J ) 1 Sports Happenings ON THE BALL DIAMONDS -- This Saturday, May 21, marks the start of the season for the all-star teams in the Town of Newcastle Baseball Association. The first pitch will be thrown by a representative of Newcastle's town council atone p.m. at Memorial Park. Oshawa will be playing the Bowmanville pee wees in that game. The following Saturday, May 28, marks the opening of the regular season for the House League teams. There will be games at Waverley Rd. ball park and at the Soper Creek Park starting at nine a.m. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. May 18, 1988 17 Senior Citizens Enjoy Trip to Botanical Gardens StarkvilleNews JUNIOR ORIOLES--The next home game for the Junior Orioles will be this Sunday, at one p.m., in Soper Creek Park. Markham will be in town for a double header. COLGATE WOMEN'S GAMES -- The 11th annual Colgate Colgate Women's Games will take place June 11 and 12 at the Metropolitan Toronto Track and Field Centre at York University. The games are open to any female 10 years or older, as of December 31, 1988. They attract about 2,000 entries each year. Sorry to report tragic death of Mr. Carman Haw of Stratton, near Fort Frances Frances in a car accident last week. His wife was seriously injured injured and is in hospital in Fort Frances. Mr. Haw was a former Starkville boy who attended Starkville school before becoming a teacher. He lived on the former Shut- ka farm on Reid Road. Last Tuesday evening, Mrs. Joan Murphy and Mrs. Dorothy Stark attended the Community Care Volunteer Appreciation Night held at the Lions Centre in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Dorothy received a special pin and certificate for her great number of years of volunteer work. Mrs. Ellen Farrow received the same awards but could not attend because of illness. Congratulations, Congratulations, Ellen and Dorothy! Mrs. Isabelle Trim with Mr. and Mrs. David Rutherford, Rutherford, Michele and Mark of Orono spent last weekend with Mr. Bruce Trim at his new home at Sharon for Mother's Day. On Monday, Mrs. Isabelle Trim with the Newcastle Senior Citizens enjoyed a bus trip to the Botanical Gardens in Hamilton and African Lion Safari at Rockton. Mrs. Bev Higgins and children were morning and luncheon guests on Tuesday of Mrs. Bev DeVries ana children, Newtonville. On Tuesday, Mrs. Edna Dobson and Mrs. Isabelle Trim with a group from Orono enjoyed a bus trip to Toronto to the Civic Garden Centre, Edwards Gardens and Black Creek Pioneer Village. Village. Mrs. Kenny Nesbitt, Michael Michael and Kimberley and Mr. Carl Hoffman and Jason, Jason, all of Bowmanville visited visited Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow. On Wednesday, 12 ladies of the craft class met at the' home of Mrs. Dawn Brettell for the morning and luncheon. luncheon. Mr. Ted Stark of Knoxville Knoxville was a supper guest on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mrs. Isabelle Trim and Mrs. Pat Windatt attended the Orono Horticultural Society Society Spring Flower show on Thursday evening. Pat had the honor of introducing the guest speaker who spoke on "Organic Gardening. ' On Thursday, Mrs. Dawn Brettell spent the day in Toronto Toronto visiting with Bruce's parents Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Hartley Brettell. On Wednesday evening, Mr. Ralphie Bamsey hosted a party at his home for friends, neighbors and relatives relatives in honor of the 25th wedding anniversary of his Ê arents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph amsey. Congratulations, Simone Simone and Ralph. Mrs. Michelle Crow, Ryan and Justin of C.F. B. Petawawa are home for a holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey, Ralphie and Andy. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell of Canton visited Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mrs. Maureen Wilkin visited visited Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. Miss Sonya Brachvogel of Whitby spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stutti FENCE BOARDS SIZE 1" X 6" X 4' 1" X 6" X 5' 1" X 6" X 6' SPRUCE PRESSURE bKHUUt TREATED CEDAR 1 32 1 Ui 0 0 1 | 60 s 199 : i | 92 ■w* fr'-Vflj à LAWN AND GARDEN TOOLS . J. fM :t'fV,,ii FAN RAKE CULTIVATOR Spring-back - 464445 4-tine - 464520 C49 A99 s mj reg. ■■ reg. 7.99 ■ 6.99 - SHOVELS AND SPADE reg., 8.99 SL' Long-handle Shovel. #464480 D-handle Shovel #464485 D-handle spade #464490 LANDSCAPE FABRIC Prevents weeds for healthier»;, t- plants. Use under paving stones. #485071 99 règ. 13.99 TABLETOP GAS BBQ V Portable black steel construction. #461680 VINYL FOLDING CHAIR Two-tone stripes, pllow style vinyl folding chair with steel frame. #462080 99 reg. 19.99 5 cu. ft. WHEELBARROW Heavy duty construction with easy pouring tray for form work. Sturdy wooden handles with sturdy legs and drawn seamless tray. #460875 PATIO SLABS Grey Only Cash & Carry reg. 1.41 CONTEMPORARY #440550 KEY-LOCK HEXAGON #440630 ■ : 24" x 24" #440300 24" X 30" #440302 -(98 349 INTERLOCKING BRICK Ideal for driveways, sidewalks and patios. Available in brown and red. Cash and carry. 