested applicants are asked to submit a detailed resume no later than May 27,1988 To: Human Resources Memorial Hospital 47 Liberty St. S„ Bowmanville, Ontario L1C2N4 623-3331 20-1 SN COMPUTER OPERATOR Male/Female Due to expansion and volume Increase a Manufacturing plant in the Bowmanville/Newcastle area Requires additional personnel Duties Include data entry, Invoicing, leading to possible counter sqles and customer service. Competitive rate of pay plus comprehensive company benefits. Please send resume to: Box 187, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K9 20-2SN Class "A" MECHANIC Required lor large fleet Phone 623-3811 19-2SN Earn $75.-$100. per day From your own home or small business Manage a number of ice cream bicycles in Bowmanville Contact Tom Adams (416) 883-5558 19-2S DRIVERS WANTED FULL OR PART TIME Must have own car Piecework APPLY IN PERSON AT: DENNIS PIZZA 219 King St. E„ Bowmanville 20-1 SN Full Time COOKS REQUIRED Apply in person to: Square Boy Pizza 133 Church St., Bowmanville Oshawa and District Association for Community Living SEEKING HOST FAMILIES/ ADVOCATES To provide/share your natural home environment with an Individual who Is developmentally handicapped. You will receive salary, training and support. For further Information contact Andre Laflamme at 576-3261 20-1S Experienced Hairstylist required Immediately tor part-time work Friendly atmosphere Phone 623-2624 After 5 p.m. or 623-5019 Wed. and Thurs. Until 4 p.m. Kut-N-Kurl Bowmanville 20-1 SN TYRONE MILLS LTD. Full time position available PERSON WANTED TO ASSIST IN SAWMILL OPERATION Located In hamlet ol Tyrone Apply in Person Phone 263-8871 20-1 SN Orono Arena and Community Centre Requires one CUSTODIAN Duties Include cleaning, maintenance and supervision ol arena activities. Musi be able to work without supervision. Position Involves evening and weekend hours. Please apply In writing stating qualifications to: O.A.A.A. Box 165 Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 20-2 N Employment Wanted DAYCARE in my home, Waverley area, large fenced yard, playroom, hoi lunches, references available. Phone 623-6181. 20-1S DAYCARE in my home. Monday - Friday, 2 years old and up, egsl Bowmanville. Phone 623-8919. '~ 20-1 S' DOES your garden need roto-til- ling? Please phone 623-9923, ask for Tim. 20-1S ARE you In need 61 daycare 1er just the summer holidays. Phone 623-9557. Reasonable rales. Central Central location. Large enclosed backyard backyard 19-2S The Housekeeping Service Done to your specifications Satisfaction guaranteed through experience Excellent prices FREE ESTIMATES Phone 987-5178 AJ'S PAINTING Interior/Exterior Jason 983-5826 Amy 987-4098