) Mitchell's Corners Students Complete V.I.P. Propram /.& * A* '■ * ' ■ ,m V •*' : > A> % '. VK *•'*.'•* .. v. - -; V ^|X • The years of study for the above group of Durham sma, Angela Bronsema, Bill Buwalda, Judy de : Christian High School students came to an end with Hann, Tracey de Jong, Liza de Wolde, Michelle | their graduation ceremonies held oh June 20, 1988. Dykstra, Brian Fayer, Mike Fisher, Trudy Hoek- i Prior to the ceremony, students and.their parents en- stra, Elaine Hosmar, Bill Kollaard, Connie Kuipers, 5 joyed a Chinese food dinner, cooked by students of Anita Lise, Fred Lootsma, Rosa Marchese, Nancy I the school. The evening featured singing, présenta- Molenaar, Anja Oussoren, Heather Penfold, Jacque- ü tion of diplomas and the valedictory address. The line Reinsma, Howard Sikma, Phil Vandenberg, ■I graduates are (not in order of the photo): Helen Bak- Teresa VanderBoom, Mark Vanderheyden, David 5 ker. Anita Bandstra, Joyce Borger, Lorianne Broer- VanManden, Susan Vos and_ Lavonne_Zwart J \ { 5 U V- t.'V k t. w ( m V. w w I 1 ». FasterThan a Speeding Bullet and definitely faster than the Post Office! SUPERTAX SERVICE from James Publishing Anywhere in North America for only $3.00* ywhere in the World for only $5. Including long distance charges For more information about our FAX service please contact our office at 623-3303. Another service to the community from James Publishing Company Limited 62 King Street West, Bowmanville FAX Number -- 416-623-6161 Starkville News - . ; ' ' by M.L. Fonk .■■ / • The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, June 29. 1988 11 Kinsmen and Kinettes Install New Presidents 3 Staff and students of Mitchell's Corners Public . A . ■School held a graduation for the successful partici-' j e . nt v s . lea / n ^st-hand about the dangers of •pants in the "Values, Influences and Peers" (VIP) drinking, drugs, peer pressure and the importance of program on Monday, June 13. The program is of- ™ a ^ in £ the right decisions. Each student received a ifered in conjunction with the Durham Regional Po- * t-shirt ' COurtesy of the B °wmanville 'lice Department's Community Services Branch. Stu- Durham Christian Students Complete School Year The dance last Saturday evening held at Newcastle Town Hall was sponsored by the Committee of Clarke Constituents. They wish to thank everyone who attended attended and supported them in their endeavors. Thanks also to the ladies of Shiloh U.C. W. who provided lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Shutka of Oshawa visited last Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Last Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark visited visited in Castleton with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore and aunt Mrs. Nina Fisher and Mrs. Alva Bowen and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mof- fatt who were visiting from Belleville. On Monday, Mrs. Isabelle Trim and Mrs. Dorothy Trim spent the day in Port Perry and at Isabelle's cottage cottage at Lake Scugog. Mr. Larry Murphy of Orangeville Orangeville arrived last Tuesday Tuesday to spend the week with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson of Port Hope and Mrs. Harper Harper of Cobourg visited Tues- •>* day afternoon with Mr. and 3S Mrs Llew Hallowell. c On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow. On Wednesday morning, Mrs. Pat Windatt and Mrs. Bev Higgins and children toured the farm of Mr. John Moore at Baltimore. This farm grows all their food organically. organically. Later, Pat was a guest of the Higgins family for lunch. On Wednesday at noon, Mrs. Isabelle Trim and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd with the Newcastle Senior Citizens enjoyed their dinner at the Canadian Legion Hall in Port Hope. Visiting Wednesday afternoon afternoon with Mrs. Edna Dobson Dobson was her niece Mrs. Mary Barr and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Arthur Parkes, all of Harrow- smith. On Friday morning, Mrs. Ted Stark of Knoxville and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell of Canton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. On Thursday, Mrs. Susan Powell, Zoe and Andrea of Unionville spent the day with Mrs. Bey. Higgins and children. Mrs. jLloyd George, Gil- mour Road visited Friday evening I'Wth^Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd. ' ; jy On Friday', Mrs. Llew Hallowell was a luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid, Orono. • Mrs. Maureen Wilkin, Crooked Creek visited Friday Friday afternoon with Mrs. Dorothy Trim. On Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow visited with Mr. ,and Mrs. Alan Farrow at their new home in Bowmanville. Later, Martha and Lawrence with Mrs. George Walton, Robert and Douglas of Newcastle were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Nesbitt, Michael Michael and Kimberley, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Miss Tara Sinclair spent the weekend with her friend Miss Amy Smith and her family, Bewdley. On Saturday, Saturday, they enjoyed the day at Canadas Wonderland, Maple. Maple. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. David Brettell and Christopher of Oshawa spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brettell and Susan. Susan. On Saturday morning, Dawn, Judy and Christopher Christopher visited with Dawn's g arants Mr. and Mrs. A.C. [ummerston at Sandnraska Park north of Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Silvester Silvester of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. On Sunday, they with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stark, Christopher and Shannon of Knoxville, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell and Scott of Canton and Miss Elaine Farrell of Port Hope attended attended the Moore family picnic held at the park in Grafton. Mr. and Mrs. John Windatt Windatt and Mr. and Mrs. Rob MacDonald were guests at the opening of the Lyndc Local Students Receive Degrees From Trent More than 800 students received Bachelor's and Master's level