3 unique geometric shapes to choose from. HENRY BUILDALL NASH □nezume . M HIGHWAY #2 O pnrat ]} U BLOOM hi II nioaic " 11= f . : Miss Tara Sinclair spent the weekend with Miss Amy Smith and her family, Bewa- ley. On Friday, Mrs. Sandra Goorbarry was a guest of Mrs. Isabelle Trim when they went out for lunch in Bowmanville and later visited visited Isabelle's cottage at Lake Scugog, Port Perry. On Saturday, Ashley and Bryan Bickell of Orono spent the day with their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair. Visiting Saturday afternoon afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Howard Gordon of Port Hope. On Saturday, Mrs. Reta Howard of Ottawa was an afternoon and dinner guest of her sister Mrs. Martha Farrow and Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearce of Orono were Saturday Saturday supper and evening E ';s of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Billy. . Master Christopher Brettell Brettell of Oshawa spent the weekend with his grandparents grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brettell and Susan. Mr. Ted King, Sixth Line visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow. On Saturday evening, a card party was held at Shiloh Shiloh United church with 10 tables playing. Prizes were won by Isabelle Trim, Harvey Harvey Thompson, Me da Stapleton Stapleton and Art Bedwin. A big thank-you to Mrs. Marlene Lux ton who kindly donated the prizes. On Sunday, Miss Betty Higgins of Toronto spent the day with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Gary Higgins and children. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy Murphy visited Sunday afternoon afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gordon White, Newcastle. Visiting Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stark, Christopher and Shannon of Knoxville. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd spent the day with Mrs. Ivy Landsfield, Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown of Brownsville visited Sunday Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair. On Saturday evening, Mr. Jim Souch and sons Brian and Blaine hosted a surprise birthday party in honor, of his wife Sherrill. Friends and relatives enjoyed a pot luck dinner and social evening. Happy Birthday, Sherrill! Mr. and Mrs. Tony Goorbarry Goorbarry were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Stewart Campbell, Elizabeth- ville. Supper guests on Sunday with Mrs. Isabelle Trim were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trim of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. David Rutherford, Michéle and Mark of Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch, Dwayne and Heather were supper and evening guests on Sunday of Mr. ana Mrs. Bruce Toad and boys. On Sunday, afternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Windatt and Erin were three friends of Erin from McGill University, Fiona and Nicki, both of Toronto Toronto and Jeanie of Syracuse, Syracuse, New York. Mr. and Mrs. George Walton, Robert and Douglas of Newcastle and Mr. Kenneth Kenneth Farrow of Toronto were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow. On Sunday evening. Mr.and Mrs. Brian Caswell were dinner guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr. Peter Fonk was a Friday Friday evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. Butch McMahon; Cori and Mark, Oshawa. Neefcleton-Ceeearee New» by Mabel Cawker i , ■ Meeting of Interest at Nestleton UCW. The meeting of Nestleton afternoon afternoon UCW Unit was "hosted" by Irene McKee in her lovely rural home with leader Jean Williams in the chair. She brought the meeting to order with a cordial welcome followed by a Spring poem. The inspriational devotion was led by Neta Fish, using as her theme, "Faith". She opened by use of hymn, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" with M. Cawker at the organ. Scripture was read by Irene McKee.taken from Luke ' 7:1-10. Hymn "Faith of Our Fathers" was sung. In her meditation re - faith..Neta brought out many worthwhile thoughts of the meaning meaning of faith. We must prepare ourselves..that faith may enter our hearts. Faith is allegiance to duty or a person..complete confidence, confidence, belief, trust and loyalty to God! All work worth anything is done in Faith. Faith gives substance to our hopes and dreams! Without faith we have nothing. Let us live with faith and go forward! Minutes were read by Assistant Secretary Leona Sadler and approved approved and Treasurer Neta Fish presented the financial statement. statement. Cards were sent to the ill. The Roll Call was answered by an exchange of plants or seeds. A variety program re Mother's Day was given by Neta 4 Irene, with a humorous flavour! After the Benediction, a tasty lunch of sandwiches, cookies, etc. topped off with tea or coffee, served served by hostess Irene assisted by Neta. The courtesy was extended by Effa