> The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, July 13.1988 9 Thirty-four B.H.S, Students Recommended for Ontario Scholarships David Smith 94.7% Mark I^angley 94.3% Jane Morgan 94.8% Lisa James 94.2% Jamie Lever 92.8% Cheryl Tripp 91.7% Elizabeth Canrinus 90.2% Michael Simpson 88.7% Patty McGregor 88.8% Marlene Tran 86.7% Mark Tippins 83.7% Peter Kroeger 83.3% Karen Myers 88.5% Neil Stichbury 86.5% Brad Sainsbury 86.2% Martin Winters 84.5% Trisha Yeo 84.3% Louis Tattrie 84.0% Henry Tran 83.3% Vicky Elash 82.5% For all your Wedding needs * Bonbonnières ' Mowers * cenlre pieces * invitations ' decorations ' gills, cards * cakes, cake knife' and lois more. Wedding & shower supplies "sales & reniais" MUM 1413 KING ST. EAST UNIT #4 --432-1804 Jacqueline Benny 80.5% Jodi Maijerrison 80.0% Kelly Martin 80.0% Tanya Vanderwouden 80.0% Yvonne Youngberg 80.0% Laura Silver 80.3% IM0RW00D RIORSTAlfJS <£21 95 Reg- $29.95 MQORGLO HOU TRIIMIT . $31 95 Reg. $41.95 ^ ^ r By» _erore_ mi NTS , IORGl . ÀTEXjroreE PAINT <£28 95 Reg - $ 37 - 95 , Ml HOUSEMNT, <£28 95 Reg - $ 38 - 95 IoorGabB ex UMHUSm BEAUTY MOORGARD Latex House Paint ■ Applies easily, fast drying ■ Fade-resistant colors ■ Soap and water clean-up Most colours Most colours MOORTONE SPECIALS Interior Latex or Alkyd Satin Finish $ 21. 95 Moortone Wood Stains. $ 16. 95 , U o P 3 0 % or. selectedWallpaper Book Orders See Our In-stock 1/2 Price Specials ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPER 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8 - 6; Fri. 8-9; Sat. 8:30 - 5:00 Lisa Shakespeare 82.3% Shelley Hitchens 82.2% Darin Ramcharitar 82.2% Tamara Kirkton 82.0% Information About Free Trade Find out what you need to know Check the boxes for pamphlets or studies you require 1SSFK I*AY1PHLETS IVDI I'l ll Sit |)II N ^Includes pamphlet on the Agreement and your province or region. □ Agriculture □ SPECIFIC SECTORS □ GENERAL Q Consumers Includes pamphlets on Agriculture, the Automotive Industry, Energy, The Fishing Industry, Forestry Products and Investment. (Please Print) Name: Includes pamphlets on Consumer Interests, The Agreement, Canadian Women, Culture, Key Benefits, Solving Disputes and Tariffs. I | Address: □ Economic Assessment I □ Energy I □ Fisheries I □ Forest Products | □ Industry, | □ Minerals and Metals | □ Services | □ Synopsis of Agreement ■ □ Women | -- ' I I City, Town or P.O. Prow: Postal Code: Mail coupon to: External Affairs, DMTN, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2 You can also call toll-free: 1-800-387-0660 (English) 1-800-387-0679, (French) Hon. John C. Crosbie, Minister For International Trade L'honorable John C. Crosbie, ministre du Commerce extérieur. ( xler n.il Allairs Canada Affaires extérieures Canada Canada Scott Veals 86.8% Den McLean 83.5% Mka Schaffeler 86.7%