degrees June 3 at Trent University's largest largest Convocation ever. Trent Chancellor Kenneth Kenneth Hare conferred honorary honorary Doctor of Laws degrees' on Anglican Archbishop Ed-, ward Scott and Diane Du- puy, founder and director of the Famous People Players. The following students from Bowmanville received degrees: Bachelor of Arts - Kelly Loo Beers, Kathryn Sofiah Bradley, Mark Ernest Morgan, Morgan, Lis Jean Waldinspor- gor. Bachelor of Arts (Honors) Donna Lynn MncSween. Bachelor of Science (Honors) (Honors) Laura Anno Suchan. Aubrey Rees was installed as the new Bowmanville Kinsmen Club President during a Kinsmen/Kinette meeting held Saturday, June 25, in Bowmanville. In this photo, Ken McCracken (left), secretary of the club, hands Mr. Rees the gavel while Bill Beattie (right), deputy governor for Durham Zone, looks on. House Museum at Cullen Gardens, Whitby on Saturday. Saturday. After touring the House and Gardens, they enjoyed strawberry shortcake. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch were supper and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Beauvais, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch, Jodie and Heather visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch. On Saturday, Mrs. Laurie Minville of Toronto was a noon dinner guest of her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair Sinclair visited Saturday evening evening with Mr. Ray Fudge, Janetville. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow attended the 40th wedding anniversary party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Duvall of Orono and held at the Orono Town Hall. Congratulations Congratulations Herb and Eira! On Saturday afternoon, Miss Colleen Van Overloop became the bride of Mr. Glenn Jurgens at a beautiful wedding under the trees on the lawn of the bride's parents parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Overloop. Attending the bride were Christine May and Sherry McLean and Leslie Gardner of Kendal, ' with Mrs. Myrtle Kloster of Newtonville ns organist and Reverend Douglas Kranz, minister from Glenn's home church in Pembroke. Guests from Starkville included Mrs. Joan Murphy, Mrs. Dawn Brettell, Mrs. Evie Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster. Later, the reception and dance were held at the Canadian Legion Hall in Bowmanville. Congratulations Congratulations Colleen and Glenn! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearce of Orono visited Saturday Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd. Mrs.Reg Gibson and her daughter Beverley, both of Oshawa visited Sunday afternoon afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cunningham Cunningham of Picton visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Windatt. Mr. Jerry Murohy of Port Hope and friend Barry visited visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and Larry. On Sunday, Mrs. Edna Dobson and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stutt were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clif- iord Fonk and Peter. this photo Shirley Masterson takes over'a'slhe new ÏÜnette president. Etonnie Mrs. Joan Murphy attended McCracken (left) presents her with the gavël along with Pat Mulligan (right), Newcastle's St Francis of zone co-ordinator. Assissi Parish picnic held at the park in Orono. j On Monday morning, Misses Brianna, Dana and Rose Higgins of Vancouver, B.C. arrived to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Higgins and children. Editor's Mail Dear Sir: On behalf of the Bowmanville Bowmanville Kinette Club, we would like to thank you very much for advertising our Youth Dance in the Bits and Pieces of the newspaper. Hopefully, the Dance will be another success, and we will make a good profit for Cystic Fibrosis Research. Thanks again. Cathy Wiener and Cathy Stone. Both the Kinette and Kinsmen presidents for the upcomingyear were formally installed at the June 25 Kinsmen Club meeting held at King Garden Restaurant. T T1 4-Vi 1 P rvhnf A QKl-*.lntT A Jnntnvn An 4-nL/.» „ -- _ TZ"* i-1 Crimestoppers Request Help Crime Stoppers and the Durham Regional Police are asking for the Public's help in solving a number of Break and Enters which have occurred occurred at the Oshawa Centre over the past few weeks. Between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. on June 8th four stores were broken into and these were: Oshawa Shoe Clinic, Classic Classic Book Shop, Pinacle Travel Travel Store and Sunrise Records. A few days prior to this, another two stores on the lower level were also broken into. Cash was usualy taken. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000.00 in cash for information information leading to the arrest arrest of the people responsible for these Break and Enters. Up to $1,000.00 in cash will also be paid for information leading to an arrest in any serious Crime. Have you any idea who did these Break and Enters? Do you know anything about any other Criminal Offences? Offences? If you do, call Crime Stoppers. You will be given a Code Number and never asked for your name. The i.ew Crime Stoppers phone number is: 436-8477 That's 436- TIPS. If it's long distance, call collect or through your local Durham Regional Police Force number and ask for Crime Stoppers. Sergeant Sandy Ryrie is the Co-ordinator with the Durham Regional Police Force and writes this article to help combat crime. A Citi- ' zens Board administers the Crime Stoppers Programs of which there are now over 800 in North America. The reward money is raised through Tax Deductible donations donations which may be sent to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario, LIH 7K8. For Sale Weldon Brown if A Pampered Demonstrator" "Yes! I am the original driver of this Oshawa-built, beautiful mid-size Pontiac 6000 sedan, and I recommend it to you, personally." Just $272.90 * per month with financing at 10.5% J * Based on 10.5% variable interest rate with $2,000. down payment or equivalent trade-in. COWAN PONTIAC -- BUICK BOWMANVILLE -- ONT. 166 King St. East Telephone 623-3396