Stainton. A meaningful meeting with a good deal of preparation! Best Wishes Our thoughts and prayers for 'the following in Hospital and those at home: Geo. & Ella Bowers, John 4 Marion Hall, of Nestleton United Church, May Reynolds of Port Perry Villa, Nellie Johnston of Cadmus, Irma Welts, Nestleton, Anne Harran ol Caesarea, and Albert Harper, Port Perry! Hope for complete . recovery soon to these fine folks! Nestleton Women's Institute Holds Annual Auction. On a sunny May afternoon, the Nestleton Branch met at 1:30 p.m in the Nestleton Community Centre. Centre. As this was the annual plan! and bulb auction date, members were pleased to have many items of interest brought in. Rika Wygerde was the capable auctioneer, auctioneer, assisted by Grace Ba- jama, with Marg. France ir charge of receipts. Bidding was brisk, and a goodly sum was realized for the treasury. The meeting with president Neta Fish in the chair preceded the sale and was opened in regular form with the Ode and Collect. She welcomed all present including a former president Margaret McCabe of Scarborough, Scarborough, The Roll Call - "Gardening "Gardening Tips" was right in keeping with the season. A generous donation donation from Irma Welts - who is now home again, was gratefully received. Program planning for the year will hi held soon with the Program Program Co-ordinator. The Blackstock Fair display for the Institute this year Is "School Days before 1940" and a committee headed by Rika Wygerde will make arrangements. Correspondence included an Invitation Invitation to Sollna's 85th Anniversary, Anniversary, May 11th, and president Neta Fish 4 Rika Wygerde will attend, Also an invitation for June 1st, at 8 p.m. to Blackstock Institute Institute when Mrs. Turner will show slides on "Rural Village Life' 1 In the Orient, The president will contact Mrs. Wilbur, Port Perry, regarding the Library Canvass. Norma Frew as alternate alternate District Director gave an excellent excellent report of Durham West District Annual held May 4th at Maple Grove, which had been attended attended by Neta Fish, Rika Wygerde, Norma Frew, Win- nifred Davison and Gwen Malcolm. Next year Nestleton will be the hostess Branch! O'Canada was sung and the Institute Institute Grace, and lunch served by Norma Frew and Marg. France. Appreciation to all for a fine meeting and interesting auction auction was expressed by Norma Frew. Caesarea Euchre Results. '( At the Wed. evening Euchre, the following are to be congratulated: congratulated: First prize went to Kathleen Watts who tied with Faith Lawrence with an 81: Second Second - Paul Krawetts with 75. Anne Harran - low with 44. Linda Donnelly 4 Kathy Tromaris hosted the lunch! This Wed. again for a good time at the Caesarea. Centre! Nestleton Presbyterian Church. Rev. Fred Swann conducted the morning service, taking his sermon sermon text Isaiah 41, verse io, "Fear Not For I Am With You, Be Not Dismayed For I Am Thy God, I Will Strengthen You". Joyce Taylor supplied the music as organist. Sunday School was under the leadership of Dorothy Lee. Rev. Fred Swann leaves next week for a visit to relatives in Ireland! We wish him a Happy Healthy Holiday. Miss Susan Swann will be our Guest Speaker next Sunday. All are welcomé to attend. Caesarea Community Church. A good service at the friendly Caesarea Church on Sunday morning morning at 11 a.m. with an average attendance. Rev. Dr. WiH. Crawford based his sermon or Philippeans, Chapter 2, entitlec "The Lordship of Jesus" - a fine, discourse! Lyn Arney was in charge of the children's Church. Kathleen Watts was the organist. A cordial welcome awaits you next Sunday at the Community church. The Sunshine Club under the direction of Jacqueline McDermott McDermott carries out the following schedule: Primary - Tuesday - 4-5 p.m. Junior - Thursday - 7 p!m. Family Interests. The Sam Cawkers, Scugog Point Rd., were pleased to have grandson Curt Cawker of Oshawa, drop in for the afternoon on Saturday, being of, a mechanical bent, relating to machinery..he had the lawnmowers humming in short order..and did a thorough job of cutting every blade of grass..even up the long lane to the road! Boy! There ain't no substitute for youth I We sure appreciate appreciate his efforts! Mrs. Christina Henderson of Edinburgh, Scotland, who is in Canada until June 2nd, has had an enjoyable few days with relatives and friends in Toronto, and is now with daughter Chris Davis 4 family at Hyde House, Scugog Point Rd. We hope to have a good visit with her before time.runs out! Our warmest wishes ' to Carleton Davis of Hyde House, who is 10 years old to-day, Monday. Monday. He will be the honoured guest on Friday,.when he celebrates with friends, in grand style! Happy Happy Birthday - Carleton! Ralph 4 Leona Sadler, 4 Richard 4 Janice MacKenzie, Claire 4 Leslie, Nestleton, visited Ian 4 Gloria Scott, Charles 4 Jennifer Jennifer of Corbyville, over the weekend and attended the Confirmation Confirmation Ceremony of Jennifer Scott, held in St. Mark's Church at Cnnnlston!